Clannad FR:SEEN0414

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 22:02, 11 August 2009 by Way'Akinary (talk | contribs)
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// Resources for SEEN0414.TXT

#character '*B'
// *B
// Way'Akinary demande de l'aide pour la traduction.
#character 'Voix'
// ?
#character 'Fille'
// ???
#character 'Professeur'
// ??
#character 'Sunohara'
// ??
#character 'Jeune homme'
// ??

<0000> Je déteste cette ville.
// ????????
<0001> Car c'est un endroit rempli de souvenirs que je veux oublier.
// ???????????????????
<0002> Aller au lycée tous les jours, parler avec des amis, et ensuite rentrer chez moi alors que je n'ai pas envie.
// ????????????????????????????????????
<0003> Il ne se passe jamais rien de nouveau.
// ???????????????
<0004> \{\m{B}} (Je me demande si quelque chose va changer...)
// \{\m{B}} (??????????????????…)
<0005> \{\m{B}} (Je me demande, si ma vie sera un jour différente...)
// \{\m{B}} (?????????????????…)
<0006> La croissance intacte et naturelle de cette ville...
// ???????????
<0007> Le chemin autour des collines pour arriver à l'école... *
// ??????????
<0008> Je me demande s'il serait facile d'aller à l'école s'il rasait toutes ces collines.
// ????????????????????????????
<0009> Si je pouvais prendre un chemin droit, mon temps de marche diminuerait à vingt minutes.
// ?????????20???????????????
<0010> \{\m{B}} (Un jour, vingt minutes...)
// \{\m{B}} (???20?…
<0011> \{\m{B}} (Alors combien de temps aurais-je gagné en un an...?)
// \{\m{B}} (????????????????????????????…)
<0012> Je fais des math quand je marche.
// ??????????
<0013> \{\m{B}} (Ahhh, je ne sais pas...)
// \{\m{B}} (??????????…)
<0014> Il n'y a personne d'autres de mon école autour de moi.
// ??????????????
<0015> Normalement nous devrions être plusieurs, c'est le chemin principal vers l'école. *
// ??????????????????????????????
<0016> il ne me semble pas que ce soit un jours férié ou quoi que ce soit.
// ????????????????
<0017> Ce qui signifie... que ce n'est pas la bonne heure pour aller à l'école.
// ????…?????????????????????
<0018> Ignoring this laid back scenery, I continue walking to school at the same rate.
// Way'Akinary demande de l'aide pour la traduction.
// ?????????????????????????????????????????
<0019> .........
// ………?
<0020> Plus que deux cents mètres avant d'atteindre les protes du lycée.
// ??????200?????
<0021> Je m'arrête un peu.
// ????????
<0022> \{\m{B}} "Soupir..."
// \{\m{B}} ????
<0023> Je eprend mon souffle, et lève les yeux au ciel. *
// ???????????
<0024> Les portes du lycée sont juste devant.
// ???????????
<0025> Qui a décidé de metre les portes là-bas ?
// ?????????????????????
<0026> Cette longue route s'allonge comme dans un cauchemar.
// ??????????????????
<0027> \{Voix} "Soupir..."
// \{?} ????
<0028> C'est un souffle différent du mien, plus petit et plus doux.
// ??????????????????????
<0029> Je regarde à coté de moi.
// ???????
<0030> Il y a une fille, debout.
// ????????????????????
<0031> Je peux dire qu'elle est en troisième année, par la couleur de son insigne.
// ??????????????????
<0032> Mais je ne la connais pas.
// ?????????????
<0033> Ses cheveux courts, flotte dans le vent, juste au dessus de ses épaules
// ????????????????????
<0034> \{Fille} "........."
// \{???} ?………?
<0035> il semble qu'elle soit sur le point de pleurer.
// ???????????????
<0036> D'habitude, je ne juge pas les gens sur leur apparence, mais elle semble très honnête...
