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Somehow we made it on time late in the evening[edit]

Yuuri: We put this in here ... we tie it with a RIBBON, and.... done! We're done making the last of the presents that will be distributed !

???: We're finally done[1]?

Josak: Good job everyone. All right now... May I please be excused ?

Yuuri: Of course! What are you going to do now?

Josak: I'll go pour some tea for my Excellency who's exhausted back in his office.

Yuuri: That sounds nice! After all the most valuable player of the 'gift operation' was Gwendal, right? Please tell him we're done with the knitted stuffed animals part.

Josak: Roger that. *leaves*

Yuuri: Sorry, Josak! Sorry for making you help us out with this too!

Josak: It's fine, it's fine. It was no trouble at all. Manual labor and sword fighting are my strong points. Well, see you tomorrow!

FX:*Josak leaves the room*

Saralegui: *yawns* I guess it's time to go to sleep. *gets into Yuuri's bed*

Yuuri: Hey, what are you doing getting into other people's bed ?

Saralegui: Your bed is big, but... it's kinda hard so it's not comfortable to sleep in.

Yuuri: You're complaining but you're still lying on it?

Saralegui: In any case, aren't you going to come over here?

Yuuri: Even if I'm tired, I can't sleep yet, because we're not done getting everything ready for tomorrow.

Saralegui: Don't say that! Let's sleep together~!

Yuuri: Don't pull me down, uaaaahh!

FX:*Door opens and closes. Wolfram comes in*

Wolfram: Older brother was so angry and didn't let me explain anything. HUH!?

Yuuri: Ugh!

Wolfram: I get my eyes off you for a second and... what in the hell are you doing!? You cheater!!!

Yuuri: Uh! No, no, you're wrong! This is a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding!

Wolfram: What's a misunderstanding!? I saw you very clearly just now!

Yuuri: Uh... look! Conrad and Murata are here too...!

Wolfram: Are you saying that you don't care if other people are watching!? Yuuri.... when did you become like this!?

Yuuri: Wha...? What kind of stuff are you imagining? But I can't continue this conversation, there's still things that must be done...

Wolfram: Things that must be done...?

Yuuri: Uhm...

FX:*starts snipping*

Wolfram: Hey, Yuuri! Be careful not to cut your hand with the scissors. Because you're a henachoko (rookie).

Yuuri: Don't call me henachoko. Uh... everyone I'm sorry for making you help me...

Conrad: I don't mind one bit, your Majesty.

Murata: Well, if it's something that you want, we have to help you make your wish come true, right?

Saralregui: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Yuuri: Wha... he's sleeping?

Saralegui: If there's no bread, let them eat cake....

Yuuri: Wha.. are you Marie Antoinette!? What kind of dream are you having!? *sighs* I guess we'll have to make do with just the people here, huh?

FX:*keeps snipping*

-- -- -- --

FX:*knock on the door*

Gwendal: What?

Josak: It's your lover, Gurrier-chan~![2]

Gwendal: *sighs* Go home.

Josak: No, no, it's a lie, I'm kidding! It's Gurrier Josak! I changed my clothes!

Gwendal: Come in.

FX:*Josak goes in carrying a teapot and cup*

Gwendal: Did his Majesty finish his work?

Josak: Here we go *puts the tray down* Well, the gift part is done. However it seems he still has to make some props necessary for the celebration before he's done, but I left early...

Gwendal: Thank you for your hard work.

Josak: Likewise, we're done now. How many knitted stuffed animals did you make in this room?

Gwendal: So many, I can't even recall.

Josak: Indeed.

Gwendal: Did you finish building that place?

Josak: Yes, that was finished in the evening, too. All the soldiers with time on their hands unanimously decided to participate in the construction. They did a great job making the billboard, decorating the grounds and taking care of all the other details.

Gwendal: I see... But there were many that were caught in the fire, right? Are they safe? Did anyone replace them?

Josak: Of course! In the place of the people who couldn't escape the fire, we got three times as many volunteers to help out.

Gwendal: How reliable! Very well. When I go out to do my rounds I'll check the place.

Josak: Ah... uhm... well that's...

Gwendal: What is it?

Josak: Uhm... Excellency? I think that the group of those who got burned, are probably at this time, really, really drunk...

Gwendal: I thought as much.

Josak: Please excuse us, don't get too angry...

Gwendal: I'm not so grumpy as to be lecturing people before a festival .

Josak: What a wonderful man! Now, how about some tea before you go on patrol duty?

Gwendal: Hm, that doesn't sound bad.

FX:*pours tea*

Josak: Along with your cup of tea, please have a star shaped cookie.

Gwendal: This is ... really cute.

Josak: Tomorrow evening the kids will be getting this along with the knitted stuffed animals. I got it as an extra from the kitchen-girl Effe, when I asked her to prepare the tea.

Gwendal: *takes a bite* Hm....It's good.

Josak: Right~? She said that since she didn't want his Majesty to run out of cookies, she kept baking and baking.

Gwendal: *sighs* He's causing trouble to people all over the place... what a bothersome Maou, huh?

Josak: No way. No one thinks this was any trouble.

Gwendal: I think it was.

Josak: Oh, please. If you really thought it was troublesome, you would have gotten a lot more wrinkles *rubs wrinkles* Look! Rub, rub, rub~!

Gwendal: I've told you already, not to rub my forehead!

-- -- -- --

Günter: Your Majesty... right now, I'm standing here, many hills away, in some distant country.

Fast-kun: I'm running low on borrowed power, nano.

Günter: Again!? You're running low again? *hits Fast-kun* Where in the world am I?

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  1. The voice actor saying this is Wolf's, but it was a mistake because Wolfram is not actually in the room. It was probably Saralegui who should have said it.
  2. Gurrier-chan-> Josak in drags. (グリ江ちゃん)
    Gurrier Josak -> Josak. (グリエ・ヨザック)
    His name has two different spellings. I still haven't figured out what that kanji for "e" is supposed to mean in Gurrier-chan. Literally it's bay, but clearly it must have some ulterior meaning I can't quite grasp.