Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 7 Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Still just Facing Forward[edit]

Part 1[edit]

In the laboratory of Kubota Kaito several hours have passed, since the exercise program started.

However, the fight between Akatsuki and programed Gouki wasn't over yet.

Gouki's strength and toughness were superior to his, while his speed and reaction time was not far off from Akatsuki's. Once he was able to realize this, it was possible for Akatsuki to design an effective fighting strategy.

Although you can't say they were completely evenly matched, but still Akatsuki barely fought to a draw.


Akatsuki let loose his fighting spirit with a loud roar, and created innumerable amount of huge energy bombs. All of them were released towards Gouki at the same time.

The energy bombs approached Gouki from all directions. He just countered with both of his fists.

The pressure from his fists compressed the air around them into bullets that intercepted Akatsuki's energy bombs.

Scattering the energy bombs into flashes of light.

"Then take this one!"

Akatsuki used the light as cover to instantly close the gap between the two, and without any hesitation he hurled his right fist at him.


A shock wave rang out as it landed.

But ......

"-- Uhh!"

Akatsuki shook his head immediately.

Gouki's fist pierced through the air, "vuun" sounded as the power shot through the air grazed Akatsuki's cheek.

Akatsuki only felt a slight burning sensation on his cheek. However after waving his fists around Gouki's left his stomach wide open.

Six high-speed punches landed repeatedly.

But as Akatsuki drew back his fist preparing for a finishing blow -- Gouki grabbed his arm.

While thinking he had won, he had already been slammed into the floor.

"Guuuuuh ......!"

There was no time to protect himself from that attack, severe pain ran throughout his whole body.

However, Akatsuki didn't have the chance to even breathe.

By rotating the power in his arm with back of his neck and shoulders he was able to immediately propel himself up to his feet. Narrowly avoiding Gouki's crushing stomp to the top of his head.

He was able to separate several steps away from Gouki.

"Damn ...... this is getting me no where."

Akatsuki bitterly spat out.

Since the fight began, his opponent never let up even for a second.

In a fist fight against someone stronger than yourself any careless mistake can lead to an irreparable end.

Therefore, Akatsuki both physically and mentally accumulated a substantial amount of fatigue.

Meanwhile the other was only a computer created program unaffected in any way.

In addition, Akatsuki hit his opponent many times, and it seemed it didn't cause any real damage to Gouki.

Normally Akatsuki's fists and kicks were sufficient to stop an enemy, but .....

Am I still...... not strong enough to deal with Father?

Akatsuki couldn't help but clench his fists.

"-- In that case, I will have to keep hitting you until it works."

While laughing, Akatsuki once again sprinted towards Gouki.

Part 2[edit]

He completely changed his footwork, rapidly stopping and sprinting continuously.

By alternating between the two within a short distance Akatsuki created afterimages of himself.

Following the series of high speed movements he launched an array of attacks.


The attacks came from both sides, and collided at almost the same time.

They were both in each others range to attack. Akatsuki and Gouki speed was considered unimaginable to others, the kicking and punching speed was a gorgeous feast to eyes.

-- If this was a game, you could analyze the combat algorithm to identify the optimal strategy to fight. But, the creator of Gouki's program didn't standardize his AI.

He was a master swordsman, a world class boxer, even a high level magic user. His attributes were similar to the real Gouki, but his knowledge was no where near the same.

There was no set battle mode, so it freely and irregularly changed.

Coincidentally, Akatsuki fought precisely in the same manner.

He was currently concentrating on finding out a way to effectively strike his opponent, while warding off against those incoming highly destructive attacks.

An incredible amount of consideration was needed every moment just to determine how to avoid the next attack and remain unhurt. In a split second he had to continuously and subjectively make the best choice. But at the same time, Akatsuki still had to think about the other variables.

Gouki was obviously stronger than him -- he had to think about how to fight someone like that.

Unavoidable attacks slowly became dodgeable.

Indefensible attacks were gradually becoming preventable.

Attacks that couldn't hit gradually hit.

His thinking and senses gradually sharpened.

Fancy moves and unnecessary movements gradually faded.

Every attack sublimated into near-perfection.

There were no mistakes. Even if not by much his strength was steadily growing.

By fighting an opponent who surpassed himself, and even if he was risking it all, his present self can do nothing but get stronger.

He attacked and defended, and attacked and defended.

Making effective use of his whole body he developed an unprecedented continuous offensive.

He also used variations of each combinations of faints, a feint for the conscious, a feint for the eyes, and a feint for the subconscious.

