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The other MA side Deluxe![edit]

Original title: 裏マDX!
Release date: March 2007.
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai,Takahiro; (Conrad) Morikawa, Toshiyuki; (Wolfram) Saiga, Mitsuki; (Günter) Inoue, Kazuhiko; (Gwendal) Ootsuka, Akio ; (Anissina) Takayama Minami; (Cherie) Katsuki, Masako; (Adalbert) Terasoma Masaki;(Maxine) Makoto Terada; (Flynn) Takamori, Yoshino ; (Josak) Takeda Masanori;(Murata) Miyata, Kouki; (Shouri) Konishi,Katsuyuki; (Shinou) Miki Shin-Ichiro ; (Berard 2nd) Nakata Kazuhiro;(Berard 4th) Kugimiya Rie; (Saralegui) Ishida Akira.
Screenplay: Nanami Nari: 七海鳴 and Takabayashi Tomo (喬林知)

Summary: This drama cd covers novel 5 to 8.

Track list[edit]

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Disc 01
01. Prologue (8:50)
02. A Sudden And Rapid Development (03:28)
03. Meanwhile in Shin Makoku (10:21)
04. Yuuri and Murata Ken's strange Journey (08:23)
05. Gilbit Mansion (20:30)
06. Encounter with the Shinou (06:00)
07. The King of Small Shimaron (11:08)
08. Cast Talk (09:49)

Disc 02
09. Before "The Greatest Fighter" Tournament (19:04)
10. And at that time in Shin Makoku (11:36)
11. After "The Greatest Fighter" (11:37)
12. And Big Shimaron (16:18)
13. Epilogue (07:41)
14. Cast Talk (12:28)


01. Prologue[edit]

FX: *knock on the door*

Yuuri: Shouri, could you lend me your goggles... say, you're playing that dating sim again? Since you have free time because of the summer break, you play that game to your heart's content, huh?

Shouri: Please call me "oniichan", Yuu-chan. And yes, sure you can have the goggles, are you going to the pool? In that case you'll also need a towel. Please take this with you.

Yuuri: No, this towel with an anime image on it is a little too much... And also, it's huge! Is the image on it life-size?

Shouri: It's not anime! It's from a dating sim!

Yuuri: And how is that different? Oh, man... Having long gaming sessions in this air-conditioned room, you sure are in an enviable position, huh? You don't even care about all the hard-working people out there, huh?

Shouri: I don't think I deserve to hear that from you, since you're also going out to have fun.

Yuuri: Sorry to disappoint you, but I have a part-time job. I'm going to work.

Shouri: You need goggles for your part-time job? Are you a pool lifeguard? You can't, Yuu-chan. The scorching sun of those long hours are the archenemy of skin! Look! Look at this, Yuu-chan. Look at your big brother's beautiful, completely white, almost transparent skin!

Yuuri: It's just pale, that's all. And also, I'm not working as a lifeguard. I'm working at a guesthouse by the beach called "M Family"...

Shouri: EH!? "M Family"?! How suspicious does that sound... That's not in any way related to sex services, is it? [1] Your brother won't allow that! At the very least please go work for an "S Family"! [2]

Yuuri: And how is that different? [3] No, I mean... probably that M stands for Murata as in "Murata Family".

Shouri: Murata? Ah~! The kid that was your classmate during middle school, that honor student specs-kun ?

Yuuri: Yep.

Shouri: The one who's on a completely different level from you academically and ended up going to high-level school....?

Yuuri: Alright, alright, I don't need you to tell me that every time. But yes, that Murata. I'm helping a relative of his.

Shouri: Is it a place to stay the night?

Yuuri: Uhm... kind of.

Shouri: To be honest I'm not too happy about this but.... Well, if it's the place of an acquaintance, then it's safe...... Nevertheless you're only starting now? It's past the Obon [4], and there's not a lot of summer break left....

Yuuri: Yeah, but that's why Murata said it was our last chance to go on a "girl hunt".

Shouri: Girl hunt?! That's a word I haven't heard in a long time... Say, how old are you again, Yuu-chan?!

Yuuri: Just a few... But it wasn't me! Murata was the one who said that.

