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Ura Ma3 - Yuuri, Murata and Josak[edit]

Original Title: 裏マ³ 有利&村田&ヨザック編
Release date: November 28, 2008; with Vol4. of the First Part (Ep.85-87) of the Third Season in DVD.
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai Takahiro; (Josak) Takeda Masanori; (Murata) Miyata Kouki.
Screenplay: Takahashi Makio(高橋槇生)

Track list[edit]

Download the track here
01. Ura Ma3 - Yuuri, Murata and Josak
02. Cast Talk


FX:*birds chirping, knock on the door*

Murata: Yes~?

Josak: Your Highness, it's me.

Murata: Ah, Gurrier-chan. I was waiting for you, come in.

FX:*door opens*

Murata: Sorry for always asking you to do all those things.

Josak: No need to apologize, if I can be helpful to his Highness, it's my pleasure.

Murata: Please make sure to tell to Lord von Voltaire on my behalf, "Thank you for lending me you most excellent employee".

Josak: Ah, I will do that for sure. If other people don't praise me, my Excellency won't acknowledge how good I am at my job.

Murata: That's not true, right? It seems he's always saying "Josak is my most reliable worker".

Josak: Eh!? Really? This is the first time I hear that! When did he say that?

Murata: Eh? Ah... sorry. Ah, maybe he didn't actually say it. It's just what I thought.

Josak: *sighs* I thought so...

Murata: Ah! Don't get so depressed! Because I'm completely sure that he trusts you.

Josak: In that case, I guess it's okay...

Murata: Of course he trusts you! If he didn't, you know? considering his personality, he wouldn't lend you to me, letting you come in and out of the Shinou's Mausoleum.

Josak: I'm sorry for making you, the Daikenja, comfort me.

Murata: Heh... It's fine, compared to everything else, that's actually one of my strong points.

Josak: Is that so?

Murata: In any case, Josak, what happened with the thing I asked you to do?

Josak: Ah, sorry. I brought you the information.

Murata: Hm.

Josak: Getting information about the White Crows group that your Highness mentioned was a bit difficult, you know?

Murata: What do you mean?

Josak: Just as you instructed, I followed and investigated them within the Big Shimaron territory, but I couldn't catch any of the people who knows what's going on.

Murata: Huh? Even though they move about in public so freely? Uh.. I mean, look. Berard's successor...

Josak: Lanzhill, the Second[1].

Murata: Right, aren't the White Crows always seen around that man?

Josak: That's right, huh? And since they are to some extent a group that is allowed to operate by another country's ruler, I thought that collecting information would so eeeeeeeasy, but I underestimated them.

Murata: If you say so, it must be true...

Josak: Yeah. Actually there's a great number of members in the White Crows. But, the easy to contact underlings, do not know the real purpose of the self-sufficient organization. At least that's what the public safety officers working for Majesty Lanzhill the Second, who speaks beautiful Keigo[2] and manages Big Shimaron like a frightened woman, think.

Murata: The real reason behind their activities...

Josak: Isn't his Highness the one who knows best about that?

Murata: It's difficult, huh? Didn't you say it yourself a while back? What I remember are far away memories of Jeneus, the man who created the White Crows. He was a boy born in Shimaron, who possessed the memories of the Daikenja.

Josak: Right.

Murata: But it's something that happened 2,000 years ago. On top of that, the memories of Jeneus in me are for some reason interrupted.

Josak: The memories are interrupted?

Murata: It's weird, right? For someone who can't forget anything, ever since 'that guy' got cursed, it's unbelievable that memories of him in the Daikenja are missing.

Josak: Your Highness, it's not okay to say 'that guy'...

Murata: It's fine, don't you think? He's an old childhood friend. I'm probably the only one who can call the Shinou, 'that guy'.

Josak: Well, I guess that's right, but this place is the Shinou's Mausoleum, if the landlord is listening it would be best to...

Murata: And even though he said I have to live here no matter what, I can barely take how cheap the landlord is! THE EMPTY ROOMS AT THE BLOOD PLEDGE CASTLE ARE A LOT MORE CONVENIENT FOR ME!

Josak: *whispering* You don't need to yell at the ceiling~

Murata: I said it on purpose like that so he can hear it! In any case, if we're here, he's overhearing our conversation.

Josak: Eh? Is that so? Uwah, then we can't say anything careless, right?

Murata: Hnn... well, whatever. Let's go back to the subject at hand. What was it? Ah, we were talking about Jeneus who lived 2,000 years ago, in isolation, in Big Shimaron.

FX:*knock on the door*

Yuuri: Hello, Mu~rata.

Murata: Shibuya

Josak: Young master

Yuuri: Huh? Josak, you're here too?

Yuuri: Ah, could it be that you're busy?

Murata: No, it's fine. What happened?

Yuuri: No, nothing happened, but something was about to begin... hahaha

Murata:*sighs* And it's something that you really don't want to do, right?

