Ginban Kaleidoscope:Registration Page

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To re-iterate the registration procedure:

  • "First Come, First Served": please register your intended chapters here
  • The maximum number of chapters you are recommended to work on is no more then half of any given volume
  • Maximum number of Translators per volume is two
  • Maximum number of volumes you may be active on is one
  • This is not some Binding Contract of "I must do the work I put down here". Choices put down here are negotiable between translators (including their own selves who signed up for it).

Ginban Kaleidoscope / 銀盤カレイドスコープ by Kaibara Rei

vol. 1 Short Program: Road to dream

  • Prologue - quethiril - Completed
  • I - Forced Unison - quethiril - Completed
  • II - Rain Falls......, Moreover, It's a Heavy Rain. - quethiril - In progress - 24%
  • III - One More Chance?
  • IV - Ignition
  • V - Tazusa, in Three Days
  • Commentary - Abe Kazushige

vol. 2 Free Program: Winner takes all?

  • VI - Concentrated Fire
  • VII - Sakurano-Bashing
  • VIII - Tazusa, Face-to-Face
  • IX - Dancing Liqueur
  • X - 100 Days Cinderella
  • Epilogue
  • Afterword

vol. 3 Pair Program: So shy too-too princess

vol. 4 Little Program: Big sister but sister

vol. 5 Rookie Program: Candy candy all my rules

vol. 6 Double Program: A long, wrong time ago

  • Prologue
  • I - Stage Mama (Shitou Kyouko - Level 1)
  • II - Underdog (Dominique Miller - Level 4)
  • III - Broken Christmas Eve (Shitou Kyouko - Level 2)
  • IV - So what? (Dominique Miller - Level 3)
  • V - Bedside Blues (Shitou Kyouko - Level 3)
  • VI - Chosen One (Dominique Miller - Level 2)
  • VII - Queen of Tragedy (Shitou Kyouko - Level 4)
  • VIII - Awakening From a Dream (Dominique Miller - Level 1)
  • IX - Big Apple (Shitou Kyouko - 2009)
  • X - Fresh Apple (Dominique Miller - 2009)
  • XI - Golden Apple (Shitou Kyouko - 2009)
  • XII - Rotten Apple (Dominique Miller - 2009)
  • Epilogue
  • Afterword

vol. 7 Lyrical Program: Be in love with your miracle

  • Prologue
  • I - いけない聖女
  • II - Sweet Home Memories
  • III - ちょっと年増な事情たち
  • IV - 鉄の女
  • V - ある逃げた日の出会いに
  • VI - ときめきペテルブルグ
  • VII - July
  • VIII - 緩、そして――
  • IX - 夏の終わり
  • X - 聖ガブリエラ像の苦悩
  • XI - Time to say beat you
  • Afterword

vol. 8 Cosmic Program: Big time again!

vol. 9 Cinderella Program: Say it ain't so

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