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Tachibana (inedible citrus)[edit]

How are you? This is Takabayashi. It's cold. Outside it's warmer than in this room. For someone like me who rarely experiences headaches (no, well, if you mean headache non-literally as in 'problems' then I have tons of those), I'm currently experiencing a splitting headache due to the cold temperatures. And although I've always been the type to get pancreas or appendix pain due to stress and fatigue.... having a stiff neck due to the cold is way worse.... When I woke up, my shoulders and back went crick, crack and for about 30 minutes and I had a neck pain so bad that I couldn't move it at all. So a while back I rubbed 'that' on my shoulders. I'm talking about Orphnoch (wrong name!), I rubbed it so that it could be absorbed. Orphnoch, it's Orphnoch (Stop it, it's wrong)[1] And a pattern that looked like that of a face, formed on my skin (It's Felbinac). But feeling like this, feels like I can't move.... Cold temperatures and a stiff neck sure are terrible. If I'd had to describe how cold I'm right now, I'd say that I'm wearing two fleece sweaters, with a muffler wrapped around me, and a wool cap on. I mean, it's winter. When I tell my friends they ask me " Aren't you embarrassed to wear that?" . "Uh... no, I'm not embarrassed? I mean I'm in my own bedroom. A while ago I went outside and it was warmer outside than in my own bedroom. But there was one thing that was strange...... my window..... when I looked at it I realized it was opened 3 cm. 'How strange, I always close it at night~' and even though I closed it again after a while I noticed it was opened 4 cm. Opening a window in this cold weather is the same as being outside! (although actually it's warmer outside), and so I closed it again. Then crick-crack-crick-crack and the window was opened 5 cm. Is it a dog? Did my pooch do this? But in order to get there wouldn't he had to jump over this really big pile of things that's in the way? .... L e t ' s c l e a n..... At any rate, I hate cold days. In previous years since I'm fat, I thought, cold weather is better than hot weather, but I'd rather withstand the hot weather than this pain in my shoulders and headache. And that moment when you come out of the tub is also dangerous. Far from getting warm, you'll end up really cold. Forget about curing a one day cold that way, I'm living a life where you can't even take a bath! (laughs) It can't be helped, I guess I'll end up at the health clinic.... (turn your heating system on first).

Well, finally Winter Comiket is here, and once again I'm releasing a book so thin that you can't even use it as a coaster for your tea. But I thought that it wouldn't be okay for me to disappear without an explanation. In other words, this is an explanation/apology book. Yes, an explanation/apology book. For you see, I will stop releasing MA doujinshis. At the very least I'm planning a 2 year, no, a 3 year holiday, because if things continued like this there was a possibility that I'd end up FADING OUT. So I made this really thin booklet to have a possibility to say goodbye properly. Along with the end of the year and the beginning of a new year, I'm letting you know in this booklet the shocking news (!) that the doujinshis have come to an end.

There are a lot of personal and public reasons, I can't resume it in a short explanation, but don't worry there's not a negative reason behind it. In fact, it is thanks to all the readers, that have taken the series under their wing and helped it grow, that Kyou MA has been able to continue and I want to thank you all for that. I do not know in what direction things will flow from now on, but, if we were to meet again, please check my material..... and here's where I'll interrupt myself and ask " Meet where!?" Well, maybe next time I'll write for ORIGINAL JUNE (is it okay to write it in Katakana?)[2], maybe an H (porn), BOYS LOVE story with lots of old machos with cleft chins and beards. (Well that wouldn't be 'boys' then). All right then! Next time we'll meet in ORIJUNE (LIES! Lies! Lies! Lies!)

Along with the end of the release of the maruma doujinshis, the " Takabayashi Tomo ・ Information page" will be closed. However I've asked to leave the 'Publication List' online without updates. And in regards to future information, it will be available for a limited time on the official website. Or something like that (Cut it out, you!). If one day I'm able to make a website with no pictures, nothing on it, and a terrible design, then please just say " Oh, you made it yourself" and force a smile. How can I make a website that you can look at on your mobile phones!?

Well now, this is a very thin, but super-concentrated short story (although it's quite crass!), please enjoy it for 10 minutes. Ah, and I forgot why the title is "TACHIBANA" . At any rate, here's the last one.■

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  1. Orphenoc is a fictional human evolution stage from Kamen Raider, her medicine Felbinac sounds like that character name.
  2. BL magazine