Konjiki no Wordmaster

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Cover for Volume 8 of the Light Novel

Konjiki no Word Master: Yuusha Yonin ni Makikomareta Unique Cheat / The Unique Cheat of The Man Dragged In By The Four Heroes (金色の文字使い ―勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート―) is a Japanese web/light novel written by Tomoto Sui (十本スイ). The novel was adapted into a Manga drawn by Ozaki Yuusuke (尾崎祐介) and published by Age Premium. The light novel is illustrated by Sumaki Shungo (すまき俊悟) and published by Fujimi Fantasia Bunko with 8 volumes and ongoing.

The original web novel can be found here: 金色の文字使い ~勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート~

The Konjiki no Wordmaster series is also available in the following languages:

Regarding Unlinked Chapters

There are several chapters here that have been unlinked from translators who has been commercializing their translation of Konjiki no Wordmaster. Please read Baka Tsuki's Commercialism Policy. Do not post links to any external translation group that violates these rules, instead link the ones that are not commercialized.


Gluttonous and book-loving "loner" high school student Okamura Hiiro finds himself flying into a different world, along with his happy-go-lucky classmates! The four classmates are frolicking around after seeing that they all have the title of "Hero", but Hiiro's title was..."Innocent Bystander"?! Hiiro starts his adventure by himself with his word magic, the power to embody the image of a word and aims for new landsǃ



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Light Novel Covers

Konjiki no Wordmaster by Tomoto Sui

There are differences between the light novel and the web novel. (In volume 1 of the light novel, it starts to greatly differ from the web novel at the time after Hiiro joins Muir & Arnold. For example, a new important character is introduced contrary to the web novel at that point of time).

These translations are based on the web novel.

Konjiki no Wordmaster
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Vagrant Like an Unique Cheat

