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30. The Mazoku's Casual Trip to Earth - Wolf, Conrad and Gwendal[edit]

Original title:マ族ぶらり地球の旅 ~グウェンダル&コンラッド&ヴォルフラム編~
Release date: April 27, 2007 ;Vol5. of the Third Part (Ep.67-78) of the Second Season in DVD
Cast: (Wolfram) Saiga Mitsuki; (Conrad) Morikawa Toshiyuki; (Gwendal) Ootsuka Akio.
(drama cd staff info unknown)

Temari artbook dvd10.jpg

FX: *busy street*

Gwendal: *sighs* I'm exhausted.

Conrad: Otsukaresama[1], Gwendal.

Gwendal: Aren't you tired, Conrad?

Conrad: Of course I'm tired, but I'm used to it. Since you are not used to walking among crowds, you got more tired.

Gwendal:*sighs* I guess you're right. I don't enjoy the overwhelming enthusiasm of these people at all.

Conrad: Well[2], at times like this, the best thing to do is to "go with the flow", you know? If you try to resist that overwhelming power, as an amateur you'll end up receiving a lot of DAMAGE.

Gwendal: It's very impressive.

Conrad: The same goes for the usual treatment of women, "non-violent and completely submitting to them".

Gwendal: What a high-handed behavior! But you sure have a eloquent way to explain it, huh?

Conrad: I'm flattered. Then, Gwen, you too, next time you're captured by Anissina, remember that it's best to just offer yourself.

Gwendal: ... She falls outside the definition of "standard woman". She's completely different from the norm.

Conrad: Even if you say that, all the women around us are different from the norm. In the meantime, whenever you go shopping with a lady, you have to preserve your stamina, okay? That goes for both of us.

Gwendal: That's true. But you were wonderfully blessed in that aspect, right? You have several times more ladies after you than I do.

Conrad:*laughs* As for popularity among women is concerned, Gwen is vastly more popular than I am. The only problem is that you're difficult to approach.

Gwendal: Humph... You don't have to say that just because I'm your brother... I know I'm a boring man.

Conrad: *laughs* Gwendal, YOU are boring? To that I should perhaps reply with "What are you saying?" tsukkomi material...

Gwendal: You wouldn't want to form a comedy duo if it's not with his Majesty.

Conrad: No, well I.... since his Majesty said he wasn't interested in forming a comedy duo, that would be a premature statement...

Gwendal: Ah.... So you do want to form one?

Conrad: Is there something wrong with that? I knew it... my jokes aren't very funny, right?

Gwendal: No, well... isn't there another problem before that?

Conrad: I was told by his Highness that I could join Murakenzu, but that's kind of uncoo... (uncool)... no, I mean.. it's too scary and up till now I have been hesitant to join.

Gwendal: *clears throat* Conrad, as your older brother, let me give you some advice. You have many other good qualities. So you do not need to be so stubborn about the things you lack.

Conrad: The things I lack? So my jokes really aren't funny...

Gwendal: Conrad! Please! You can't forget about your duties as a soldier....

FX:*Wolfram comes carrying Starbucks coffee*

Wolfram: Older brother! Sorry for making you wait! This coffee is today's special . Here!

Gwendal: Ah, thanks. Are you okay, Wolfram? Can you carry all of them?

Wolfram: ... ! How old do you think I am? Don't treat me like a kid. Your worries are unfounded. Uh... here, Conrad. Your coffee.

Conrad: Thank you.*smells it* Mhhh... It smells good.

FX: *Gwen drinks*

Gwendal: Ha... So this is coffee, huh? I didn't know what to think of it at first, but once you get used to it, it's really a delicious bevarage.

Conrad: Isn't it? Although you have to get used to its characteristic bitterness...

FX:*Wolfram sits down*

Wolfram: But I like mine which has lots of CREAM in it better than yours!

Conrad: *laughs* There's no need to force yourself to drink it BLACK, you know? If you drink black coffee it can make you feel sick. So Wolf, you're going to be just fine...

