MaruMA:Volume04:Chapter 8

From Baka-Tsuki
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Chapter 8[edit]

‘I want to fly freely through the sky’ is the dream that people imagine all creatures besides birds have.  Considering the body composition of a human, realizing that dream is next to impossible.  However.

“… He’s flying.”

To put it precisely, he’s floating.

Even though he hasn’t received any training or anything, Yuuri’s body is floating in a standing posture as he looks down cynically with his arms folded.  As if he were sliding through the air, he assumes a position between the two watchtowers.

Since it’s his second time, Hyscliff doesn’t get worked up after getting glared at by shining, fiery, black eyes, but Luis Biron loses the ability to speak.  Even his favorite ‘-pon’ won’t come out.

The people running around trying to escape on the ground stop and point up at Yuuri.  With faces filled with both fear and excitement, they all chatter on how it’s a rare beast.

“… You wear the mask of one who provides daily bread, yet the truth is that you would turn young girls who haven’t even lived into your own sustenance by exploiting and violating them…”

A sonorous and well traveling voice and a line worthy of an actor at the Kyoto Uzumasa Film Set.  Without a doubt, this is the Super Demon King Mode.  Even if you compare him to all the Demon Kings in history, he surpasses all of them with this splendid figure.  Conrad, full of pride, praises Yuuri in his mind[1].

“… In the end, if wickedness is exposed, I will turn upon it and light a fire to return it all to ash.  To believe that you’d take your companions down with you and only you would survive…”

Like a slow pulse as if a giant was stretching out underground, they’re assailed by a five second long tremor that travels up their backs.  In the beginning it was a far away and weak shaking, but now it’s nearing the surface.

“Crossing over to a foreign country where you should help stave off the starvation of the mothers, fathers and siblings, you lack filial piety and instead commit inhumane acts.  You may be able to fool those ignorant people who flock around money, but you will not be able to deceive my eyes!” The spectators were unable to take their eyes off him, but only the firefighters were devoted to their work.  No matter what’s happening on stage, the only thing in their heads is putting out the fire.  It’s the spirit of men fired up with enthusiasm.  But, there aren’t enough hands and the water resupply won’t get there in time.

After briefly glancing in that direction, he glares at the frozen man.

“You beast in a person’s skin.  No, even beasts have rules and ethics.  You fiend who doesn’t even have that much has no right to live!  Make peace with your last moments as there will be no one to collect your corpse!”

Dramatically swinging down his right arm that had been pointing at the sky, his index finger directly targets Biron.  The evil merchant with the upturned eyebrows unsteadily backed up to the railing.

“Even when it is a villain it is not my will to take lives, but… this is unavoidable.  I’ll cu… egh!”

His nose couldn’t take the odor and the flying ash.  Sneezing in the middle of his signature speech is Yuuri’s very first accident.

“Your Majesty… your nose.  Your nose is running.”

“Ugh, how annoying!”

He blows his nose on the tissue his guardian hands him.  How he’s going to adlib after this is going to prove his worth as the Demon King.  Wolfram desperately tries to help his friend in need.

“What are you doing, Conrart!?  As a guardian, this is when you need to tell one of your lame jokes to fill in the pause.”

“… Ummm…”

“Like we have time for you to search through your brain now!?”

Not paying attention to the voices of others is also a Super requirement for being the Super Demon King.  Perhaps because he’s against littering, he stuffs the wadded up tissue in his pocket before once again pointing at the villain.

“… Even when it is a villain it is not my will to take lives, but…”

It’s like a small segment of a show replayed after a commercial.

“… this is unavoidable!  I’ll cut you down!”

Like the flashy cloud of fumes spouted out for the entrance of a special effects hero, right behind him a perfectly timed geyser shoots bam! right up into the sky, splits in three and comes back down.  They’re transparent dragons formed out of water, or more specifically, the hot spring water.  Two of them savagely jump upon the burning areas, the last one draws close to its owner’s arm before neatly wrapping around Luis Biron.


The dragon, wide as a reinforced concrete pipe, swallows him whole and sends him down the tube to its stomach.  Right around where ‘Justice’ was written.  The appearance of the man with his arms flapping around his lower back is not unlike that of a grotesque sea angel.

“This is strange,” Wolfram murmured with a skeptical expression.

“Dragons?  It’s strange; there’s no way his magic could be so refined.”

“Wolf, I think that’s a bit rude.”

“No, it’s clearly strange.  Ah, did he get a lover!?  And now he’s trying to show his good side…”

“… That’s so cool…”

He turns at the fascinated whispers of the girl.  He had completely forgotten she was there, but Greta's eyes are filled with admiration and respect.

“So he’s trying to show his good side to his daughter.”

It seems he’s become aware of himself as a parent.

Underneath the feet of the Demon King standing like a model is the hot spring’s mark shining in the ‘mystery circle.’

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  1. Takabayashi-sensei may have not been able to use the exact name in her book, but she’s talking about the Toei Uzumasa Movie Village in Kyoto which is a film set/theme park.  It’s pretty much a town that they use as a backdrop for filming historical movies/shows that they also open to the public to explore and watch plays and other fun stuff.  It’s actually pretty cool looking.