// ?????????????????????????????????…
<0037> Elle ressemble à la sorte de fille trop timide pour entrer dans la salle de classe seule.
// ???????????????????????????
<0038> \{Fille} "Bien... bien..."
// \{???} ?????…?
<0039> Elle ferme les yeux, et hoche la t^te en signe d'approbation à certains moment, comme si elle se parler à elle-même.
// ?????????????????????????????????
<0040> \{Fille} "........."
// \{???} ?………?
<0041> Elle ouvre ses yeux.
// ????????????
<0042> Elle regarde la grande porte scolaire d'un œil ferme.
// ?????????????????
<0043> \{Fille} "Tu aimes cette école ?"
// \{???} ?????????????
<0044> \{\m{B}} "Hum... ?"
// \{\m{B}} ??…??
<0045> Non, elle ne me parlait pas.
// ??????????????????
<0046> Elle parlait à quelqu'un, à l'intérieur de son cœur.
// ??????????????????
<0047> Je me demande quelle genre de réponse a-t-elle obtenue de lui ? (ou d'elle ?)
// ???(??????)?????????????
<0048> \{Fille} "Moi je l'aime, je l'aime beaucoup."
// \{???} ??????????????????
<0049> \{Fille} "Mais rien ... ne peut rester pareil pour toujours."
// match with SEEN0415 Line 0460
// \{???} ?????????…??????????????
<0050> \{Fille} "Des choses amusantes, des choses heureuses..."
// \{???} ??????????????????????
<0051> \{Fille} "Rien ne reste pareil pour toujours."
// \{???} ???????????????????
<0052> Avec une grande difficulté, elle continue à parler.
// ????????????
<0053> \{Fille} "Mais pourtant, aimes-tu toujours cette école ?"
// \{???} ?????????????????????
<0054> .........
// ………?
<0055> \{Fille} "Je..."
// \{???} ?????…?
<0056> \{\m{B}} "Tu as juste à en trouver."
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????
<0057> \{Fille} "Hein... ?"
// \{???} ???…??
<0058> Surprise, elle se tourna vers moi.
// ??????????????
<0059> Comme elle croyait être seule jusqu'à maintenant.
// ?????????????????????????
<0060> \{\m{B}} "Tu as juste à trouver de nouvelles choses amusantes et heureuses."
// \{\m{B}} ??????????????????????????????
<0061> \{\m{B}} "C'est faux de penser qu'il n'y a pas d'autres choses comme ça."
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????????????????  ?????
<0062> \{Fille} "........."
// \{???} ?………?
<0063> C'est ça.
// ???
<0064> il y a des moments ou nous sommes innocents et naïfs...
// ?????????????
<0065> C'est une phase que chacun passe.
// ???????
<0066> \{\m{B}} "Aller, on y va."
// \{\m{B}} ????????
<0067> Le 14 avril (lundi)
// 4?14?(?)
<0068> \{Professeur} "Sunohara ?"
--------------------------------------------------------------- Pause
// \{??} ???(????)?
<0069> The teacher calls out the name of a single student.
// ???????????????????
<0070> \{Professeur} "Absent as usual?"
// \{??} ????????????
<0071> I glance at Sunohara's seat beside me.
// ????????????????
<0072> His attendance is even worse than mine.
// ??????????????
<0073> We are the only two students in this class known as delinquents.
// ????????????????????????????????
<0074> I guess that's why we get along.
<0075> Also, he's the only person I can really talk to freely. That's how we are.
// ??????????????????????????????????
<0076> The lesson has started.
// ???????
<0077> I spend my time looking out the window...
// ?????????????
<0078> ... ignoring everything the teacher's saying.
// ??????????????
<0079> The class has ended and school is over.
// ??????????????
<0080> That Sunohara didn't show up at all.
// ???????????????
<0081> In the end, the only person I talked to today was the girl from this morning.
// ?????????????????????????????
<0082> Today is no different from any other day.
// ?????????????
<0083> I'm not part of any clubs, so I pick up my empty bag and slip out of the classroom while the rest of the students are chatting away.
