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36. Ura Ma R! - Yuuri, Shouri and Conrad[edit]

Original Title: 裏マR! 有利&勝利&コンラッド編,
Release date: October 26, 2007, with the 1st OVA Kyou Kara Maou! R "The Boy King of Small Shimaron (Part 1)".
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai Takahiro; (Conrad) Morikawa Toshiyuki; (Shouri) Konishi Katsuyuki.


FX:*door opens*

Shouri: Uh... mh... gh.... is this bed here okay? All right ....

FX: *puts Yuuri to bed, Yuuri is snoring*

Shouri:*sigh* Ah... ouch *his back hurts* Since I'm not used to doing this, my hip... Uhm... Let's cover you. Hm! You sure are sound asleep. Damn, you don't have a worry in the world. Very well now... *clears his throat, tunes his voice* Uhm... for those of you who don't understand very well what has happened so far, allow me to explain. This is the Maou's PRIVATE ROOM in the Blood Pledge Castle in Shin Makoku. *Fast forward* Since all of that happened, I , Shibuya Shouri, feeling sorry for my cute little brother and because I'm such a kind oniichan, carried him in my arms and brought Yuu-chan all the way to his room.

FX:*knock on the door*

Conrad: Shouri

Shouri: What is it, Lord Weller?

Conrad: Uhm, I'm really sorry to be interrupting your enthusiastic play ...

Shouri: It's not a play! What I'm doing now is explaining what was going before this mini-drama suddenly started so that everyone can understand!

Conrad: You were explaining what to whom?

Shouri: No, it's fine. Forget about it.

Conrad: In any case, is Yuuri all right?

Shouri: When you're talking about someone else's younger brother, can you please refrain from being so casual?

Conrad: Ah, then... how is the current status of his Majesty Yuuri?

Shouri: As you can see, he's sound asleep. He's definitely tired.

Conrad: But you are tired too, right Shouri? It was very convenient for you to help us in Small Shimaron, but even so, I'm really sorry you had to carry his Majesty all the way back to our home country.

Shouri: It's really not your place to apologize for that. This is my younger brother after all.

Conrad: That's right .

Shouri: Besides, if you would have carried Yuuri on the way back, your younger brother would have made a big fuss.

Conrad: Yes, you're right. The person who would have been more suitable is nervously performing his job at the office, and if I would have let Günter carry him, his Majesty would have ended up covered in liquids, the poor thing.

Shouri: Despite having so many people who take pride in their physical fitness, they're not helpful at all.

Conrad: Good grief! How shameful.

Shouri: As for Yuuri, even though he looks like this, he's pretty heavy.

Conrad: *chuckles* I know. Even though he has a slender figure, he has a lot of muscles, right?

Shouri: Crap. For me, the physically weak family representative in public relations, to have to carry a growing high-school student means that I will have sore muscles tomorrow and the day after that.

Conrad: Then you shouldn't have carried him in your arms, you should have carried him on your back.

Shouri: Fool! Did you see the face of the MAIDS in this castle, while I carried Yuu-chan in my arms!?

Conrad: Eh? No...

Shouri: It made me look GOOD before them. No matter where or when, getting picked up in a man's arms is every girl's dream. On top of that, I'm fortunately also one of the currently popular specs-guys.*bling* I'm completely sure that they're thinking "Ahn! Oniisama is lovely and beautiful and he takes care of his younger brother. How l-o-v-e-ly."

Conrad: Well, I wonder about that...

Yuuri: Mnh... mn...

Shouri: But this kid sure can sleep soundly. While I was carrying him, he didn't wake up at all.

Conrad: Ah, after going on a rampage on Maou-mode, it's like a SWITCH is turned off and he falls asleep.

Shouri: Well, Yuu-chan has always been the TYPE to back up his physical strength with his will-power.

Conrad: It can't be helped, huh? After all, something like what happened with the king of Small Shimaron.

Shouri: Saralegui, huh? That's a troublesome man.

