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Track 2: A Luxury Liner full of dangers[edit]

FX:*seagulls, water splashing*

Yuuri: Ah, cool! As far as the eye can see, it's blue, blue and more blue. Blue is really a nice color, right? Right Conrad?

Conrad: Ah, yes , it's really beautiful.

Yuuri: But I can't believe that a poor baseball high school student like me, would ever be able to travel in a luxury liner like this.

Conrad: You're not poor, right? Because after all, your Majesty has the highest position in Shin Makoku.

Yuuri: Even if you say that ... it's not the time for (to be joking about) that. In the first place, you shouldn't be calling me Majesty, nadzukeoya. Besides, while we're on this boat trip, I'm the young master of the crêpe silk merchant house in Echigo, right?

Conrad: *laughs* That's right.

Yuuri (monologue): My name is Shibuya Yuuri. I, who was nothing but an average high school student, experienced a serious, life changing, turning point in my life about a month ago. Back then, I was suddenly flushed through a toilet and washed away to another world, where I was asked to become the maou. In other words, I was given the title of 27th Maou, King of all the Mazoku who live in Shin Makoku. In that world, humans and mazoku don't get along. But when I became the maou, I decided that I would not go to war no matter what. Then, what should be done to prevent war in our country? A dumb high-school student couldn't find an answer. My educator Günter said, that I should elevate my 'STATUS' , that people are looking down on me because I'm new at being a maou and that other countries may try to take advantage of the situation and start war. Because of this, I should GET a special item, to raise my level as the maou. And it was right then, that we received information about an item that had been missing for 1000 years, the maken (demon sword) Morgif. The maken is an item that only the maou can touch, and it also seems to possess a terrible power. And this is why in order to confirm the information that we got, I traveled to human territory to look for the rumored Ultimate Weapon.


Yuuri: But I didn't think that Wolfram would come with us.

Conrad: I'm very sorry that you have to see him in such condition. For a soldier to get so badly seasick means that during a critical moment he won't be able to protect your Majesty, no I mean, Yuuri. Since he would only be a hindrance, he should have stayed ashore but...

Yuuri:*laughs* I understand, oniichan. Me, as someone who's not related to him, seeing how someone who's usually like a yappy Pomeranian, looking so sick, made me feel sorry for him. That's what happened, right?

Conrad: Yes, even though I told him not to come, when I see him looking so sick, I can't even lecture him.

Yuuri: Since he decided to join the group that's traveling undercover, he can't blame us for getting seasick and throwing up all over the place. I wonder why he'd do something so reckless, huh?

Conrad: Well, among us brothers, he's the one who resembles mother the most, you know? It's because he loves wholeheartedly.

Yuuri: Love!? Whatd'ya mean by that? Besides rather than 'wholeheartedly', you mean 'relentlessly', right? Ever since the duel he's been holding a grudge saying: 'This time, let's get things settled once and for all'![1]

Conrad: Uh... Yuuri? Maybe 'getting things settled' has a different meaning than the one you're thinking about.


Yuuri: Ouch, ouch.

Conrad: What happened?

Yuuri: Ouch. Crap, it seems that the wind just now caused the contact to slip off.

Conrad: Ah, your Majesty, let me see what happened. Don't cover it with your hand.

Yuuri: Ah... yeah...

Conrad: Mh... The one on your right eye seems to have slipped off a little. I wonder if they made a mistake with the curvature of the lense when they made it. If you put it back in its place, it will probably be okay...

Yuuri: Ah, no that's fine. Because I probably can't do it ....

Conrad: Then, please look straight at my face. I'll touch your eye. Is it okay if I use my finger?

Yuuri: Uh... I'm kinda scared.

Conrad: It's okay. Trust me.

Yuuri: Uh-huh...

FX:*door opens , Wolf pants*

Wolfram: *about to pass out/ throw up* You bastards.... *holds back vomit*

Yuuri: Wolfram! What's that zombie-like face!?

Conrad: Shouldn't you be sleeping?

Wolfram: Shut up! So, in a place where I can't see you, you're all over each other ... *holds back vomit*

Conrad: Huh...? All over each other, you say~!?

Yuuri: What's with you? Are you sulking because we left you behind? Good grief, this too?

Wolfram: What!? At any rate Yuuri, you ... if you have nothing to hide you shouldn't be running away.... do you know how worried I ... !? *vomits on Yuuri*

Yuuri: UWah, dirty! Conrad, the wash bowl! The wash bowl!