// ????????????????????????????????????????????
<0084> Even if I go home, there won't be anyone there right now.
// ??????????????????
<0085> I don't have a mother to begin with.
// ?????????????
<0086> She died in a car accident when I was young. I don't even remember her face.
// ??????????????????????????????????
<0087> My father, who was left behind, sank into depression... probably affected by the shock of her death.
// ???????????????…??????????????
<0088> He'd go out, get drunk, and waste his time gambling.
// ?????????????????????????????
<0089> My entire childhood was wasted by always fighting with him.
// ?????????????????????????????????
<0090> But after a certain incident, our relationship changed.
// ???????????????????????????
<0091> He became violent and injured me.
// ???????????????????
<0092> From that day forward, my father kept his thoughts to himself.
// ???????????????????????
<0093> Then, instead of calling me in the normal way, he started calling me "\m{B}-kun" with a -kun at the end, as though I were a stranger.
// ???????????????????????\m{B}????????????????????????????????
<0094> Without a doubt, that made us feel unrelated.
// ????????????????????????
<0095> Just like he closed himself in a shell.
// ?????????????????
<0096> Just like a point in time that separates the present from the past.
// ?????????????????
<0097> It would've been better if he had just completely ignored me.
// ????????????????
<0098> If he cared enough to cause me pain, there would still be hope.
// ???????????????????
<0099> But now, if he sees me come home, he smiles as if seeing an old friend... and begins to chat.
// ???????????????????????????????????????…?????????????
<0100> It would cause me so much pain that I couldn't take it any more...
// ??????????????????…
<0101> I would rush out of the house.
// ???????????
<0102> And so, in order to avoid him, I have lived my life not returning home until late at night, after he was asleep.
// ?????????????????????????????????????????????
<0103> I go to sleep at dawn and wake up around noon.
// ???????????????????
<0104> Ever since I entered high school, I've always been late.
// ????????????????????????
<0105> This has been going on for three years.
// ?????????????????
<0106> Today, as always, I changed my clothes and left before my father got home.
// ???????????????????????????????
<0107> That's what I've become used to.
// ????????????????
<0108> I roam around the town at night.
// ?????????
<0109> And I end up going to the same place at the end of the day.
// ?????????????????
<0110> I buy my dinner at the convenience store...
// ??????????????????????????…
<0111> And with it in hand, I head down the school slope towards the student dormitory.
// ???????????????????
<0112> The school actively promotes club activities, so there are a lot of students here.
// ??????????????????????????????????????
<0113> They spend their three years here away from their parents.
// ?????????????????????????????????
<0114> They are very different from a person who lives out his school life with no dreams, like me.
// ?????????????????????????????
<0115> I don't have anything to do with any clubs, but he... Sunohara lives here.
// ??????????????????????????…???????????
<0116> Sunohara got into this school for sports, as he was once a part of the soccer team.
// ???????????????????????????????????
<0117> But in his first year, he got into a big fight with students from another school and got suspended. He was removed from being a regular player.
// ???????????????????????????????????????????
<0118> And then, after his freshmen year, he lost his place on the team.
// ??????????????????????????????
<0119> There was nothing he could do but leave them.
// ?????????????
<0120> As he couldn't really afford to move anywhere else, he ended up remaining in his dorm, which is reserved for students of sports clubs.
// ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
<0121> \{Voice} "How many times do I have to tell you?!"
// \{?} ??????????????
<0122> \{Sunohara} "But the volume was really low..."
// \{??} ??????????????????
<0123> Sunohara is there.
// ??????
<0124> He's in front of another room, talking with a student with a huge body.
// ?????????????????????????????
<0125> \{Jeune homme} "Even if it's really low, I can hear it through these thin walls!"
// \{??} ???????????????????????!?
<0126> \{Jeune homme} "Use your headphones!"
// \{??} ????????????
<0127> \{Sunohara} "I told you, I can't afford that, haha..."