By fully understanding his own strengths and weaknesses, he was able to develop new tactics accordingly. He was creating a new way of fighting that exploited his opponent's AI.

Then he started to calmly think --

...... Why?

Akatsuki felt a trace of anxiety.

Albeit a program of a young Gouki it was still a powerful enemy.

He should now be stronger and have reached a new level again.

The other party before him was definitely more talented than Akatsuki.

Perhaps, the same goes for his elder brother Sakuya. However that didn't mean he was reluctant to face them, because of such a power gap. Akatsuki absolutely doesn't want to lose to those two.

And it wasn't always the strongest who wins.

Even if a stronger enemy exists, he will not tolerate defeat or escape.

Above all, fighting only when the other was weaker than yourself was the same as running away.

The founder of the world's most powerful terrorist group -- Crimson Twilight.

The people who manage the world's most powerful army -- COCOON.

When confronting those two enemies, Akatsuki will be forced to challenge opponents of a higher level.

However, he was okay with that. After all, for a chance at wining the only thing needed was the will to fight.

But even so,

...... Why?

Ousawa Akatsuki couldn't suppress his inner emotions.

That man in front of his eyes had that much power -- then I wonder why he was unwilling to help Miu?

Part 3[edit]

Ousawa Miu.

Akatsuki brought her back from the alternate world Akatsuki, rather brought Myuu the Demon King's daughter back.

That name originally belonged to -- Akatsuki's real little sister Ousawa Miu.

Perhaps her fate was not bound by how strong she was. But even if that couldn't be changed, he would at least make it personnel.

If all he could do was be near her side, at the very least he would not let her feel lonely.

Miu wanted to save Sakuya, who was on the verge of losing all control. Gouki's strength at that time would have easily stopped Sakuya -- Akatsuki however had yet to be summoned to an alternate world and could do very little.

Although Sakuya was not part of COCOON at that time, he was already one of the strongest in the world.

Gouki was also one of the strongest in the world, and could have stopped Sakuya.

However, Gouki didn't come back home until it was over.

After all –- Sakuya was stopped from losing all control when Miu broke free from Akatsuki and in front of both Akatsuki and Sakuya's eyes -- she took her own life.

She was unwilling to see her two older brothers endlessly fight over her.

Her final words -- 'This world is wrong.....'

Part 4[edit]

After that, Sakuya was chosen to be part of COCOON and became a manager of the world.

As for Gouki he still never came back home.

So ......

"Why ..... What the hell was your reason?"

Fuming with rage Akatsuki gritted his teeth and grabbed Gouki by the collar.

This was obviously an unnecessary move in a fight -– to expose your weaknesses to an enemy was an act of stupidity. If there was such an opportunity it would have been better to launch an attack.

What was more that wasn't his father in front of him. It was just a computer program.

Even so, Akatsuki Ousawa could not help but want to ask to understand.

Then and now, what reason does Gouki have for never being there?

-- Of course, Akatsuki's anger won't reach a computer program.

Gouki lands a hard fist into his diaphragm.

"Guh, uuuhhhhhhhhhhh- ......!"

The shock wave penetrated his body straight out through his back.

Along with the voice of agony, Akatsuki released Gouki's collar.

However, Gouki's attack didn't end there.

The computer program had long ago considered Akatsuki as an evenly matched opponent, and without the slightest hesitation went to pursue and attack. His right foot kicked Akatsuki into the wall, then in a flash ran over to give him a series of attacks.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!"

He was unable to dodged the punches to his gut. They were not light by any means, so much so that even making a sound was difficult. Under Gouki's continuous attacks, all Akatsuki could do was grit his teeth and prepare for the worst.

Then .....

The barrage of kicks and punches stopped. Akatsuki was left indented into the wall and unable to move an inch.

In the end -- Gouki put all his power into his right fist and let it loose on Akatsuki face.

BANG! A powerful blast wave that shot into the wall through Akatsuki shook the whole laboratory.



Gouki turned and walked away.

While Akatsuki crumbled down off the wall to the floor like a broken doll.

Part 5[edit]

Not long after Chikage and Kuzuha had returned to their homes.

Miu Ousawa was greeting a visitor at the door along with with Listy.

It was a teenage girl -- Haruka Nanase, who became a close friend of Miu's.

However, when Haruka once again went to visit the Ouswa home she looked rather gloomy.

Both of them invited her in, while passing through the living room they heard why she was here.

So ......

"The student council president ...... is looking for me?"

