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Radio Digest 17- Terribly excited[edit]

CD release: October 24, 2007
Drama screenplay: Katou Yuka (加藤有香 ) and Sakamoto Kouichi (坂本耕一)

FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Murata: So, have you been waiting long? In this week's "Muraken HOUR", the hosts are of course everyone's beloved IDOL, Murata Ken, and...

Yuuri: ... uh... Shibuya Yuuri and....

Wolfram: ... Wolfram...

Murata: Nice, nice, but today we'll have one more member, besides our usual group[1], because I invited a wonderful guest.

Yuuri: Hey, Murata. What's this show? I've never heard about it, or rather, where did you get that camera from?

Wolfram: Good grief! Why do I have to join you guys too?

Murata: Shhhh! You two, behave. You have to be polite, we need to get along with earth MEMBERS too. So just accept the 'option settings'.

Yuuri: Even if you say 'option settings'...

Murata:*clears throat* At any rate, let me introduce our GUEST, Dr. Rodriguez!

Dr. Rodriguez: HELLO! This is Jose Rodriguez! Ah, should I face this way? Is it recording?

Murata: Ah! Long time no see! Hum... so doctor, could you tell us about your latest obsession ?

Yuuri: Whoa, just like that?

Dr. Rodriguez: My obsession[2], huh? Well, let's see...

Wolfram: And he's just going to reply!?

Dr. Rodriguez: Right now there's something that I'm addicted to, what I really like are MECHAS, you know? There's a limited edition model PROMOTION, and I'm sure it will be available for members only. Look, look at this CATALOG this is the one!

Yuuri: Ah, right, this guy's an otaku. Though it looks as if he's not the same TYPE of otaku as my brother.

Murata: Mh? Huh? Isn't the release date of this limited edition MODEL today?

Dr. Rodriguez: What did you say!? Ken, let me see *grabs the catalog* Ah! It's true!

Wolfram: For something that he likes so much, he's sure not paying attention.

Dr. Rodriguez: This is terrible! I won't be able to make it like this! We have to go right now, Akiba, Akiba[3]!

Wolfram: What!? 'We' have to go too?

Dr. Rodriguez: It's just that... you're not going to let me go all by myself, right? It's best if we all go together. Say, Ken~chan~! How many minutes is it from this studio to Akiba? No! It'll be faster if we go by TAXI than by train.

Yuuri: He looks terribly excited. (/desperate)

Dr. Rodriguez: The event is not being held here! It's in Akiba! All right! The unrivaled tsundere, the kid in glasses[4], and Shibuya Yuuri, Akihabara's LOVELY shogun, let's go!

Yuuri: Wow, that's really the first time someone has called me that. But it's a pointless achievement!

Dr. Rodriguez: Great! And I'm going to be A***[5]! Let's go!

Yuuri: What!? You're Rodriguez, right?

Dr. Rodriguez: AGH! For a Japanese person, you really know nothing about Japanese culture!

Yuuri: Eh? What culture?

Murata: Uh... which means that, unfortunately, we'll have to end today's broadcast of 'MURAKENZU NEWS' here. Please look forward to our next show!

Wolfram: You called it something different at the beginning of the show!

Dr. Rodriguez: We have to hurry! 'We are soldiers'! 'Charge'!!!

Yuuri: No, we're not soldiers...

Murata: Now, now, Shibuya. Stop complaining. 'Let's take off'!

Show intro Murata/Wolfram: Kyou Kara Maou - Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Show: Today's guest is Fujiwara Keiji, Rodriguez's seiyuu (he's also Hughes in FMA and Crayon Shin-chan's dad). They talk a bit about his character, how Rodriguez is a Mazoku working for Bob. And that he's known Murata for a long time, and that he likes Akihabara and it's an otaku and goes to the manga kissa. The seiyuu says that he's never been to a manga kissa, because he's never been interested. But if he ever were to go, he'd surely enjoy it. He's the type who likes to go out with friends, and then the seiyuus mentioned that they hadn't seen each other in a while.

Back to Track 4 Return to MA Series Forward to Disc 2 - Track 1


  1. It seems like Wolf is part of Murakenzu now XD
  2. For those of you listening to the track, he's saying 'MY BOOM' which is a wasei eigo (bastardized English) phrase that means obsession.
  3. Akiba, short for Akihabara, electric town.
  4. Term used frequently for 'girls' who wear glasses, megane-ko.
  5. Amuro, the pilot in the first Gundam series, which Rodriguez likes.