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By Takabyashi Tomo
Released in: September, 2009. It was included with the FIRST DVD BOX of Season 3, that contained episodes 79-99.

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Even though I didn't have an ulterior motive and I just said it to be kind, since I received a cold reply, I ended up not saying anything after that.

"Hey, don't look~ !"

You don't have to say it like that.

㋮ ㋮ ㋮

Sometimes I think that if I wouldn't have said anything at that time, that thing that happened afterwards wouldn't have happened. This time was the same. If I wouldn't commented on what Murata was talking about, no, rather, if we wouldn't have been together, no, no, I mean, if I wouldn't have looked at that woman's legs, I wouldn't be going through this miserable experience on the bridge.

On a Sunday, on the coldest day of the year, Murata and I were leaving the GAME SHOP when I was assaulted by the difference in temperature between the shop and the streets.

"It's too cold! In a second it changed from the North Pole to Africa!"

"Now listen Shibuya, Africa only has warm regions"

"Even so, does the store really need to used the heater so much?"

"Yeah, well, I guess that while you're inside their store, they want you to feel warm"

"But I'm not shopping naked!? They would shrink, my muscles would shrink[1]!!!"

"I'm sorry, you know? For making you come with me."

I, who had no reason to be there, was at the GAME SHOP with Murata, because he said he wanted to check a new portable console.

In the end, he bought it. I really couldn't believe it. I mean, not only can this person before me still move around well and energetically, but he doesn't have any health problems at all, and even so there he was, a rich guy buying a new game.

"I don't know whether it'll easier for you to play this when you're older, but for the time being, you don't want to try it right? Ah! Since this is a second generation and it's a DOUBLE[2], should I have gotten the pink one? There are also lots of baseball games released for it."

"DOUBLE? you say. My older brother only has a single, maybe. He can't keep up with the money standards of the Murata household"

"Really? I have a feeling that he has added the limited model bundle edition to his collection without his family knowing about it. Your brother I mean"

That said, if he really has a collection of so many of these convenient devices, it guess it wouldn't be terrible if I borrowed one every now and then. I got a little greedy. A console is connected to the living room's TV, but because it was bad for his eyes he must have switched to the portable ones. There certainly was one in Shouri's room.

"We're talking about that thing, right? The thing you can write numbers and stuff with a pen in? And then you can manage your daily DATA?"

"Uh.. I don't know. If you want to keep the household budged or make a file with baseball records, it's best if you do that with a personal computer."

" I don't have one!"

" Then maybe you should get one? They're really cheap now, what do you want to do (/create) with it? Ah, but don't start imagining that you can use it to make stuff like an artisan. It's different than that, you can just combine things that have been made already ..."

It's not like I was imagining something like that. I'm not a childish middle schooler to be thinking about things like that.

I was simply looking forward blankly when I saw it. Before I could notice it, my eyes became fixed to the back of her knees. Furthermore, considering how cold I was feeling I got a little worried.

Her thighs must be really cold.

Why would someone want to show that much leg? As someone who wears his whole baseball uniform even during the summer, I can't understand. Walking around with bare legs like that in the middle of the cold wind is madness! Ah, her legs are turning red from the cold.

Who knows what my friend was thinking at the time, but he suddenly changed the topic from sports to something else.

"You can also play dating sims in this portable console, my recommendations are..."

"Dating sims? I don't want to play that, I don't have any free time for that. Why are you suddenly talking about dating sims?"

"Because I mean... look"

The eyes behind his lenses narrowed, giving him a know it all expression.

"You were thinking, that you can't see her panties, right?


"The legs of the high school girl that was on the escalator. Because we were behind her, and you were in a position that you could look up, you were trying to steal a peek, right? That's what you were thinking, right?"

"Whhaat!? I wasn't thinking that! I wouldn't think something so juvenile(/like a middle school student)! I was just thinking she looked cold...."

But Murata wasn't listening to what I was saying, he just shook his right hand before my face and said:

"It's fiiine, it's fiiiine. You don't need to pretend to be a good boy with me. Because I'm not your instructor who will start crying at any time, or a blatantly jealous fiance, or a guard who will smile forgivingly. Even if you were thinking: "WAH~! That skirt is so short! I sure hope a wind blows so I can see her panties!" I wouldn't be shocked."

"I didn't think that! I was just surprised!"

"Right, the truth is that the wind won't just blow in the right moment when you need it. It is a very strange occurrence when you can see the green raccoon and what's under the skirt."