Conrad: I see, Shouri also thinks that.

Shouri: Yeah. It's obvious that when a KEY PERSON or a LAST BOSS appear, they'll try to stay by your side. In his case, he will obviously be a LAST BOSS. In the business world, they also stick by your side to wait and see what your move will be. It's the most basic of tactics.

Conrad: Uhm... and what business is that you're talking about?

Shouri: In any case that voice, just his voice is already very suspicious. I heard that that guy, tried to pick Yuuri up at the hot springs.

Conrad: Ah... I wouldn't say he tried to pick him up...

Shouri: N~o! To introduce yourself to a pure hearted boy at the hot springs means that "You're OUT"![1]

Conrad: Ah...which means that my mother is also OUT?

Yuuri: What is OUT?

Shouri: Oh, Yuuri?

Conrad: Are you awake, your Majesty?

Yuuri: Hm... mnh... Ah, Conrad? Ah? Shouri, you too? Why are you here? And also, where am I?

Conrad: You're in your room at the Blood Pledge Castle. We've returned to Shin Makoku.

Shouri: You fell asleep and didn't wake up at all on our way back from Small Shimaron.

Conrad: You even fell off a horse while you were riding on its back. Though I was able to catch you by a hair's breadth. Honestly, I had quite a fright.

Yuuri: Ah, I see... sorry. *yawns* Ah, I feel like I've slept for a long time. Ah, I have to go back home quickly. Mom is waiting with curry.

Conrad: I've asked Ulrike to adjust the time for your return to Earth, so it's fine. When you go back, the RICE CURRY will be done. So for now, please relax and rest well.

Shouri: That's right. Well, for now, it's best if you stay here for a while, Yuuri.

Yuuri: Mh... I see. Ah, but you know? Now that I'm a little more relaxed, I'm worried about Sara.

Conrad: Eh? Ah... you're talking about Majesty Saralegui?

Yuuri: That's right. During our meeting, I saw him on the brink of tears.

Conrad: Couldn't you have been mistaken about what you saw?

Yuuri: You think? Even if you say that, Sara and I have roughly the same age, right? And if you judge him by his appearance, he looks like a fragile girl, doesn't he? And despite that, he puts in a lot of effort into doing his job as the king all alone, and according to what he said, it seems he doesn't have any family left. Isn't he just an awkward, lonely king?

Conrad: That person, can do just fine by himself.

Shouri: That's right, Yuuri. You don't need to worry about that guy. Besides, if he really had difficulties making friends and is just lonely, he wouldn't have been able to try and pick you up at the hot springs!

Yuuri: What do you mean by "pick me up"? Sara just said: "The hot springs are nice, ne?" and that going to the hot springs was part of Small Shimaron's culture.

Shouri: Wha...? Tha.. tha... that suspicious APPROACH is what the bastards in the 'business' say to try and become your friends.

Conrad: Let me ask you again, what kind of 'business' are you talking about?

Yuuri: It's fine, Conrad. Let it in one ear and out the other. Trying to understand what Shouri says is pointless.

Conrad: Ah....

Shouri: No! Don't ignore oniichan!

Yuuri: You're being loud! And no matter how much you dislike Sara, you need to stop making up accussations. It's not cool, Shouri.

Shouri: They're not accusations, they're real experiences.

Yuuri: Whose experiences?

Shouri: They come from my innermost 'THIRD CHILDREN'[2].

Yuuri: Eh? Who's that?

Conrad: Well, there's that. In a word, it means not to trust men who wear glasses.

Shouri: *clutches hands* Are you... trying to get into a fight with me?

Conrad: Ah, I'm sorry. Since they're almost like a part of your face, I didn't notice.

Shouri: No... well, there's truth behind what you just said. Listen, Yuu-chan. It's not just Saralegui, you shouldn't trust anyone who wears glasses except for me. Look, for example one of them is your friend. That black on the inside specs kid.

Yuuri: Eh? Since you're talking about glasses, do you mean Murata? No way, he's really not...