Josak: Mhhh... considering the time it is, ah, could it be that.. your Majesty! Are you skipping his Excellency Günter's class?

Yuuri: Ugh!

Murata: Shibuya, is it okay for you to be skipping class?

Yuuri: No, it's not like I meant to skip out. Look, I just had lunch and I'm a little sleepy because my stomach is full, you know? Besides Günter is busy handling matters concerning the country.

Josak: His Excellency Gün-Gün doesn't care if that type of work piles up, he passionately loves to educate your Majesty, so he must be crying in the Blood Pledge Castle right about now.

Murata: Ah... poor thing. Ah~ you have to be a good student to the Assistant to the King, Majesty Maou.

Yuuri: Ah? But, Günter is too 'passionate', besides, today's lesson is " The Foundation of Shin Makoku". So, I thought it be easier to just hear the story from the person himself, you know?

Josak: The person himself?

Murata: Shibuya, don't tell me that you...

Yuuri: Mhm! I was talking with Shinou for a long time.

Murata: As I imagined ...

Josak: Being able to ask questions directly to the person who founded it after 4,000 years is really invaluable, huh?

Murata: That's not the point. So, what did the Shinou say?

Yuuri: About that, you know? In the middle of our conversation, it started sounding more like counseling than anything else...

Murata: Ah?

Josak: Who was advising whom?

Yuuri: Well... it felt like I was listening to Shinou's problems...

Murata: Problems...? But he has lived hundreds of times longer than you...

Yuuri: That's true, huh? But, even a person like you who has lived way, way longer than I have, is often hesitant and worried about the strangest things, right?

Murata: When was I hesitant and worried?

Yuuri: On the day that a GAME was released, you didn't know whether to get the one with the special FIGURE or the one with the BONUS CD.

Murata: That was your brother ! If I wasn't sure which one to get, I'd just get both.

Yuuri: Lucky rich kid~. Well, but putting that aside, I'm sure there are things that worry you or make you hesitant in your life despite your years, right? If I think about it like that, then I can sort of empathize with Shinou who has spent the latter part of his life aaaaaaaaaaaalways locked in here.

Murata: Well, but in the end, Murata Ken is 16 years old, just like you, right?

Josak: C'mon, your Highness. Although you possess all that knowledge, pretending to be so young is...

Murata: Be quiet, you.

Josak: Yes... even so, I wonder what his Majesty Shinou's problem is....

Yuuri: Ah, it's Murata.

Murata: Huh?

Yuuri: Just moments ago the Shinou told me:" I can't understand the behavior of my old fellow Murata."

Murata: Now listen Shibuya. I don't know how many times I've said this, but the one who used to spoil Shinou was the first owner, the Daikenja. At any rate, you know? he doesn't need to understand every single aspect of my behavior.

Yuuri: C'mon, you don't need to be so cold to him. That person is simply worried about you, you know? Besides a while back, Josak and you brought Conrad to my room and totally alienated him[3].

Murata: But that was because he had to apologize for being owned by someone else, right?

Yuuri: No, well... it wasn't a matter of being owned by someone else[4], you know? Conrad is not a thing that I possess.

Josak: Oh, my! Young master~! Could it be that you mean 'that'? What people on Earth call 'Jurassic'?

FX:*dinosaur roar*

Yuuri: No, dinosaurs have nothing to do with this.

Murata: Shibuya, NICE boke[5]. Gurrier-chan you're thinking about the word 'Jirashi'.(playing cat and mouse)

Josak: I see... that's interesting...

Yuuri: At any rate, Murata stop hiding things, you should talk... to me, and to Shinou, you know? Okay?

Josak: Of course, I don't mind talking to you as well, your Highness.

Murata: I'll take it to heart... well, I think it's fine if I don't worry too much about the troubles we have with Big Shimaron, right? Fortunately, the current king, Lanzihil the Second, doesn't seem to be a capable man.

Yuuri: Lanzihil? Ah... that really crazy guy from before? Berard's nephew, right?

Josak: That's right.

Yuuri: Now that you mention it, he seems to be kinda dumb, right?

Josak: Indeed, according to the people behind those who follow the king of Big Shimaron, if it's only that man, he won't be a serious menace to us the mazoku. But you know? Just a little while ago, I heard a strange rumor.

Yuuri: A strange rumor?

Murata: Josak!

Yuuri: What's up with you Murata? Do you know something?

Josak: Isn't it all right, your Highness? You and the commander always baby him too much. Meanwhile, while you were moving around secretly, his Majesty got attacked during a ball while dressed like a woman.

Murata: *sighs*

Yuuri: Ah.. ah...ahah... there were too many things that went wrong that time...

Josak: The strange rumor was... about Seisakoku.

Yuuri: Seisakoku?

Murata: It's written as 'the Holy Country of Sand', Seisakoku[6]. In fact, I think its official name is actually a lengthy one like Shin Makoku's.

Josak: It's in a place far away from here, at the other end of the world, and it's a very mysterious country. According to one theory, it is the country where the shinzoku live, but... you see... for a long time they have not been trading with other countries', isolating their country from the rest.

Yuuri: Ah! I see... That means they only have Seisakoku grown....!

Murata: Don't say 'cereals'[7].

Yuuri: Ah....

FX: *the wind of a missed pun opportunity blows*

Murata: Lately, you know? the LEVEL of Shibuya's puns has declined severely...

Josak: I'm so sorry for what my commander has done~~

Yuuri:*clears throat* Uhm! So, what about that country?

Josak: In the country of Seisakoku, something strange has started to happen. Well, this too, is information that I got from Big Shimaron, so I don't know how reliable it is. In any case, recently the ruler of Seisakoku left the country and headed towards the human territories, were they might or might not have sought asylum.

Yuuri: And who's the ruler?

Josak: Who knows...? That is completely unknown, because after all, it is only a rumor.

Yuuri: So, that sounds like something big , right?

Murata: I wonder about that... I can't judge the situation right now with only this information.

Josak: But, I have a feeling like there are many different things all happening at once, you know?

Murata: Mhm. Yes, you're right about that. When we were dealing with the forbidden boxes, I saw something similar happening in the world to some extent. Because, after all, I was one of the plotters from the START.

Yuuri: That's right, huh? I too was completely fooled by Murata's craftiness.

Murata: Please don't phrase it like that. It was very difficult for me, you know?

Yuuri: Then I'll ask you. Murata?

Murata: What?

Yuuri: Are you hiding something from me right now?

Murata: Oh? *laughs* What's up with that question Shibuya?

Yuuri: Don't laugh, I'm being serious. Up until the very last moment when we defeated the soushus, it looked like you had betrayed me, didn't it!?

Murata: Mhm. I'm sorry.

Josak: Young master, he absolutely needed to do that.

Yuuri: I know that! But to be completely honest, it was a big SHOCK. Murata, you're not going to do something like that this time around, right?

Murata: Right. I won't.

Yuuri: For real? Absolutely for realz? Can you promise me that?

Murata: Absolutely for real. I'll promise this: I will not pretend to betray you again.

Josak: Your Highness...

Yuuri: If you do it again, we're breaking off our friendship for good.

Murata: I don't want to break off our friendship.

Yuuri: Well, then keep your promise.

Murata:*smiles* Yeah, I get it.

Josak:*claps* Ah~! If his Excellency Günter would be witnessing this beautiful scene, he'd say " What a beautiful proof of friendship!" and he'd be so overwhelmed, he'd start releasing juices and melt.

Yuuri: Ugh... Please stop imagining that!

Josak: Then, is it okay for me to also take advantage of this situation, your Majesty?

Yuuri: Eh? What is it?

Josak: Even if the commander, no, even if Lord Weller behaves strangely this time around, your Majesty, can you trust that it is all for your sake and the sake of Shin Makoku ?

Yuuri: What's with you, all of a sudden?

Josak: Regardless of whether there were circumstances beyond Lord Weller's control back then, he betrayed the Maou. Well, to be honest, that man is completely clumsy. So that's why, he might not give you a proper explanation, or let you know anything. Even so, will you trust him?

Yuuri:*thinks for a while* Mhm, of course.

Murata: Shibuya...

Yuuri: Conrad... will never betray me. I believe that. So it's fine.

Josak: I feel relieved hearing you say that.

Yuuri: Hehehe...

Murata: *whispers* Shoot, he trusts Lord Weller way more than me, huh?

Josak: *whispers* Please let my commander, the doting father, win this one and in exchange I will protect his Highness with all my strength.

Murata: *whispers*So it's a matter of DEFENSE-power, huh? Well, compared to you people, my reflexes are not nearly as sharp.

Josak: *whispers*Right?

Yuuri: Hm? Did you say something?

Josak/Murata: No, not at all!

Back to Drama CD49 - Single track Return to MA Series


  1. In the anime, during the third season, Lanzihil succeeds Berard as the king of Big Shimaron. He's presented as a dupe used by Alazon while she's searching for the Shinzoku Holy Sword. (source: Wikia)
  2. Keigo: respectful language spoken in Japanese.
  3. Drama CD 46, This is the MA Grand Finale!?
  4. Literally the word is not 'being owned' but 'borrowing and lending'. I had to change it so that it would make sense in English.
  5. Boke and tsukkomi, the characters of a comedy duo. The boke is always saying dumb things, and the tsukkomi is always criticizing him for being so dumb.
  6. 聖砂国 : Seisakoku . 聖 sei: holy , 砂sa : sand , 国: koku: country.
  7. Murata just ruined his pun: Sakoku-> national isolation, zakkoku-> cereals. Yuuri was going to say (because they are an isolated nation), that means they only have Seisakoku grown cereals.