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Track 2: Kyou Kara MAou[edit]

FX:*chickens clucking*

Conrad: This isn't Japan, or rather, this isn't even the world where you were born and raised.

Yuuri: Conrad... no I mean... Conrart-san was it?

Conrad: Eh? Ah, if you're used to English, Conrad is easier to pronounce, right? Some of my friends call me that, too.

Yuuri: Have I met you somewhere before?

Conrad: No.

Günter: Your Majesty! *pants* Ah... your majesty! Thank goodness you're safe! I, von Christ, have been anxiously waiting for this day when we could meet.

Yuuri: Eh, "your Majesty"? Are you talking to me?

Yuuri (thinking): And by the way, here's another super beauty, hey! What's up with that?

Günter: Ah... your majesty, do you usually wear black? How wonderful, how wonderfully suiting! That noble black hair and those black eyes, certainly you are Our Majesty!

Yuuri: Even if you say that, it's just a uniform, a schoolboy's uniform...besides, most Japanese people have black hair and black eyes when they're born...

Günter: Anyway, your Majesty, we can't talk in a place like this. Please, come inside.

(scene change)

FX:*fire cracking*

Conrad: Your Majesty, you probably think that it's cold, and even though it seems that way it's spring in this country.

Yuuri: To create minute details up to the season, what an elaborate ATTRACTION...

Conrad: It's not an ATTRACTION.

Yuuri: But even if you tell me that, I can't believe it! Right now, I'm thinking this is either, one: an expensive theme park, two: one of those surprise shows that's often on TV, or three: just a dream. Which is it? Well, pick one. I hope it's three.

Günter: THE_ _ PA _ _? (theme park) SURPRI _ _? (surprise) *clears throat* Please wait your majesty, and explain this in order. Please be calm, and please do not test me with your foreign words.

Yuuri: OK, I'm calm. So much has happened that even if you say that you're my mother, I'll just clap my hands and call it an American joke.

Günter: Then I will tell you. Eighteen years ago, Your Majesty's soul should have been born in this country. However, because of the post war chaos at that time, the great Shinou decided to send your soul to another world. That's when 'we' took your majesty's noble soul that hadn't been born yet to Earth. Your father and mother created your majesty' s body and you've grown up in that world until today. However, while you should have originally been able to grow to adulthood safely in another world, you were summoned due to a situation...

Yuuri: Wait a sec, you're being too polite for me to understand. Can you be more conversational?

Günter: Please don't say such an unreasonable thing. Your Majesty is Your Majesty, and we are just your vassals.

Yuuri: Your Majesty, Your Majesty, my name is Shibuya Yuuri. So, the development till now is like this, right? I was really supposed to be born in this world, but for whatever reason I was born and raised in another world. But because I have things to do, I was summoned here from Japan. Did I get that all right?

Günter: That's perfectly correct. I commend your sagacity.

Yuuri: And, I was pulled into a tunnel to another world from the bathroom toilet, and was dropped on that mountain path.

Günter: That's correct. By our calculations, you should have been able to be summoned inside our borders, and inside of our capital. However, perhaps due to some excess power, you ended up in a human village on the outskirts of our borders. It's inexcusable, your majesty.

Yuuri: But, are you sure I'm the person you're looking for? I'm of about average looks and intelligence, and I don't have any unusual birthmarks, you know? I don't have any natural marks on my body that are 'proof of being a king'...

Günter: No, your Majesty. From the moment I first saw you I had no doubts that you were Our Majesty! Since you have pure and noble black hair, and clear black eyes that aren't cloudy, and you were born with such a beautiful color to your body, and furthermore, you were wearing pitch black clothes, I cannot think it's anyone except you.

Yuuri: (mumbles) Geh, he said I was beautiful. (to Günter) Beautiful, that's someone who looks like you, don't you think?

Günter: Besides, it's even more obvious since you're skilled in our language. What Adalbert did... to you was regrettable but...he drew out your majesty's stored language from the depths of your soul.

Yuuri: Stored language?

Günter: Every soul has accumulated memories of its various "lives" that it has lived up to then. Of course, usually that door isn't opened, and people have to learn knowledge in their new life. However, that man opened that door, and part of your sealed memories have been drawn out forcibly. Using the magic of those savage, cowardly, and dishonorable humans!

Yuuri: But it sounds rather convenient...

Günter: Not at all! Though it's good that only the part of the memory with your language skills was awakened, when I think whether unnecessary memories were revived.... There isn't a person who wants to know all of his soul's travels.

Conrad: Now, now... if you think about it, we're able to speak to his majesty now thanks to that man's magic. It's useless to worry about it until your veins pop out, Lord von Christ.

Günter: And here I had prepared the textbooks and a ruler[1] in order to teach your majesty the high-clas noble words of our language... I prepared so many things... At any rate, his stored language is evidence that his majesty's soul is from this world. My confidence has changed into conviction now.

Yuuri: I get it. Maybe it's impossible to believe, but in any case in order to finish this, I have to accept your offer, right? If that's the case then let's get this over with quickly. What is the mission that I was summoned for? What princess should I rescue? Where's the DRAGON I need to slay?

Günter: DRAGON (English)? A dragon!? That's unthinkable! We would never slay a dragon, their kind have been over-hunted by humans and are almost extinct, and we protect them.

Yuuri: He... I see...