Wolfram: What's with that (rude) way of phrasing it?! Are you making fun of me?!

Conrad: I'm not! You're cute, you're cute~!

Wolfram: This is why I'm telling you to stop making fun of me!

Gwendal: *laughs* By the way, recently, a store in Shin Makoku has been selling this, right? Conrad, were you behind that?

Conrad: You guessed it right, Gwen. That's quite insightful. A long time ago, I got hooked on it in America during a festival. Since I wanted to drink it when I returned, I took a lots of it back with me. But cultivating the beans took 10 years.

Wolfram: Oh! That new store in the area surrounding the castle? The Shin-Nichi (newspaper) wrote an article about the store that served a black drink that originated on Earth but THAT was coffee?!

Conrad: That's right. Over "there", there aren't any dark colored beverages similar to coffee, right? Because of that I was approached by a shop-owner who was interested in buying it from me, but at first it was pretty gross and it tasted like mud-water. It was very bitter, you know?

Wolfram: The shop-owner is an acquaintance of yours? Every now and then mysterious friends of yours appear, huh?

Conrad: I get along with the working class. And it's not such a big deal. He was just a subordinate of mine from the 12th Division. One of the precious survivors.

Gwendal: The Ruttenberg Division? After receiving such damage, could his arm work well enough to have such a job?

Conrad: He has always loved cooking. A cook's arm is better than a soldier's arm. And because of that, ever since he started managing the restaurant he did very well.

Wolfram: That man must be very good at management, right? To turn mud-water into drops of glory of his Majesty Maou, and sell it with the flashy name of "double-black squeezed juice", I mean.

Conrad: Oh? You seem to know all the details, Wolfram.

Wolfram: Humph! Influenced by Günter's passionate words, I thought I would go and try it. Since Yuuri desperately tried to stop me, it left an impression.

Conrad: Ah.... I see... so? Gwen, how did you find out about it ?

Gwendal: I thought it was just one of those inexpensive Maou goods, like the Maou crackers, or Maou manju[3], that take advantage of the fact that the item resembles the soukoku Maou somehow. They really do think these things through, huh?

Conrad: I see...*drinks* Well, when it comes to coffee and baseball, Earth's techniques are better. "Here", they have skillfully refined the taste of the actual bean.

Wolfram: But baseball might become Shin Makoku's national sport, right? If that happens, nearly every man will be having matches against each other, and if they compete in all those indecent games, won't Shin Makoku's baseball techniques surpass Japan's?

Conrad: Mhh... (it's not right) for you to talk like that about the traditional SUMO WRESTLING...

Wolfram: *pout* Did I say something wrong?

Conrad: No, everything you said sounded strange ...

Gwendal: Wolfram! He likes the traditional sports of the country where his Majesty's was raised. Keep your mouth closed[4].

Wolfram: Ugh.... yes. I'm sorry, older brother.

Conrad: Oh!? Where's Miko-san? She didn't come back with you?

Wolfram: Don't call her by her name! How irreverent. While I was waiting for my turn to get the coffees, Mother-Jennifer said she forgot to buy something, so she went back to the men's clothing store.

Gwendal:*sighs* She went back to walk around the department store? Does she still have energy left to keep walking around?

Wolfram: Since today she had men to carry her bags, she still had a lot of energy left.

Gwendal: ...Wah ! What in the world is his Majesty's mother?

Conrad: Mhhh...A strong person perhaps? Well, it can't be helped. No matter what world you're in, at a time like this, the willpower and physical strength of a woman, surpasses that of the average athlete.

Gwendal: Before a BARGAIN, it would be best to do some military exercises outdoors every day, three time a day!

Conrad: *laughs* Indeed, but in military exercises you won't have to deal with elderly people sitting down, or lost children crying. This is an attractive caring woman, Gwendal.

Wolfram: Enemies are neither old people nor children.

Conrad: That's right, Wolfram. At the limited SALE she could be attacked or groped here and there by men or women.

Wolfram: *grrnn* I don't know about women, but I won't forgive any man who does that! If I had a sword, they would never be able to do something like that again! I'd cut their hands off!

