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Radio Digest 13 - Eh!? This is a present???[edit]

CD release: October 24, 2007
Drama screenplay: Katou Yuka (加藤有香 ) and Sakamoto Kouichi (坂本耕一)

FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Yuuri: Ahhhhhh... I'm so tired....!

Wolfram: What's going on Yuuri? Why the worn out face?

Yuuri: I can't help it. I've been signing documents since this morning and my wrist hurts. It's so tiresome to read characters I barely know, that I'm about to pass out.

Wolfram: If you're having that much trouble reading them, is because you really are a henachoko, huh?

Yuuri: I've told you not to call me henachoko! Ahhhh.... I'd really like to rest for a while. I mean, I'd like to have something like Japan's Golden Week[1], you know?

Murata: I don't think you can get something like that. Your Freelance MA job doesn't allow you to have the same holidays as your citizens. It's a really difficult job, huh? Shibuya, if you're ever displeased with your job as the Maou, talk to me.

Shinou: If you want, you can also talk to me about it.

Murata: Ah, that's right. You're the one who chose Shibuya, so you have some responsibility towards him. Give him some ADVICE.

Shinou: Ah, Yuuri. Please feel free to ask me any questions. After all, I'm your senpai in this freelance MA job.

Yuuri: Ah, no it's not like I'm unhappy doing this job or any.... EHHHH!? SHINOU!?

Shinou: Yes?

Yuuri: Don't say "Yes? " !!! Don't just enter this conversation as if it was the most natural thing in the world!

Murata: Well, it's because it's Shinou.

Wolfram: Right. It's because it's his Majesty Shinou.

Yuuri: Wah, why aren't you two freaking out? This is weird, okay!?

Shinou: Yuuri, you don't need to be so shocked. In the first place, the ruler of a country can't be that upset over such a small thing, you can't let anxiety get the best of you.

Yuuri: I'm really sorry. But I don't think it's such a 'small thing'.

Murata: So, Shibuya, is there something you'd like to ask Shinou?

Yuuri: Something I'd like to ask him? I'm not sure, all of a sudden...

Wolfram: Majesty Shinou! When will Yuuri and I have our wedding ceremony!?

Yuuri: 'You' shouldn't be asking! Besides, what's with that question?

Wolfram: How can I fix his loose morals!?

Yuuri: Is this an afternoon variety show?

Wolfram: And 'Liesel' is a better name for a dragon than Pochi, right?

Yuuri: Is this divination by names?[2] And are you still thinking about Pochi's name?

Shinou: I see you want to find out about many different things. All right, then for the time being, show me the palm of your hand.

Yuuri: Hey, what kind of divination are you going to do?

Shinou: Don't tell me you don't know this. My nickname is "Shin Makoku's Father"[3]

Yuuri: Eh? Is that your fortune teller NAME? Are you mocking the people of Shinjuku and Ginza[4]?

FX: *sudden scene change*

Wolfram: Hey, wake up Yuuri! You still have a lot of work to do! Yuuri!

Yuuri: *dreaming* That... weird method of fortune telling...

Murata: Oh, my, my... He's having a nightmare. He's squeezing his eyes as if he were in a lot of pain. Ah...It seems that someone has unexpectedly pulled a prank on him.

Show intro Murata/Wolfram: Kyou Kara Maou - Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Show: Today's guest is Miki Shin-ichirou, Shinou's seiyuu. It's "children's day" in Japan and kids get presents, so they are going to play a game. The seiyuus have to pretend they're kids trying to convince their mom (the producers) to buy them a toy. Saiga-san goes first, and she gets a point and then Sakurai-san says: I'll buy the freaking toy for you XD. Then Saiga-san says that she saw her little sister do that to her mom in a mall. Miyata san gets a point too, but he's pretty much just selling a maou book XD. Miki-san didn't want to throw a tantrum so he talked about all the things he could do with the blocks he wanted. And Sakurai got a point, but it wasn't very good. In the end only Miki-san, Saiga-san and Miyata-san got the prize.

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  1. A week off at the end of April, and the beginning of May.
  2. onomancy: A form of fortune telling based on the number of strokes needed to write a name in kanji, or the pronunciation of the name.
  3. Fortune tellers call themselves 'father' or 'mother' of a certain place.
  4. Just for fun let's look at them: The father of Ginza: The father of Shinjuku: