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CD Drama [Saralegui Ending] Track 7. Murata Style Dinner Table[edit]

Murata: All right, let's go in through the backdoor...

Yuuri: Why can't be go in through the main door?

Murata: Because... that way we'll be closer to the kitchen

Yuuri: Kitchen?

FX:*Knock on the door*

Murata: Hello!! Hello!!

Josak: Yes, who is it?

FX:*door opens*

Murata: Ah, excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you during your work. We're just some humble tourists... but we seem to be in a pickle... We bought a toy ring at the souvenir shop over there. Look...!

FX:*pulls Yuuri's hand *

Murata: This one here

Josak: Huh? Oh, my! Young master!!! Your Highness! Commander! Oh, even his Excellency!

Yuuri: Eh? Wait you're.... not granny that works in the kitchen!?

Gwendal: Gurrier Josak... what are you doing in a place like this?

Josak: Oh no, how mean! Wasn't it your Excellency's order? This is part of my spying activities... As expected it was hard to enter here as a priest, so I ended up getting here as part of the staff... Does it look good on me? This apron?

Conrad: As always, no matter what you wear, it looks good on you, Josak...

Josak: Thank you! The Commander looks flawless as always too... At any rate why are you all here? Although I was told that there was a problem with a toy ring...

Saralegui: How rude! This isn't a toy! It's a ring of great significance

Murata: Right, right, that's true, but... look at this!

Josak: Oh? That person is...

Murata: He's not important... so the thing is that, we can't take the ring off. I mean look at it... What a pitiful situation right?

Yuuri: It really hurts...!

Josak: Oh, my young master! What kind of prank was pulled on you?

Günter: We thought that only a man in this temple could get rid of the cursed cast upon his majesty...

Josak: This is a curse? Well, putting that aside... when it comes to rings that can't be taken off, shouldn't you just put some of 'mom's citrus juice'[1] on it?

Murata: Yes, that's right!

Wolfram: What are they talking about?

Murata: And couldn't you bring some detergent from the kitchen?

Yuuri: What?

Josak: Yes, just give me a minute!

Yuuri: Hey, Murata...

Conrad: Oh, I see..

Yuuri: 'You see' what?

Josak: Here, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting

Yuuri: That was fast!

Murata: Then.... let's put a lot of this detergent on Shibuya's finger...

Saralegui: Eh!? What are you doing? My ring is covered in detergent!!!

Murata: Then make it move little by little and...

FX:*ring coming off*

Murata: Done! Finished in one try!

Yuuri: It came off!

Günter: Unbelievable! This is the kind of knowledge you only pick up throughout a lifetime

Saralegui: Ah... and I had finally managed to put on that wedding ring..

Wolfram: W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-wedding ring!?

Yuuri: It's gone! The blood is starting to flow again! Welcome back, my finger! Ah... but I still can't feel it

Josak: I'm glad everything turned out right, young master

Gwendal: I can't believe it came off by doing something like that. Hmph! Temple creatures are really something else huh?

Yuuri: The temple had nothing to do with this! Or rather, there was detergent in the ship too, right?! There was a kitchen in it!!! Why did we had to come all the way here to the temple!?

Murata: *sighs* Shibuya... I think you're misunderstanding something... a cursed man has to be taken to a temple, right?

Yuuri: Curses had nothing to do with this!!! At any rate this is a job agency right!? This was just a matter of a ring that was the wrong size, right!??

Saralegui: Calm down, Yuuri *weird fx* It's a shame that they took off the bond that connected us, but I won't give back your finger... I'm glad that you safely went back to normal. I'm happy from the bottom of my heart....*weird fx*

Yuuri: Sara...

Günter: After everything that happened... how could things turn like this

Wolfram: Good grief!

Conrad: Regardless of what you think, that person is the ruler of a country. Even if it was through such a method, he received a proof of friendship for the country (Shin Makoku)...

Wolfram: Do you really believe that!?

Conrad: No, not at all...

Gwendal: However he took off that proof of friendship

Murata: Well, maybe that's right. But even so, that doesn't mean that their connection has been cut. Even if the ring is gone, the feeling of frienship and camaraderie remain...

Yuuri: That's right. I don't feel like ever put this ring on again, but that doesn't mean that Shin Makoku and Small Shimaron's, that Sara and my friendship will change... The feelings of friendship that I originally had, won't be destroyed

Wolfram: You're too kind, Yuuri!

Gwendal: Stop, Wolfram. There's no need to get rash about it. The original problem was that his majesty the maou carelessly left the palace unprapared...

Yuuri: Well, sorry about that...

Günter: Although I feel like this was very wrong... as long as his majesty is safe, I won't complain.

Conrad: The same goes for me...

Wolfram: It can't be helped... if everyone says so....

Murata: Which means that we're going to forget about what happened here. So both parties will continue to have an amicable relationship, right?

Yuuri: That's right! Let's not worry about small things, let's be amicable to one another from here on as leaders of our countries, Sara.

Saralegui: Thank you Yuuri. I feel the same.

Murata: And so, this has been settled! Which means, we should climb down this mountain quickly!

Conrad: It'll be night soon...

Saralegui: I know I know! Let's have dinner while looking at Van der Via dances at sunset at the inn. We have to hurry up and make reservations

Yuuri: Eh?

Wolfram: I'll sit next to Yuuri!

Günter: Me too! I'll sit next to his majesty!!!

Murata: *sighs* In the end I could play a game of golf, ah, we can play at the FRONT of the course right? It's not the same as the real thing, but it can't be helped!

Conrad: During this season, if I remember correctly, there should also be popular tourist excursions on small boats. There's also free diving lessons to watch marine creatures with a guide

Josak: Well, I'm not sure but if it's related to sightseeing I'll be your guide. Before I managed to enter the temple, I was a tourist guide with a friend, so I know about a lot of things around here

Yuuri: Aren't you just like a blue collar part time worker, Josak?

Gwendal: *clears throat* By the way, are there small mammals in this island?

Josak: Of course there are...

Gwendal:*whispers* Great

Yuuri: What are you getting excited about Gwen!?

Murata: Haha, there really are a lot of OPTIONS, huh?

Yuuri: Don't "haha" me! This sounds like the average PARK TOUR! What is this!? Do you have any clue as to how much pain I went through!?

Murata: Can we go back with you on the ship, King Saralegui?

Saralegui: Sure, but what would you like to go back next week?

Yuuri: You are planning to stay here till next week!?

Murata: Who wants to join me playing golf?

Günter: May I join you?

Gwendal: Well, I'm a little interested in that too

Murata: Ah, Lord von Voltaire looks like someone who would like golf!

Josak: I'll carry the clubs! I'll go with you to chat!

Wolfram: I'll go shopping with Yuuri. There seems to be some famous red pastries called "Passionate Van der Via Lovers". We have to buy them as souvenirs for the people at the castle.

Conrad: Then, I'll go along with the shopping group.

Murata: Roger that! Then that's how we'll split! Everyone, let's go!

FX:*everyone leaves*

Yuuri: Wait, don't just decide without asking me! Hey, at any rate why are you all following Murata's instructions? What does this mean!? You guys... you guys.... stop messing with me!!!

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  1. Before detergent came to exist, citrus juice was used to get rid of grease