  • [Web Novel 1] Chapter 1 - 巻き込まれて異世界 - Dragged Into Another World [Link]
  • [Web Novel 2] Chapter 2 - クラスメイトという繋がり - Classmates [Link]
  • [Web Novel 3] Chapter 3 - 魔力と魔法 - Magic and Magic Power [Link]
  • [Web Novel 4] Chapter 4 - 文字魔法 - Word Magic [Link]
  • [Web Novel 5] Chapter 5 - 勇者たちは? - As For the Heroes [Link]
  • [Web Novel 6] Chapter 6 - 魔物とのバトル - The Battle against Demons [Link]
  • [Web Novel 7] Chapter 7 - いざ旅立ちへ - Bon Voyage! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 8] Chapter 8 - 無償では動かない一般人 - An Average Guy That Won’t Work For Free [Link]
  • [Web Novel 9] Chapter 9 - 刀との出会い - Sword Encounter [Link]
  • [Web Novel 10] Chapter 10 - 魔族 - Evila [Link]
  • [Web Novel 11] Chapter 11 - 魔国会議 - Conference En the Demon Country [Link]
  • [Web Novel 12] Chapter 12 - 肉への欲求 - Desire For Meat [Link]
  • [Web Novel 13] Chapter 13 - アクアハウンドの肉……実食!- Tasting the Aqua Hound Meat [Link]
  • [Web Novel 14] Chapter 14 - 初めての仲間?- First Comrades? [Link]
  • [Web Novel 15] Chapter 15 - 勇者の耳にアイツの噂 - The Heroes Hear Rumours About Him [Link]
  • [Web Novel 16] Chapter 16 - ラエア祭り - Raer Festival [Link]
  • [Web Novel 17] Chapter 17 - ギルドマスター - Guild Master [Link]
  • [Web Novel 18] Chapter 18 - 関所通過方法 - A Method to pass the CheckPoint [Link]
  • [Web Novel 19] Chapter 19 - 遭遇、ユニーク魔物!- Encounter: A Unique Monster [Link]
  • [Web Novel 20] Chapter 20 - 文字魔法の制限 - The Restrictions of Word Magic [Link]
  • [Web Novel 21] Chapter 21 - レベルの重要性 - The Importance of Level [Link]
  • [Web Novel 22] Chapter 22 - ドッガムと熊人 - The Bear People of Doggam [Link]
  • [Web Novel 23] Chapter 23 - ウェルの決意 - The Determination of Vale [Link]
  • [Web Novel 24] Chapter 24 - 蜜採集 - Honey Gathering [Link]
  • [Web Novel 25] Chapter 25 - 蜜菓子の美味さ - Tasty Honey Sweets [Link]
  • [Web Novel 26] Chapter 26 - 獣王国会議 - The Meeting in the Kingdom of Beasts [Link]
  • [Web Novel 27] Chapter 27 - 旅間の一時 - A Slice of Their Travels [Link]
  • [Web Novel 28] Chapter 28 - フェアリスガーデン - Faerie’s Garden [Link]
  • [Web Novel 29] Chapter 29 - 一夜の経験 - One Night’s Experience [Link]
  • [Web Novel 30] Chapter 30 - 戦争の噂 - Rumors of War [Link]
  • [Web Novel 31] Chapter 31 - 勇者四人の強さと戦争の予感 - The Four Heroes’ Strength, and Premonitions of War [Link]
  • [Web Novel 32] Chapter 32 - グリー洞穴 - The Cree Caves [Link]
  • [Web Novel 33] Chapter 33 - ミュアの覚醒 - Muir’s Awakening [Link]
  • [Web Novel 34] Chapter 34 - ニャンコ野郎の勧誘 - The Kitty Bastard’s Invitation [Link]
  • [Web Novel 35] Chapter 35 - レベルアップでパワーアップ - Level Up to Power Up [Link]
  • [Web Novel 36] Chapter 36 - 魔王の決意 - Determination of the Demon King [Link]
  • [Web Novel 37] Chapter 37 - 獣王国パシオン - Capital of the Beast Kingdom, Pashion [Link]
  • [Web Novel 38] Chapter 38 - アノールドの師匠 - Arnold’s Master [Link]
  • [Web Novel 39] Chapter 39 - 止められない戦争 - The Unstoppable War [Link]
  • [Web Novel 40] Chapter 40 - 戦争開始! そして急展開!?- War Commences, and a Sudden Development! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 41] Chapter 41 - 戦争の中断 - Interruption of War [Link]
  • [Web Novel 42] Chapter 42 - 魔国会議再び - Another Conference in the Demon Country [Link]
  • [Web Novel 43] Chapter 43 - ララシークの実力 - Rarashik’s Ablilty [Link]
  • [Web Novel 44] Chapter 44 - ミュアの試験終了!- Muir’s Test Complete [Link]
  • [Web Novel 45] Chapter 45 - 獣人のルーツ - The Gabranth’s Roots [Link]
  • [Web Novel 46] Chapter 46 - ヒイロの決断 - Hiiro’s Decision [Link]
  • [Web Novel 47] Chapter 47 - アノールドのもう一つの目的 - Arnold’s Other Objective [Link]
  • [Web Novel 48] Chapter 48 - 姉でメイド - His Sister, The Maid [Link]
  • [Web Novel 49] Chapter 49 - ヒイロと少女 - Hiiro and the Little Girl [Link]
  • [Web Novel 50] Chapter 50 - ミミルと少 - Mimir and the Boy [Link]
  • [Web Novel 51] Chapter 51 - 二人だけの約束 - Promise between the Two [Link]
  • [Web Novel 52] Chapter 52 - アノールドたちの疑惑 - Arnold and Co’s Suspicions [Link]
  • [Web Novel 53] Chapter 53 - 幽霊の正体と友達 - Identity of the Ghost, and Friends [Link]
  • [Web Novel 54] Chapter 54 - 新たな旅立ち - a New Journey [Link]
  • [Web Novel 55] Chapter 55 - あの鳥、再び!- That Bird Again! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 56] Chapter 56 - ヴィクトリアスの動き - Movement in Victorias [Link]
  • [Web Novel 57] Chapter 57 - あれから一か - One Month Later [Link]
  • [Web Novel 58] Chapter 58 - いざ、魔族の大陸へ!- Now, to the Evila Continent! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 59] Chapter 59 - グランスライムの脅威!- Threat of the Grand Slime [Link]
  • [Web Novel 60] Chapter 60 - 行き倒れの執事? - Resurrecting Butler? [Link]
  • [Web Novel 61] Chapter 61 - 見抜く執事・シウバ - The Insightful Butler Silvan [Link]
  • [Web Novel 62] Chapter 62 - 新たな変態(仲間)? - A New Pervert (Companion)? [Link]
  • [Web Novel 63] Chapter 63 - ヴェノムマウンテン - Venom Mountain [Link]
  • [Web Novel 64] Chapter 64 - サボテンマンとの戦い - The Fight With the Cactus Man [Link]
  • [Web Novel 65] Chapter 65 - 屋敷に向けて - Towards the Mansion [Link]
  • [Web Novel 66] Chapter 66 - カオスな三人 - The Chaotic Trio [Link]
  • [Web Novel 67] Chapter 67 - 狡猾な少女・リリィン - The Devious Girl - Liliyn [Link]
  • [Web Novel 68] Chapter 68 - 執事の手際 - The Butler's Finesse [Link]

