BlazBlue:Phase Shift 2 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Purple Ones, Their Theory

Part 1

Most of the children who lived in Ishana attended an academy located at the centre of the city. It was adjoined with the Mage's Guild.

The U-shaped buildings were built facing each other. There was a thick green garden of a courtyard interposing, connecting the two establishments. It was possible to go back and forth there.

Even if she had a day off from the academy, whenever she had business with Mage's Guild, Celica always entered through the academy's main gate. But since the circumstance was quite different today, she entered using the gate to the Mage's Guild.

The reason was her companion. Her companion wore a faceless white mask and odd white clothing. He, Hakumen, was also outfitted with a long sword that was as long as he was tall. Since she was taking him along, she couldn't go inside the academy as her classmates might be there.

To quickly avoid any unnecessary stiff atmosphere, she started to run toward the courtyard that was also connected with the academy.

When she got outside, the smell of nature hit her all at once. The refreshing wind made Celica stop walking reflexively and took a deep breath of air.

Then, some familiar figures caught her eye.

On the other side of the shrubberies she could see several men and women walking.

When she noticed the woman wearing a large triangular hat walking at the front of the pack, Celica's face suddenly lit up.


While frantically waving her hand, she sprang into a run.

She proceeded, taking a large detour around the shrubberies. The owner of the triangular hat spread both of her arms, waiting for Celica on the other side.

The woman's long hair flowed down her back, and her supple legs stretched out from her tight skirt. She was a girl with glamorous proportions that would easily charm any man without trying. She was Nine.


She firmly seized the rushing Celica in both arms. Then Nine embraced her younger sister into her voluptuous chest. At the moment, most of Celica's face was buried in the soft cushion.

"Puh. Onee-chan, I'm in pain..."

"Good grief, where did you go? I was worried when I couldn't find you. I thought I told you to wait for me while I was condcting business. Are you okay? You didn't meet some vulgar man, did you?"


"Hahaha, you're at it again."

The three men and the woman who had accompanied Nine came along. Among them was a cat-type beastkin, recognisable by his high-set triangular ears and two long tails. His right eye was covered with an eye patch. The beastkin, Jubei, let out a cheerful laugh.

Together with him was Valkenhayn, a man with a fearless face and sturdy body who kept his identity as a werewolf hidden. Next was Yuuki Terumi, a man whose eyes were hidden by a hood; he was silently keeping his distance from Celica and Nine. Behind him was a girl in a full-length robe who was wearing round glasses, Trinity.

Peeking at Celica and Nine from the side, Trinity quietly giggled.

"Oh my, Nine. Celica-san's going to cease functioning."

The cotton candy-like platinum blonde hair spilled from the hood she wore. Each time she moved, it sparkled as it reflected sunlight.

The sweet voice sounded slow and carefree. Lectured by it, Nine finally relaxed her arms.

Like a small animal, Celica slipped through the opened gap.

"Puhaa. Sorry, Onee-chan. I was with Hakumen-san up on the hill."

"With Hakumen?"

"Yup. We talked for a bit."

"...I see."

Nine, who had been looking at Celica affectionately, suddenly shifted her gaze to a completely different look. Although she had been calmly watching Celica in fascination, her stare was now like an ice needle.

Not a speck of kindness remained in her sharp gaze. The daggers in her eyes were pointed at Hakumen where he stood behind Celica, acting like he had nothing to do with her.

"The schedule of the meeting must have been reported to you, Hakumen. If you're in Ishana, then why didn't you attend?"

Nine spoke as if interrogating him. A tension began to stretch over the group.

But Hakumen didn't respond or even move.

His attitude made Nine's irritation take a sudden turn. Everyone there felt it, excluding Hakumen.

Celica's smile stiffened as she looked at Nine and Hakumen alternately. A bit to the side, Jubei and Valkenhayn looked astonished and exchanged worried looks.

High heels roughly clattering against the stone-paved path, Nine took several steps forward.

"You're the key piece in our strategy. If you're not there, then it's out of the question. Even someone like you, who can't comprehend anything other than swinging a sword, should have understood."

"I do not recall ever being your pawn."

Without making any movement, Hakumen replied indifferently.

The fire in Nine's eyes burned brighter.

"You're less than a pawn if you can't even abide simple instructions. Listen. Next time, you absolutely have to come here at the designated time. Don't keep doing the same thing every time. I don't have the spare time to babysit you."

"There is no meaning in attending a gathering with nothing but tedious talk. My soul yearns only to slay my foes."

"You may be okay with that, but it puts me in serious troubles!"

"Now, now. Don't raise your voice like that~. Look, Nine. Celica-san is frightened."

Before anyone had noticed, Trinity had moved near Nine and Hakumen. She gently forced herself between them. Before, the place was filled with a tension that could freeze the wind. That moment, the original calmness of the courtyard, matching the touch of the warm sunlight, returned.

Nine reluctantly stopped venting her anger. Seeing this, Celica felt relieved. She scratched her cheek apologetically.

"I'm sorry. I was the one who kept Hakumen-san. If only we had intended to head for the meeting instead..."

"Celica didn't do anything badSpesialo (talk). You never intended to attend the meeting. Rather than for the meeting, you should be apologizing for making my cute Celica look sad. Like, right this instant."

"O, Onee-chan..."

Out of character for her normal professional attitude, Nine kept spoke using the pampering voice only those closest to her knew.

Even if she had grown accustomed since Nine always did it, Celica let out a wry smile. She was happy of her sister's excessive love. But she was also worried when it occasionally went on a rampage.

"Geez... What a noisy sisters."

Valkenhayn looked astonished as he turned his head toward the voice.