FX: *knock on the door, door opens*

Children: Conrart!

Conrad: Yo!

Child 1: Conrart! Will you teach us to throw? We can't aim well at all.

Child 2: And after that can you teach us how to hit, and how to finish?

Conrad: You guys, it's going to be pitch black soon, and we won't be able to see anything.

Child 1: It's still fine!

Child 2: It's still ok.

Conrad: It can't be helped ... *opens door* Excuse me.

Children: Yes! Hurray!

Yuuri: By the way he treats children, he looks like a good guy, huh? That man...

Günter: Yes, he's probably the number one soldier of our kingdom. He was my prize pupil.

Yuuri: Huh? You're a teacher? Uhm, von Christ-san?"

Günter: Please call me Günter.

Yuuri: Günter, if you're a teacher then can you explain this to me briefly? What am I supposed to do in this world? What kind of troublesome enemy do I have to defeat so I can go home?

Günter: Humans

Yuuri: ...Humans...? Then, well, what kind of person...?

Günter: It's not a person, your majesty. We will destroy all the humans who are hostile towards our country, and burn their countries. For that reason we need a leader, so your majesty's power as a ruler is necessary.

Yuuri: (mumbles) Destroy humans... and burn their... (shouts) Destroy humans!?

Günter: Are you okay, your majesty?

Yuuri: Did you say we should kill humans!? Then I'll be killed too! Because if you look at me I'm an ordinary human!

Günter: What are your saying? No matter how I look at you, your majesty is a mazoku like us. No, more than that, you're a being that possesses noble black hair and should be highly respected! Only mazoku kings or people close to them are born into a dark body; as well as people with a chosen soul. Moreover, your hair and eyes are both black, and being a soukoku in this world...

Yuuri: Wait a sec. You said that I'm a 'what' like you?

Günter: A mazoku.

Yuuri: ...Then, what sort of majesty am I?"

Günter: You are his majesty, the maou.

Yuuri: Maou...?

Günter: You have become our hope, Your Majesty, the twenty-seventh maou!

Yuuri: Ahahaa, as I thought, he's still calling me maou~. But twenty-seven is a good number, 27.

Günter: Your majesty...

Yuuri: So then, if there's a human hero or savior somewhere, the last boss that's going to be defeated in the final dungeon is me!? Shit~ if that's the case it won't be possible for him to get to the ending if he's not level 99, I'll fight to the end or...hey, I can't fight to the end, I'll die, I'm the last boss. Ah! It's a lie! Someone tell me it's not true!

Günter: It's not a lie, your majesty! You are truly the maou. Congratulations, from today on you are the maou!

Yuuri: What is there to congratulate!?

(change scene)

Conrad: You missed striking three times so you're OUT. Howell, take the place on the first base.

Yuuri: Huh? Was that baseball? Why isn't there a catcher?

Conrad: In this town there are only five children.

Yuuri: I see. Well, let's see, who is that outfielder. What is your name?

Brandon: Brandon.

Yuuri: Well then, Brandon, you be the catcher. Look, squat over there, watch the pitcher and catch the balls when they come.

Brandon: Eh... that's scary...

Yuuri: Heh, okay, I'll teach you how to do it. Well, I don't play baseball anymore you know, but if you practice a lot you'll get good at it. Eh? Could it be that you don't have any mitts? Huh? And there aren't any gloves either!?

Conrad: This is a village of refugees that fled in from the other side of the border. They don't have a complete set of sports equipment, your majesty.

Brandon: Your majesty!?

Yuuri: Ah, no... I'm...

Brandon: Conrad, Who's this person!? Is he the scary person mother told me about!?

Conrad: Brandon! This person will become our country's king. He's far from being scary, he's a kind person, who will be defending your village.

Yuuri: No, well... I am, you know?

Children: King!?

Howell: Please forgive us! Please don't chop off our heads! Don't burn down our houses!!!

Conrad: Howell! You didn't do anything wrong, so his majesty has no reason to do such a thing. Look, Ema, raise your head.

Ema: But the king... (killed) my father...[2]*runs away* Mommy!

FX: *kids stand up and run away crying*

Yuuri: When I was their age, I used to play baseball until it got dark. And when it was night I'd have games and television, and I didn't have any free time to do homework.

Conrad: Children are like that no matter the country.

Yuuri: Say, Conrad.

Conrad: Yes?

Yuuri: Is it true that I'm the king?

Conrad: It's true. His majesty is genuinely the twenty-seventh ruler of Shin Makoku.

Yuuri: Then.. will I'll be chopping off people's heads too?

Conrad: You're wrong! I said before that this is a village of refugees. They were oppressed because of a religious misunderstanding, so we gave this land to the people who came to the national border seeking protection. It's the foolish king in the country of humans that they've deserted that killed their men and burned down their houses. Furthermore, I want you to remember that not all humans are like that. *walks* Well, your majesty, let's go inside. When it gets dark the temperature drops quickly. And then Günter will lecture us.

Yuuri: This place is really dark, huh? There are no neon signs, vending machines, convenience stores or street light. There's nothing at all. What kind of place have I ended up in?

Conrad: But... this is your world. Welcome home, your majesty. Welcome, to the place where your soul should be.

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  1. A ruler? To do what? Was he going to slap Yuuri's hands with it when he made a mistake?
  2. She doesn't say kill, she just stops talking before saying it