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Hell on the Move

  • [Web Novel 69] Chapter 69 - 魔獣少女・シャモエ - Majuu Girl - Shamoe [Link]
  • [Web Novel 70] Chapter 70 - 幼女強し? 弱し? - Little Girl-Strong? Weak? [Link]
  • [Web Novel 71] Chapter 71 - 幼女からの勧誘 - The Little Girl's Invitation [Link]
  • [Web Novel 72] Chapter 72 - 訪れる赤い雨 - The Visiting Red Rain [Link]
  • [Web Novel 73] Chapter 73 - ランクSSの魔物 - SS Ranked Demon [Link]
  • [Web Novel 74] Chapter 74 - 赤い雨の実態 - The Origin of the Red Rain
  • [Web Novel 75] Chapter 75 - 謝るメイド - The Apologizing Maid
  • [Web Novel 76] Chapter 76 - 悪魔との契約? - Contract With a Demon? [Link]
  • [Web Novel 77] Chapter 77 - 新しい旅仲間 - New Traveling Companions [Link]
  • [Web Novel 78] Chapter 78 - 主思いの従者 - The Servant's Worries
  • [Web Novel 79] Chapter 79 - そして旅へ - And Now, Towards the Journey [Link]
  • [Web Novel 80] Chapter 80 - 一か 後の勇者たちは - The Heroes One Month Later [Link]
  • [Web Novel 81] Chapter 81 - それぞれの思惑 - Everyone's Expectations [Link]
  • [Web Novel 82] Chapter 82 - 最初の目的地へ - To the First Destination [Link]
  • [Web Novel 83] Chapter 83 - ラオーブ砂漠での戦闘 - Battle in Raohrb Desert
  • [Web Novel 84] Chapter 84 - アスラ族 - The Ashura Tribe [Link]
  • [Web Novel 85] Chapter 85 - リリィンとシヴァン - Liliyn and Sivan [Link]
  • [Web Novel 86] Chapter 86 - アスラの執着 - Devotion of the Ashura [Link]
  • [Web Novel 87] Chapter 87 - 譲れない思い - Unyielding Thoughts [Link]
  • [Web Novel 88] Chapter 88 - カミュの実力 - Camus's True Power
  • [Web Novel 89] Chapter 89 - ヒイロVSカミュ - Hiiro Vs. Camus [Link]
  • [Web Novel 90] Chapter 90 - 決着! - The Conclusionǃ
  • [Web Novel 91] Chapter 91 - カミュの決意 - Camus's Resolve [Link]
  • [Web Novel 92] Chapter 92 - 共闘する両者 - United Front [Link]
  • [Web Novel 93] Chapter 93 - 新たな文字魔法の能力……と称号 - New world Magic Ability…… And Title [Link]
  • [Web Novel 94] Chapter 94 - 対決、砂漠の魔物 - Confrontation, The Demon of the Desert [Link]
  • [Web Novel 95] Chapter 95 - 覚悟 - Resolve [Link]
  • [Web Novel 96] Chapter 96 - 決着、そして涙と別れ - The Conclusion, and Tearful Farewell [Link]
  • [Web Novel 97] Chapter 97 - 文字魔法の反動 - Rebound of Word Magic [Link]
  • [Web Novel 98] Chapter 98 - 実食! アスラ鍋! - Food! Ashura Nabeǃ [Link]
  • [Web Novel 99] Chapter 99 - 酔いしれる仲間たち - Intoxicated Companions [Link]

