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Ura Ma3 - Yuuri, Conrad and Waltorana[edit]

Original Title: 裏マ³ 有利・コンラッド・ヴァルトラーナ編
Release date: July 25, 2008; with Vol1. of the First Part (Ep.79) of the Third Season in DVD.
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai Takahiro; (Conrad) Morikawa Toshiyuki; (Waltorana) Koyama Rikiya.
Screenplay: Takahashi Makio(高橋槇生)

Track list[edit]

Download the track here
01. Ura Ma3 - Yuuri, Conrad and Waltorana
02. Cast Talk

R2season3 01a alt.jpg

Yuuri: *snoring* Uh.. Ah... I slept well. But... eh?! What is this place? It's not the Blood Pledge Castle... Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch... Why did I fall out of bed?

Conrad: *whispers* Your Majesty...

Yuuri: Huh?

Conrad: Your Majesty...

Yuuri: I hear a voice... coming from above...

Conrad: *whispers* Yuuri!

Yuuri: Conrad! Ah~! Where are you? The room is dark so I can't see you.

Conrad: I'm in the vent up here in the ceiling. Are you alright? Are you injured?

Yuuri: It seems that I'm alright. But Conrad, why are you up there?

Conrad: I went looking for you after you were kidnapped and... agh... anyway, I'm happy you're safe. I can't believe that in the basement of this castle there's a room like this.

Yuuri: Basement? What castle are you talking about? Because, this is not the Blood Pledge Castle, right?

Conrad: Right. Tsk. There's no more time.

Yuuri: Eh?

FX: *Door opens and closes* *footsteps*

Waltorana: You are awake, aren't you, Your Majesty?

Yuuri: Ah! You are... ehh... Bo..b... Ba... something!

Waltorana: I'm von Bielefeld, Waltorana.

Yuuri: Ah... yes, that's right. Ehm... Wolfram's uncle?

Waltorana: Yes, and currently I'm the head of the von Bielefeld's family. But above anything, I am a guardian of my older brother's orphan, my cute little nephew, who will succeed the family headship.

Yuuri: Ah.. I see. But hey, before we start talking about that, I would like to ask a few questions...

Waltorana: What is it, Your Majesty?

Yuuri: One: Where are we? Two: Why was I dragged to this place? Tree: What do you want from me?

Waltorana: Allow me to answer that. This is the Bielefeld territory and you were brought here in an amazingly audacious fashion.

Yuuri: More than an "audacious fashion" I'd say this is kidnapping. I bet you didn't even make an appointment, did you?

Waltorana: Of course, I sent an invitation to Your Majesty...

Yuuri: That's why I asked you why you have brought me...

Waltorana: Alright! Please look over here... at this statue!

Yuuri: Even if you say so, it's so dark I can't see very well.

FX: *claps twice*

Waltorana: Shiroe, turn on the lights.

Shiroe: Yes, my master. *sparkling evil eyes*

Yuuri: What was that?! I just saw a guy wearing a maid uniform!

Waltorana: That was a servant of my family called Shiroe. Since he is very shy, he doesn't show his face often. Don't worry about it.

Yuuri: Even if you say not to worry, I'm super wo... Wa~h! What is that statue?! A lion with wings? Ah~! And its tail is a snake!

Waltorana: It represents the strength of a lion and the tenacity of a snake. It's the symbol of this facility.

Yuuri: By facility you mean?

Waltorana: This is the place where the von Bielefeld family successors gather in secrecy to test their partners and put them through training school.

Yuuri: Huh?

Waltorana: People call it "The Lion's pit"[1]

FX: *Lion's roar*

Yuuri: So it's not the "Tiger's pit"? [2]

Waltorana: No, it's "Lion's". So, my Wolfram is, as always, quite amazing, isn't he? He's so smart. He's just like my older brother. That's my nephew! (tr.note: Like saying: "That's my boy!"). Well.. that's what I believe. Doesn't your Majesty agree?

Yuuri: Well... I know that you SUUUPER like your nephew but..

Waltorana: That's obvious. As expected I raised him well, in a special environment, guiding him to turn him into a talented man of the Shin Makoku nation, protecting him from undignified matters.

Yuuri: That too, I know veeeeery well.

Waltorana: So, clearly, I expected Wolfram to be my eyes and my heir, once I departed from this world , but...

Yuuri: Ah...Hm! Hm! That's an important matter.

Waltorana: But lately... Wolfram does not listen to me at all. He used to cry out *imitating young Wolf's voice* " Uncle 'Rana!" in such a cute fashion and then I would calm him down.

Yuuri: So, how many years ago was that?

Waltorana: Good grief! How terrible! Even though he is the next head of the family, he constantly leaves far away to stay around the Blood Pledge Castle area, and won't come back. And even though I told him "End your relationship with that guy!" many times, he will not end the engagement.

Yuuri: About that matter, huh? As for complaints I have... [3]

Waltorana: And then I started thinking... something smells bad here!

FX: *Anissina's bmg*

Yuuri: Eh?!

Waltorana: Uhm, it's nothing. Since I have this chance, I'd like to see if His Majesty can satisfy the blood of a Bielefeld.

Yuuri: How can you... You know? YOU forcibly dragged me here, on this deathly trip.... And besides, Gwendal and Günter don't know that I'm here, so isn't that a little bit dangerous?

Waltorana: No matter how much I explained the rules, after telling them the family problem, the people from your house interjected and could not be reasoned with.

Yuuri: No, it's not like that. After all I'm the Maou.

Waltorana: Right now, the most important thing is that you're my nephew's fiancé and I wish to deal with that.

Yuuri: Please don't decide things like that on your own.

Waltorana: Anyway, let's return to our conversation. Is that alright? It's fine... isn't it?!