As if reapplying tension that had slackened off once, a harsh laughter could be heard.

It was Terumi.

He was standing casually with both hands inserted into pockets in an unambitious manner. Then he tilted his head back while his thin shoulders shook in extreme amusement. He didn't even try to hide the laugh that he ridiculed them with. He didn't think the sisters' conversation was charming even for a bit.

"Something amusing? ...You puppet."

Revealing her discomfort, Nine coldly questioned him. The degree of coldness was different from what she had been directing at Hakumen.

But instead of getting frightened even for a bit, Terumi made fun of her and shrugged his shoulders.

"Nuh-uh~. It's just funny seeing you guys making idiotic face."

Interrupting Terumi's laugh, a white arm extended toward his throat and roughly grasped his collar.

Hakumen pulled him toward himself and stared at him with intimidating silence. Terumi glared at him like a poisonous snake creeping from darkness.

"What... Don't just casually touch me. I said something that hurt your feelings? Aah? Man, you just have to answer honestly."

The white mask remained silent. But the hand that grabbed his collar wasn't gentle; power was put into it.

Although he was trying to tear off the arm, Terumi grinned and provoked him even more.

"Hah, what's with you? We're friends, aren't we? Let's get along, Hakumen-chan. Or what? You can't talk since you got no mouth?"


"Okay, stop!"

Celica's voice suddenly came in between, interrupting Hakumen's words and Terumi's grin.

"Quit with the fighting. You're getting into another arguments so soon, even though Trinity-san just ended it earlier."

"Good grief," said Celica as she grabbed both tall men's shoulders, urging them to separate.

But before he got pushed aside, Terumi twisted his body to forcefully get away from Celica and Hakumen's hands. He turned his face away and faintly clicked his tongue while backing away, taking a great distance from them.

He was obviously avoiding them. But even if she was aware of it, Celica just held herself back and made a wry smile for a moment.

Every time Terumi happened to be near Nine and Hakumen, a quarreling would develop. Terumi's reaction was always like he did now. Somehow, Terumi had a weird dislike from being touched by Celica.

Then Trinity clasped her hands together delightfully. She made a peaceful and earnest smile.

"Everyone~, why don't we have a tea now?"

The voice that had the sweet scent of butter and sugar drifting about made Jubei scratched his head with a puzzled face.

"Tea, huh... That's just like what you'd propose, but we're doin' it with these guys? It ain't like we're just goin' to fill a table and get along now, is it?"

"Isn't it fine? I'm hoping we can spend time quietly by having a graceful tea time."

While fixing his collar, Valkenhayn took a step ahead. Following him, Trinity also urged the others.

"...I sure hope the coffee will taste good."

Nine grumbled dejectedly and dropped her shoulders along with a sigh. Celica took Nine's arm to her chest and smiled gleefully.

"This is the first time everyone having tea together, right? We've got quite a people here, but let's just go to the usual store!"

"Celica, are you serious? I don't want to see these guys' faces in that store... Ah, of course Jubei's a different case."

"H-Hey. Stop talkin' like that in a place like this..."

Jubei looked downward as Nine made a surprise attack with her charming smile. His ears that usually stood up were also seemingly bending down.

Nine, Celica, and Jubei followed Valkenhayn and Trinity who had gone ahead. Hakumen and Terumi also stepped forth without saying anything.

However, before they took another few steps subsequently, a heavy noise resounded as the gate that led to the courtyard from Mage's Guild opened.

"Oh my~, everyone's present."

Together with the charming provocative voice, long boots' heels, which were even taller than Nine's, made a noise along the courtyard's path.

Who appeared was a woman wearing a dress that had a large gap on the chest part, complete with long mantle decorated with extravagant fur. Her thick lips with lipstick and gorgeous necklace decorating her chest were eye-catching. A slender figure peeked from her suggestive attire.

Beside her, stood a man with silk-like blonde hair that had been grown long. With such a truly stylish outfit, he appeared like some kind of a royalty.

"It is not admirable of you bringing outsiders inside the guild, Nine."

The blond man put out a modest smile along with calm tone of voice had thorns of rationality in it. The cool ice-blue pair of eyes looked at the lined up faces in the courtyard in turn. The thin frame of his glasses emphasized his intelligence and dignity.

"Eight, Seven..."

Nine dropped her voice in displeasure as the pair of man and woman appeared and stood in her way.

Eight was the eighth and Seven was the seventh.

Along with Nine as the ninth, they were Ten Sages just like her. The proof was the conspicuously large triangular hat placed on top of their heads.

Ten Sages——the designated people who were outstanding magicians even among the Mage's Guild. They were existences that had the highest authority over Ishana. The maximum number of had been decided as ten people. But it was less than ten people right now. There were missing numbers as some positions in Mage's Guild weren't filled.

Seven, Eight, and Nine's age was relatively young among the Ten Sages. The three of them also stood out in their abilities. But it was a well-known fact that Nine was especially young and blessed with a special talent.

"Trinity. Sorry but go ahead and take Celica with everyone."

Without taking her eyes from the two Ten Sages who stood on her way, Nine spoke in a terribly calm voice.

Trinity nodded immediately.

"Understood. Everyone, let us go~."

"Is it alright?"

Jubei was frowning in his concern, but Trinity smiled to get rid of his fear. Then she dropped her voice a little as she whispered into his ear.

"It's okay. It'll be inconvenient if we have to get out of the island from being carelessly listening in Ten Sages' affairs~. Except regarding the Black Beast, getting too deeply involved with Mage's Guild would put us into trouble."

"I see..."