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - War Between the Races

  • [Web Novel 100] Chapter 100 - 半年後 - After Half a Year [Link]
  • [Web Novel 101] Chapter 101 - 会談への序曲 - Prelude to the Conference [Link]
  • [Web Novel 102] Chapter 102 - 魔王、人間界へ - The Demon Lord, To The Human World [Link]
  • [Web Novel 103] Chapter 103 - 人魔同盟締結会談 - Humas-Evila Alliance Conference [Link]
  • [Web Novel 104] Chapter 104 - 国王ルドルフの思惑 - King Rudolph's Motive [Link]
  • [Web Novel 105] Chapter 105 - 裏切りの始まり - Beginning of Betrayal [Link]
  • [Web Novel 106] Chapter 106 - 戦争の始まり - Beginning of War [Link]
  • [Web Novel 107] Chapter 107 - 現実を知る勇者たち - The Heroes Who Came To Know Of Reality [Link]
  • [Web Novel 108] Chapter 108 - 登場!丘村日色!- Enter! Okamura Hiiro! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 109] Chapter 109 - ヒイロの実力 - Hiiro's True Ability [Link]
  • [Web Novel 110] Chapter 110 - 閉じ込められた者たち - The Imprisoned Ones [Link]
  • [Web Novel 111] Chapter 111 - 生きていた者 - Those Who Are Still Alive [Link]
  • [Web Novel 112] Chapter 112 - 脱出 - Escape [Link]
  • [Web Novel 113] Chapter 113 - ジュドムの手際と新たな裏切り - Judom's Countermeasures and a New Betrayal [Link]
  • [Web Novel 114] Chapter 114 - 場違いなヒイロ - Out of Place Hiiro [Link]
  • [Web Novel 115] Chapter 115 - 魔王との出会い - Meeting With the Demon Queen [Link]
  • [Web Novel 116] Chapter 116 - ヒイロとイヴェアム - Hiiro and Eveam [Link]
  • [Web Novel 117] Chapter 117 - 魔王の依頼 - Request of the Demon Lord [Link]
  • [Web Novel 118] Chapter 118 - ヒイロ、聖地オルディネへ - Hiiro, At Holy Oldine [Link]
  • [Web Novel 119] Chapter 119 - トップの実力 - The Top's True Strength [Link]
  • [Web Novel 120] Chapter 120 - ストレス解消する主人公 - The Protagonist That Relieves His Stress [Link]
  • [Web Novel 121] Chapter 121 - 変わり果てた国王 - The Transformed King [Link]
  • [Web Novel 122] Chapter 122 - 訪問者 - Visitor [Link]
  • [Web Novel 123] Chapter 123 - 裏切りへの道のり - Way to Betrayal [Link]
  • [Web Novel 124] Chapter 124 - ヒイロ、再び魔国へ - Hiiro, Once Again To The Demon Country [Link]
  • [Web Novel 125] Chapter 125 - ヒイロ無双 - The Unparalleled Hiiro [Link]
  • [Web Novel 126] Chapter 126 - ヒイロVSクロウチ - Hiiro vs Crouch [Link]
  • [Web Novel 127] Chapter 127 - 雷と闇 - Lightning and Darkness [Link]
  • [Web Novel 128] Chapter 128 - ゾンビにはこうする - How To Deal With Zombies [Link]
  • [Web Novel 129] Chapter 129 - クルーエル三人VS獣人族の第二王子 - Cruel:Three People vs 2nd Prince of Garbanth [Link]
  • [Web Novel 130] Chapter 130 - 勝利の苦み - The Bitter Taste of Victory [Link]
  • [Web Novel 131] Chapter 131 - オーノウスVS勇者四人 - Ornoth VS The Four Heroes [Link]
  • [Web Novel 132] Chapter 132 - 別れる勇者たち - The Separated Heroes [Link]