Miu heard the situation from Haruka, and puzzled she had unintentionally raised her voice.

Haruka who was sandwiched between Miu and Listy on the sofa made a bitter expression.

"Yes..... He said he had some things that he wanted to talk to you about. I hope you can go to JPN Babel to meet with him."

"That person is a manager of the world, and part of COCOON right?"

Listy made a serious expression.

"Did he discover Miu's true identity?"


Miu fell silent after hearing what Listy said.

Listy's speculation was not impossible.

When spring break arrived, Miu and the others went to Alayzard, where they spent about an entire month.

The reason was to stop the war between humans and demons.

After much effort, they finally collectively managed to get a peace treaty signed, and then returned to this world.

However, the reason Miu was prompted to go to Alayzard was because someone was sent after her from Alayzard -- Phil Barnett.

He not only threaten the staff, but destroyed the special barrier system that converts bodily damage into mental damage to infiltrate JPN Babel's ranking tournament. After Akatsuki drove off Phil, and once again saved Miu. Phil then changed into a huge dragon because of a contract he made with the evil dragon Zahhaku in Alayzard. The battle then moved from the training grounds to the city streets where Chikage, Kuzuha, Haruka and the other student council members fought the dragon.

Akatsuki at the time was poisoned and temporarily unable to fight. When he finally recovered, he rushed over to save Miu and the others. He single handedly defeated Phil in form of a dragon, ending the earth-shattering battle.

-- A month had passed since then.

However, time in this world doesn't pass when you were in an another world.

In this world only about a week has passed since the ranking tournament.

In the middle of the turmoil, JPN Babel learned that Phil Barnett was trying to capture Miu.

Immediately after the incident, Akatsuki and Miu were subjected to questioning from an investigation committee. Miu ultimately got away with the story she made up along with the Akatsuki. But the possibility that Kyouya found some evidence had to be considered.

Of course, Kyouya was in charge of school in JPN Babel and part of COCOON, perhaps he simply wanted to hear it from Miu.

...... What was the President after?

Miu was at a loss as to what to do.

There weren't any problems if it was the latter. All she needed to do was repeat the same story she told to the investigation committee to Kyouya.

However, if Kyouya discovered Miu's true identity .....

That Miu was from an alternate world, she most likely would be arrested.

However there was still the possibility that Kyouya just wanted to hear from Miu, herself. In that case, she was overacting and causing herself unneeded stress that might cause him to become suspicious.

"Haruka-san, do you know what the student President wants of me?"

"I also...... asked why it was so important for the President to meet with you, but...... "

To Miu's question, Haruka gave an apologetic look.

"I have resigned from the student council, and don't know too much. I was only told to try and get you as quickly as possible ..... I'm sorry, I can't be of more help to you."

"Don't say that."

Miu quickly shook her head.

"Haruka-san, because you informed us in advance we now have time to prepare countermeasures."

"Yeah, that's how it is...... Haruka."

Listy nodded, and put her hand on Haruka's shoulder.

"If someone else suddenly came over and questioned Miu she might have exposed her identity and probably would have been taken away on the spot. Fortunately, you are here now and the worst situation can be avoided."

"Ah ......"

Haruka nodded, but still didn't look too happy.

The reason was very simple.

"The people who drove me here are waiting outside. They are the some of the President's most trusted aides and are also looking for you. So we can't hide in here forever."

"...... Uh huh."

Miu nodded.

Kyouya not only assigned Haruka, but as a precaution also assigned other staff members to accompany her. In fact, those staff members had intended to just barge into the Ousawa home. However as courtesy to Haruka, they were temporarily persuaded to wait outside. Therefore Miu didn't have much time to make a decision.


Miu took out her cell phone and called Akatsuki.

But it didn't connect. She heard an electronic voice 'the number you are trying to reach is not reachable, please hang up and try again.'

"..... He didn't answer?"

"...... Un."

Listy asked, while Miu just nodded.

She called him several times..... she didn't know if the timing was bad, but untimely she didn't get though to Akatsuki.

"...... I have tried several times, but Ousawa Akatsuki is not picking up."

"Then our only choice is to fend for ourselves."

Back in Alayzard, Miu also came across a similar situation.

During the decisive battle at Gorudono canyon, after Akatsuki sustain severe injuries in the battle with Leon. Miu had to stay in the safety of Forestnium. The patriarch Urumu had placed a conceptual barrier to protect the village. Then Disdiya and Leon sent a letter saying the Wandering forest would be burnt down if she didn't agree to leave Forestnium and become their hostage. Miu had no choice but to do something and ended up become Disdiya's hostage anyway. Fortunately Akatsuki stuck a transfer seal on her body, and was able to rescue Miu in the nick of time. Otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

...... I do not want to cause any more trouble for that person.

