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Shin Makoku has Harvest Festivals too!?[edit]

Original Title: マ王!収穫祭CD
Release date: May 30, 2008, with the' DVD-BOX first season, second part.'
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai Takahiro; (Conrad) Morikawa Toshiyuki; (Wolfram) Saiga Mitsuki; (Günter) Inoue Kazuhiko; (Murata) Miyata Kouki.
Screenplay: Takahashi Makio(高橋槇生)
Script available : MA-Special Fanbook 2


Conrad: Mini drama Shin Makoku has Harvest Festivals too!?

FX: *running*

Günter: Conrad! Hasn't his Majesty arrived yet?

Conrad: That's right, once Wolfram confirms he has arrived to the Shinou's Mausoleum, he's going to send fire signals...

Günter: Ah! Even though I'm here, why did Wolfram had to go welcome him alone? At any rate that child is a one-track-minded person. It's obvious that the joy of welcoming his Majesty, made him forget to send the signals.

Conrad: We can't dismiss that possibility but Günter... Who was it that said to Wolfram, the Lord Fiancé in a complicated unreciprocated situation, who's on duty to welcome his Majesty, that taking flowers to him was a laudable idea?

Günter: Well, that was indeed me, but... that and the feelings of an elderly person, with the complicated heart of a men who adores his majesty, are two different things.

Conrad: Oh my, my... That's a troublesome heart that is, huh? Eh? Who's that over there?

Günter: That's... it can't be...

Murata: Hey! Hello~! How are you?

Conrad: ... Your Highness...?

Günter: W-Whhaaaat? Your Highness? W-Why are you here?

Murata: Well, in short, I'm here in Shibuya's place.

Conrad: In his place? You ...?

Murata: Since Shibuya got a horrible mark in his midterm TESTS, he had to take a make up test and is 'in detention' on Earth.

Günter: Ah! Your Majesty.... how awful!

Murata: Well, kind of. He himself, was really, really worried and said: "If things continue like this I might have to redo the year. Save me Muraemon[1]!" and he started crying.

Günter: I see, I see... and then?

Murata: I kind of ignored him and came here ☆ Te-he!

Günter: Eh? WHAAAAT!? Your Highness, that's a really cruel way to treat his Majesty.

Murata: It's fine. I spent all summer telling him to study, but he didn't listen and Shibuya's always, aaaaaalways, doing nothing but watch baseball, play baseball and go to his part-time job. It's time for him to pay for his mistakes so to speak.

Conrad: That's an unusually strict treatment towards his Majesty, right, your Highness?

Murata: Not really. Because when it comes to Shibuya Yuuri, I'm basically very strict[2]. I'm very different from the fool pampering Lord Weller.

Conrad: Eh....? I pamper him?

Murata: Yeah. That spy who's your childhood friend says that too, you know? You pamper him, and cling onto him all the time.

Wolfram: That's right! You keep telling him, Murata, Daikenja !

Günter: Uwah~! You scared me. You were here, Wolfram?

Wolfram: His unscrupulous pampering is a huge problem.

Conrad: I don't think it's a problem.

Wolfram: Even though I was being ignored, I was here the whole time, you know? *approaches* In any case, Conrad, do you know what the castle servants have been calling you lately?

Conrad: Eh? I don't know... are they calling me something?

Wolfram: "Spot-billed duck" they call you, "Spot-billed duck"!

FX:*ducks flying*

Wolfram: When you accompany Yuuri in his morning exercises, you chase closely after him like a baby chick.

Günter: Conrad, you got a nickname like that.... I'm jealous.

Conrad: Eh? Is that so...? ... Well, that's actually kinda cute~

Wolfram: Don't blush! It's not a praise!

Murata: Calling him "Spot-billed duck" is still too nice, because Lord Weller's true strategy to lure Shibuya in is quite clever and malicious, huh? Thanks to it, as soon as the easily fooled Shibuya sees you, he starts going peep-peep like a baby chick when it sees its parents.

FX:*baby chicks chirping*

Conrad: Your Highness, that's mean. I'm not plotting any strategies...

Wolfram: No, he's right! You have always been that kind of ill-intentioned man. I know that for a fact.

Günter: Conrad..... one cannot be too careful around you.

Conrad: Wait. You two calm down as well. .... Good gracious, wait a moment, your Highness. Why are you saying this?