Shouri: Well, anyway it's nice to see that you have an interest in girls. I'msaying that if you keep thinking only about baseball, you'll be wasting your youth.

Yuuri: Woah, if you say that, you're saying the same about all the high-school baseball players in the country.

Shouri: So~? What kind of girl do you like? A blonde magical girl with pig-tails? Or maybe a shrine maiden with a braid and glasses?

Yuuri: I don't like that kind of woman! If someone like that was walking around town, everyone would be staring. So no, that's not what I like. I... yeah, if I think about it, I think that girls that can hold their own are nice. Someone a little bit older than me, with a kind of dignified beauty...

Shouri: So, like a married woman?

Yuuri: Yeah, like the typical married woman... No, wait! I don't mean "married" per se.

Shouri: Uuuuu~! I wasn't expecting you to be such a "maniac" [5] Yuu-chan.

Yuuri: I don't want to hear that from you! And anyway, what kind of girls do you like?

Shouri: Me? I like of course.... " a childhood friend who wears glasses, a very formal girl who was class president. But then, who as soon as summer breaks begins, she suddenly goes through an image change! " Ah! What happened? Is this a one time summer adventure ?" something like that, like a huge surprise!

Yuuri: What do you mean surprise!? And besides, you don't have a childhood friend like that! In fact you don't have any female friends. Everyone you know are elite people who're into politics or Akiba Otaku guys.

Shouri: Don't bad mouth my friends!

Murata: Shi-bu-ya-kun!

Yuuri: Ah, Murata came to get me. I don't have time for this idle talk. (to Murata)" Hey~! I'm coming!" (to Shouri) Later Shouri.

Shouri: Hey, wait, Yuu-chan! You forgot your towel.

Yuuri: I don't want that towel!

Shouri: Please take it with you. You'll be super popular at the beach.

Yuuri: Yeah, right, no way. The women will be totally put off by....!

Murata: That took a long time, Shibuya!

Yuuri: Mu... Murata....

Murata: Are you ready? Can we leave?

Yuuri: Murata... What's up... with that hair?

Murata: Ah! This? What do you think? Does it suit me? In the end I thought about it and wanted to try going blond. (starts speaking broken Japanese) In other words, I tried something like an "image change" you know? Kind of like a one time summer adventure, you know? My eye color too! Look. I have colored contacts! Kind of like Visual Kei? [6] It's pretty cool, Shibuya-kun.

Yuuri: Why are you speaking broken Japanese? [7]

Murata: Ah, Shibuya, I'm sorry if I end up being the only one getting the attention of the girls.

Shouri: What does this mean?

Yuuri: What's up, Shouri? You look like a pigeon in a thunderstorm...

Shouri: This... This can't be!

Yuuri: Again... what are you talking about?

Shouri: The flag of your childhood friend appeared! [8]

Yuuri: There's no flag!

Shouri: Don't go, Yuu-chan! If you do, if you go to your part-time job, a heart-racing event will take place!

Yuuri: It won't!

Shouri: There's a weird atmosphere!

Yuuri: There isn't! That's enough, you dating sim freak!

-- On the way to work --

Murata: Ah... Your brother is as dense as always. He doesn't know when to shut up, and you don't even know how to begin to reply to what he's saying...

Yuuri: You can't pay attention to him. Otherwise you'll catch the same.

Murata: But it's funny,so it's okay, right? Since I'm an only child, I'm a little jealous of you brothers.

Yuuri: Really? It's pretty annoying... But apart from that, the high school you go to is a high-level school, right? Are you going to be okay with that blond hair? Aren't you going to get suspended?

Murata: It's just for the duration of the part-time job. I'm not going to go to school like this.

Yuuri: You got it dyed for such a short time?

Murata: Hm..... it might actually be for a long time ...

Yuuri: Eh?

Murata: No, it's nothing. I said: "Yes, I did it BECAUSE I have only a short time left." I'm trying my best to be appealing to girls with this Visual Kei Become-Popular Strategy.

Yuuri: Just with the Visual Kei look (you think you'll attract girls)?

Murata: As long as I don't have black hair and black eyes, it's fine. If I go "there" with the same hair and eye color as Shibuya it will be bad....

Yuuri: By "there" you mean, the part-time job? Why?