Yuuri: You really are just an old guy who doesn't listen to anything people say, huh?

Waltorana: His Majesty will receive, here in the Lion's Pit, a training from hell!

Yuuri: A training from hell!?

Waltorana: If you don't, I won't accept you as Wolfram's fiancé!

Yuuri: Uhm...

Conrad: Wait, right there!

Waltorana: Huh? Who is that?

Cornad: I will not tell my name to the likes of you! Hu!

FX:*Conrad jumps down*

Conrad: Are you alright, Your Majesty?

Yuuri: Ah~! Conrad~!

Waltorana: You are... Lord Weller! Why are you here?

Conrad: My mission is to be His Majesty's guard. When I realized that among the servants at the Blood Pledge Castle one had disappeared, I thought: "that man must have boldly taken him".

Waltorana: Shiroe is a loyal man who does his work. Whatever job I give him, he accomplishes it by any means, without complains.

Conrad: That's a dangerous pet dog you have, right?

Yuuri: Eh~! That huge wrestler in a maid dress and wrestler mask from just now, was at the Blood Pledge Castle? He was in every way possible a suspicious person. But... I didn't even notice him...

Conrad: I heard everything you said till now. This is the infamous Lion's Pit for the Bielefeld's fiancés! So here is where it was...

Waltorana: It is only infamous, because people hear false rumors. It is only a place that works as a filter to find the appropriate partner for the next head of the family.

Conrad: And that's why the survival rate of the Lion's Pit training, is about 50 percent. And from those few that survived absolutely exhausted, 90 percent ended up disappearing anyway.

Yuuri: Uhm.. so 90 percent of 50 percent? How many?

Conrad: The only one that survived was Elizabeth. She was the only one beside His Majesty Yuuri to make it.

Waltorana: That girl had some good points. But she was too naive. She would never admit defeat.

Yuuri: By Elizabeth, do you mean Raven's niece?

Conrad: Yes. Even though Raven and Stoffel didn't know, she was a prisoner of the Lion's pit. I heard that Waltorana would only allow one person, Wolfram's fiancé, to protect him.

Waltorana: You sure know a lot, Lord Weller.

Conrad: Well, that's because it has to do with my cute baby brother.

Waltorana: I do not recognize you as Wolfram's brother.

Conrad: Hahahaha. I guess that's so. But you don't know how his attitude has changed lately... He has been calling me: "Small Big Brother".

Waltorana: Eh?! Impossible...

Yuuri:*whispers* Liar... He doesn't call you that.

Conrad: Well... But I thought that in this way, Waltorana would receive a big hit.

Yuuri: Ah.. he hates you too.

Conrad: Rather than that, he treats me like a harmful insect.

Waltorana: What sneakily talks are you two having, Your Majesty Maou?

Yuuri: Ah, no... Eh... Why do I have to work to death in the Lion's or Tiger's pit?

Waltorana: That's because you call yourself Wolfram's fiancé.

Yuuri: I do not. By a misunderstanding a scolding to your nephew turned me into his fiancé.

Waltorana: What are you saying?! And then also... you're forcing Wolfram to raise the princess of the abandoned country of Zorashia, which you adopted into your family.

Yuuri: Forcing him?! Greta is (my/our) beloved daughter. I'm thankful that he helps raising her, but he does that out of his own free will.

Waltorana: I think that you used your powerful maryoku to make Wolfram become your fiancé and so that he would never let you go.

Yuuri: Huh?! What kind of strange hypnotic powers do you think I have?

Conrad: If he could do that, the first thing Yuuri would probably do, is erase the memory of that slap on the left cheek from his head.

Yuuri: Right? You sure understand this, Conrad.

Waltorana: That can't be... Kuroe's information must have been wrong.

Yuuri: Who is that? That Kuroe? [4]

Waltorana: It's Shiroe's younger sister, a servant of this family. She collects information, she's a unique and smart girl, and if needed, she can also use a sword.

Yuuri: Shiro and Kuro sure are busy, huh?[5]

FX: *Sexy music *

Waltorana: So... the information about Wolfram disappearing every night into the Maou's room to be his dog is also wrong...?[6]

Yuuri: Eh... ahh.. when you say dog you mean...?

Conrad: Regardless of what he means, Wolfram always falls asleep first, right? His sleeping posture is poor, quite unladylike.

Yuuri: Well, honestly, with that neglige I'm not sure...

FX: *Sexy music ends*

Waltorana: Your Majesty.

Yuuri: Yes?

Waltorana: As I thought, after all it seems that I do want to have a very detailed conversation with you... may I ? It is alright, correct?

Yuuri: No.. ah... That's alright. There's absolutely nothing to talk about!!!

Waltorana: Alright means yes. That means that you have agreed, correct?

Yuuri: No! Listen when people talk to you!

Waltorana: Let's listen to you as much as you want.*claps hands* Shiroe! Take Your Majesty with you!

Shiroe: Yes, my master. *grabs Yuuri*

Yuuri:*struggles* WAH~! His huge arm grabbed both my arms!

Conrad: Your Majesty!

Yuuri: WAH~! No, his hot chest hairs~!! Nooooo~!

Conrad: Yuuri~!

Yuuri: Wah~!

Conrad: Be careful!

Yuuri: No! Come here, Conraaaaad~!

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  1. It's a Japanese female pro-wrestler center.
  2. The Tiger's pit is where the "evil wrestlers" trained in the manga Tiger Mask.
  3. He was going to say "none", but Waltorana interrupted.
  4. Colors! Shiro=White, Kuro=black. So that wrestling guy is Shiroe and his sister is Kuroe.
  5. ShiroKuro means also, good and evil. Yuuri is messing with the names of the servants to say good and evil are busy.
  6. So dog here can mean either guard dog, or sexy guard dog ;D