Conrad: If you were to do that in Japan, you'd be violating the swords and firearm control law, and would be caught red-handed.

Wolfram: I didn't say I'd do it for real...

Gwendal: And are you're okay with that, Conrad? Being in the middle of such crazy, excited crowds?

Conrad: I'd be lying if I said it's not unpleasant but as long as there are no criminal behaviors, it's fine. That's because Japanese people are rather good people. They barely touch one another when they first start dating, it's cute.

Wolfram: Is that so?

Conrad: That's right. But why don't you try going to New York's downtown at midnight? People who are on their first dates *PIIIIIIIII* , and get *PIIIIIIIII* and at the end they *PIIIIIIIII* the situation is completely different. And if they try to fight back they *PIIIIIIIIIIII* their *PIIIIIIIII* out. If something like that were to happen here, they'd be consider criminals. In the end there was nothing else I could do but cry myself to sleep, I really had a hard time.

Wolfram: C...C...Conrad...

Gwendal: You.... you... was that okay?

Conrad: *laughs* No! *laughs* Back at that time, I too was naughty.

Wolfram: Don't look at us with that calm face! It's way too scary!

Conrad: We're talking about something that happened a long time ago. Fortunately, I never got an especially bad lover. I mean look! A lot of things happened in the battle against Shimaron, and I had a hardened heart...

Gwendal: No, even if you say you had a hardened heart, Conrad...

Conrad: Well, because of that experience, I kept thinking there was no other way, than to watch over the future Maou with my own eyes in order to protect him. So I decided to become his defender. But I did learn one thing there: "When you're in front of an overwhelming force, an amateur shouldn't resist." That's it.

Gwendal: What you were talking about before, is connected to this?!

Conrad: *laughs* Well, that's right. But really, I'm happy about his Majesty existence.

Gwendal: Ah.... yes, indeed.

Conrad: That person's existence was able to light the right path for me to follow.

Wolfram: Ah.... I'm really glad to hear that. Because that would have been a dangerous path to follow, right, Conrad?

Conrad: Why are you worried? Even though you're usually so unfriendly...

Wolfram: No! It's just that today ... I really feel like saying thanks to Yuuri.

Gwendal: Ah! Yeah, me too. Big time!

Conrad: Alright then! Since the two of you are still tired, stay here and rest. I'm going to go look for Miko-san.

Gwendal/Wolfram: Ah... yes...

Conrad: Then, please watch the bags.

Gwendal: Sure.... take care.... see you when you come back.

FX: *Conrad leaves*

Wolfram: People... sure have... their own past... huh.... ?

Gwendal: They do... I really didn't want to find out about that....


Gwendal: That's right, younger brother!

FX:*they both drink*

FX:*cellphone rings*

Conrad: Ah... Miko-san? Where are you now? Ah... so you can't carry all the bags. I'll go look for you, yes. Yes, please wait there....I'm heading there right now. What? Aha! Since they were a little tired, we stopped to rest for a bit. Yeah, it seems like they were both very tired. Well, that's because my cute older and younger brother don't complain. Yes. *laughs*

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  1. Otsukaresama is a phrase used by the other people to recognize your hard work and tell you you deserve to take a break. Usually used at the end of the workday to say 'see you tomorrow', 'good night'.
  2. It's a nice time remind the readers that most of the times you read the word "well" in kkm, the characters are saying MA. In this series, characters use "MA"(well) way more often than average Japanese person.
  3. A traditional Japanese confection
  4. What just happened here?! Let me explain: 1st- It seems that Wolf is still mixing up baseball with sumo, because of the duel he had with Yuuri. 2nd- Wolf spoke in a disrespectful manner about sumo (like all the guys will be naked and tossing around) 3rd-Conrad didn't like this because, you see, sumo is a "holy" sport, connected to Shinto ,etc. 4th- Gwendal scolded Wolfram because he noticed Wolf had said something he shouldn't have. Your gaijin lesson of the day: Don't say bad things about sumo.