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35. MAou! Royal Birthday[edit]

Original Title: マ王!降誕祭CD
Release date: September 28, 2007, with the DVD-BOX first season, first part.
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai Takahiro; (Conrad) Morikawa Toshiyuki; (Wolfram) Saiga Mitsuki; (Gunter) Inoue Kazuhiko; (Gwendal) Ootsuka Akio; (Murata) Miyata Kouki.
Screenplay: Takahashi Makio(高橋槇生), Takabayashi Tomo (喬林知)

Translator's note: This is another drama featuring Yuuri's birthday. But it's an old one, from when he turned 16. The first two tracks were written by Takabayashi Tomo, and Takahashi Makio (There is no information on this last person, but he/she is the scriptwriter of all the 'service' drama cds since drama CD 2, we're talking 2003, a year prior to kkm anime release, which means he/she is someone closely related to the maruma series. This person is responsible for the event specials too, like the Valentine's Day Special, and also the last drama cds like 'Maou Heika and his Fiance's Sleep tight' and 'Maou Heika and his Nadzukeoya I can't sleep tonight'.)

The script for these tracks was originally written for the DVD Release Event on July 31, 2004, in Ginza called: "MAou's Royal Birthday! ~ Alas! The glorious ceremony of visiting the Imperial Palace to offer one's congratulations (Ginza Yamaha Hall)" (「マ王降誕祭! ~嗚呼、栄光の一般参賀の儀~」(銀座 ヤマハホール)).

The script for tracks 1 and 2 can be found in Ma-Special Fanbook 2.

Track list[edit]

Download the track here
Track 1:Shin Makoku has tests of courage too?!
Track 2: Murakenzu Plus
Track 3: Staying up a little late in Shin Makoku too.
Track 4: Cast Talk. (not translated)


Shin Makoku has tests of courage too?![1][edit]

Script: (Gwendal is reading out loud. He has sour expression and reads in a monotone voice)

FX:*spooky atmosphere*

--At the graveyard--

Gwendal: "Poison Lady Anissina and the Immortal Symphony"

FX:*Poison Lady BGM*

Gwendal: *sighs* "Something had plowed the soil of the graveyard. The completely white skeletons with entranced look on their eyes, could be seen coming out of the soft, comfortable soil, from their waist up. The kotsuchizoku were having a half body bath. Those guys love graveyard baths. But it has nothing to do with worrying about having dry skin. Right in the middle of a narrow path, three shadows walked by. It was a sweet young girl holding the hand of a huge woman, and an old lady chasing after her granddaughter to make sure she wouldn't get taken away from her. The young child, frightened, asked :

Child in the story(Gwen): Ah! Why are you taking me ?

Gwendal: The redhead woman who is disliked by men, answered with an inadequate smile on her face.

Poison Lady (Gwen): Huhuhuhu... I'll let you know. The good kids who are forced to work for their families' sake during their childhoods, are better served applying for a place at the witchcraft school to become a Poison lady since elementary school. Little girl, both of your parents were wonderful Poison Ladies. So surely you must possess similar qualities.

Gwendal: Shashan! A shocking fact has been revealed. Music flowed quietly from the graves. The artistic kotsuchizoku, using bone musical instruments " *pause, rewind* Is it okay to call them 'musical instruments'? Shouldn't they be called bone instruments? *back to the book, press rec* " bone musical instruments started playing. It was the renowned 'Bone Melos'! Selinuntius singing in the graveyard'[2]

Child in the story: B.. but that is... impossible. I can't believe that my very robust father was a Poison Lady!

Poison Lady : Whether he was a macho or ...

FX:*presses rewind*

Gwendal: old guy? *rec*

Poison Lady: Whether he was a macho or an old guy... he was, nonetheless, a Poison Lady like any other.

Gwendal: The old lady, who was looking for her beloved granddaughter was walking behind the woman despised by men, and she disheveled her gray hair *stop, rewind* Should I read it as 'white hair'? * disheveled her white hair and screamed.

Old Lady: Eh?! That's horrible! I've been taking care of this child since her parents died! And now you want to make her suddenly forget about the obligations she has to me to repay her child support and you want to teaching her how to read and write and use the abacus to turn her into an independent woman? *cries* What a cruel person you are! Monster! Nightmare! *pause*

Gwendal: 'Nightmare'? Shouldn't it be 'demon'? *rewind* All right. *rec*

Old Lady: Monster! Demon! Poison Lady!