"What about the red fox[3]?"

Putting the creatures of legend aside, it was awful that Murata was arbitrarily deciding what I was thinking. This was just a terrible misunderstanding. As a man of sports I was simply worried about the risk of tearing a muscle caused by the cold and rigidness. Well, to be honest, I didn't really think so far ahead. I just thought she looked cold. However Murata looked at his freshly bought device and nodded with a smug look on his face.

" Guys our age get anxious and intrigued about women panties. It's not weird or anything. But since the real world doesn't give us opportunities to see them, I guess we'll have to make due with what the 2-D world can provide. That's why there's a market for such games. To get closer to girls, right?"

"'Such games? Are you talking about games where you can see panties?"

"Oh! You're suddenly interested, huh?"

"I'm not! Looking at a girl's panties inside a screen won't make me happy in the least, not in the least~"

"Eh? If it was a 3-D panties then you'd be happy?"

"Wait. We've been saying 'panties', 'panties' in public all along. Can we call it something else? What's that trademark? The one for girls, uh... outside panties[4]?"

Judging by how cold it is, one would think they'd be wearing two or three pairs of pants.

"Are you embarrassed? But 'pants'(zubon) are called 'panties' (pantsu), so even if we say panties, panties (pantsu - pantsu) in public it's not like we're going to get caught. You worry too much. Besides there's not a brand mark called "misepan" (showing panties)...... actually wait. I'm gonna check that"

Murata who had stopped to start typing into his phone, pulled the sleeve of my duffel coat when we were reaching the corner. Meanwhile his thumb was moving slightly operating n the screen.

"Uhm... "high-school girls", "panties" , "show" ah, hahan..."


"I found "high school girls showing pants", "happy immoral young high school girls" or " high school girls showing panties to everyone". Would any of those be good? I didn't find high school panties. And I can't see a character or a BRAND called..."


He showed me the snaps in his phone with a wry smile.

"They're all pictures from porn sites. There's no brand name. They all say stuff like " Nee, nee, look, look! These are my (male) my (female) NICE PANTIES. Heart."

Is that type of NAMING normal? Who is this boku (male 'my')? Is it a guy!? It's a guy, I guess males are panty-customers too. You shouldn't stuff yourself in something so tight. But there was a bigger problem.

"Are they showing their panties on purpose?"

"Well, I guess it's not like they're deliberately showing it, they're just being cute and saying " It's fine if you look".

"What do you mean "It's fine if you look"?... Isn't that weird? Then why are those old guys at the stairs of the train station looking~. Gross, that's the worst! I've always said so~"

"That depends on the person that's being watched. If a high school girl were to show her panties to a fresh (pichi pichi), young boy she likes; she wouldn't complain about it, right?"

"Oh, I see"

Even so, for a sixteen year old, what age would "young and fresh (pichi pichi)" be? Someone attending kindergarten?

"But if they're thinking " It's fine if you look" , there's no reason for them to wear a skirt to cover it, right?"

After casually saying these words, Murata overreacted.

"EHHH!? What are you talking about Shibuya-kun!? Are you saying girls should walk around with only panties on!?"

"I didn't saaay thaaaat~. I was just thinking that if the DESIGN is for people who think " It's fine if you look", shouldn't they just walk around flaunting it?"

"Aha, so you know about the DESIGNS, huh? Why do you know about that?"

"What? No, it's not like I know about that. I was just imagining.... ah! It wasn't a weird thought or anything like that! No one was wearing them, I just thought of panties that were left on top of the desk."

"Yada~ Shibuya-kun, that's rather obscene. And what pattern were you picturing? What kind of design did you imagine the misepan (person showing their panties) wearing ?"

"I've said it already, no one was showing them. I can't imagine that."

"Is that so....? Then you should get someone to show them to you"

What is this clever friend saying? My voice didn't come out. Is he saying that I should ask high school girls to show me their panties? That if January would have been stronger, I could even pay? But even though I don't want to use such techniques, why would I have to cross such a dangerous bridge?

"Ask... them to show them to me? Why?"

"For future reference, of course"

"That's stupid! Why would I need to consult them for future reference? It's not like UNIFORMS will suddenly have short pants! At any rate, who would I ask to do that? If I had a girlfriend I could ask her, but you know? I don't have one, I don't have one. As you know, "my lover is the BAT and BALL"(*5), and they can't reply, so this situation will remain the same... for me"

"Yada~, Shibuya-kun, you're in a love triangle"

I have a feeling that after New Year's, Murata's smart ass replies have become quicker. I wonder if he has been studying the Comedy Shows of the end of the year.