  • [Web Novel 133] Chapter 133 - 説教するヒイロ - The Preaching Hiiro [Link]
  • [Web Novel 134] Chapter 134 - イライラする主人公 - The Irritated Protagonist [Link]
  • [Web Novel 135] Chapter 135 - 夢の始まり - Start Of His Dreams [Link]
  • [Web Novel 136] Chapter 136 - 城への招待 - Invitation to the Castle [Link]
  • [Web Novel 137] Chapter 137 - 脅迫 - Threat [Link]
  • [Web Novel 138] Chapter 138 - 勇者と魔王の対面 - The Heroes and the Demon Lord, Face-to-Face [Link]
  • [Web Novel 139] Chapter 139 - ヒイロのカミングアウト - Hiiro's Coming-Out [Link]
  • [Web Novel 140] Chapter 140 - 勇者二人の処遇 - The Two Heroes' Treatment [Link]
  • [Web Novel 141] Chapter 141 - 実食、魔国料理! - Real Food, Demon Capital Cuisine! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 142] Chapter 142 - 真夜中の対談 - Late Night Conversation [Link]
  • [Web Novel 143] Chapter 143 - 許可証ゲット! - Permit Receivedǃ [Link]
  • [Web Novel 144] Chapter 144 - 勇者とテッケイルの対面 - The Heroes and Teckil’s Meeting [Link]
  • [Web Novel 145] Chapter 145 - 謎の少 - The Mysterious Boy
  • [Web Novel 146] Chapter 146 - 先代魔王アヴォロス - Ex-Demon Lord Avoros
  • [Web Novel 147] Chapter 147 - ヒイロミッション - Hiiro's Mission
  • [Web Novel 148] Chapter 148 - ムーティヒの橋、大崩壊!- Mütich Bridge, Great Collapse! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 149] Chapter 149 - お役目終了? - Role End? [Link]
  • [Web Novel 150] Chapter 150 - 獣人族の覚悟 - Resolution of the Gabranth [Link]
  • [Web Novel 151] Chapter 151 - 久々の魔国会議 - After a Long Time, Evila Conference [Link]
  • [Web Novel 152] Chapter 152 - イヴェアムの決意 - Eveam's Decision [Link]
  • [Web Novel 153] Chapter 153 - 異例な要求 - Unprecedented Demand [Link]
  • [Web Novel 154] Chapter 154 - 牢屋での一話 - A Conversation At The Jail
  • [Web Novel 155] Chapter 155 - 意外な訪問客 - Unexpected Visitor
  • [Web Novel 156] Chapter 156 - ヒイロとアクウィナス - Hiiro and Aquinas [Link]
  • [Web Novel 157] Chapter 157 - お久しぶりな仲間たち - Longtime Companions [Link]
  • [Web Novel 158] Chapter 158 - 間違いなくアイツのことだ! - It’s Definitely About Him! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 159] Chapter 159 - 赤ローブの正体 ~アノールドの暴走~ - The Red Robe’s Identity ~Arnold’s Rampage~ [Link]
  • [Web Novel 160] Chapter 160 - ヒイロ気に入られる - Coming to Like Hiiro [Link]
  • [Web Novel 161] Chapter 161 - アノールドとミュア、決闘参加決定 - Arnold and Muir, Duel Participation Confirmed [Link]
  • [Web Novel 162] Chapter 162 - 見返すヒイロ - Triumphant Hiiro
  • [Web Novel 163] Chapter 163 - ヒイロの突撃パシオン - Hiiro Charges to Passion
  • [Web Novel 164] Chapter 164 - 親バカな獣王 - The Doting Beast King
  • [Web Novel 165] Chapter 165 - ヒイロ、パシオンを去る - Hiiro Leaves from Passion
  • [Web Novel 166] Chapter 166 - ヴィクトリアス事情 - Victorias’ Circumstances

