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Ura Ma3 - Yuuri, Wolfram and Waltorana[edit]

Original Title: 裏マ³ 有利&ヴォルフラム&ヴァルトラーナ編
Release date: September 26, 2008; with Vol2. of the First Part (Ep.80-81) of the Third Season in DVD.
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai Takahiro; (Wolfram) Saiga Mitsuki; (Waltorana) Koyama Rikiya.
Screenplay: Takahashi Makio(高橋槇生)

Track list[edit]

Download the track here
01. Ura Ma3 - Yuuri, Wolfram and Waltorana
02. Cast Talk


Wolfram: Yu... Yuuri~!

Yuuri: Ngh.

Wolfram: Yuuri!!!

Yuuri: Ngh. Ah?

Wolfram: Yuuri, pull yourself together!

Yuuri: Ah? Eh? Wolfram? Ah.. ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch~! Eh... Why am I lying upside down? Ah... You and your poor sleeping positions, did you kicked me out of bed again?

Wolfram: What are you saying? You're making those remarks even though I came to save you?

Yuuri: Save me? This is.... not.. the Blood Pledge Castle, isn't it?

Wolfram: It's the Bielefeld Castle, don't you remember?

Yuuri: When you say remember, you mean...?

Wolfram: Right... The head of the Bielefeld family, you know? He wanted to invite His Majesty, the Maou, to this territory no matter how.

Yuuri: Ah! Now I remember! Your uncle... uhm... ah... Wo.. Ba...

Wolfram: "Waltorana".

Yuuri: Yeah, that one. He was the one who abducted me and brought me to this place!

Wolfram: No! He didn't abduct you! He only... used a little bit of force to bring His Majesty here.

Yuuri: What does that even mean? Uwa~! Just like the rumors said, you side with your uncle.

Wolfram:*sighs angrily* You're wrong! But... If you says so, I'm resolved to officially press charges against my uncle.... no, Lord von Bielefeld Waltorana.

Yuuri: Eh? Why are you saying such things all of a sudden?

Wolfram: If a subordinate abducts and confines the king, it's an inexcusable high treason! If by bringing you into this room, my uncle injured you in any way.... I'm going to...

Yuuri: Wa~h... wait ! Wait! That's enough, I don't want you to say anything else... it's fine.

Wolfram: But...

Yuuri: Ah! Tsk. Argh... Wolfram, say... In some ways, you're exactly like Gwendal , aren't you? Like that inflexibility or how sometimes you're way too serious.

Wolfram: This is a serious talk. What's wrong with being serious?

Yuuri: Nya..eah.. There's nothing wrong but...*whispers to himself* it seems that Waltorana's forceful invitation made the super-righteous Wolfram's love for him disappear.

FX: *door opens and closes*

Waltorana: Have you awakened, your Majesty?

FX: *footsteps*

Yuuri: Wah~! Speaking of the devil...

Wolfram: Uncle Waltorana!

Waltorana: Agh! Wolfram! Why are you here?

Wolfram: What does THIS mean? You imprisoned His Majesty, the Maou, in a place like this!

Waltorana: Tsk. Settle down. As your guardian, there was something I absolutely needed to speak with His Majesty about.

Wolfram: If you need to speak, wouldn't it be best if you did so at the Blood Pledge Castle?

Yuuri: No, first of all, he didn't want to talk at all. Wolfram?

Wolfram: Ah?

Yuuri: Do you know what kind of things happen in this place?

Wolfram: It's the basement of the castle, isn't it? I didn't know there was such a large room here.

Yuuri: It's not just a basement. It's called the Lion's Pit[1], a place where you get a training from hell.

Wolfram: Training? What kind of intensive training?

Yuuri: Cooking, hiking, sword and fist fighting, following the carrot and the stick policy. Jumping squats. They even make you study while you're asleep... ehh.. they make you do a lot of things.

Wolfram: Eh? Isn't that pretty average?

Yuuri: Yes, yes... In the morning you begin with a training that... No! It's completely different! This is a secret room where they'll keep an eye on you and beat up to death your undesirable lover.

Wolfram: Huh?!

Waltorana: Excuse me Your Majesty, but there seems to be a misunderstanding. This Lion's pit is a place where the partner of the heir of the von Bielefeld family, will be tested to make sure he is a suitable candidate. It's a facility to check the level of physical strength, their personality and how they conduct themselves, as well as used to provide special training.

Fx: *axe falling*

Yuuri: That's not a training place at all! I heard that the survival rate is absolutely zero. Small me got beaten up by that trainer-maid[2].