He was still not yet fully convinced, but Jubei swung his tails in in exchange for nodding. The only people who had as much interest in Mage's Guild and Nine as Jubei did were just Celica and Trinity. Without needing to be urged by Trinity again, Valkenhayn, Hakumen, and Terumi promptly went out of the courtyard.

Afterwards, Jubei, Trinity, and Celica followed. ...But when she was passing Seven, he grabbed Celica's arm.


Nine shouted in anger immediately. On the spur of the moment, Trinity stopped her feet while Jubei put himself on guard.

But Seven didn't reduce the strength he put in the hand that grabbed Celica.

Celica stared at Seven in wonder. It wasn't like she knew him much, but Seven was someone who had thick image of a gentleman who had polite demeanor and gentle attitude. It was surprising for him to rudely seize someone's arm while having an awfully stern face.

Still grabbing Celica's arm, Seven loudly spoke.

"You have an involvement in our discussion. You will have to remain here."


"Listen to me. Just go, Celica."

Unable to just watching it, Nine stepped up and roughly separated Seven's hand from Celica's arm. Since she took the opportunity to let a light electric current flowed, Seven of course removed his hand.

But from the side, Eight interrupted with frivolous talk while fiddling her hair that spilled from the hat.

"Hmm? Why are you keeping your sister away? Don’t you feel sorry for hiding such an important thing from her?"

"Eight, you have nothing to do with this."

"Oh, but I do. Right, Celica-chan?"

While talking back with carefree attitude to the furious Nine, Eight looked at Celica.

Celica took a guess by intuition from Eight's suggestive look. Nine had something that Celica wasn't aware of. Now, she was desperately trying to keep Celica away from it.

Once she thought about it, she couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"I will stay. Trinity-san, Jubei-san, you two can go ahead."

"Eh, eh, but..."

Since Celica flatly declared it without any hint of hesitation, Trinity got flustered and then looked at Nine. Without saying anything, her gentle green eyes looked troubled and asked what to do.

Nine held her head. Nine knew Celica's personality better than anyone. When Celica looked up straight and spoke frankly like now, it would be futile for anyone to oppose her.

"...Trinity, Jubei. I will join soon with Celica, so please take care of the others. Leaving them on their own will just give endless anxiety to me."

"If Nine said so... then okay."

"We'll wait at the store. Come quick."

Trinity bowed to Seven and Eight. Jubei didn't bow but gave a suspicious glance at them. Together they turned back and left the courtyard.

When the gate toward the Mage's Guild's buildings completely closed, Nine went just next to Celica. She put her long hair onto her back while still in her irritation. After she spat out a sigh, her gaze that had been burning in resentment was now filled with unshakeable composure.

"Now, I'll listen to your business. Though, I never thought this story of yours would be anything of interest."

Part 2

Nine with Celica, and Seven with Eight. The cold wind in the courtyard blew through the gap between them as they stood each other.

Nine stood, folding her arms with a manner that suited her overbearing beauty. Next to the older sister, Celica was alarmed as the tension grew more violent bit by bit.

She was normally oblivious about it, but Nine, who had received a large triangular hat, was a Ten Sage. And Seven, together with Eight, wore the same hat as they were also Ten Sages.

Ten Sages had a completely different status within the people belonging in Mage's Guild. Their existences were far higher. Even the thickheaded Celica could recognize their status and other social standings. The three of them stood in the same position as the people who had the highest authority in the guild. It felt like they were sticking out like a sore thumb somewhat.

Celica was restless and kept looking around the surroundings. Despite it, Eight looked toward the gate that led to the guild before cynically raised her red-lipstick lips and showing a smile.

"You're just like a queen having followed by attendants like that. Though, this place is the majestic Mage's Guild, not your castle. So don't be mistaken, okay?"

"They are an essential force to battle Black Beast. In other words, my comrade-in-arms. Calling them outsiders or attendants... I wonder who's the one mistaking Mage's Guild as their palace?"

In no instant, Nine coldly replied the provocation with sarcasm.

Eight was at a loss for words. But she immediately pulled herself together and smiled. Then she put the hands that had been on her waist onto her chest, folding her arms embracing her body.

"Hmph, comrade-in-arms? If we remove Trinity, the rest are just suspicious people. There are beastkin, werewolf, and two others who aren't even human. I've always considered you as a weird person beforehand, but it's still surprising seeing you have a hobby to keep nonhumans in your service~."

Getting offended by her manner of speaking, Celica largely stepped forth.

"Excuse me! I don't think it's like you've just said. Jubei-san, Valkenhayn-san, Hakumen-san, and Terumi-san are trying to beat Black Beast with their utmost effort. I really don't approve you... making fool of the people who fight together with us!"

For Celica, the people Eight regarded as nonhumans were her precious sister's comrades.

Celica didn't have enough power to save her sister. That was why Celica honestly had great respect to them. Nine had approved their strength. They wield that same strength to fight together with her. Celica felt deep gratitude to them.

It was unacceptable for people who barely knew them insulted them.

Nine put her hand on Celica's enraged shoulder before speaking indifferently.

"Celica, you shouldn't speak too much with that woman. ...You might get infected with her worthless pattern of thinking."

"Wh-What did you say!? Hey, Nine. Is that how you talk your senior!?"

"Being polite is meaningless when the other party spent their life pointlessly."

"Pointless... You're the one who's pointless!"

"Leave it at that, Eight. We have an important business to do, don't we?"

Seven's composure cut up the building sparks between the women like a knife cutting a cheese.

As her partner didn't look even slightly disturbed, Eight deliberately kept her composure and cleared her throat.

"I, Indeed. You're right. Nine... this has to wait until that thing's test run."

Slowly, Eight directly spoke to Nine as if the hysteria so far was a lie.