After all, we all decided to work together to support Akatsuki.


"Umm, Haruka-san ...... "

Ousawa Miu in a quite voice asked .....

Before making the decision she had an important issue.

"In your opinion...... Do you think that person can win against the President?"

Part 6[edit]

Akatsuki seems to have some unknown grudge with COCOON

It's clear from the fact that Akatsuki has repeatedly provoked Kyoya.

Also that Akatsuki feels he must sooner or later defeat Hikami Kyoya.

However COCOON is the manager of this world.

It is fine to challenge him in the ranking tournament, because Babel authorized it as an official fight. However on the other occasions when he challenged Kyoya, I am afraid that can be punishable by the death penalty. Akatsuki also is well aware.

That's why Akatsuki despite all provocations, he will not take the initiative to openly fight him. However it is not because he interested in saving his own neck.

......Perhaps that person.....

Miu thought.

He didn't want to involved her in his dispute, and that's why Akatsuki was being cautious.

However she was not being conceited.

Back in Alayzard before the Demon King Garius died, he entrusted his daughter to the hero Akatsuki.

The Demon King's daughter is Miu.

And the rogue hero Ousawa Akatsuki would keep that promise he made to him.

Since that day, Akatsuki has helped Miu time and time again.

Whether it is when the training program went berserk, or when Phil Barnett/ Zahhaku attacked. He resolve them one after another.


Even still he had to save her from his best friend, the hero Leon Acperio, who was blinded by his hatred of demons. Of course, Akatsuki wasn't the only one who helped Miu at that time.

Listy, Haruka, and Chikage and Kuzuha were involved in the crisis, also Akatsuki without the slightest hesitation moved bravely forward.

I seem to be important to Akatsuki -- Despite the fact she is very happy, she also feels uneasy. If Kyoya hurt everyone, Akatsuki would surely start an all-out war. If that happens, then who will be able to stop Akatsuki.

Perhaps then Akatsuki can't keep his cool, and lets out his animosity and confronts COCOON.

......She only has two options.

Either accept Kyoya's request and go to JPN Babel.

Or refuse Kyoya's request and stay here and wait until Akatsuki returns.

There is no third option.

Its not just about Akatsuki, there are now other people.

The best option for everyone.

That's why she needs to consider the outcome if Kyoya and Akatsuki fight.

After all, choosing to stay here and wait for Akatsuki to return is undoubtedly going to led to a war between the two.

"I --"

Miu still remembers the horror of the icicle that Kyoya made during the entrance examination.

Without particularly concentrating he created a huge icicle in the blink of an eye.

There wasn't a single crack after Akatsuki hit it.

Of course, at that time he was not necessarily that serious either.

But it is the same for Kyoya, hee too was holding back his strength.

Miu believes in Akatsuki's strength, and believes that he will win.

He is stronger and more powerful now than when he confrontation father -- Galious. He has fought several times since then, and anyone can see that Akatsuki got stronger.

So, she doesn't think that Akatsuki will lose.

--However, this is after all just her wishful thinking.

Miu can't just decide this on her own based on her faith in him, she needs to make sure that Akatsuki won't be hurt in the fight with Kyoya.

When Akatsuki was stabbed and seriously injured by Leon, Miu's heart almost broke into pieces.

She suffered an indescribable pain.

.....She thought experiencing this once was enough.

Therefore Miu must eliminate all her emotions, and objectively measure everything.

She must know now, if Ousawa Akatsuki can prevail over one of the strongest in COCOON--Hikami Kyoya.

Part 7[edit]


Haruka after receiving such a serious question from Miu, meditated for a while.

Ousawa Akatsuki and Hikami Kyoya.

Haruka knew both of them, but who on earth is stronger?

For Akatsuki there is no lack of material to base his strength on.

First, outside of the Kubota's workshop she witnessed Akatsuki control Sleipnir beyond the speed of sound.

Then fought one on one with Zahhaku as well as a series of battles in Alayzard.

Akatsuki has demonstrated a tremendous ability to fight.

Haruka has also actually fought with Akatsuki.

They first fought as soon as they met in the student council room, and then on the first night of the ranking tournament. He can't use magic, but his strength is still undeniable.

In addition to hand to hand combat, the level of his swordsmanship is no laughing matter either.