// \{??} ?????????????????
<0128> \{Jeune homme} "Then don't listen to it!"
// \{??} ??????????
<0129> \{Sunohara} "No, but, if I don't, then I can't really get in the mood, you know?"
// \{??} ?????????????????????????
<0130> \{Sunohara} "And it's a really cool song, you know?"
// \{??} ??????????????????????
<0131> \{Jeune homme} "........."
// \{??} ?………?
<0132> \{Sunohara} "Look, if you'll just listen to the lyrics, you'll know what I mean!"
// \{??} ???????????????????????????
<0133> \{Jeune homme} "I don't care what the hell you're talking about..."
// \{??} ???????????…?
<0134> \{Jeune homme} "All you're doing is pissing me off!"
// \{??} ?????????????????!?
<0135> \{Jeune homme} "If I hear it again, I'm kicking you out of here!"
// \{??} ????????????????!?
<0136> SLAM!\shake{4}
// ????!\shake{4}
<0137> \{Sunohara} "Eeeek!!"
// \{??} ????!?
<0138> \{Sunohara} "........."
// \{??} ?………?
<0139> Sunohara's head slumps down before the closed door.
// ???????????????????
<0140> \{Sunohara} "Damn... that rugby player..."
// \{??} ????…??????…?
<0141> He mumbles to himself.
// ?????????
<0142> \{\m{B}} "He's not gonna hear you like that."
// \{\m{B}} ???????????????
<0143> \{\m{B}} "\size{30}\bDAMN THAT RUGBY PLAYER!!!\size{}"\u
// \{\m{B}} ?\size{30}???!  ????????????!\size{}?
<0144> I correct him with a yell as he stands beside me.
// ?????????????????????
<0145> \{Sunohara} "Eeek!!"
// \{??} ?????!?
<0146> Sunohara grabs me by the head and drags me into his room.
// ??????????????????????????
<0147> In the hallway, a large voice bellows, "Who the hell was that?!"
// ????????????!???????????
<0148> \{Sunohara} "Pant... pant..."
// \{??} ???…??…?
<0149> \{Sunohara} "Are you trying to get me killed?"
// \{??} ????????!?
<0150> \{\m{B}} "You're the one who said that, aren't you?"
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????
<0151> \{Sunohara} "You know, \m{A}..."
// \{??} ?????\m{A}…?
<0152> \{Sunohara} "I'm not on good terms with the residents here these days."
// \{??} ?????????????????????????????????????…?
<0153> \{\m{B}} "So let's go \ball out\u right now."
// Alt TL: "So let's go \bkick their asses\u right now."
// I guess "go all out" isn't making any sense to some... anyway, it has the same idea as "all out war"
// Hmmm... I think I'll just put the "all out" part in \b\u to imply that there's a meaning about all out -DG1
// \{\m{B}} ?????????
<0154> \{Sunohara} "We still got a year left!"
// \{??} ???????????!?
<0155> \{\m{B}} "You really don't have any guts, do you?"
// \{\m{B}} ???????????????????????
<0156> \{Sunohara} "Hey..."
// \{??} ????…?
<0157> \{Sunohara} "I wouldn't back down in a one-on-one fight, even if it's with a rugby player."
// \{??} ???????????????????????????????????????
<0158> \{Sunohara} "But all the rooms around are \brugby player\u rooms..."
// Alt - "But you see, my room is completely surrounded by the guys from the Rugby Team." - Kinny Riddle
// \{??} ?????????????????…?
<0159> \{Sunohara} "If I stir up something here... it's gonna be too dangerous..."
// \{??} ????????????????…???????…?
<0160> \{Sunohara} "But, well, when it's near graduation, having an \ball out war\u with them would be nice."
// \{??} ????????????????????????????
<0161> \{Sunohara} "When that time comes, I'll have you cover my back, \m{A}!"
// \{??} ??????\m{A}????????????????
<0162> \{\m{B}} "Lucky! I'll stab you well!"