That thing. The words made Nine's face changed.

"Causality weapon..."

Celica turned around as her sister involuntarily muttered it, having her breath taken away. Nine casted her eyes down slightly. Her mouth seemed stiff.

Nine lightly made fists and then raised her glare, looking from the wide brim of her hat. It wasn't the expression of anger. If it were put into word, then it would be contempt.

"Stop the development. Don’t make me say it over and over again."

"...The same to you, don't make me say it over again. It is indispensable for humanity."

Even if he was aware that there was contempt in Nine's eyes, Seven, with his detestable calmness, kept his elegant smile.

Beside them, Eight flicked the crystal on her earring with her fingers before she spoke.

"The preparation for its activation is about to begin soon. But a problem remains in the control system. But it can be easily solved if Celica A. Mercury is involved."

When her name got suddenly brought up, Celica jolted and pointed at herself.

Eight deeply nodded to persuade her.

"Yes. With your power, we can put it into combat. Will you cooperate?"


Nine declared strong enough to cause the illusion to quickly break as if it got slapped by her.

"If it can't be controlled, then it should be disposed. From the beginning, its existence is a mistake itself. I won't let Celica get involved. Ever."

Different from the sharp gaze that had been directed to Seven and Eight until now, there was now an invisible, surging vigor rampaging in her.

She made the oppression into physical form by putting it into her tone of voice. It slightly made both opposing Ten Sages winced unintentionally. For just a split of second, a humiliating fright showed on each of Seven and Eight's faces.

Looking at them from the side, anxiety stuck in Celica's mind. Just what that thing was that made Nine strongly rejected it like this.

She had a guess. Perhaps it was really terrifying. Or that it might expose Celica's life to danger.

Back then... back at Black Beast's last appearance eight months ago, there was something like this, too.

There was a device called Kushinada's Lynchpin in the underground of a certain research establishment. If it had been activated, it could have halted Black Beast's activity. However, the activation required Celica's life.

Nine yelled that she absolutely objected in utilizing it. Celica said that she wanted to use it.

Nine's expression currently had a bit of resemblance to the expression she had back then.

(...I think back then... it looked more like... she almost cried.)

Celica muttered as she thought about it.

Interrupting Celica's sentiment, Seven opened both his hands wide. It seemed like he was about to give a speech.

"Nine. You truly don’t understand. How many people do you think have lost their lives and live in fear due to Black Beast? This isn't the circumstance where you should put your self-interest as priority."

"I admit that the Armagus you've created is a superior measure. It's come to form because of the foundation you designed. I know that it'll be even more diverse later on, but humanity needs a decisive weapon that's more reliable!"

Taking over Seven, Eight talked passionately.

Celica could even see that they seriously meant what they said from the bottom of their hearts. But even then, both of them couldn't lit the passion inside Nine's eyes which were staring at them with intense coldness.

"Dispose it. This is an order from my position as someone who has complete authority regarding Black Beast's engagement."

"What authority!? My rank in Ten Sages is higher than yours!"

"My rights were decided in the meeting of that so called Ten Sages, Eight. Talk to the other Ten Sages if you have complaints. And..."

Nine spoke on and on quickly. Her determination itself was unshakeable and unstoppable. Putting it even heavier, Nine added the last remark. For Nine, she was certain that it itself was her true feelings.

"From now on, do not ever approach Celica again."

Celica stood dumbfounded unable to grasp even a fragment of the conversation. Then Nine grabbed her shoulder and quickly started to lead her away.

What stopped her feet wasn't the bewildered Celica, but Seven with the calmness that hid his real intention.

"I will say this once. Both Eight and I were reluctant in deciding you as the Ten Sage who should possess complete authority. You are certainly talented. But handling an army is another kind of talent."

"...Then I will also say this once. The opponent we have to defeat is Black Beast. Not someone with insignificant jealousy. And certainly not the world."

After leaving behind those words, this time Nine took along Celica and got out of the courtyard.

Stiff noises rang within the Mage's Guild's hallway in fast rhythm.

Nine's pace was usually fast. But it now, like she did at times, particularly made unpleasant footsteps.

Celica's footsteps followed it in her fluster.

"Onee-chan, Onee-chan!"

She had called her out countless times. They got out of the Mage's Guild's main entrance with Nine's feet remained unresponsive. Then Celica strongly pulled her sister's arm and forcibly stopped her.

"Onee-chan! I've told you to wait, but why don't you answer?"

"...You should know my answer if you listened before. This is all for you."

Without shaking off Celica's arms, Nine reluctantly stopped her feet following Celica. Then she let out a sigh of resignation.

Celica's ponytail sprung as she quickly nodded.

"I did hear it. What's that thing that Seven-san and Eight-san were talking about earlier? What did they mean by needing my power?"

Even if someone had a natural talent in magic, a fitting training was required to handle it. But Celica was able to use healing magic from the beginning without any practice.

However, her healing magic wasn't the important one. The power gifted to Celica when she was born had more to do with her physical constitution.

Celica could suppress seithr only by being in a place. In addition, she could also stop seithr from entering again until the place had been cleared out of seithr.

Celica didn't really understand concerning her odd physical constitution. But she herself had vaguely guessed that her body was seemingly a bit peculiar.

She had thought that that was why what Eight said about your power was probably something no one but her could do.

"...It's better for you not to know."

Nine shook her head. As she was slipping from her hands, Celica hurriedly grabbed Nine again.

"You quickly hide it again! Onee-chan is always like this!"


The worried voice of the older sister reprimanded her.

Celica tightly grabbed her sister's hand with both hands and looked up at her.

An honest determination dwelled beyond the pupils that had the color of wet soil. She stared so intense that it was enough to pierce the person she was looking at.