"... Fine, then a MITT and a MASK is fine. At any rate!!! Even if you tell me to ask someone to show them to me, I don't have anyone to ask that to. In the past 16 years since I was born, I have seen good panties, in a way. Like when I watch tennis player play like wild beasts, or watching the students leaning over from behind in elementary school. And then there's Wakame-chan[5]. And so, every misepan (person showing their panties) in this world, has never been useful to me. Even if they think "It's fine if you look", I won't look. If you ask me, I don't have a problem if every unrequited misepan would disappear from this world!"

"What are you getting all worked up for, Shibuya?"

After he finished listening to everything I said, he said " good grief" and patted me on the shoulder. Just as he said, what was I getting all worked up for? If I really think about it, it sounds as if I'd actually wanted to have a girl show me their panties. Although I really didn't mean it like that.

"No, uh.. so you see? I've never once in my life thought that I wanted to see them, and at any rate, since that is not connected to one's life in any way, for me, something like that is completely irrelevant. That..."

"Good grief, even if you raise your voice and protest so much, if you were to ask at least once, I think you could find someone who'd show them to you"

" That would be... WHAT!?"

Once again, Murata has hit me with an unexpected opinion of me. Even though I'm yelling that I don't want to do it, even if I protest and say that I'm an unpopular guy towards whom high school girls are cold, I have no idea how he can have that kind of opinion about me.


But Murata's face filled with self confidence.

"You say that if I asked, there would be someone willing to show them to me~? No way there would. Besides, as I've already said, I don't want to see them"

"Are you being humble? Or do you really think there wouldn't be anyone? What I mean is, if you really believe in it, it will happen for sure. Shibuya, you're that type of guy aren't you? Listen, you have to be more confident about yourself. You say that you love baseball too much, and that you're unlucky with girls, that you have average looks, that you have an average intelligence, average height, an A type of personality. If you wait a little longer I'm not saying I don't think that you wouldn't be able to get a girlfriend, but to say that there absolutely isn't anyone out there is an exaggeration."

Even if I think three times about what he just said, I can't figure out whether he stated that I could get a girlfriend or not.

"Was that .... a praise...? Were you trying to depress me? Or were you trying to comfort me? Which one?"

"Right, so that's why I'm telling you, if it's you, I'm sure you'll find someone to show you their panties. I bet you this LL[6] that I just bought."

"You're betting it?"

"Yeah, I am. That's if you find someone today."

"Today!? Impossible, no way! That's absolutely impossible."

"Not if you start looking."

I looked back, as I would do when a good hit starts to slowly become a foul.

"I ―told ― you, it's impossible! Even if I told them about the Maya calendar that has predicted the destruction of Earth, it's not going to happen[7]!"

Then my friend approached his smiling face and said:

"Even though you have so little confidence, do you really wanna bet? I'm betting you that you can make a high school girl show you her panties. You think it's impossible, right? If you see them, I win. If you don't, you win. And if I lose..."

He raised the paper bag he had just received at the store.

"I'll give you this"

"But you just bought it"

"That's not a problem, because I'm going to win. All right, this is what we'll do. You have 24 hours starting now. You have to strive and actively try to get a misepan (someone to show you their panties). You can pick whoever you want, there's no limits there, anyone's fine. A classmate, a passing school girl, even a married woman is fine."

A married woman wouldn't be wearing panties~.

"And so, you have to tell me tomorrow at 2PM what happened. Ah, at 2PM it would be a problem because you'd be in class.... Ah! Well during recess, just borrow someone's cell phone and call me. Whether you see them or not."

"When you say report, what do you mean? Do you need a photo as proof or what? Wait, that would be a crime."

"If you explain the situation, I'll trust your word. You're not the type of person to lie about something like this"

I'm a little disappointed that I'm so transparent. Once in a while I'd like to try a brilliant lie.

"However, you have to say it to her loud and clear. To the girl I mean"

I was getting a bad feeling that I was going to be pushed against a corner, so I asked cautiously:

"Say what, for example?"

"Say: Show me your panties!"

Of course...