Waltorana: Wait... what is a "trainer"?

Yuuri: It's that guy... The maid-san that looks like a wrestler with a rumbling stomach and an overly serious attitude.

Wolfram: Uncle... many of those words, you're hearing for the first time, right?[3]

Waltorana: If you don't know either, don't say anything.

Yuuri: *whispers* It's best if you don't know.

FX: *footsteps*

Wolfram: Uncle...

Waltorana: It can't be helped. My older brother asked me to take care of you, and so I did.

Wolfram: I know that! And I'm grateful for that, but... I'm not a small child anymore!

Waltorana: That... is true...

FX: *touching moment* *sparkles*

Wolfram: Uncle... let me ask you this.... as the head of the von Bielefeld family, no... as my respected uncle who has always supported me and gave me anything I wanted from within the territories... am I, spoiled?

Waltorana: Oh! That spirit... how wonderful you are !

Yuuri: This kind of ... turned into a nice conversation.

Waltorana: Please forgive me, Wolfram. I, you know? I brought His Majesty Yuuri here, because if by chance you were never to return to this territory, I'd feel desolated.

Wolfram: Uncle, you worry too much! And besides, I'm Yuuri's fiancé, I will become his husband by imperial sanction and there's nothing you can do about it, you know?[4]

FX: *End of touching moment bgm*

Yuuri: Eh?! There's nothing we can do?! But what's up with this? Did you not live at the Blood Pledge Castle when Cherie-sama was Maou?

Wolfram: Even now, it's not like I'm "living" there either. It's just that since you're a henachoko (rookie) it's dangerous for you, so I keep you company and stay in the city where the castle is.

Yuuri: You don't need to keep me company. You make sure you go back to your home town, ok?

Wolfram: What is it? You don't want to live with me?

Yuuri: That's not what I mean! If you don't do right by your uncle, I'm the one who gets punished!

Wolfram: That's right! Uncle, just because I don't come home, that's not a reason for bringing Yuuri to this place, isn't it?

Waltorana: It has been decided. I told you already. This place is where the character of the partner of the heir of the von Bielefeld's family will be tested and where he will be trained. The tiger's... no I mean... the Lion's pit[5].

FX: *Lion roaring*

Yuuri:*whispers* I was shocked when I heard Tiger's *beep*. (*4)

Waltorana: Wolfram, I heard that the proposal was done the traditional way. That out of the blue, His Majesty let out all of his feelings.

FX: *sexy music*

Yuuri: Ehm.. the way you're saying that is a little bit ...... inviting to create misunderstanding...

Waltorana: And after that happened... what did you do?

Wolfram: Eh.. ah... that... What I did... uhm...

Yuuri: Don't blush over that! What's with all the hesitation?!

FX: *end of sexy music*

Waltorana*sighs*: Your Majesty... I will ask you to please not convince my nephew into doing that type of Earth-like things...

Yuuri: Wait, wait. I'm the bad guy? Why would you think that?

Waltorana: Don't worry. Though imperfect, His Majesty is a great mazoku. The person who my nephew Wolfram accepted as his fiancé. Since you have so many merits, he did not flatly reject you.

Yuuri: Uhm... why do I have such high reputation?

Waltorana: I think like this because there are no shortcomings in your appearance which is beautiful and balanced, and you possess noble eyes.

Yuuri: So basically you didn't hear anything about me?

Waltorana: When I first heard about what happened with Your Majesty, I did what my relatives usually do at such times, and managed to prepare the traditional ceremony of my family. I even want to properly teach you how to make the miso soup.

Yuuri: Like a mother-in-law?! But there's no miso soup, or anything else[6].

Wolfram: Uncle...

Yuuri: There you go Wolfram, you too say something to him.

Wolfram: I'm so moved!

Yuuri: Eh?!

Wolfram: So, basically the reason why you brought Yuuri to this Lion's pit is to get him ready to become a proper bride!

Waltorana: Well, of course!

FX: *here comes the bride*

Waltorana: He'll study how to do manual labors, and become the ideal partner!

Wolfram: A wife that can do manual labors is my ideal! *grabs hands* Even though this is the first time you do this you thought about all the details.

Waltorana: Right?

Yuuri: Wait, wait! I don't even know where to begin, but in any case you got it all wrong!

Wolfram: If you think anything is weird you can stop.

Yuuri: Everything you're saying is without reservations weird! Your bride or wife, should a cute woman!

Wolfram: You sure are shy aren't you?