"See, I know that Onee-chan's thinking a lot of things regarding my safety. I'm happy that you've been concerned and worried about me."

She must have already knew what Celica was going to say next. Inside the stern eyes that she put on the corner, a kindness she wouldn't give to anyone else but Celica and also a frail look passed on Nine's eyes.

She noticed it, but Celica didn't hesitate to continue. After all, it was unmistakably her true feeling. She couldn't lie about her feelings to people important to her.

"But I'm not sure if I'll be happy not knowing about it. So even if I regret it, even if it puts Onee-chan into trouble, I just can't comprehend it if I don't see it myself."

"I do know your personality. But I can't tell you anything about this case. I can't let you know about it. You can't even get involved with it for a bit."

Nine didn't relent from Celica's strength. While pressing her forehead with fingers like she had headache, Nine put her unshakeable resolve into words.

"Why are you so...!"

Getting irritated because Nine wouldn't reveal what she had been keeping her out, Celica's words turned sour in her protest.

However, something came to her mind immediately. Nine had always been thinking about Celica. She knew about it as it had been accumulating one by one from when she was a child.

That was why if Nine told her to stay out so forcefully, then it must be something unfavorable to Celica.

"Is it something dangerous?"

Perhaps it concerned not just about Celica, but something even more expansive.

Suppressing her childish selfishness, Celica lowered her eyes in worry.

Giving it a thought, Nine's sharp but also kind eyes were directed to somewhere distant.

"They're just desperate people wanting to utilize a failure. It's just a boring rivalry of adults. ...Just that."

Those words couldn't have been a lie. But for Celica, it didn't feel like she would tell the truth. Nine had always been concerned about Celica. She always had something she hide.

If Celica were to speak her intention, she wanted to ask what Nine was hiding and why she hid it. She wanted to know about all the circumstances. But Celica gave up in pressing her for a moment.

Her sister had an equal stubbornness as her. If she had decided so, then she wouldn't yield so easily. Besides... considering Nine had been busy with her activities every day, Celica felt guilty if she ended up increasing her burden with her selfish words.

"...You see. I'm not strong and not really good in using magic to fight. But I will do anything if I can be useful for Onee-chan. That's why, tell me when the needs for my strength arrive."

Surely she would be excused if she was only this selfish. Celica straightly looked at Nine while telling her.

Nine's mouth began to open and made a slight smile. She gently released Celica's hands and then used the free hands to wrap Celica's cheeks.

"Celica. You don't have to worry about anything. I will definitely protect you."


It was by no means satisfactory words. Because it had the same meaning as she didn't have to help her.

But her decision had supported Nine somewhat. If that could help her, then it was fine for now.

Celica put a bright smile to cheer her up while thinking about it.

Since Nine and Celica had left, Seven and Eight were left in a courtyard filled with rich summer greenery's scent. With the same stern gaze, they stared toward the gate leading to Mage's Guild.

Eventually, Eight rudely stomped the stove pavement under her feet with the heel of her long boot in annoyance.

"Huh, what's with that woman!? Even though she's a newbie, she has a look as if she's controlling the Mage's Guild, including Ten Sages. She should keep her manner as she's a bit younger than us!"

As the single hit to the ground didn't relieve her from the resentment inside her stomach, Eight gnawed the lipstick covered lips and walked around.

Looking from the side at the woman's long mantle as she wandered around, Seven breathed a sigh with deep wrinkles on his forehead. While lifting the thin frame of his glasses with middle finger, he stiffly shook his head.

"Dispose of it...? That is no joke. Roughly speaking, it was us who have constructed it until this stage. Not her. While it may be true that she assembled the foundation, it is annoying that she's acting like she owned it all this time."

"Hey, Seven. You don't really mean you're going to dispose it, do you?"

Rushing over, Eight put her hand on Seven's shoulder, raising her eyes on him as she demanded an answer.

"It is a hope. Humanity's... no, our hope! Sure, the Armagus is amazing, but it won't give us victory against Black Beast. It's not significant enough to test out the difference in power with the monster!"

"I know. I am not planning to have it disposed before my eyes. If it were realized, we could show the world of Nine's shallowness."

A while after the heating discussion, Seven's tone of voice took a steep turn downward. The easy-going ice blue gaze looked dull.

"However... it cannot be used as of now. We need Celica A. Mercury."

"Can we just use it without her?"

"We cannot as it is too dangerous. Calm yourself a little. Do you want to bear the stigma of killing your allies?"

"That's true, but do you think we can deceive Nine's eyes? Unless fortune's on our side..."

"——It seems there's an interesting discussion going on here~."

All of a sudden, a third voice interrupted.

Startled, Seven and Eight's body stiffened.

There shouldn't be anyone in the courtyard. Seven and Eight had been checking it with their magic. Before the moment they heard the voice, the courtyard was supposed to be clear of any visible creature other than insects and birds.

Eight rocked her large earrings as she turned around. Seven just gave a gaze at toward the voice.

Both of them recognized the standing man. At the same time, they both grasped the reason bit by bit. That's right. Since he was the man who followed her personally, it was no wonder if he could slip through Ten Sages' eyes.

Step by step, the man drew near.

"Hey... tell me the details."

As if crawling out from the distinct shade of trees, the voice made a chill running on Seven and Eight's spines as he spoke.

Part 3

There was a house that served as coffee shop on the sideways of Ishana's main street.

The shop had a lovely atmosphere with brick ornaments arranged on its white wall. White and light brown planters were placed around the entrance. Together lined up with them was an easel with a small blackboard leaning on it. The blackboard had today's recommendation written.