Murata: Uhm.. so that they can tell me apart? If we both look the same it'll be a problem, right? But if I'm blond, I'll stand out at the beach. The people at the guesthouse will also think " Oh! It's that blond guy over there" and remember me.

Yuuri: Ah... yeah, that's right but say... wouldn't they be able to tell you apart from a "normal person" because of your glasses?

Murata: *sighs* Shibuya, you're not a normal... Ah! No... I mean... glasses aren't that rare, and besides I want to be more appealing to the girls!

Yuuri: Hummm? I wonder if something like that will make you popular... I really don't know...

Murata: You can't just be thinking about baseball all the time. You have to start thinking about things like this too. But well, the truth is that we might not have a lot of free time to pick up women.

Yuuri: Why? Is the job super hectic?

Murata: Uhm...yeah, that's right. Hectic and it makes you feel uneasy...

Yuuri: For them to ask the child of a relative that goes to a high-level school to help.... They must be pretty desperate, huh?

Murata: Up until now they've been working on their own, but I think soon something big will happen. I think this year's summer will turn into a pretty tough ordeal. Be careful.

Yuuri: Really? Is it such a harsh work environment?

Murata: In a way...

Yuuri: Weh... I have confidence in my physical strength, but .... will I really be okay?

Murata: Don't worry. Because I'll be by your side.

Yuuri: ....? I know that but... I mean, we're walking there together right?

Murata: No matter what happens, no matter when, I'm you ally Shibuya.

Yuuri: What's up with you? What are you saying, Murata? I don't get it...

Murata: It's okay. I'm telling you now so you know. Even in times of trouble...

Yuuri: Murata...?

Murata: I'll always be by your side. That's the only thing you can't forget...

Yuuri: Hey, wait a moment. What kind of work place is it? Does it follow the Labor Standards Act?! Tell me. Hey, don't look faraway and answer me, Murata! Murata, I'm talking to you!


Yuuri: And anyways, in the end a heart-racing event did occur. During our part-time job we were taken to another world. But I would have never expected that such a horrible event would take place so quickly ..."

Murata: But to some extent, it was best that such a heart-racing event ended quickly, right?

Yuuri: What? Did I make the wrong choice? Did I pick the route with the "bad ending"? Uwah~! Let me do it again! Where's the reset button? The reset button!

Murata: You can't, Shibuya. Reset-san will get angry. [9]

-- Title --

Yuuri: The Other Ma Side - Deluxe! At that time, those people were...

Back to Drama CD24 - Track1 Return to MA Series Forward to Drama CD25 - Track2


  1. Shouri is probably thinking about "M" as in "S & M", Sadism and Masochism. Japanese people use these two letters to talk about their personalities. If you are an S you like to inflict pain. If you're an M you like to receive pain. Saying you are an S or an M, doesn't imply anything sexual, btw. But apparently Shouri's mind went right to the original meaning of S&M, when hearing "M Family" , which can also be translated as "M Household" , or even "M Place" (which sounds a little more suspicious). I like "M Family" better, because it sounds like *M-zoku*, Mazoku.
  2. Alternative Naughty Translation: "Your brother won't allow you to work as a bottom! At the very least go work as a top! " XD I swear this series is going to be the end of me...
  3. Oh no, he didn't! Did he just say that being a bottom or a top in the gay relationship is the same thing...? Oh, ho, ho, ho!
  4. Obon: during this festivity everyone has summer vacations (workers+students), so all the hotels are packed. More info about the festival :
  5. In Japan they call people who like something very much "mania" or "maniac". It's like calling someone an "otaku". It literally means "enthusiast" but has a negative connotation. So Shouri is saying that Yuuri is a "mania" for "married women" and Yuuri says, he doesn't want to hear that from Shouri, because he's a "mania" of dating sims/video games.
  6. Something like glam rock.
  7. Because he looks like a foreigner and foreigners speak broken Japanese.
  8. Game terms: when a flag appears, it means that a variable has been set, that determines the way a game will end.
  9. Uhm... "reset" sounds like a foreign name ( Lizzette). So Murata is telling Yuuri not to press "Lizzette's button " ...XD Right when you are about to fall into a pit of despair, a dirty joke. Gotta love this series.