Sekai no Owari no Encore:Volume 2 Record.3

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Record.3 The Gnome


A drop of water that fell from the ceiling.

The rain that had fell outside soaked into the earth. It poured out from the ceiling of the passage by passing through the walls of the shrine,

The ground had turned into a sludge due to the drops of water. It looked like a swamp since there were several dents on the ground with filled water.

At such a passage of the shrine——

“Hmm. So there are no rains in the Underworld then?”

“Yup. It’s a world beneath the earth after all. So I was shocked when I first came to Earth. I even panicked since I thought I was being soaked by someone’s attack spell.”

“I guess the natural phenomenon is different between the Earth and the Underworld after all……”

Elise advanced through the passage while skipping in a pleasant mood.

Ren made a shocked voice while he followed Elise who had been advancing through the slushy ground with a light skip.

——At the point where they had overcame all the traps.

The passage where there were no obstacles or monsters. Ren still advanced through the passage while being cautious. Though Elise who was watching the water drop fall from the ceiling spoke to him.

The Underworld.

It exists beyond the Gates which was located on the surface of the Earth. And the world beneath the Earth.

The environment where it was extremely hot due to the unordinary heat wave of the atmosphere at day time and it was icy cold where it would freeze everything at night time. The ruler of such a world was the Demons and the one who was the master of such species was Elise.

“Ren, if you are planning to come to the Underworld then I can show you around myself. My house is extraordinarily huge that dozens of people can live in there.”

“……W-Well, only if that time comes.”

The travel to the Underworld which even the veteran party would have a second thought about. It was a famous story where in the past many parties had entered the Underworld to know the whole aspect of it and they all had fled from there one after another.

“Oh my, that sure does bring back memories. Eleline charged into the Underworld alone. He travelled through the Underworld just by himself. He defeated the Demons that attacked him and made them guide him to my castle. Not only did he beat my subordinates to pulp, he even said to me “Hey, stop fighting with the Heaven this instant”.”

“He sure did have a crazy imagination……”

“Right? That’s what you would think. Then he said “I already have discussed this with the Goddess of the Heaven before I came to the Underworld”. Can you believe that? Can you imagine a single human doing that? Back then, the Goddess Resflaze was dangerous herself but in Heaven there was this battle hungry Archangel who was even more dangerous than the Goddess and that was a common sense even in the Underworld.”

Elise then turned around.

“Right, Fear?”

“I could say the same to you. You also lost miserably to Eleline.”

The former Demon King approached her with a meaningful eyes and tone.

The one who simply passed along her gaze and responded to her with a smile was the blonde Archangel.

“But that was certainly an idea that only Eleline could come up with. Who would ever guessed that he would make the Goddess Resflaze-sama descend down to the Earth and make her exchange a handshake with you.”

“I totally agree. I wasn’t eager to do it but Eleline was behind and watching over us. The ones who had lost in battles has to listen to what the victor says after all. More importantly, my hand received the Goddess’s blessing, in other words a curse, thanks to that handshake.”

“The same would go for Resflaze-sama. She received your miasma on her hand when she shook your hand. She did complain about how her hand was all swollen for a while.”

The Heaven and the Underworld. The Angels and the Demons.

The stage of the battle between the world above the earth and the world below the earth which had continued for centuries was in fact the earth which was located between the two worlds.

The horrors of the war between the Angels and the Demons had even caused casualties to the human’s society.

Though the humans could not intervene in such battle and their only option was to flee. And the one who stopped such horrifying war was none other than the Brave Hero Eleline.

“Oh yes. How about I take you around Heaven before you go the Underworld?”

“Heaven...... Huh? I can actually go!?”

The place which was said to be difficult for humans to step foot inside, but with a different reason to the Underworld, was the Heaven.



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