The time was three and a half in the afternoon. It was a bit late to have a tea.

Running and skipped a short stair that only had three flight of steps, Celica entered inside the shop along with Nine. The ringing door chime above her sounded refreshing.

"Let's see..."

Trinity and the others had been separated from them, so they should have come here earlier. Celica looked inside the store that had the sweet smell of butter and sugar drifting. Then, she immediately found a platinum blonde girl stood up and waving her small hand.

"There! Trinity-san, sorry to keep you waiting!"

As her footsteps made low tapping noises on the wooden floor, she went inside while taking Nine along.

Trinity and the others' table was next to a tall decorative plant. But before she pulled a chair, Celica looked puzzled as she saw the faces there.

"Huh? Only you two?"

Only Trinity and Jubei were seated there. Valkenhayn, Hakumen, and Terumi, who should have gone out of the courtyard with them earlier, were nowhere to be seen.

The cat on the table answered Celica's question while resting his chin on his hand.

"Valkenhayn and Hakumen said they have other appointment. Terumi spoke about goin' to toilet along the way and disappeared on his own."

"Eeeh!? Just when I thought everyone will finally have tea together..."

Dejected, Celica dropper her shoulders. She thought her longtime dream would come true today. But then she instantly pulled herself together from the disappointment and raised her cheerful face before sitting beside Jubei.

If they had errands, then there was nothing she could do. Starting from today, the base point was Ishana. There should be another chance later.

Nine also pulled a chair. The white thighs peeking from her miniskirt rubbed together as she crossed her legs. Even Celica took notice of it. She sat on an open seat between Trinity and Jubei.

Calling a waitress who was on her way, Nine ordered ice coffee and chocolate mousse.

"Ah, I want a cold lemon and... mille-feuille!"

As she wrote Celica's order, the waitress in bob cut replied with a smile and turned back toward the kitchen.

"You should have eaten first. Both of you are really principled."

Facing Trinity and Jubei, Nine dropped a smile.

Both of their orders were already placed on the table. Before Trinity was a hot royal milk tea and baked cheese cake. But in front of Jubei was a cup filled with green tea and pound cakes with green tea powder. There were traces that they had drank for a bit, but their cakes remained untouched.

"There's a green tea menu here, huh? First time I saw it."

Celica curiously looked at the cup in front of Jubei. Jubei twitched his whiskers to humor her.

"Seems it's a new menu. It's thanks to the increasin' flow of goods from various countries."

"But you put water inside, didn't you."

From the next seat, Nine lightly poked fun at him. There was no steam coming from the cup. Beside the cup, there were several glasses that had previously been filled with water placed on the table.

Jubei's face started to look a little bad.

"Can't help it. It's too hot."

"Fufu. You like tea but can't drink it hot. So cute."

Nine used her finger to poke the white fur on Jubei's cheek. Then, Jubei suddenly sprung up.

"Cute...!? Like I said, please stop sayin' something like that in public..."

"Oh, it's fine. There's only Celica and Trinity here."

"That's not the problem!"

"Ufufu, please don’t worry about us~. Right, Celica-san~?"

Nine stared at the beastkin with a girlish look that would make the people in Mage's Guild who barely knew her doubted their eyes. Jubei's pointed ears kept twitching as he couldn't calm down.

Trinity nonchalantly brought her cup to her mouth while seeing their exchange.

Celica raised both hands and rested her chin there. She kept nodding with face full of smile.

"Yup. I really like seeing Onee-chan and Jubei-san getting along. Although sometimes I get embarrassed, too."

"Y-You're wrong. I don't really... Uhhh..."

Jubei waved his shaking, bulky hand in the air.

Interrupting his excuse, the waitress finally came carrying Nine and Celica's orders.

Didn't want to expose himself anymore, Jubei shrunk his body with his head down. He lied in wait, concealing his sigh between the lined up tableware.

After a while, the Mercury sisters drew each of their drinks toward themselves. When he heard the noise, Jubei could only let a sigh of relief and raised his face.

Then he dejectedly lowered his whiskers.

"...Of course, you're doin' it."

He dropped his voice as he muttered.

Didn't have a clue, Celica followed Jubei's gaze and understood why.

Nine's supple fingers picked up a pitcher filled with gum syrup that was served with the ice coffee before endlessly pouring its content into her glass. When the clear fluid finally depleted, this time she tilted another pitcher filled with milk like she did before. The white fluid quietly muddied the ice coffee.

"Ah, can I get another gum syrup?"

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Without even ruining the smile for business purpose, the waitress Nine called immediately came with a spare pitcher.

Of course, she also poured it into her glass without remain.

The water level of the coffee that got corrupted with syrup and milk had increased almost to the glass' edge.

Using a straw, Nine skillfully stirred the brand ice coffee.

"I've said it already but... it's bad for your body."

Jubei knew it was pointless from the start. It was obvious as it sounded like he had given up.

Acting like it didn't concern her at all, Nine calmly drank the ice coffee that was a little denser than normal.

"Actually, it'll be good for my body if I ingest moderate amount of sugar."

"Uh. Is that... moderate?"

"Jubei. You don't like sweets that much? "

"It's not like that... Nah, it's fine. My bad."

After his doubtful eyes glanced at the empty pitcher again, Jubei seemed to avert his eyes from something and then sipped his warm green tea.

Looking at that banter, Celica exchanged glances with Trinity. They both burst into laughter at the same time.

Noticing it immediately, Jubei stared at them with bitter look on his sullen face.

"...What. Why are you laughin'?"

"No, no. Nothing at all."

"Ufufu. Please don't mind us~."

Playing dumb, Celica and Trinity spontaneously hid their suggestive smiles with both hands.