Murata: *chuckles* We~ll, there's a really simple explanation... *yakuza tone* I don't like you, Lord Weller.

Conrad: .... huh?

Murata: For I, you see? utterly hate people who try to take away from me the things I like. The worst type are for example, the guys who when I'm saving the tastiest part for last, struggling with all my might to leave the strawberry of the cake for last they say: " Huh? You're not going to eat that?" and then just munch it away. Lord Weller you're that type of guy, right?

Conrad: What....?

Günter/Wolfram: HE IS! HE IS! HE IS! HE IS!

Conrad: Wait a sec...

Günter: At any rate, Conrad you're not playing fair. For in the past, you see? because you went through so many hardships it couldn't be helped that you wanted to show-off a bit, and even I had to endure that in tears.

FX:*door opens and closes*

Wolfram: That's right. But although I thought "surely once he comes back from Shimaron, he's going to stop showing-off and calm down a bit", it seems I was greatly mistaken.

Günter: Good grief! In the end, every time you have had the chance, you've taken all the good parts for yourself, what a greedy way to conduct oneself! Even if his Majesty Shinou forgives you for it, I will not forgive that!

Conrad: Even if you say that....

Wolfram: Listen, I'm only going to say this one thing. I don't care if you want to be a "Spot-billed duck" or whatever, but I am Yuuri's fiancé, and I will never allow for you to try and get a head start with him while brushing me aside!

Conrad: Even if you say I want to get a head start...

Murata:*chuckles* You're in a pickle, huh, Lord Weller? But look, it's really difficult to get an opportunity like this without Shibuya, to give you a warning, you know? This time it was a good thing that Yuuri is such a dummy~. Hooray for make up tests!

Conrad: Uhm, your Highness, really please forgive me!

Murata:*laughs* Well, it's okay Lord Weller. That's enough lighthearted conversation for today. So what kind of event are we having? There was a reason for you to ask Shibuya to come to Shin Makoku, right?

Günter: Ah! It can't be! I carelessly forgot to tell you. The truth is that, your Highness, from today on and for the following three days, we will be celebrating Shin Makoku's annual Autumn festival.

Murata: Eh....? You have such a tradition? Something like an Autumn Harvest Festival?

Günter: Yes. That's the meaning more or less. In order to say thanks for a good autumn harvest, and to pray for a good harvest next year the festival is called "All Demons' Day"(banmasetsu).

Murata: All Demons' Day!? That's a really impressive name, huh?

Günter: All Demons' Day is a festival that has been celebrated by every Maou since the times of his Majesty the Shinou. It is an event that celebrates both the harvest and the Maou himself.... that's why it's called "All Demons' Day"[3].

Murata: On Earth we have "All Hallows' Day" on November 1st. It was originally called "ALL HALLOWS" (In English). And the day before that, October 31st, is "HALLOWS' EVE" commonly known as "HALLOWEEN".

Günter: Incredible! You even know about "HAROIN"! That's really, amazing your Highness!

Murata: Uh? Eh? You have "HALLOWEEN" here too?

Wolfram: Yes. It's one of the rituals carried out during the celebrations of "All Demons' Day". The most formal one takes place at the Shinou's Mausoleum but besides that, every household can do as much "HAROIN" as they want.

Murata: .... Eh.... uhm... and what is 'that'?

Günter: Allow me to explain, your Highness. First, you have to collect the morning dew that accumulates on red autumn leaves. According to the legend, if you pour that into your meal, you will be blessed by his Majesty Shinou, and have perfect health for an entire year. Because you have to drink "the dew from the leaves" the ritual is commonly known as "Haroin"[4].

Murata: Ah! It's like that! Like the legend that if you eat pumpkin during the winter solstice you won't catch a cold, right?

Wolfram: Do you eat pumpkin for Earth's 'Haroin'?

Murata: Uhm... no we eat it for the winter solstice (Dec.21-22); for HALLOWEEN, pumpkins are used as decoration. A candle is placed inside a carved orange pumpkin and then it's used as a lantern. ...

Conrad: Ahhhh! I've seen that! It's a JACK-O'-LANTERN, right? Right, right... I remember now. During the time that I stayed in America, I experienced HALLOWEEN, and I had a difficult time.

Wolfram: A difficult time?

Conrad: Yes. For Halloween children dress up as monsters and go door-to-door asking for candy. At that time I was a member of the army[5] so I VOLUNTEERED to help around the neighborhood.