// "Lucky! I'll stab you well!"
// Lucky implies "there's a chance" here -DG1
// This is better, because ???? is a common stabbing sound, and this is a pun on backstabbing! -Mashu
// Backstabbing Sunohara as he covers his back. -DG1
// \{\m{B}} ??????????????
<0163> \{Sunohara} "Not me! Go at them!"
// \{??} ??????!  ????!?
<0164> \{\m{B}} "But I'm on the rugby team's side, you see."
// "But I'm on the rugby team's side, right?"
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????
<0165> \{Sunohara} "Since when?!"
// \{??} ????????!?
<0166> \{\m{B}} "Well, just for that time."
// \{\m{B}} ??????????
<0167> \{Sunohara} "What?! Why?!"
// \{??} ???!?  ?????!??
<0168> \{Sunohara} "Then what the hell have we been doing for the last two years? Huh?!"
// \{??} ?????????????????????!  ???!??
<0169> \size{30}DONG!\size{}\shake{4}
// \size{30}????!\size{}\shake{4}
<0170> The wall shakes.
// ??????
<0171> An angry shout saying, "Be quiet!" follows after that.
// ?????????????!???????
<0172> \{Sunohara} "Eeeek!!"
// \{??} ?????
<0173> \{\m{B}} "I'll kick back."
// \{\m{B}} ??????????
<0174> \{Sunohara} "Don't do it!"
// \{??} ????????!?
<0175> \{\m{B}} "You're way too jumpy."
// Alt TL: "What a scaredy cat you are."
// \{\m{B}} ???????????
<0176> \{Sunohara} "Please, try to put yourself in my position, will you..."
// \{??} ?????…???????????…?
<0177> He's crying...
// ?????…?
<0178> \{Sunohara} "I'm begging you, just shut up, please!"
// \{??} ????????????????????
<0179> \{\m{B}} "O-okay..."
// \{\m{B}} ?????…?
<0180> That miserable look is overpowering me.
// ???????????????????
<0181> Munch, munch...
// ????…
<0182> I begin eating from my lunch box, sitting between the \g{kotatsu}={A kotatsu is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a table top sits. Underneath is a heat source, often built into the table itself. Mostly used for warming up the body.} and the wall of this small room.
// ??????????????????????????????????????
<0183> \{\m{B}} "Tea, please."
// \{\m{B}} ???????
<0184> \{Sunohara} "I don't have any!"
// \{??} ??????!?
<0185> \{\m{B}} "That's why I said 'please', right?"
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????
<0186> \{Sunohara} "I don't care even if you bow, I said I don't have any!"
// \{??} ??????????????
<0187> \{Sunohara} "You're not confusing this room with a cafeteria, are you?"
// \{??} ????????????????????????
<0188> \{\m{B}} "This is your room, I know."
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????
<0189> \{Sunohara} "Okay."
// \{??} ????
<0190> \{\m{B}} "And you're my slave."
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????
<0191> \{Sunohara} "You don't seem to get it, do you?"
// \{??} ???????????????
<0192> \{\m{B}} "Come on man, I forgot to buy it."
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????
<0193> \{Sunohara} "Didn't it even occur to you that you should get it yourself?"
// \{??} ?????????????????????…?
<0194> \{\m{B}} "But you said helping me is your only purpose in life, ever since I saved you, right?"
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????????????????????????????????????
<0195> \{Sunohara} "I don't have such a made-up backstory!"
// \{??} ??????????????????
<0196> \{\m{B}} "Didn't you say it like this after I saved you?"
// \{\m{B}} ???????????????????
<0197> \{\m{B}} "\b'The man called Sunohara died at that moment...'"\u
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????…?
<0198> \{\m{B}} "\b'The person here right now, is just someone who will serve you tea...'"\u
// \{\m{B}} ???????????????????????????????…???
<0199> \{\m{B}} "So, tea."
// \{\m{B}} ???????
<0200> \{Sunohara} "Don't make up such crap!"