Poison Lady: *laughs* That's right! I'm Poison Lady Anissina! If you want poison you can call me any time, but please don't make me deal with chickens. *stop*

Gwendal: *sigh* The old lady... hah.. is difficult to play... That Anissina, she sure left me some troublesome homework. To make it worse I can't even tell what it says. 'Nightmare' , or 'monster'... and the kotsuchizoku... can they really blow air into the instruments? Even though this picture of a "frilly Bear-chan looking at the Diary" is nice, I can't believe that, of all things, I have to record the latest book of the series Poison Lady Anissina! And on top of that, how could she selfishly say: "it has to be recorded in an actual cemetery to give it the proper atmosphere", and then just up and leave on a long inspection trip? Hmph! Surely this so called inspection trip, is just what she calls a trip to buy the poison GOODS she collects. Anyway, why do only women have lines in this SERIES? I wouldn't mind if instead of a girl it was a boy. I can do a really good boy voice.

Gwendal's boy voice: " Where, where are you taking me-chin?"


Gwendal: Me-chin[3] sounds a little strange. It can't be helped... Since I carried this all the way to the furthest part of the graveyard in order to record the story, I might as well continue to read...


Yuuri: Uwahhahah...

Gwendal: Hn? What's that? I hear voices talking...

FX:*graveyard sounds*

(In the script: Yuuri, Günter, Wolfram, Conrad and for some reason, Murata Ken, appear)

Yuuri: Ah, for some reason this grave has a 'Western' look, huh? For me this, ominous, huge tombstone with the inscription" Shibuya family grave" had my family name ostentatiously carved in it you, you know? And behind that is a ... is it called a 'wooden grave tablet'[4]? Look, that thing, the one with strange characters written on it that looks like a wooden plank. If you move it, an evil spirit will come out!

Wolfram: So, tell me, what are we doing here at the graveyard so late at night?

Conrad: Mmhhh... coming to the graveyard at night, it can't be to exercise, right?

Yuuri: No, of course, that's not it...

Murata: Hehe... Shibuya it doing a 'test of courage', right? But doing this for one's birthday is really something unusual...

Yuuri:*pout* Eh? It's fine, I don't see the problem... Isn't it something you do during the summer? Besides, isn't it fun to go out in the middle of the night to a place where something might suddenly pop out and make everyone scream "gya gya!"?

Wolfram: Good grief! Yuuri, you sure are a kid, huh!

Conrad: But... doesn't the entertaining tradition of testing one's courage need a person to scare you?

Murata: I know Lord Weller traveled to Earth but, you sort of have a lot of useless information, huh?

Yuuri: Speaking of which, during elementary school we went camping and did that, huh! A test of courage! And it wasn't just the girls, there were many guys who also got really scared, you know? Because of them we had to stop soon after we started...

Günter: Your Majesty... uhm...

Yuuri: But we couldn't contact the teacher who was playing the 'monster' part, you know? That teacher ended up waiting like a fool for the rest of the night in the place where he was supposed to scare us. What a waste! Even though my heart was racing because I was PAIRED with the girl I liked, in the end she didn't hug me, or even squeezed my hand.

Wolfram: Wait a sec, Yuuri! What do you mean by 'girl you liked'? Did you have such loose morals all the way back then!?

Günter: Your Majesty... ehm.... uhm...

Murata: Now, now, now... Lord von Bielefeld. We're talking about something that happened in elementary school . Besides when Shibuya declared to that pretty girl who attracted customers to go inside the Japanese confectionery shop, he learned at the young age of 10 what a broken heart was.

Yuuri: W...Why do you know about 'soft adzuki-bean jelly incident'!?[5]

Murata: What do you mean? Doesn't everyone know about the soft adzuki-bean jelly incident?

Wolfram: What's a 'soft adzuki-bean jelly'!? Is it a woman!? Since he's using "Mizu" (miss) is it a woman!?[6]

Günter: Excuse me your Majesty... today we're doing this traditional challenge from His Majesty's world, the favorite game to play in the summer, a gathering of people who want to test their courage, drum roll *drums and horns in the back*, just like kids do. And I, Lord von Christ Günter, feel incredibly honored but... but... you see...could by any chance t..t..t..t..t...this person be....

Murata: What is it Shibuya? Don't tell me that even though that happen such a long time ago, you are still not eating any soft adzuki-bean jelly?

