Clannad VN:SEEN6800P8

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// May 5 (Wednesday)

// I moved out at the end of the consecutive holidays in May.

<1094>\{Akio} ""
// \{Akio} "Bastard, get a license."

// Getting off from the light truck, pops first said that.

<1096> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Don't say something impossible. I ain't got any money."

<1097>\{Akio} ""
// \{Akio} "Hmph, well, this is the last of the crap I'm helping you out with."

<1098> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I know, pops. It'll be fine."

<1099>\{Akio} ""
// \{Akio} "I'll return to work now. I'll return to carry it later this evening."

<1100> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, thanks for the help."

<1101>\{Akio} ""
// \{Akio} "Tch, ain't that nice... living together, huh..."

// Muttering that, he ran off.

<1103> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You'll also be all alone with Sanae-san, won't you?"

// I saw him off.

<1105> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Well, now..."

// I faced the light truck. The spread-out luggage was not few in number.

// Speaking of needed things, at least there was stuff going from the TV to the drawers, and from the futon to the dining table.

// Everything was old stuff that was locked up in the Furukawa household's storage room.

// The fridge provided with the room was small.

// I've decided to use the coin machines right in front of the apartment for any laundry.

// That much should be enough. Any more than that would be simply luxury.

// For now, I held the futon and went towards the room.

// Nagisa was waiting there alone.

// There still wasn't anything here yet but... just watching Nagisa standing in this room makes my chest throb.

// The two of us will really be starting to live together.

// Feelings of anxiety and hope were mixed together in that.

<1117>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Ah, the luggage came?"

// Nagisa asked first.

<1119> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, sorry but you'll have to move out of the way for a bit."

// Taking off my slippers, I come in. I hung the futon on the wall... then the brittle surface peeled off.

<1121> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Uwaah, I'm suddenly breaking apart the room..."

<1122>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Umm, I'll help!"

<1123> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "It's okay, this is a man's job. Just watch."

<1124>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But..."

<1125> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "There's not too much luggage."

<1126> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You can bring tea afterwards."

<1127>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But..."

<1128> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I said it's fine."

// Within an hour, we had finished cleaning up.

// We sat down, facing together at the low, small dining table.

// Nagisa sipped the tea she brought.

<1132> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

// Sip, sip.

<1134>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "........."

// Sip, sip.

<1136>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Umm..."

<1137>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "... what should I say at a time like this?"

<1138> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hmm?"

<1139>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "The two of us living together's started."

<1140> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, it has."

<1141>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "What should I say?"

<1142>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Since it's started, should I say, 'Ready, Go'?"

<1143> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "No, that'd be weird."

<1144>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Why not?"

<1145> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Because there's no goal."

<1146>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "When you put it that way, that's true."

<1147> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Because living together mutually helps us, see..."

<1148> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'm sure, 'Let's work hard', will do."

<1149>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Ah... that's true. You're wise, \m{B}-kun."

<1150> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Then, shall we?"

<1151>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay."

<1152>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Ah, please wait."

<1153> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "What?"

<1154>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "I thought of a vow we should be under."

<1155> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "A vow?"

<1156>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes."

// Putting down her teacup, Nagisa placed both her hands on her chest.

<1158>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "I, Furukawa Nagisa..."

<1159>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "will no longer cry. No matter what kind of pain there is, I'll work hard and climb over it."

<1160> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Uh, Nagisa,"

<1161>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes?"

<1162> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You can hold it in during times of sadness."

<1163> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "During times of happiness, if you desperately try to hold in tears, you won't be joyous at all."

<1164> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Don't you think so?"

<1165>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes, you're right. I'm sure that's right."

<1166>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay then."

<1167>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Well, one more time."

<1168> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."

<1169>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "I, Furukawa Nagisa..."

<1170>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "will no longer cry. No matter what kind of pain there is, I'll work hard and climb over it."

<1171>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But during times of happiness, I may end up crying."

<1172>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "As I'm such a person..."

<1173>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Please take care of me."

// Placing her hands on the mat, she bowed down.

<1175> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Same here as well."

// I also bowed.

<1177>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Ehehe..."

// Nagisa smiles.

<1179> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "All right, let's go greet the neighbors while it's still bright out."

<1180>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay."

// The two of us made dinner.

// The main menu was grilled fish, and a side dish of daikon. It also came with a simple touch of rice and miso soup.

// Even so, we were really happy when we had finished making it, and it was very delicious when we ate.

// We cleaned up, and watched TV for a while.

<1185>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "\m{B}-kun, this day's gone fast, hasn't it?"

<1186> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah, it has."

<1187>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "We should take a bath soon, and get some rest."

// It's ten o'clock.

<1189> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Oh yeah, you sleep at about eleven, don't you?"

<1190>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Ah, well... just because I want to, doesn't mean I'm in such a rush."

<1191>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "I was thinking of your health, \m{B}-kun."

<1192> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Ah... thanks. Then, I guess I'll take a bath."

<1193>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes, please do."

// Standing in the kitchen's narrow pathway, I pulled the curtain.

// If not for the curtain, we would definitely need something to block it out later.

// Flinging my clothes into the basket up above, I entered the bath.

// Hiss...

<1198> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (There's very little coming out...)

// I turn the faucet.

<1200> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Aagh...)

<1201> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Temperature control's also pretty sensitive...)

// Well, if I get used to this, I probably wouldn't think of it.

// I washed my hair with the shampoo Nagisa uses.

<1204> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Go ahead."

<1205>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay. I'll be heading in, then."