// \{??} ??????????
<0201> \{\m{B}} "Then, I'll settle for a last cup of tea."
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????
<0202> \{Sunohara} "There is no such thing as first or last!"
// \{??} ????????????
<0203> \{\m{B}} "Oh god, this is touching. If you listen to this, you'll \bdefinitely\u want to get tea for me."
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????????????????????
<0204> \{\m{B}} "Losing the battle against a fatal injury, there was no hope left of saving you."
// \{\m{B}} ??????????????????????????
<0205> \{\m{B}} "And in that condition, you were committed to bringing me tea, for I was thirsty."
// \{\m{B}} ??????????????????????????
<0206> \{\m{B}} "From there, you squeezed out every last ounce of your strength as you crawled up to me to pour some tea."
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????????????????????????????
<0207> \{\m{B}} "And then..."
// \{\m{B}} ????…?
<0208> \{\m{B}} "Master \m{A}... here's some tea..."
// \{\m{B}} ?\m{A}?…????????…?
<0209> \{\m{B}} "And this will be your... last tea..."
// \{\m{B}} ????????…???…???????…?
<0210> \{\m{B}} "You were smiling... when you died."
// \{\m{B}} ????????????
<0211> \{Sunohara} "And I was so damn satisfied with that, \bhuh?!"\u
// \{??} ????????????????!?
<0212> \{\m{B}} "That was what you hoped for after all."
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????
<0213> \{\m{B}} "And then, while crying, I drank that last cup of tea."
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????????????
<0214> \{\m{B}} "Touching, isn't it?"
// \{\m{B}} ?????????
<0215> \{\m{B}} "So, tea."
// \{\m{B}} ???????
<0216> \{Sunohara} "I said I don't have any!"
// \{??} ?????????
<0217> After that, I spend the rest of the day reading magazines.
// ?????????????????
<0218> There isn't a TV to watch, so there's nothing to do except reading.
// ??????????????????????????????????????
<0219> \{Sunohara} "Whew..."
// \{??} ???…?
<0220> \{Sunohara} "Isn't it time to go to sleep?"
// \{??} ???????????
<0221> The sun has already set, and it's night time.
// ???????????????????
<0222> \{\m{B}} "Yeah... you're right."
// \{\m{B}} ???…?????
<0223> I don't plan on sleeping in Sunohara's room.
// ??????????????????????
<0224> If I wake up seeing this guy in the morning, I'll just be depressed.
// ??????????????????????????????
<0225> \{Sunohara} "Then I'm gonna go take a shower."
// \{??} ??????????????????
<0226> \{\m{B}} "Okay."
// \{\m{B}} ????
<0227> Sunohara grabs a towel from a mountain of clothing in the corner and leaves the room.
// ?????????????????????????????????????????????
<0228> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} ?………?
<0229> I want to avoid having to see Sunohara when he gets back after shower.
// His trying to imply he doesn't want to see Sunohara after he finished his shower.
// ?????????????????????????????????
<0230> I guess I should go home.
// ??????????????
<0231> I stop reading the magazine and get up.
// ?????????????
<0232> Then, I notice a cassette player in front of me.
// ??????????????????????????
<0233> It looks like there's a tape inside.
// ???????????????????
<0234> So I push the play button.
// ???????
<0235> This is old-fashioned hip-hop.
// ??????????????????????????
<0236> \{\m{B}} (Disgusting...)
// \{\m{B}} (???…)
<0237> \{\m{B}} (Who's gonna listen to this crap...)
// \{\m{B}} (??????????…)
<0238> Dub something over it // Option 1 - to 0240
// ??????????
<0239> Don't do anything // Option 2 - to 0279
// ?????
<0240> Okay, I'll record my own original rap instead.
// ??????????????????????????? 
<0241> The theme will be, "To my best friend, Sunohara rap."
// ??????????????????????
<0242> This will definitely impress him.
// ??????????????????
<0243> \{\m{B}} (Here we go...)