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Evila VS Gabranth: Fate Deciding Duel

  • [Web Novel 167] Chapter 167 - 再会 - Reunion [Link]
  • [Web Novel 168] Chapter 168 - 始まる魔族と獣人族の決闘! - Start of the Duel of Evila and Gabranth
  • [Web Novel 169] Chapter 169 - マリオネVSレオウード - Marione Vs. Leowald
  • [Web Novel 170] Chapter 170 - 太陽と大地の勝敗 - The Outcome of the Clash Between the Sun and the Earth [Link]
  • [Web Novel Special] Special Christmas Chapter - Christmas Night Miracle Early Part [Link]
  • [Web Novel Special] Special Christmas Chapter - Christmas Night Miracle Latter Part [Link]
  • [Web Novel 171| Chapter 171 - アノールドとミュアの決闘デビュー - Arnold and Muir’s Duel Debut
  • [Web Novel 172] Chapter 172 - 成長した元仲間たち - Improved New Companions
  • [Web Novel 173] Chapter 173 - それぞれの実力 - Their Respective Abilities [Link]
  • [Web Novel 174] Chapter 174 - ミュア奮闘 - Muir's Struggle [Link]
  • [Web Novel 175] Chapter 175 - 二対二 - Two Vs. Two [Link]
  • [Web Novel 176] Chapter 176 - 通わせる心 - Unyielding Spirit [Link]
  • [Web Novel 177] Chapter 177 - 真のエースの実力 - The Genuine Ace’s Real Abilities [Link]
  • [Web Novel 178] Chapter 178 - 友達思い - I Consider You a Friend [Link]
  • [Web Novel 179] Chapter 179 - ヒイロ立つ! - Hiiro, Stand! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 180] Chapter 180 - 瞬殺の仕方 - How To Insta-Kill [Link]
  • [Web Novel 181] Chapter 181 - よく考えれば幼女ばかり - Often Thought of as Little Girls [Link]
  • [Web Novel 182] Chapter 182 - パシオン襲撃 - Passion Raid [Link]
  • [Web Novel 183] Chapter 183 - 傀儡の大志 - The Puppet Taishi [Link]
  • [Web Novel 184] Chapter 184 - オーノウス&ラッシュバルVSレニオン&ユーヒット - Ornoth & Rushbelle VS Lenion & Yuhito [Link]
  • [Web Novel 185] Chapter 185 - 戦う者と守る者 - The Ones Who Fight and the Ones Who Protect [Link]
  • [Web Novel 186] Chapter 186 - 第四回戦の勝者! - Winner of the Fourth Round! [Link]
  • [Web Novel 187] Chapter 187 - 最終戦に向けて - Towards the Final Fight [Link]
  • [Web Novel 188] Chapter 188 - 瞬き忘れる攻防 - Forgetting Offense and Defense For a Blink [Link]
  • [Web Novel 189] Chapter 189 - 互いの戦力を駆使して - Freely Wielding the Mutual War Potential [Link]
  • [Web Novel 190] Chapter 190 - その手で掴むものは - That Thing She Held In Her Hand [Link]
  • [Web Novel 191] Chapter 191 - 決勝戦へ - Finale [Link]
  • [Web Novel 192] Chapter 192 - ヒイロVSレオウード - Hiiro VS Leowald [Link]
  • [Web Novel 193] Chapter 193 - 男なら燃える! - Getting Fired Up
  • [Web Novel 194] Chapter 194 - 獣王の本気 - The Beast King's True Strength [Link]
  • [Web Novel 195] Chapter 195 - 次のステージへ - To the Next Stage [Link]
  • [Web Novel 196] Chapter 196 - 勝者は拳を突き上げる - The Winner raises his fist [Link]
  • [Web Novel 197] Chapter 197 - 勝者への賛美 - Admiration to the winner [Link]
  • [Web Novel 198] Chapter 198 - 英雄への称賛 - Praise to the Hero [Link]
  • [Web Novel 199] Chapter 199 - 恒久同盟 - Permanent Alliance [Link]
  • [Web Novel 200] Chapter 200 - 招かれざる凶徒 - Uninvited Outlaws [Link]
  • [Web Novel 201] Chapter 201 - アヴォロスの目的 - Avoros' Purpose [Link]
  • [Web Novel 202] Chapter 202 - マタル・デウスという組織 - Matar Deus [Link]
  • [Web Novel 203] Chapter 203 - ひとたびの別れ - Temporary Separation [Link]
  • [Web Novel 204] Chapter 204 - ハーオスへの帰還 - Return to Xaos [Link]
  • [Web Novel 205] Chapter 205 - 戒められるヒイロ - Warning for Hiiro [Link]
  • [Web Novel 206] Chapter 206 - 宴の始まり - The Beginning of the Feast [Link]
  • [Web Novel 207] Chapter 207 - 宴の終わり - The End of the Feast [Link]