<1206> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah."

// Coming in place of me, Nagisa stood, and pulled the curtains.

// I'll use the dryer up ahead.

// I plug it in, and the moment I flick the switch...

// Whirr...

// I hear the sound of ruffling clothes.

// I turn back at the curtain.

<1213> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (If I think carefully... I had never once been in \bthis\u kind of situation, have I...?)

// I see Nagisa's bare feet under the curtain.

// Her skirt fell there just now.

<1216> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Ahh... getting excited from just that shows just how innocent we are...)

// But, that comes with living together.

// I'm sure Nagisa was prepared for that.

// No matter how unprepared we were...

<1220> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Gah, what am I thinking about?!)

// I turn my eyes away from the curtain.

// Evne though we both had decided to work hard together, what the hell am I gonna do to keep myself calm on the first day?

// .........

// Thud, the sound of the door closing.

<1225> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Well...)

<1226> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (I've been holding it in like a man but... there's a limit to what I can take, see...)

// I look once again at the curtains.

// Calm myself down

// Be serious, so that I won't get caught

<1230> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Come on, calm down...)

<1231> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (I haven't even gone through the first day of work...)

<1232> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (We had just started living together, so pops and Sanae-san wouldn't stand for this, would they...?)

// Remembering the faces of those two allowing for Nagisa's independence... I naturally calmed down.

// To step on their feelings... was not something I could do.

<1235> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (We've got much bigger hurdles to cross, after all...)

<1236> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Otherwise, there'd be no meaning.)

// I so suggested to myself.

<1238>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "It was a nice bath."

<1239> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Nagisa, you're cute."

<1240>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "T-thank you very much."

<1241>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "But, to say that just as I come out of the bath feels a bit strange."

<1242> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I was holding it in. Just let me say it."

<1243>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay... though it's not that I hate it."

// I so observed my words, probably thinking that this much would be allowed.

// But, it really feels like she's become a lot cuter than before.

// Is that because Nagisa changed...?

// Or is it that I loved Nagisa a lot more than before...?

// I really couldn't tell.

<1249> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (If I don't get caught, it's fine, right...?)

<1250> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (I'll quickly grab her underwear, and then put it back...)

<1251> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (That should be fine, right...?)

<1252> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (This is a situation for men, after all!)

// I shuffle my feet in front of the curtains, and softly turn it over from under.

// Up ahead... at the topmost basket, Nagisa's underwear made a small circle.

<1255> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Uwahh...)

<1256> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (This is really exciting...)

// If she opened the door now, what would I do? What excuse could I come up with?

<1258> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Ahh, hurry up and take it. It should still be warm right now...)

<1259> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Instead of the warmth, the smell...)

<1260> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, am I a damn pervert----?!"

// I roll about, pulling in the curtain.

// Clatter, clatter, clatter!\shake{3}

// The hooks violently broke off.

<1264> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Oh crap!)

// I put them back on in a hurry.

<1266> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Pant... pant..."

// Even though I was just out of the bath, I was sweating all over.

<1268> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (Am I an idiot...?)

<1269>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "It was a nice bath."

<1270> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "........."

<1271>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "What's wrong, \m{B}-kun?"

<1272> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Eh... why do you ask?"

<1273>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Well, because you're not looking this way."

<1274> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Y-yeah... it's nothing. Just thinking about stuff."

<1275>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "\m{B}-kun, your hair is wet again."

<1276> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah..."

<1277>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Go ahead and use the dryer first."

<1278> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "It's fine. If I leave it be, it'll dry up."

<1279>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "You can't do that. If you sleep with your hair wet, you'll catch a cold."

// Ahh, because it's the first day we're living together, so I want to jump up in the air...

// If I'm going to have this much of a craving every day, I really will reach my limit...

// I was lying down sideways without being able to fall asleep, the whole time staring at the ceiling I had become used to.

// Nagisa also wasn't able to fall asleep, not once snoring.

<1284> \{\m{B}} ()
// \{\m{B}} (.........)

// I just happened to find it amusing with the two of us as we are.

// Living from now on like this feels as simple as playing house.

// Though I've come this far making Nagisa happy on my own...

// There are a lot more problems ahead of us just waiting.

// I'm sure reality isn't that easy on us.

// We really were kids in regards to that. It feels like we might simply break apart.

// I don't know how strong one must be to cross that.

// I just think that we should do the best we can.

// Pops and Sanae-san are probably thinking in the same way.

// The one passion of youth.

// We should do whatever we want to do.

// If it's within our grasp.

<1297> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Hey, you awake, Nagisa?"

<1298>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes, I am."

<1299> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I want to become stronger."

<1300>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "I feel the same way."

<1301> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Yeah..."

<1302> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "So, let's work hard, okay?"

<1303> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'm also going to end up working in a new place, without pops or Sanae-san to rely on so easily."

<1304> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'm expecting that it'll definitely be painful."

<1305>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay."

<1306> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You should also work hard, starting now."

<1307>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay..."

<1308> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "And, if we do that for a year..."

<1309> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "I'm sure we'll be so strong, we won't lose to anything."

<1310>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "I also think the same way."

<1311> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "You'll swear to that?"

<1312>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Yes, I will."

<1313> \{\m{B}} ""
// \{\m{B}} "Let's work hard."

<1314>\{Nagisa} ""
// \{Nagisa} "Okay."

// Inside the lined up futon, I searched for Nagisa's hand.

// Finding it, I grasped it.

// While feeling the warmth of someone, I fell asleep.