Murata:*mumbles* Army... when did that happen?

Conrad: After I was forced into a vampire COSPLAY by my colleagues, I went with the kids looking like that and knocked on the doors. But none of the housewives would give us any candy. The kids ended up getting cranky and the husbands got angry, and I was really confused.

Günter: Why did that happen? Conrad, did you do something wrong?

Conrad: No, I have no idea what happened. There's this rule that when you knock on someone's door, you say "Trick or Treat!" and usually, you know? people say "Here you are" and kindly give you some candy....

Wolfram: What's that 'Liquor bottle'[6] or whatever incantation? What does it mean?

Conrad: The meaning is.... right... well it's something like:*sexy music* " Say... If you don't give me treats, I'm going to do something naughty to you" ....more or less.

Günter: *sighs* Conrad....

Wolfram: Then that was... your fault.

Murata: Lord Weller, it was your mistake.

Conrad: Eh? Why?

Wolfram: Because if it was you, surely you must have been grinning while saying that when the housewives opened the door, right?

Günter: Besides, did you by any chance whisper this into their ears?

Conrad: Eh?.... Ah.. yeah.

Wolfram: Try saying it one more time ...

Conrad: Eh? *sexy music* " If you don't give me treats, I'm going to do something naughty to you"

Murata: *sighs* If I were one of the housewives opening the door, I would definitely not give you any candy. That way I'd get the naughty stuff. From that indecent Count Dracula.

Wolfram: If a strange man shows up at the door and starts hitting on his wife, and she can't take her eyes off him, it's obvious that the man of the house is going to get angry.

Conrad: What? It was my fault?

Günter: Conrad.... someone like you.... Even though you've always appeared to be smart, you're a child that every now and then really can't read the situation, right...?

Murata: If you behaved like this with his fiancée in front of the young master von Grantz, he must have also gotten quite angry , right?

Günter: I'm sure Conrad must have been an eyesore.

Conrad: Uhm.... but Adalbert has nothing to do with this, right?

Wolfram: What are you saying!? This is the first time in my life that I've felt such strong empathy with Adalbert!

Conrad: Wolfram...

Murata: Well, in any case, since the "All Demons' Day" is a celebration for the Maou, it can't start until Shibuya arrives, right?

Günter: Yes, and also.... If his Majesty and your Highness show up together it will be the first time ever in Shin Makoku that a "Two Soukoku Appearance" will take place. Everyone will feel the arrival of a glourious reign, and the citizens will be so happy they'll shed tears of joy.

Murata: It will be a PRETTY CURE CURE, huh?[7]... Well, it can't be helped. I guess I'll ask the priestess to call Shibuya here as well.

Günter: Ah, your Highness! Thank you very much. Ah! If I imagine the two of you appearing at the "All Demons' Day" celebrations together, I will.. I will... end up getting a runny nose and making everything wet.... *explodes in Günter juices*

Conrad: Uwah~ Günter, get a hold of yourself! Günter, c'mon!

Wolfram: .... Murata

Murata: Mn? What is it?

Wolfram: Despite of what Günter said, Shin Makoku is not experiencing tense times of war, so we're not in a time where the absence of the king would be directly linked to the demise of the country.

Murata: Well, that's right.

Wolfram: It's just that Yuuri is still a developing henachoko maou. So we should give priority to his studies, there's no need to make him work so hard and ask him to come here.

Murata: Oh, what a kind future spouse. But don't worry. I'll ask Ulrike to make sure she calls him after the make up exam is over.

Wolfram: Really? We won't bother him?

Murata: Of course not. There's no way you could bother him. I'm pretty sure that Shibuya also wants to see you all.

Wolfram: ... Yes!

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  1. As in Doraemon.
  2. Yes, the word that you hear is "sparta" . "Sparta" means harsh, strict.
  3. Banmasetsu (万魔節) contains the kanjis for: 10,000 or countess, demon, and season/day. The first kanji stands for a big harvest (all), the second one the MAou (Demon) and the third one is season/day. It's the demon version of "All Hallows' Day".
  4. So Haroin (葉露飲)means "leaf dew drink".
  5. Woah, what?
  6. Instead of "Trick or treat" Wolfram says 'tokuri' lit. "Liquor bottle".
  7. Pretty Cure: He used two 'cures' because it's two of them.