㋮ ㋮ ㋮

Murata left at 2:30pm, and even though it's winter, the sun was still high up. The temperature itself shouldn't change, but the wind that was blowing before has stopped and it has gotten a little warmer. Did my dark colored jacket absorb some sunlight? When I got off the train, I didn't even shudder.

While I couldn't find the ticket at the station where I got off, I was thinking that there was no way that I wouldn't completely lose the bet. Thinking about it calmly, I realized that there was something off with the bet to begin with, and it wasn't the fact that betting about seeing panties is indecent, but that the way Murata and I bet on it was reversed.

"Me having to prove how unpopular I am myself, that's kinda weird...."

Because in this great big world, no one bets on having to prove that they will lose.

But the bet was decided by Murata, if a girl shows it to me, Murata wins, if I don't get anyone, it's my win. So in order to win, I have to prove that I'm unpopular in this life. It was somewhat of a pointless bet.

Which means that if I don't do anything and continue as I am, victory is in my hands.

There's no way I'll get an opportunity to see panties in 24 hours. To be lucky enough to meet a girl, to be lucky enough to hit it off with her, and then be lucky enough to ask her something like that, it's probably less likely than hitting LOTO 6.

Sorry, sorry! But in order to be able to report that I didn't see panties and win the unopened portable console, it's best if I just don't do anything.

I need to be careful of stairs and escalators, because some random wind could ruin this for me if I was standing at a lower level. It's best if I don't spend a lot of time in either of those places.

It was at this point that I remembered the additional conditions of the bet.

To actively ask for it out-loud.

I can say " Your zipper is open" with confidence and without any problem, but this is " Please show me your panties"; not even a popular artist would be able to say it without hesitation.

Wait, it's fine if it's not without hesitation. Or rather it would be best if I said it as if I wasn't used to it, I might even succeed by getting someone to feel sorry for me. Let me try and say it out-loud.

"Let me, see, your pa, pa, PA, PAnties, plea, se"

I can't do it!!! Don't I sound just like a pervert? It sounds suspicious no matter what.

"And if I'm successful and get to see them, doesn't that mean I lose!? Ah, ahh~ this is so confusing."

It sounds suspicious even just mumbling it to yourself while walking, without any girls around. My hair that was messy from the wind that had blown a while back, decided not to straighten up. According to the map I had received, there should be a practice ground about 500 meters from here.

I was signed up to a practice game by the captain of a team I had recently met. The game would take place the following week's Sunday, in the HOME GROUND of the opposite team. But it seems that they're just RENTING the public practice field.

At any rate, in order to feel comfortable about where you're playing it's important to check the grounds first. And that's why I'm doing some reconnaissance work alone today, a week prior to the game.

Even though it's only a few stations away from my house, I had never seen that place.

I walked following the one way street that took me there from the station, in a winter day that had started to get warmer under the sunshine, after the wind had stopped.

The asphalt of that single road was old and gray, and on both sides you could see harvested rice fields. Farther away, there's a building that looks like a school, and even though it's the weekend, I can see kids playing in the schoolyard.

I kicked a ball that no one was pitching. When will baseball make its come back?

Even though the map wasn't properly drawn, it was pretty accurate.

After walking about 300 meters from the station, I saw a concrete bridge. The river that was flowing under it was wider than the street I was walking on. Almost as wide as a two-way street. There was a man on the bridge, leaning over the iron guardrail every now and then. He was looking at the river that was about 3 meters below. This caught my attention and made my eyes look down.


As I said that, my eyes involuntarily looked up at the sky. Crap, crap, I was about to lose the console right at the beginning, not even an hour after making the bet.

Clear and pure water was flowing, and that was fine, but, the problem was the person who was in the middle of it. For starters, it's weird that anyone would be in such a place. So it was unthinkable that a school girl would be standing in the middle of the water, in mid-winter!

".... Furthermore, those clothes are..."

And on top of that, she was bending over with her butt popping out.

"This can't be!"

The image of the previous man who was looking was reflected on the water as he left with indecent haste. I felt uneasy as I kept mumbling to myself while looking at the sky.

It can't be helped now can it? I lowered my eyes and saw a high school girl in a skirt. If she would have bent a little bit lower, or a wind would have blown, I would have lost the bet in a second.

That's right. Even without asking for it, I might end up seeing panties.

What on earth is a high school girl doing in the middle of a river in this season anyway? Even though I said that it was a sunny afternoon, it's the coldest season of the year. And I can't tell for sure but the water is more or less at the level of her knees. No one other than monks who take their job too seriously, would be taking a foot-bath in a river during the winter. In other words no one would be in the middle of the river during the season when "playing with water has ended".