Yuuri: I'm not! In any case, instead of me, just about any girl with a pretty face would be more fit for this job than I am. You can't turn an outdated, baseball kid like me into a bride. That would be gross.

Wolfram: Good grief! No matter how many times I tell you, you really don't have any confidence in your appearance, do you? *walks towards Yuuri* The amount of cuteness you possess, being just the way you are, is fine. *magical cling sound*

Yuuri: Don't say something like that so seriously! Look! I got goosebumps!

Wolfram: And there you go... What do I have to do to make you understand?!

Yuuri*softly* I don't think I can ever agree with you. It's difficult to make you people understand.

Wolfram: Eh? What is?

Yuuri: *whispers to himself* Chest hair, or a cleft chin... which one can't I imagine a future with? *breathes in* Alright! Chest hair it is.

Wolfram: What is it?

Yuuri: Now you listen, Wolfram! Since I'm a man, if you get even one chest hair, I'm very sorry but I won't resign myself to give you the place of bride, wife or spouse.

Wolfram: Hmm. Chest hair, huh? Alright, I understand.

Yuuri: Eh?!

Wolfram: As long as they don't grow it's okay, right?

Yuuri: You already decided?! Stop it, you'll make your brothers cry.

Wolfram: It's for you, Yuuri. They will all understand.

Yuuri: Aahh... You see Wolfram? People can't escape their official image, even blond women, end up having pubic hair like Adalbert. What you're saying is NG (no good).

Waltorana: I see! You love His Majesty that much. That little Wolfram, became such an outstanding person!

Yuuri: Don't start crying. Stop! Cut it out! You'll end up looking messy in front of your nephew.

Waltorana*like a kid*: Then I'll look messy! No, I mean... if this is the path that Wolfram chose, I will quietly watch over it.

Yuuri: Woah! If you say such a negative thing, you're not helpful!

Wolfram: Anyway, uncle... may I ask you something?

Waltorana: What is it?

Wolfram: Here, this Lion's pit, is the place where my relatives partners' fighting spirits was put to test, right?

Waltorana: That's right.

Wolfram: In that case, does that mean that before me, you will be testing your bride's real fighting spirit here?

Waltorana: Uh.. That...

Yuuri: Wolfram! You just said a wonderful thing! That's right Waltorana, you still haven't gotten married?

Wolfram: *whispers*Tch.. Yuuri! My uncle lives by himself.

Yuuri: Oh, c'mon! Then don't be talking about other people's weddings. Instead focus on finding your own partner.

Waltorana: That has nothing to do with His Majesty.

Yuuri: It does. I'm the ruler of this country and you are my subordinate.

Waltorana: Ah!

Wolfram: Yuuri! As his nephew's fiancé, you have to follow the etiquette.

Yuuri: What etiquette? So... would you like me to introduce you to someone? Ah! I know! What about Anissina-san?

Waltorana: No, thanks!

Wolfram:*hits him*: No way!

Yuuri: *softly* You don't need to refuse so strongly...

Wolfram: In every way, Anissina is not good.

Yuuri: Really? Then some other young single lady...

Waltorana: Your Majesty, please don't make unnecessary connections. In the end I will, when the time comes, find someone without anyone meddling; even though my nephew will always be more important.

Wolfram: Don't say such a thing, uncle! If you made up your mind, don't worry about me, and please be happy.

Waltorana: You're talking too much, I do not have such a partner.

Yuuri: Wolfram! Don't bully your uncle. He doesn't seem to like women very much, his love preferences might be "that". It can't be anything else.

Wolfram: R.. really?

Waltorana: What do you mean by "that"?

Yuuri: No, no it's nothing.

Wolfram: Ah! Uncle, could it be that instead of a single lady you'd prefer a single man?

Waltorana: Eh, no I don't! What are you saying?

Wolfram: Big brother Gwendal is the heir of the von Voltaire family, though he's in a difficult position...

Waltorana: Ah?!

Wolfram: As for Conrad, I hear that he's free...

Yuuri: No, Conrad won't work.

Waltorana: Fool! Either one is not good enough for me!

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  1. It's a Japanese female pro-wrestler center.
  2. He's talking about Shiroe, who appeared in the last Drama CD.
  3. He uses English word like wrestler and an onomatopoeia, which Waltorana wouldn't understand.
  4. Omg, omg, omg... This is the first time I've ever heard him say the word "husband". *dies*
  5. The Tiger's pit is where the "evil wrestlers" trained in the manga Tiger Mask. The bleep part is there because you can't talk about stuff from another animes.
  6. Yuuri is comparing Waltorana to a mother in law ready to teach the young bride how to cook.