For several months, Nine and Jubei had obviously become close. It wasn't an exaggeration saying that they had become intimate. Celica was happy with it.

Everyone had been commenting on Nine's natural gift and her abilities. Moreover, they also said Nine had a violent temperament and that she wouldn't go easy about anything. Trinity was the only friend that had become close to her older sister. Celica had also never heard about Nine being approached by guys for several years now.

For her sister being this lovey dovey with someone while having tea was... Rather than a younger sister, the delightfulness she felt was like what a mother would have.

Nine drank her ice coffee while watching every single move from Jubei. Meanwhile, Jubei kept getting into panic although he was going out with her.

While watching both of them, Celica cheerfully ate her mille-feuille. The light pie and strong taste of the custard cream's egg tasted even better.

Then, Trinity suddenly half-rose to her feet.

"Ah, Kazu... Terumi-san."

Slipping into the friendly chat inside the store, a small and sweet voice called a name.

As Celica turned around, she saw a tall man wearing low hood approaching them. He didn’t really felt appropriate with the fairy-tale atmosphere of the store.

Instead of calling him, Celica waved her hand. Terumi quickly stopped for a moment. But without making the previous action looked obvious, he came close to their table.

Just after that, Nine's eyes sharpened.

"Where did you go?"

As if reflecting her doubting voice, the atmosphere got stiffened.

But Terumi didn't even pay attention to the changing atmosphere. He distorted his mouth as he laughed. Avoiding the empty space next to Celica, he sat down beside Trinity.

"Toilet, toilet. You heard from them, didn't you?"

"You better not do anything as you please."

"Hmm, so you'll wait for me whenever I go to toilet? Nice hobby you got there."

Nine's look got even sharper. The atmosphere made it felt like she would proceed to stand up and grab his collar. Celica placed both hands on the table as if to interrupt them.

"Onee-chan, Terumi-san. Let's stop this already. We're having a tea now."

Without raising the attention of other customers, Celica put in a reproachful tone.

Taking the opportunity, Terumi raised both hands; making a pose like he surrendered.

"Hey, you're doubting me too much. Forgot? I can't lie to you. You're the one who used that annoying magic to me."

Terumi had been inflicted with Mind Eater by Nine. It made him unable to disobey Nine's command nor lying to her.

"You're wasting time doubting me. Don't you hate doing pointless thing? Miss. Ten. Sages."

His sarcasm made Nine's eyebrows twitched. But before she could answer, Jubei interrupted like Celica did.

"Don't get too sensitive, Nine. Mind Eater's working. Have he actually gone against your order once?"

Nine could just find his whereabouts if she felt liked it. Even when earlier Jubei told her that Terumi was gone, Nine should have searched for Terumi's location. As its result was that she knew he was heading to the store, she didn't look deeper into it.

Both Jubei and Celica gave a soothing look at Nine. Then she put it aside as she sighed.

"...Oh well. It's not good arguing here."

Averting her eyes from the gazes, Nine scooped her chocolate mousse with fork.

Seeing the topic was over, Terumi greatly tilted his chair and stopped an unfortunate waitress passing by.

"Hey, miss. Get me the usual black tea and hardboiled egg."

As he arbitrarily made an order, Terumi returned the chair to its original position with slight noise.

Trinity just watched the scene quietly beside him.

Whenever Trinity looked at Terumi, sometimes, just sometimes, she would make a painful look. Even Celica knew the reason. Terumi really resembled him. A young student who were very close to Trinity that unfortunately had disappeared from the academy unnoticed.

Their behavior and expression were completely different, but the voice and presence were surprisingly similar. If he were to remove the hood he never took off, she wondered if the face of that friend would appear.

That was why when Terumi here, Trinity surely remembered about that friend of hers. Even while it had only been eight months, Celica could remember Ragna on a whim.

When she thought about it, a suffocating sensation arose in her chest.


Determined, Celica suddenly raised the corners of her eyes and struck the table with both hands.

"Let's talk about something fun!"

The atmosphere had been somewhat gloomy for a while. Heavy. Painful.

In this tea time that supposed to be more fun, Celica wanted for everyone to get along more and more. Fully embraced that belief, Celica haphazardly stood up.

However, during that moment, Celica plunged forward too much and her feet strongly kicked the table.

"Wha, wha..."

As the momentum ruined her balance, Celica greatly bent backward.

"Look out, Celica!"

Jubei immediately reacted. He stretched his hand to support Celica from the side. Jubei's hand supported Celica... or as it supposed to be but immediately, Celica poorly grabbed the back of the chair where Jubei had been sitting.

Celica's hand firmly grabbed the back of the chair and then grasped it strongly. Along with Jubei's tail.


A terrible scream that had never been heard by anyone escaped from Jubei's mouth. The small body which was covered in thick fur jumped significantly at the spot with a jolt.

With incomparable strength to Celica, Jubei's knees hit the tabletop. The table obediently moved in a big way from the impact. Nine got surprised. Then the ice coffee she held that had been raised a bit leaped greatly...

The spilling mixture of ice coffee, gum syrup, and coffee milk was now all over Trinity's face.


The leaked small voice was Trinity's.

Then a painful silence flowed into the ears of the people confined in the table.

Even the gentle friendly chat inside the store, which was supposed to be audible, seemed to vanish somewhere.

Eventually, Trinity gently removed the glasses that had become wet from the thick liquid of the ice coffee.

Her hung expression was hidden by the fluffy hair flowing from front and both sides. However, there was no doubt that the mood changed for the higher.

"...It seems my glasses are stained."

The sweet echo sounded like usual. On the contrary, fear clouded Celica and Nine's hearts as they understood the situation.

