Kara no Kyoukai

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Kara no Kyoukai ("空の境界") is a series of stories written by Kinoko Nasu (奈須きのこ) with illustrations by Takeshi Takeuchi (武内崇).

The first five chapters were posted online on Nasu and Takeuchi's dojin website "Takebouki (竹箒)" starting Oct 1998, and the last two chapters being released at Comiket 56 in 1999. In 2001, part of the story was included in "Tsukihime PLUS-DISK (月姫PLUS-DISC)," created by TYPE-MOON, the doujin circle Nasu and Takeuchi joined. The story gained huge popularity, and the doujinshi edition of the stories saw release on December 30, 2001 at Comiket 61.

Afterwards, the series gained wide attention through merchandises like the drama CD, and on June 8, 2004 the story was republished as the commerical edition by Koudansha (講談社). On the same day, 5,000 copies of the limited collection edition were sold for a high price of 9,800 yen, but were sold out merely two hours after pre-order started -- this immediately hit the headlines. In the end, the normal and collection editions combined had sold about 500,000 copies. The commercial edition was about the same in content as the doujinshi edition, but with slight differences in punctuation or word usage due to more detailed revision and editing.

The protagonist Shiki Ryougi (両儀式) possesses the same power as Tsukihime (月姫)'s Shiki Tohno (遠野志貴). Touko Aozaki (蒼崎橙子), one side character in Kara no Kyouka, is the sister of Tsukihime's Aoko Aozaki (蒼崎青子). So the two stories are regarded as having the same world view.

The series is nicknamed "Rakkyo." It is a common debate whether the series should be regarded a light novel or not.

Please understand that although a large amount of translation has been made available, it is pre-translated work that has been re-arranged to match the novel format that was used in 2001. If you would like to edit the chapters, or contribute translation scripts (thus turning this more into a project rather than a teaser), please feel free to edit.

Special Thanks

Currently though as this is a teaser page, there is no translation happening at the moment, but we will be thanking the following members for having translated some of the scripts used in this wiki:


  • Shiki Ryougi (両儀式)
Reviving from a two-year coma after an incident, she can see the "death" of all thing. (Tyokushi no Magan, 直死の魔眼). In order to have an actual feel of her insolid living, she throws herslef into battles with superpowers. Before her coma there are two personalities within her, the feminine character Shiki (式), and the masculine character Shiki (織). However, because of the accident the masculine Shiki (織) got annihilated. Her masculine tone (for example calling herself "ore") is to supplement the spiritually dead Shiki (織)'s personality. She commonly wears Japanese clothing, and in cold seasons she wears a leather jumper on top. With an optimistic heart she does not seem to be bothered by the "lines of death" (but her eyes nearly got crushed when she saw the lines for the first time), and she puts away the "Magan killer (魔眼殺し)" spectacles that Touko has specially made for her.
  • By the way, according to official settings, Shiki Ryougi is mutiple levels more skillful in using "Tyokushi no Magan" compared to Shiki Tohno (遠野志貴) of Tsukihime (月姫) (to be exact, the main story of Tsukihime.)

  • Mikiya Kokutou (黒桐幹也)
He was originally in the same class as Shiki, and is now working at "Garan no Dou" (伽藍の洞), the workshop of puppet-maker Touko Aozaki. Shiki called him "Kokuto-." He is just an ordinary young man, but when it comes to "searching stuff," he is unbelievably talented. (For example, when he heard of rumors about Touko and wanted to meet her, he reached "Garan no Dou" after searching for her, despite the spells cast by Touko around the workshop.) In fact, they had met before their encounter at school, but Shiki did not remember. He was an admirer of Shiki.

  • Touko Aozaki (蒼崎燈子)
The owner of "Garan no Dou." A puppet-maker on surface, she is actually a Mahou-tsukai (魔法使い) - turned - Majutsushi (魔術師). She can use Majutsu in rune languages. She casts a spell around a ruined building to make it undetectable by consciousness, and turned it into her residence and workshop. A heavy smoker, she always had a cigarette between her lips. According to her younger sister Aoko, she "looks like a educated mom with spectales and a cigarette." Flat-chested in Kokutou's personal opinion.
  • The elder sister of Aoko Aozaki (蒼崎青子) the Mahou-tsukai in Tsukihime. She killed her grandfather and teacher, because he gave the title of Aozaki's head to her younger sister instead of her. The sisters' relationship is disastrous. Also, her Tsukaima (使い魔, lit. magical servant) was destroyed by her younger sister. Compared to her sister who knows nothing but destruction, her level as a Majitsushi is top of her class. The Majutsu Association (魔術協会) recognized her formidable power by dubbing her with the color "Tou" (橙, orange) which is close to the three primary colors. However, her most desired color "Blue" has been claimed by her sister, and she was often mocked of this. Whoever called her "Scarred Red" was gotten rid of (without exception, as claimed in the main story of "Sora no Kyoukai"--) Her skills has been so formidable that the Association has named her the target person be sealed as the top ranked puppet-maker under the Seal Order(封印指定), and now she hid hersself from the Association. Her hobby is to get money from the Association in her younger sister's name to go shopping.
  • She also makes an appearance at Kinoko Nasu's "Mahou-tsukai no Yoru" (魔法使いの夜, Mahou-tsukai's Night). Also, in TYPE-MOON's legendary game "Fate/stay night," although she is not named, there is a bit in the story about a puppet-maker who receives the Seal Order. In the "Melty Blood" series Aoko complains about someone using her name to get money. Also, she is among the few who can make the item "Magan killer (魔眼殺し)," which appears in both "Tsukihime" and "Fate/Stay Night." (However, in the main story of "Fate/stay Night" there is no mentioning who is the creator behind the spectacles.)

