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Radio Digest 32 - SHK's request[edit]

FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Yuuri: *sighs* What a problem....

Murata: Shibuya, why do you look so gloomy?

Yuuri: MMMH!!! I'm troubled by this. I'm really troubled.

Wolfram: What is it? Problems of reigning a large country? Or does it have to do with the economy?

Yuuri: No, I'm just wondering whether I should buy a GLOVE or a BAT with my otoshidama (money given to children for New Year's). 'That is the question.'

Murata: What? That's it?

Yuuri: What do you mean 'that's it'? This is a major problem!

Wolfram: What does oto-shi-damaaa mean?

Murata: It's pocket money that you receive from your relatives and friends at the beginning of the year. It's an important income for children.

Wolfram: Being a full grown adult and on top of that the ruler of a kingdom, what do you mean you're getting pocket money, Yuuri? Good grief! How unsightly (/sad)!

Yuuri: It's not unsightly. On earth, I'm just a normal high-school student.

Murata: But there are many students who stop getting the pocket money when they enter high-school. Because they can already get their own part-time jobs, you know?

Yuuri: What? Really? Shouri's a university student and he still gets it. Well, rather than calling it otoshidama, you could call it a PKO (price-keeping operation), a return from his NET business, or some other suspicious name.

Murata: *sighs* That's so like oniisan. I understand him, I do.

Wolfram: In that case, rather than saying that your brother is getting pocket money, it sounds more like he's making it.

Murata: So, simply put we could say that your problems come from not knowing how to spend your otoshidama.

Yuuri: That's right! I want a new GLOVE, but I also want a new BAT, and I also need some new equipment for the grass-lot baseball team. *grunts* This is so troublesome!

Wolfram: I don't see the problem. If you have trouble deciding, why don't you just buy everything?

Yuuri: Uwah, there it is. The statement of a rich person who has never had to endure any discomfort in his entire live. You Marie Antoinette brat!

Wolfram: Don't call people brats!

Murata: Now, now. There are many people going through the same predicament as Shibuya, who have had to figure out their entire lives whether they can get this thing or that thing with the money they got.

Yuuri: And what about you Murata? I'm sure you got a lot of pocket money, right? I bet you also get pocket money regularly.

Murata: Don't say that. I don't really give off the vibe of having that kind of money, right?

Wolfram: *shifty eyes* No, actually you look like you're dirty rich.

Murata: *clears throat* Well, I've used all my otoshidama money already.

Yuuri: Eh, that's strange. So that side of you is like that of a high-school student. So, what did you buy? A game SOFTWARE (computer game)?

Murata: Mhh... well it is a software, but it's the latest stock market simulation software and also one that has to do with credit transactions that I really wanted. Ah, and also that famous book that's the new craze. Well, I guess that they're all about preparing for the future and investments.

Yuuri: On a second thought, that's not like a high-school student at all.

Show intro Murata/Wolfram: Kyou Kara Maou - Shin Makoku Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Show: They're playing a game where you have to promote a particular thing for 15 seconds. Saiga-san's was alcohol, she ran out of material, then said that saying 15 seconds was a really long time. Then it's Miyata-san's turn, after he picks the card, everyone laughs and says Miyata is really good at this. He has to promote "procrastinating/ running away from things". He pretty much makes a skit about running away from his new year's resolutions. Sakurai's... well, I have no idea what moyaizo is, sorry.

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