Is she fishing? She's looking for something.

Since I don't think she'd be gathering clams in a suburban river while wearing a school uniform, the only possible answer is that she's looking for something. What is she looking for? But take off your shoes and socks! Only the sound of the water rushing could be heard. I narrow my eyes and looked at her. But I'm not in any danger, the angle at which I could see her butt hadn't changed. As a safety measure I returned my eyes to the road. I should leave this place quickly. If I accidentally see a misepan (shortened like this from here on), I'd lose the bet in less than an hour.

But there's something worrying me and I can't stop looking at her. It bothers me for about twenty seconds. In the end, and even though I didn't mean to, I shout from over the bridge.


It seems she didn't hear me and kept on exploring the bottom of the lake. So I raised my voice a little, and she suddenly turned back. Uwah, please don't turn around so quickly, it will shake your skirt too much.


"Huh? What ?"

It seems she's in a bad mood. Well, of course you're going to be in a bad mood if you're swimming ... no I mean, working in the river in the middle of the winter.

The short skirt she's wearing is part of the uniform of a famous school 'S school for girls'.

In this area there are two schools for girls, they're called 'S school for girls' and 'M school for girls' respectively. There's no particular meaning behind the letters, it's just the initials of the name of the schools. If I had to choose I'd pick an M girl, they have recently made their uniform longer and even if they were to fall at the train station stairs, you wouldn't get in a pinch or see anything.

But the person I met was an S high school girl, where they have a more lose clothes code. She was wearing something of the likes to a mini skirt. The girl was standing straight, with her hips stretched and she had only turned around her neck. I closed my eyes and prayed that the wind wouldn't blow.

"Your panties are about to show"

The S girl opened her confused eyes, stared at me angrily and barked her answer:

"Hey, don't look~ !"

I'm not looking! I was just letting you know out of kindness, so youdon't have to say it like that. It's not like I was expecting a girly REACTION of surprise, embarrassment or gratitude. But I didn't expect that reaction either. Her voice, posture and face all displayed anger.

"You don't need to get angry okay? I thought they were about to show, so I let you know that"

"I'm not angry!"

"Then stop staring angrily. At any rate, what are you looking for in the cold water?"

"That has nothing to do with you"

That's all she said before returning to her task and once again her hips were popping out at a risky angle. And it was only then that I understood. High school girls really don't care if you see their panties. In an emergency, it seems they don't care if you see their underwear or not. She didn't show any signs of trying to cover herself with one hand, or lower the hem of the skirt, or trying not to pop her butt out noticeably. Even if the person standing here would be an old guy, she would continue her task without caring.

What could she possibly be looking for so desperately?

Something that one would be troubled if it fell in the river.... a BAT that could get ruined with water or a leather MITT.... Since she's a woman maybe it's her purse or student card. Ah, or it could be that.

"Could it be, your cell phone?


This time the S girl replied without turning around. She doesn't seem to care whether she ignores me or not. Most high school students cherish their cell phones with their lives, so if something like that were to fall in the river, they would frantically try to look for it even in mid winter. Even though I thought so, my guess was apparently incorrect. But I didn't feel like asking any other questions, and I couldn't leave the place either, so I just waited on the bridge for a while. I didn't look at my watch but maybe 5 minutes went by. Then I twisted my neck and shoulders as WARM UP, and jumped over the GUARDRAIL of the bridge.

"What are you doing!?"

I got closer to the shore, leaving my coat and shoes on the grass next to the river. When she noticed my bare feet she quickly made a frightened face, her eyebrows joining in an exaggerated manner.

"No way! Are you entering the river? Stop that, you'll be a hindrance!"

"The one who's a hindrance here is you. I can't walk past someone who in mid-winter is in the middle of the river looking for something. Only a heartless person could do that, okay!? If I do that, my mom will look at me with the white of her eyes when I get home, get it!?"

"I don't know your mother"

"Well, I won't be a hindrance to you! But if you don't want my help no matter what, then at least call the police or something. If it was me, I'd call the fire department and then they could check the riverbed. But if you're only looking for something unimportant that you dropped then calling the fire department would be wrong. However you are going to get a bunch of people looking at you. Other might look, but I won't . I won't look at your panties "

"What do panties have to do with this?"