FX:*scene change, also, yes, this is the radio show intro music*

Wolfram (writing): "At that time, the door of a certain room was opened. The soukoku Maou, my fiancé Yuuri, accompanied by the unimportant and unreliable Lord Weller, looked slightly discouraged, but as soon as he perceived my presence in the room, his frown turned into a smile and he held me tightly in his arms . After that, his eyes, which are now hazel colored because he's undercover, released a pearl-like tear, as Yuuri said the following: 'Ah, Wolfram! My most beloved, devoted retainer! If you were not here, this cruise would be so unbearably boring!' 'Yes, that's what I though, and the reason why I came here! Maou Yuuri, tears do not suit you. So please, dry that tear, and smile for me dot, dot, dot (...) period (maru). Closing bracket." and that's that *sighs, closes journal*

FX:*door opens*

Yuuri:(tired) I'm back. I'm so tired of the PARTY. Huh? Wolfram? Even though you were throwing up again and again, are you well enough to be up?

Wolfram: I'm a mazoku soldier. Like I would stay in bed simply because I'm seasick!

Conrad:*laughs* I heard that Hyscliff gave you some medicine to feel better. "For the passionate fiancé-dono, so that you can have a nice trip", right?

Wolfram: Mind your own business! (Lit. don't say unnecessary things)

Yuuri: Hys...cliff ? Ah, Mr.Shiny, right? Ah, so that's why. Just now, we were sitting together for the meal , you know? And he kept pushing the subject...

Conrad: Pushing the subject? How?

Yuuri: Uh... he said "The cause of Fiancé-dono's poor physical condition is seasickness, right?" and also" Because the medicine is very powerful, if you think the reason might be 'something else' then make sure he takes the medicine with his breakfast" and stuff like that. What did he mean by 'something else'? Wolfram, do you know what he meant?

Wolfram:*thinks* No, I have no clue.

Yuuri: Yeah, me neither.

Conrad: *laughs* Ah, no, I'm sorry. Maybe Hyscliff got something wrong and thought that it was morning sickness.

Yuuri: Ah, morning sickness, huh? EH!? MORNING SICKNESS!? EH!? WHAT!? Wolfram are you having morning sickness?

Wolfram: Baka! As if!! What are you taking me for?

Yuuri: Right, of course. I was taken aback for a moment.

Wolfram: The one that was taken aback was me!

Conrad: Your Majesty, you don't have time for idle chat. Once you take your bath and freshen up, you have to return to the social event. Wolfram, you're still not fully recovered, so stay and rest in this room. If I find something light for you to eat, I'll bring it here.

Wolfram:*breathes in and pouts like a kid* Okay.

Conrad: Then, your Majesty, I'll be back later to go to the party. *leaves*

FX:*Conrad leaves*

Yuuri: By the way, Wolfram? When I came into the room, you were writing down something?

Wolfram: This? This is just a notebook where I write about everyday events. Well, I guess it's like a journal.

Yuuri: Huh...? How diligent of you. Well, even if I asked to see it, I can't read it, you know~? Ah, by any chance, is writing a journal a custom among nobles?

Wolfram: Not really.

Yuuri: Oh? But right before I left on this trip, I thought I saw Günter writing something on a really nice, HARD COVER book.

Wolfram: Huh? It's the first time I hear this. Are you sure they weren't work documents?

Yuuri: I don't think so, because you know? During working hours, he's so calm that it makes you wonder 'Who are you!?" you know? But when he was writing before, his eyes were shaped like hearts, there was some fluid running down his nose, and his voice sounded broken.

Wolfram: Perhaps it was just some absurd daydream, don't you think? Since he holds you so dear, I'm sure it had something to do with you, huh?

Yuuri: Uh..... I.. I wonder what that was... He's like a grandfather who's crazy about his grandson, huh? His juices flowing all the time, and he's probably older than my own grandfather.

Wolfram: In the past, he wasn't like that. At least until you arrived .

Yuuri: HUH? What do you mean by that? Then, is it my fault that Günter is so soupy and broken ?

Wolfram: I didn't say it was your fault. It's just that, the Günter from back in the day, would have never come up with an idea like looking for the Demon Sword to avoid fighting the humans. Of course, Big brother Gwendal said' even if it's an incompetent idea, I'm not going to oppose it'. Do you understand, Yuuri? Since your arrival, everyone started to change little by little.

Yuuri: Wolfram.

Wolfram: Nevertheless, you're still a 15 year old child. You won't always be able to make the right choice. That's why you have to have a man of character like me by your side. If a difficult question were to arise, you can ask me anything.

Yuuri: When you say 'anything', what does that cover? (/how often can I ask?)

Wolfram: Don't be spoiled. Think about that yourself.

Yuuri: *mumbles* What was that?..... But... thank you, Wolfram.

Wolfram: Uh..ah... hmph!

Yuuri (monologue): Well, right after that, we found Günter's wild daydreaming fantasy journal in my luggage and the touching moment was ruined. And at that time, even though Wolfram had said that he was so cool before, I can't believe that he would write such a baka-journal. And on top, I had absolutely no idea about it.

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  1. 'Settling sth': 1) Settle a fight, 2) Get married . Yuuri thinks Wolf's talking about fighting, but Wolf's probably talking about 'settling down'.