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Radio Digest 31 - Radio Shouri[edit]

CD release: July 25, 2008 Drama screenplay: Katou Yuka (加藤有香 ) and Sakamoto Kouichi (坂本耕一)

RadioShow04 outside.jpg

FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Murata: Hello, everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting! "The Muraken HOUR" is starting! This time we're having an end of the year SPECIAL, so we're travelling to earth.

Yuuri: What kind of show is this?

Murata: Mmh... It's just a show that I host, a sort of variety and information show, I guess?

Yuuri: You, you know?... As soon as you collect some new material, you start making this sort of questionable shows, huh?

Wolfram: Good grief! At any rate, why are you always hosting the show? How about if you let me host it every now and then?

Murata: In any case, let us sneak into a place that reeeally has an 'end of the year' atmosphere.

Wolfram: (angry hey) Hey! Don't ignore me!

Yuuri: But, where is this place that "reeeally has an 'end of the year' atmosphere"? Is a mall packed with customers making purchases? Or people already waiting in line before a temple for the first prayer of the year?

Murata: Right, well it's the home of the Shibuya's who are currently busy doing the end of the year cleaning of the house!

Yuuri: My house!?

Shouri: Welcome home, Yuu-chan!

Yuuri: Ah, Shouri! You were here all along!?

Shouri: CUT! Cut, stop the camera, for a sec. Stop the camera. Yuuri! At a time like this you need to call me ONIICHAN! Let's fix that and tape it again.

Yuuri: I don't want to. Why are you directing this?

Wolfram: Good grief! Specs-men always want to control everything.

Murata: Eh... let's see what's going on around here without delay. The commentator will be Shibuya Shouri-san.

Shouri: Thank you, nice to meet you . This is the future governor of Tokyo, Shibuya Shouri.

Yuuri: (mumbles) Commentator? It's not like he knows what having APPEAL means...

Murata: Mmmh... first... oh! What's this?

Shouri: This is material to study the hearts and nature of the citizens of Tokyo.

Yuuri: Isn't this just DATING SIM!?

Wolf: DA... TING... SIM? Who's that?

Yuuri: It's fine, you don't need to look at it...

Murata: And then there's... this!

Shouri: This is the ALBUM of Yuuri growing up, with pictures of him since he was little.

Wolfram: What!? Let me see that!

Shouri: *giggles* All right, just a little bit. This one is from when we met Bob for the first time in America.

Murata: Ah, Shibuya! You look really cute in that apron dress!

Yuuri: Ah! Stop it Murata, don't look! Or rather, Shouri! When did you take this picture!?

Wolfram: Please give me that.

Shouri: You can't have it!!! I can't possibly give this to you! And here's the apron dress that he was wearing back then.

Yuuri: Uwah, scary! Why do you have that!? And why do you have it displayed so beautifully ? Did you steal it? Shouri, you're the worst!

Wolfram: Please give it to me!

Shouri: You can't have it!

Wolfram: I'll call you onii-sama!

Yuuri: Don't call him by such a high and mighty title.

Murata: And... ah! Is this... no way!

Shouri: Yes, I see you've noticed. This one's from when we were little, right? This is a picture of the both of us in the bathtub.

Wolfram: *muffles high-pitch interjection by clearing his throat* If you gave me this one too, we could rule the Bielefeld territory together...

Shouri: No!

Murata: And what's in the drawer of this desk that needs a key to be opened?

Shouri: In there? *malicious laughter* In there, there are....

Wolfram: *gulps*

Yuuri: Shouri, cut it out.

Shouri:*continues to laugh* Yuu-chan's forbidden secret treasures!!!

Yuuri: I mean it! Cut it out!!!!

Murata: Everyone, please be careful not to get distracted like this when you're doing the end of the year cleaning.

Show intro Murata/Wolfram: Kyou Kara Maou - Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Show: Today's guest is Konishi Katsuyuki, Shouri's voice actor. He asks what Shouri's role is in the anime, and Miyata-san says he's Yuuri's older brother. And he says, that's it? What's his job? And Miyata-san says "gamer". And what does he earn? And Miyata-san says "Badges" XD Then they talk about the drama cds. They mention that in the anime, Shouri is a really serious character but in the drama cds, Shouri's is gag character (always playing the fool and such). Konishi-san asks which one they like best, and they say, well Shouri is the same Shouri, it's just that he's more absentminded in the drama cds and live events. So Konishi keeps talking about Shouri being like two different people, and then he says that radio Shouri, is different from the other two (thus the title of the track), claiming that he can pretty much do whatever he wants and it will work and then he makes some funny voices. Sakurai-san says, "no way", and the rest of them scold Konishi-san, too.

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