"Uh, umm, Trinity-san...? So-Sorry. I, um, never thought this would happen...!"

"Let's talk it together, Trinity! We surely will come into understanding!"

"Wh-What? What's going on?"

Though he grasped the tension of the situation by watching Celica and Nine apologizing profusely, Jubei couldn't understand what was happening. He was flustered while holding his aching tail.

Nine then grasped his hand.

"I'll tell the reason later. But for now, we should apologize. You too!"

Being turned around strong enough to make a noise, Terumi, who was stretching his hand to get the black tea that had just come, raised his face.

"Huh? Me too!?"

"Just apologize!"

"Tch, dammit. What's with you? Her glasses are just dirty, so..."

"'Just'? Did you say 'just' before...?"

Trinity's whisper silenced Terumi's abusive words as he started to grumble. Normally, it shouldn't be happening. But currently, Trinity wasn't in her usual state.

In the end, Trinity slowly took a breath.

"...Everyone, I have to tell something."

Her smile was kind enough to be horrific.

Part 4

The sky of the endless night had a full moon again tonight. It looked similar to a water basin.

The down pouring silver light was serene and cold. It illuminated the erected castle. The beautiful but solemn castle like those from fairy tales was among the vast rose garden. It stood alone in silence.

A place belonged to nowhere, yet connected with every dark night of the world. Exist but nonexistent. Similar the other side of the moon... Once, this place was described as such by the lord of the castle. The castle of the vampire who spent his live watching over the people in the world.

As her predecessor, Clavis Alucard, died around eight months ago, Rachel Alucard presently acted as the castle's lady. Still a young female vampire, the torn, small world recognized her as the new master. It was painted in the bountiful red of roses, befitting the youth of the castle's lady.

The spectacle of the garden was very magnificent as could be seen from a long vertical window installed in a room of the castle.

Rachel touched the cold windowpane with the young fingers peeking from the sleeve of her black dress. Slipping from her favorite scenery, she removed her gaze from it and elegantly turned behind.

"...I see. You can't remember it still."

Together with the girl's movement, her golden hair that were tied at high position on both sides swayed along with the big ribbons.

The faint magical light flickered inside the room, revealing two figures beside Rachel. At the same time, the light indicated a tall man with muscular body.

The rose red pupils of the adolescent girl were directed toward the taller figure. Illuminated by the faint light, the emerging white figure looked just like a ghost.

"It appears that we cannot depend on your memories, Mr. Hero of the Future."

Putting her slight disappointment, Rachel addressed the ghost.

The ghost's name was Hakumen.

"...Do you know what he intend to accomplish?"

He stared directly at Rachel without making any slight movement, questioning with muffled voice. Those who didn't know Hakumen would see him like a talking sculpture.

Amused by it, Rachel slowly blinked her dollish large eyes.

"Compared to you who don't remember anything, I would say so."

"Then, is that man really scheming something...?"

Between Hakumen and Rachel, the other figure of man asked with a little bit of eagerness. When he took a step forward, the tied long hair on his back swayed anxiously. He was Valkenhayn.

Toward the question from the loyal butler who had been serving from her father, Clavis' time, Rachel answered not with words. She turned toward the window again and only responded with silence and distant gaze.

In his regret, Valkenhayn tightened the fist in front of his chest.

"Regardless, that man has the scent of danger. He shouldn't have been released before... It is not too late. While Mind Eater is still effective, I shall take his life!"

"You must not, Valkenhayn."

With the coolness of the north wind, Rachel severed the butler's fierceness.

Contrary to their young appearance, her eyes contained deep wisdom. The blood red pupils faintly wavered.

"That man must not be killed. He still has some values. No, his help is indispensable. If not, then there will be no significance in anyone's struggle."

After speaking that much, Rachel briefly sighed. When she closed her eyes, her long eyelashes made shadows on the pale skin around her eyes.

"...Besides, we are not able to kill that man."

Her muttering voice slightly shook the air.

Groaning, Valkenhayn turned silent. Hakumen just stood there quietly.

Without directing her eyes to anyone, Rachel lightly bit her flower bud-like lips.

Her eyes were watching everything in the world. Her ears were hearing everything in the world. Her mind was memorizing everything in the world. However, her hands couldn’t change the world. Even if she knew what awaited in the future.

"It is humanity's choice that will decide the future. It will never change now and forever. That is why, it is not something we can change."

The red eyes looked at the white face. They had a sympathy somewhere.

There was a deteriorating sweet scent in the flowing silence. It might came from Valkenhayn's master.

Eventually, Hakumen pulled his body and turned his back from the young lady of the castle. The tall, large sword he carried bore some kind of dignity into it.

"If that is your conclusion, then I will not oppose. However, whether you choose providence, reasons, or none at all, I have a different belief than yours."

"You spoke of interesting thing. Will you try and do the impossible?"

"My blade is to slay my enemy... the Dark One. I would cut reasons to carry that purpose if needed."

After leaving those words, Hakumen largely stepped forward. With the spilling silver hair on his back swaying, he left the dim room.

Watching over the retreating figure from behind, Rachel engraved a weak smile. But her eyes were far from smiling as they were gleaming with cold light.

"...Cut reasons... Then you would sever this tale? Do you, Mr. Hero?"

The moon in the sky of the rose garden didn’t reply. Of course, Rachel didn't have the answer to her own question.

There was only her incomparably loyal butler giving a bow to her before exiting the room to brew her tea.

While listening to the departing footsteps, Rachel opened the window wide. Just as she did so, the scent of night and rose surged forward.

In the feeling of the night. In the empty feeling of the night, she longed to drink Valkenhayn's black tea.

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