"For me it is has a lot to do with them"

For some reason, at this point she started lowering the hem of her skirt. Took you a while, you should have done it sooner. But the police wasn't around so it's fine.

"If it bothers you, I can just help you in silence. What on earth are you looking for?"

Is she threatening me with her angry look? Or is she tired of me meddling? Finally she replied in low voice, short and simple words.

"A ring"

"A ring?"

Once she said it, it seems like she didn't feel like hiding it anymore. She continued talking with a desperate tone afterwards.

"I got it from my boyfriend. Well, now he's my ex-boyfriend. We were pretty lovey-dovey but it turned sour and I ended it. I got it for Christmas last year, what should I do? It's a silver ring, that doesn't cost more than 10,000 yen. But Valentine's Day is coming up and I wanted a new boyfriend, and I thought that if I kept my ex boyfriend's present I'd continue to feel lonely. So it was best if I got rid of it, so I took it with me for a walk"

"And you dropped it"

Her head shook slowly. Her black hair mixed with brown stroke her blazer.

"I tossed it"

"Eh? Into the river?"

"That's right"

"Really!? What a waste!"

What a waste S high school girl. Maathai-san[8] must be grieving. Because after all it's made of SILVER, right? Besides 10,000 yens is a lot of money for a high school student. Maybe her ex boyfriend wanted some SPIKES and he had endured not getting them and worked hard in his part-time job for it?

"But you gave up the idea of getting rid of it"

"That's ... right. Well even though I threw it away, although that doesn't matter now, it's a bit of a waste.... I mean..."

"Yeah, indeed it's a waste. All right, let's look for it"

With the hem of my jeans rolled up, I approached the river. The cold air started blowing and I got cold quickly. I took in a deep breath to prepare for the upcoming coldness.

"Wait, just wait a second"

The high school girl approached splashing water. She looked as panicked as before.

"What now? Since silver is heavy it probably sunk and hasn't moved much. If I help you look we'll find it for sure. The efficiency of two people is twice that of one."

"Wait, why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?"

"Why you ask... Well it's my families motto that if you don't help someone when they're in trouble, you'll be ignored when you're in trouble"

I've been convinced of this since I was a kid, but when you hear it out-loud it sounds like a threat. Usually parents would say "Let's be nice and help people who are in trouble!" but to inculcate retributive justice to young children, sounds like something they would do in a home that follows the Code of Hammurabi[9].

The problem is, that if it's not taught correctly, and it comes in through one ear and comes out of the other, it's not so bad. And I got completely convinced by it, ending up in the current situation.

"In other words, that one should feel empathy for others?"

"Ah, that's right. You're smart, S girl"

Besides, there was one good thing about looking in the river together. Unlike when I was watching from the bridge, the possibilities of being defeated inadvertently were lowered when we were at the same level. In other words, the possibilities of losing the weird game that Murata suggested in under an hour had gone down.

I'm not losing the bet and I'm not being cold-hearted, it's like killing two birds with one stone.

"All right! I'm fired up! Let's look for it!"

With my clothes rolled up more than it was needed, I entered the river, my bare feet touched the water.

"UuuuUh! It's co~ld! At any rate, S girl..."

"What is it?"

"Why are you in uniform on a Sunday?"

The high school looking for the ring laughed a little.

"Because I've been told it suits me"

I tried to repress the words "That's what it is" but I might have involuntarily said it. So she could smile. This girl still likes her ex boyfriend, she does. She may say that she dumped him, but her feelings say otherwise. Far from that, she hasn't gotten over him, not at all, she doesn't want to part from him.

Even though I've gained practice judging people as a BATTER, when it comes to feelings of love I'm just an amateur. I smiled softly to myself.

Uwah, what's this feeling of weakness?

Say Murata, you said a classmate, a passing high school girl or a married woman, but, what category does someone else's girlfriend fall into?

(To be continued...)

Return to MA Series Forward to Part 2


  1. Yeah, you can laugh, it's a joke.
  2. Double screen, as in DS
  3. Reference to this CM, anime girls in panties
  4. Panties or underwear are called "PANTSU" in Japanese. In Japanese, the word for pants is zubon. Yuuri says "outside panties", but he's thinking of the word "pants" in English. (*5) He could have said baseball but okay... gay.
  5. This character,
  6. Nintendo DS LL
  7. The Mayan calendar predicted the destruction of earth in 2012. This story was written in 2010/11.