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - The Covert Operations of Matar·Deus

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Prelude to War

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - War in Idea

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - The War Aggravating

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Macballa, the Labyrinth from Ancient Different Dimension

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Evila Restoration

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - The Tower of Yaleappa

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - The Tower of Yaleappa ~Setting Sail Toward the Freedom

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - The Tower of Yaleappa ~The Fated Battle

Final Chapter

Final Chapter - The Tower of Yaleappa ~Konjiki no Wordmaster

Extra Chapters Part 1
Extra Chapters Part 2

Extra Chapters Part 2

Extra Chapters Part 3

Extra Chapters Part 3

Project Staff







Series Overview

  • 金色の文字使い -勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート- ---(May 20, 2014) ISBN 978-4-0407-0114-1
  • 金色の文字使い (2) -勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート- ---(July 19, 2014) ISBN 978-4-0407-0131-8
  • 金色の文字使い (3) -勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート- ---(November 20, 2014) ISBN 978-4-0407-0385-5
  • 金色の文字使い (4) -勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート- ---(March 20, 2015) ISBN 978-4-0407-0386-2
  • 金色の文字使い 外伝 -ユニークチートの異世界探訪記- ---(May 20, 2015) ISBN 978-4-0407-0554-5
  • 金色の文字使い (5) -勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート- ---(July 18, 2015) ISBN 978-4-0407-0556-9
  • 金色の文字使い (6) -勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート- ---(November 20, 2015) ISBN 978-4-0407-0557-6
  • 金色の文字使い 外伝 (2) ―ユニークチートと導かれし仲間たち― ---(January 20, 2016) ISBN 978-4-0407-0555-2
  • 金色の文字使い (7) -勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート- ---(March 20, 2016) ISBN 978-4-0407-0558-3
  • 金色の文字使い (8) -勇者四人に巻き込まれたユニークチート- ---(July 20, 2016) ISBN 978-4-0407-0959-8
  • 金色の文字使い 外伝 (3) ―ユニークチートと導かれし仲間たち― ---(September 17, 2016) ISBN 978-4-0407-0962-8