Conrad/Shouri: No, he really is dark on the inside.

Yuuri: That was fast! And you both replied at the same time.

Shouri: Yuu-chan, you're naturally a little bit of a goofball, you know? You get easily involved with troublesome people.

Conrad: And since you're also a resilient person, people get easily tempted to mess with you.

Shouri: Ah, I get it I get it. He has always been strong, you know? He's an easy target. Even the members of his baseball club in middle school said mean things to him and beat him up.

Yuuri: Wait Shouri, that's not true.

Conrad: Well, those who want to fight first hand with his Majesty, have very slim chances of winning, so they don't worry me. According to my experience, the real danger comes from people like his Highness. People other than him, who get close to your Majesty and try to influence you, are to the bitter end, a menace. Because you can't tell what they're doing. And by the time you realize it, you're already dead.

Shouri: That is completely REAL (true)

Conrad: Well, that's according to my personal experience...

Shouri: Ah, I think I might start cutting you some slack from now on ...

Conrad: I'd appreciate that...

Shouri: And because of that, Yuuri, you have to be absolutely careful of all men who wear glasses other than oniichan.

Conrad: Despite you wanting to be kind, you can't be reckless.

Yuuri: Listen... you two, why are you saying...!

Conrad: Personally, I'm worried about that Berias individual, the vassal of the king of Small Shimaron.

Shouri: Right, that masked man?

Conrad: Yes, that man is strong. This is the first time in many years that I've met an opponent like him.

Yuuri: Ah, you look kinda happy.

Conrad: *laughs* Sorry. Even though he's a strong enemy, I'm excited about fighting him.

Yuuri: Conrad, you know? You could easily beat those masked men, and those other swordsmen, right?

Conrad: Masked...

Yuuri: Ah, but that other masked person I met, Flynn-san, ended up being good friends with me.


Shouri: What's that? Are you bothered by it?

Conrad: No, not at all.

Yuuri: By the way, the hero Al.

Conrad: Yeah?

Shouri: Al? Al.. Al.. Al........ Ah, do you mean Al******t[3]

Yuuri: No, Shouri, that's the name of a chocolate. It's not that, it's "Alford", it ends with a "d", you see?

Conrad: What about him?

Yuuri: Well, I recently got a letter from him. It seems that he formed a group of "Conrad's ardent fans"

Shouri: What's that? Is it like a FAN CLUB or something?

Yuuri: It seems so. He said something like "I want to call Lord Weller 'older brother' and that he wants to be a warrior like him. So I thought "I knew it"

Conrad: Why.... did you think "I knew it"?

Yuuri: Eh? It's just that Al, he always uses polite language with you. And whenever he talks to you, he always looks like a puppy with sparkly eyes.

Conrad: Is... Is that so?

Yuuri: Yeah. Eh? What? Conrad, you didn't notice that?

Conrad: No, not at all.

Yuuri: Ah, poor guy. That guy because of what happened with his father, he wants to fight you like his dad did and he's kinda your fan. He thinks you're irresistible ....

Conrad: Wait, wait a sec...Why are you saying that?

Shouri: I see. So this is the natural predisposition with which he bewitched my mother. Now you're done for, Lord Weller.

Conrad: I don't know what you're talking about!

Yuuri: Now, now, be nice to each other. Besides isn't it great? Being so popular...

Shouri: Wah! I'm jealous. Now I want to make a fan-club too!

Conrad: I'm not happy in the least~! *whispers* and also, I'm not popular with my favorite person ...

Yuuri: EH? Conrad, did you say something?

Conrad:*sighs* No, I didn't say anything!

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  1. Shouri is probably using "You're out" as in, you're up to no good.
  2. Evangelion reference: the "third children" (with the word children used for one individual ) is Shinji Ikari. His father wears glasses and he's kinda of a SOB. I don't know for sure if the character ever says men who wear glasses can't be trusted; but that's clearly the point Shouri's trying to make.
  3. Alfort (アルフォート) is a chocolate.