Günter: Uhm... ehm... it can't be that... this person before me .. c..c..c.c..could this be by any chance, gei ,gei, Geika~?

Murata/Yuuri: It's not "gay"![7]

Yuuri: Oh! Right, right, as for the test of courage, you know?

Murata: Eh? What, what about it Shibuya?

Günter: Heika, introduce me! Please I'm begging you introduce me to him....*juicy Günter*

-- Back to Gwen -- (Script: In the furthest part of the graveyard, Gwendal is spying at the kids .)

Gwendal: Tsk. Why? Why are those guys here in the graveyard? In any case, don't they know how late it is? Children should be in bed by 7 or 8 pm, at this time they should be sound asleep! Good grief, to go to sleep early and wake up early is one of the basic things politicians must do! This time around I'm going to sternly admonish Wolfram[8]. No, but wait. The problem here is me. If I were to be found by them in a place like this, they will surely ask me what I'm doing here. And just by looking at me, they'll see this suspicious recording equipment around me, and if they find out that I'm recording the new Poison Lady Anissina book, they won't just frown at me, they'll try to have me leak the new book before the release date, and if Anissina finds out she might kill me! All right. I have to leave this place before they figure out I'm here. Gh... Even if I say that, this recording equipment is... pretty heavy*picks it up, hurts his hip* Ah...ah...*drops* No, dammit...I hurt my hip...

-- Back to the guys --

Yuuri: Oh! Look at that Murata! That over there!

Murata: What ?

Yuuri: Uh...aha! It's a 'flying soul'![9] Awesome! That's a really neat trick. You can't see the PIANO strings at all!

Murata: Hehe... Shibuya, this is not a haunted house in a THEME PARK.

Yuuri: Eh? Which means that... no way.... is it the real thing!?

Wolfram: What is it Yuuri? A simple 'flying soul' is getting you upset?

Yuuri: Anyone would get upset!

Günter: *clears throat* With all due respect your Majesty, 'flying souls' aren't a mysterious occurrence. Sometimes when a corpse that was buried is exposed, a quality of the body can occasionally cause that phenomenon.

Yuuri: Uwah... a teacher somewhere said something like that[10]. But I get it. Then maybe it's 'that'. The 'flying soul' is only that thing called 'plasma'.

Günter: Did you say 'pura'? (plasma= purasuma)

Murata: Ah, pura means pura but, it's not the pura that means 'fried'. Speaking of which, didn't that professor (that Yuuri was talking about) appear in a tempura flour commercial a long time ago?[11]

Günter: A professor... who..?

Yuuri: No, but really Murata, how old are you?

Murata: How mean! Murata Ken is the same age as you, you know that right?

Günter: Uhm... gei ,gei, Geika...

Murata/Yuuri (in the script: liike tsukkomis): It's not "gay"!

Yuuri: But you know? Even if people say that this is a natural phenomenon, it's not common to encounter one of them... the flying souls, I mean.

Wolfram: Hmph! They're not really all that rare. I saw many of them in the battlefield.

Yuuri (stuffy): Fine, fine, at any rate, maybe Conrad and you are used to seeing the spirits of melted, broken soldiers. But as for me, this is the first time I'm seeing a real 'flying soul'. Even if it's just because of the exposed skeleton, this is the first time I see one face to face.

Conrad: No, indeed that goes for me too. I didn't encounter (the souls of) any fallen soldiers .

Murata: What is it Shibuya? If you want to see a skeleton face-to-face why don't you try digging? And you should expect Kohis and Kochis coming out. After all, they love burying themselves. And it seems that they also like to expose their bones.

Yuuri: I've heard that PHRASE somewhere[12]. But you know? For example, if people die holding a grudge or still having something to do in their life, and that feeling of expecting something to happen gets all the way into their bone marrow, they don't really have the status of 'bones' anymore. I believe that since they are things that carry a will, they are completely different.

Günter: Ah~! Your Majesty! What wise words you speak~!

Conrad: Hehe. In 'their' case, they are naturally born as skeletons. They can't help but to be skeletons.

Yuuri: Well, I guess that's true. Even though these skeletons who can fly, walk and read poetry, are citizens of this country, I was dumb enough to confuse them with apparitions and made fun of them. Ah! Uhm, Conrad? So are you saying that in this world, apparitions, ghosts and such are pretty STANDARD beings?

Conrad: No, of course I wouldn't say that... but because this country has existed for a long time, there's no shortage of ghost stories. And also there are many stories about scary beings.