// \{\m{B}} (???…)
<0244> I take a deep breath and press the record button.
// ???????????????????
<0245> \{\m{B}} "... YO-YO! I'm \m{A}! You're..."
// \{\m{B}} ?…YO! YO! ??\m{A}!  ??????
<0246> With the tempo down, I began to spin my words.
// ??????????????
<0247> \{\m{B}} "You're..."
// \{\m{B}} ?????…?
<0248> Damn... nothing comes to my mind.
// ?…??????????????
<0249> Never mind, this is stupid... // Option 1a
// ????????…
<0250> Say something fitting // Option 2b: Multi variation
// ??????????????
<0251> \{\m{B}} "A-Mongolian-Chop!"
// \{\m{B}} ???????????!?
<0252> \{\m{B}} "No, I'll-give-you-a-Mongolian-Chop!"
// I've been wondering for so long, is this a reference to Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad?
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????????
<0253> \{\m{B}} "Well, it doesn't make any sense however I say it..."
// Just like most rap, better not understand it XD -DG1
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????…?
<0254> \{\m{B}} "You're-a-WuperRuper-that-evolved-ashore!" 
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????????????!?
<0255> \{\m{B}} "Huh...? Even though I was joking, it looks like I took it a bit seriously..."
// \{\m{B}} ???…?  ????????????????????????…?
<0256> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}} ?………?
<0257> \{\m{B}} "You're a... WuperRuper?"
// \{\m{B}} ????…??????????
<0258> \{\m{B}} "Made-in-Chi-na!"
// \{\m{B}} ????·??·????!?
<0259> \{\m{B}} "You're-be-ing mass-pro-duced-in-Chi-na!"
// \{\m{B}} ??????????????
<0260> \{\m{B}} "Geh, disgusting!"
// \{\m{B}} ???????!?
<0261> \{\m{B}} "Cock-a-Doodle-Doo!"
// \{\m{B}} ?????????????!?
<0262> \{\m{B}} "Uwa, what the hell am I talking about, I don't get it, hahahaha!"
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????????????~!  ????!?
// \{\m{B}} ??????????????????!?
<0264> \{\m{B}} "It's 'My blue hand in my long pocket's got one big Sunohara imitation!'"
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????????????????
<0265> \{\m{B}} "Don't you wanna butt in with, \p'Hey, forget imitation, the original's scary enough!'?"
// \{\m{B}} ???????????????????????!\p??????????????
<0266> \{\m{B}} "A topknot!"
// \{\m{B}} ??????!?
<0267> \{\m{B}} "No, you're not a topknot..."
// \{\m{B}} ??????????????…?
<0268> \{\m{B}} "Then, this rap would be lying..."
// \{\m{B}} ????????????????…?
<0269> \{\m{B}} "Sorry Sunohara, get a topknot."
// \{\m{B}} ???????????????????
<0270> \{\m{B}} "Pff..."
// \{\m{B}} ???…?
<0271> \{\m{B}} "Oh crap, I laughed before saying anything."
// \{\m{B}} ??????????????????
<0272> \{\m{B}} (... forget it, this is stupid...)
// \{\m{B}} (…????????…)
<0273> \{\m{B}} "... forget it, this is stupid..." // Option 2b: Path
// \{\m{B}} ?…????????…?
<0274> I throw a swift punch in frustration.
// ????????
<0275> Why the hell do I have to do something like this for him anyway?
// ?????????????????????????????????
<0276> It's not like we're close friends or anything to begin with.
// ????????????????????????????
<0277> \{\m{B}} (I'm outta here...)
// \{\m{B}} (????????…)
<0278> I decide to leave before Sunohara returns.
// ????????????????????
<0279> Not once have things not gone catastrophically wrong for him whenever he leaves me alone in his room... 
// Option 2: Path
// ??????????????????????????????????…  
<0280> ... but I'll let him go for today.
// ?????????????????
<0281> I decide to leave before Sunohara returns.
// ????????????????????