  • Azaka Kokutou (黒桐鮮花)
Mikiya's younger sister who loves Mikiya. Due to rivality against Shiki she became an apprentice Majitsushi under Touko. She is money-centered and highly calculating. Her only but master skill is the "Ignition" magic. When using her skills, she wears gloves made of fiery lizard's skin (火蜥蜴の手袋) received from Touko.
  • Just like the "elder brothers," Azaka is similar in appearance and abilities to Akiha Tohno (遠野秋葉) in "Tsukihime." (Azaki's "ignition" is simply to induce burning, and Akiha's "plundering" is to control outside heat. However, in appearance the two look the same.) The decisive difference -- breasts.

Titles and Teasers

1/Overlooking View - Fujoh Kirie | 1/俯瞰風景 - Fujoh Kirie: Thanatos.

2/Murder Study (Part 1) - Ryougi Shiki | 2/殺人考察(前) - Ryohgi Siki: ...and nothing heart.

3/Remaining Sense of Pain - Asagami Fujino | 3/痛覚残留 - Asagami Fujino: ever cry, never life.

  • /Remaining Sense of Pain | /痛覚残留
  • (0)
  • /1
  • Remaining Sense of Pain/ 1~2 | 痛覚残留/ 1~2
  • /2
  • /3
  • Sense of Pain/Stay Behind 3~4 | 痛覚/残留 3~4
  • /4
  • /5
  • Remaining Sense of Pain/ 5~6 | 痛覚残留/ 5~6

4/Void Shrine - 「  」 | 4/伽藍の洞 - 「  」: garann-no-dou.

??? | 境界式

  • 境界式

5/Paradox Spiral - Enjou Tomoe | 5/矛盾螺旋 - Enjoh Tomoe: Paradox Paradigm.

  • /Paradox Spiral | /矛盾螺旋
  • /0
  • /1 (Paradox Spiral, 1) | (矛盾螺旋、1)
  • /2 (Paradox Spiral, 2) | (矛盾螺旋、2)
  • /3
  • /4 (Paradox Spiral, 4) | (矛盾螺旋、4)
  • /5 (Paradox Spiral, 1) | (矛盾螺旋、1)
  • /6 (Paradox Spiral, 2) | (矛盾螺旋、2)
  • /7
  • /8 (Paradox Spiral, 4) | (矛盾螺旋、4)
  • /9 (Paradox Spiral, 5) | (矛盾螺旋、5)
  • /10
  • /8 (Paradox Spiral, 5) | (矛盾螺旋、5)
  • /11 (Paradox Spiral, 6) | (矛盾螺旋、6)
  • /12
  • (14/)
  • /13 (Paradox Spiral, 6) | (矛盾螺旋、6)
  • /14
  • /15
  • /16
  • 17/
  • /18
  • Paradox/Spiral (19) | 矛盾/螺旋 (19)

6/Oblivion Recorder - Kurogiri Satsuki | 6/忘却録音 - Kurogiri Satuki: Fairy Tale.

  • /Oblivion Recorder | /忘却録音
  • Oblivion Recorder/ 1~2 | 忘却録音/ 1~2
  • /1
  • /2
  • Oblivion Recorder/ 3 | 忘却録音/ 3
  • /3
  • Oblivion Recorder/ 4 | 忘却録音/ 4
  • Oblivion Recorder /5 | 忘却録音 5/
  • 5/
  • Oblivion Recorder /5 | 忘却録音 /5
  • /5
  • Oblivion Recorder/ 6 | 忘却録音/ 6
  • /6
  • Oblivion Recorder/ 7 | 忘却録音/ 7
  • /Oblivion Recorder | /忘却録音
  • /7

??? | 境界式

  • (0)

7/Murder Study (Part 2) - Shirazumi Rio | 7/殺人考察(後) - Sirazumi Rio: ...not nothing heart.

  • /Kara no Kyoukai | /空の境界
  • /Opening | /序
  • Murder Study/1 | 殺人考察/1
  • /1
  • Murder Study/2 | 殺人考察/2
  • /2
  • Murder Study/3 | 殺人考察/3
  • Murder Study/4 | 殺人考察/4
  • /3
  • /4
  • Murder Study/5 | 殺人考察/5
  • /5
  • Murder Study/6 | 殺人考察/6
  • /6
  • /7
  • Murder Study/7 | 殺人考察/7
  • /8

Kara no Kyoukai | 空の境界

  • Kara no Kyoukai/ | 空の境界/