Yuuri: Ah, thank goodness. For the time being, it seems that we have forgotten the 'purpose' of the test of courage.

Wolfram: 'Purpose'?

Yuuri: When you hear and see scary things you'll get the chills, and that gets rid of the summer heat. In short, it's all psychological.

Conrad: Actually, for this test of courage, I wanted to make some papier mache ghosts to trick everyone, but sadly I didn't have enough time.

Yuuri: Ah, it's fine, it's fine. If you would have planned and prepared it that much, it probably wouldn't be as much fun.

Wolfram: Hmph! If you think such tricks would have surprised Yuuri and I, you're greatly mistaken. Well, I can't speak for Yuuri, but I'm really difficult to scare, huh!

Conrad: Yes, yes. I know that. That time when you heard that story about the ghosts in that western city and you couldn't go to the bathroom by yourself, you were still a little child.

Wolfram: W... Why are you telling everyone that embarrassing thing that happened such a long time ago!? Besides... about that ... you can't really say that I was afraid to go alone... The truth is that when I was right in front of it, I didn't need to go-jari![13]

Murata: Oh! He said 'jari'.

Yuuri: He did say 'jari', huh?

Wolfram: Hmm! And you two are being annoying-jari!!!

Yuuri: Even though he's 82 years old, he's really childish, huh?

-- Back to Gwen --

Gwendal: It seems that they've been talking for a long time, huh? This is a good place to look secretly at what they're doing. With my hip like this, it's impossible for me to carry that recording equipment. It can't be helped. *clicks finger* Hey, you over there!

kotsuchizoku: *clack**clack*

Gwendal: Yeah, you. The one taking a grave bath from the waist up. Since you don't have wings you're a kotsuchizoku, right? Listen, right now I'll give you with a very important mission.

kotsuchizoku: *clack**clack**clack*

Gwendal: Shhh... You're being too loud with your bones

kotsuchizoku: softer *clack**clack**clack*

Gwendal: What did you say? " I'm on my day off"? All right, I get it. I'll give you another day off so come on, hurry up and carry that recording equipment to a place where people can't touch it!

kotsuchizoku: *soft clack**clack*

Gwendal: What? "Since we, the kotsuchizoku, are a frugal species, we're not in the least interested in getting a special allowance". Mmh... now that you mention it, I've never seen kotsuhizoku or kotsuchizoku buying anything in the city. So tell me, what do you guys do with the salary you are paid? Well, whatever, now it's not the time to be thinking about that. Then let's do this. After this, I'll let you bury yourself in the von Voltaire family tomb for three days. So hurry up and complete your mission.

kotsuchizoku: * clack**clack*

Gwendal: Wai... wait! You're going to go like that? Hey, you're going like that without your head !?

-- Back to the guys --

Yuuri: But you know? Since we went ahead and did this test of courage, I at least wanted to see a monster to go along in a SET with the 'flying soul'.

Murata: Is that so? Then, Shibuya. Look! NICE TIMING! Right over there there's a skeleton.

Yuuri: Ah! It's true, and it's walking! The skeleton is walking!

Wolfram: Don't get scared over that. It's probably just an average kotsuchizoku.

Yuuri: But, it doesn't have a head!

Wolfram: What? Did it was his head cut off?[14]

Murata: Poor thing. Shin Makoku has (corporate) RESTRUCTURING too? It seems that the economy is bad everywhere.

Conrad:*chuckles* I don't think that's what it is.

Murata: Well, it's not something that scary Shibuya. Perhaps, he gave his face to some poor hungry children so that they could eat it.

Conrad: In any case, that kotsuchizoku.... seems to be carrying something. He seems to be 'carrying a carrying case'[15].

Yuuri: Wait. 'Carrying a carrying case' ... no way was that a pun? Was it a pun?

Murata: Ah... 'Transport MAN', right? He's a nice person[16]...

Yuuri: Wait, you know him!? But no matter how you look at this, it's a skeleton MONSTER without a head! It's weird no matter what you say. Does anyone have a weapon, a weapon in their equipment?!

Günter: Your Majesty, please calm down. That has no evil intent...

Yuuri: But isn't it coming this way!? Since it's a SKELETON type perhaps we could beat it with clubs. Say, Conrad do we have any clubs?

Conrad: Unfortunately no...

Yuuri: Then we'll just have to fight unarmed! I feel insecure about that.

Ue-sama: Then we'll have to attack using majutsu...

Wolfram: Cut it out Yuuri! Don't get into Maou-mode at a time like this!

Murata: That's right, Shibuya. If you destroy the cemetery, you'll end up having to pay for it from the country's coffers. I'm really not sure if the citizens should be paying for such damages...

Conrad: Me too, I'm begging you. Please, 'don't destroy the tombstones'[17]

Yuuri: Wait, was 'Don't destroy the carrier' a pun? Was it a pun!?

Conrad: Hahahaha... How mean, your Majesty. Of course, Alabama. (Of course not)

FX: *cold wind*

Yuuri: Eh? What did you say?

Conrad: I said, your Majesty: Of course Ala...

Yuuri: AHHHHH! Enough, you don't need to say it twice! M..M...Murata, Murata! I just got a cold running down my spine.

Murata: Ah, I've got goosebumps... though now I feel refreshed. It's cold...

Günter: Are you all right your Majesty? Your face is completely pale...

Yuuri: I'm fine, I only got a big psychological hit.

Wolfram: *shivering* Oh, I get it now, this is the 'purpose' of the test of courage you were talking about, huh?

Yuuri: No, that's not exactly... or rather... oh, whatever *cries*

Murata: Shibuya, please stop making a face like "today is my seventh day of being constipated"...

Günter: Ehhhh?! For the seventh day! What a terrible thing! Your Majesty, if there's anything I can do, I will do it no matter what! Your Majesty's suffering is my suffering! Your Majesty constipation is my constipation!

Conrad: Günter, I admire you trying to share the symptoms , but the SKELETON has passed by us...

Yuuri: EH?! We were ignored? Even though we are on a test of courage, the MONSTER ignored us?!

Conrad: Hahaha, it seems so, right?

FX:*Gwendal walking*

Gwendal: Ha... All right! Those noisy guys, when they saw the enemy, they didn't even try to make a move. Hahaha... That kotsuchizoku from before is really a man of spirit[18], well I mean after all those guys are really only made of bones. No, wait a moment. For starters, was that a 'man'?

Yuuri: *crying* Crap, you bastard MONSTER without a head! Next time I won't lose! I'll just wait until you get your head back!

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  1. Tests of courage along with 'bathing in the sea', 'fireworks', 'shell gathering', and 'telling ghost stories' are some traditional things children do during the summer in Japan. They tell ghost stories so that a cold chill will run down their backs during warm days! Tests of courage are similar to that. You're supposed to go to a scary place, so that you'll get the chills. Here's the Japanese Wikipedia page, if you look at the images you'll get what I mean:
  2. Spoof of 'Run, Melos!' a famous Japanese story, based on a Shiller's ballad, based on a Greek Myth. More info:,_Melos!
  3. Sounds like 'penis'.
  4. This
  5. Soft adzuki-bean jelly is a traditional Japanese confection.
  6. Mizu= water, but Wolf's mistaking it for the word "Miss" (in English), though I have no idea why he knows that word.
  7. I thought they would never tell this pun! Thank you Takabayashi sensei and Takahashi-san, whoever you are! So "your Highness" which is 'geika' in Japanese, starts with "gei" which, when written in katakana, means "gay". Alright, I'm done now.
  8. Fear Aniue's wrath!
  9. Blue and with a tail (traditionally). Like this:
  10. One of the theories behind the hitodama, flying soul, says that it's actually the phosphorus released by the corpses that reacts with rain.
  11. Absolutely no idea. I tried searching for spirit professor tenpura flour CM , but got nothing. Tenpura, btw, is a cooking style. You cover any food with flour (tenpura flour) and then fry the food.
  12. The Poison Lady Series?
  13. In the Ma-special Fanbook 2, Takabayashi sensei says : When Wolfram gets excited, he adds 'jari' at the end of the sentence. His voice actor, Saiga-san, was really a NATURAL at speaking in jarijari , I was impressed.
  14. Getting your head cut off also means 'getting fired' in Japanese.
  15. Lit. 'He's carrying a box', but the words for 'box' and 'carry' are similar in Japanese and could be understood as a pun when put together.
  16. Since the kotsuchizoku is 'carrying something' , Murata calls it "unpanman", lit. "transport man". But then he says "he's a nice guy" , which means that he's probably thinking of anpanman:
  17. This too is a pun in Japanese.
  18. 'Man of spirit' in Japanese lit. 'Man of bones' . It seems Conrad isn't the only punny one!