--As for Kyoya?

Haruka has also witness Kyoya fight on several occasions. During combat training along with the other members of the student council, and during a few ranking tournaments. However, he never went all out. Since he is a member of the COCOON he must be really talented, and is basically an unknown.

......Even so, his power was overwhelming.

From those glimpses she can only guess at his true strength.

Haruka tries to imagine the fight between Akatsuki and Kyoya. However they are very different from each other, and can't really be compared. So before making a conclusion, she first put forth her thoughts.

"There are many factors affecting the outcome of a fight. For example the location or time of day will cause different results. Based on what I have seen from Ousawa Akatsuki's past fights, losing really is hard to imagine. But--"

Haruka concluded:

"--If you only compared them in strength, President Hikami is slightly above."



After hearing Haruka's answer, Miu and Listy fell silent and slightly lowered their heads.

However to Miu's question "Can that person win against the President?" Haruka didn't properly answer it.

Miu didn't feel that she was wrong and comparing them in terms of pure strength it is a simple way to exclude her emotions.

Then Miu slowly raised her head, and looked Haruka in the eyes.

"I understand, Haruka-san. Take me to see the student council President."


Listy sitting on the other end of the sofa couldn't help but shout.

Then she stood up from the couch.


But she couldn't say anything, because she also understands.

She doesn't know Kyoya's end game, and perhaps he merely wants to hear what happened during the ranking tournament. Therefore, if that's the case, it wouldn't be a problem as long as Miu goes.

But if she refuses the appointment, Kyoya is bound to be suspicious. In that case he will perform an in-depth investigation, and it will inevitablely lead to Akatsuki and Kyoya fighting. Moreover, and it won't be an official duel.

It will be a life-and-death fight, meaning the losing side would die.

It won't necessarily just be Akatsuki, who would be killed.

So Miu has no choice. She slowly got up while smiling.

"Listy-san, continue to stay hidden in the house. Unless that person or I come back, do not come out. Just to be safe, it is best to stay away from the windows."

Haruka stared at Listy, who was biting her lower lip.

Miu came to this world ahead of Listy, and has gradually built up place she feels she belongs. But it is different for Listy.

Of course, Akatsuki and Haruka have already proposed to Listy on how to explain her existence to Babel, while keeping her true identity hidden. Chikage and Kuzuha have also been informed and theoretically it should be sound.

However, the reason why the president wants to interview Miu remains a mystery thus far. The timing of this situation, and Listy's arrival may be the reason.

Haruka couldn't help thinking -- Listy would definitely feel a certain sense of chagrin and regret in her heart.

-- When they left Alayzard to come to this world the dimensional shift would have been detected by JPN Babel and recorded on the "Apocalypse" server.

Miu and Listy are the same as they both are from another world, however Listy's presence here stands out more than Miu's.

Since they don't know Kyoya's end game and Akatsuki is not here, there is no way anyone can say that Listy's presence was not exposed.

And ......

If she decides to stay inside to stall for time, they aids on standing outside will break ins, and then will find Listy here.

Akatsuki would be forced into a no-win situation.

In order to protect Listy, also in order to protect Akatsuki, Miu doesn't have any other choice.


That's all Haruka's could figure out, and suddenly was sullen and speechless.

"Wait a minute, I want to change my clothes. Not into the old uniform, but the new uniforms I got from you last night."

Miu looked at Haruka.

"Okay then, the new uniform has been designed to be relatively handy. "

The new uniforms can change according to the users will automatically to combat clothes.

At that time regardless of a fight or escape, there would be a much higher success rate.

Miu then left the living room.

Haruka and Listy waited in the living room in silence.

But ......

"-- Umm!"

After hesitating for a while, Haruka suddenly spoke up.

Miu called out half way down the stairs:

"Wait, I want to here the question too."

After Miu came back to, Haruka continue to say:

"--Why do think I was going to ask a question? "

It was like a boulder was putting pressure on her heart when she was asked the question.

Her heart was pounding, resulting in a sense of distance from the others.

"I am part of the student council like Hikami. Maybe I'm just using your concern for Ousawa Akatsuki, and this is all a trick in order to get you to get you there... ... aren't you at least a little skeptical?"

Miu was dumbfounded for a moment, then revealed a gentle smile.

"If that is so, then why would you expose your scheme?"

"This was a desperate move, intended to win your complete trust."

"It is not necessary to say any more, after all, you made your point and now I feel uneasy."


Miu's face was very clam, but Haruka's face was covered with a layer of haze.

Haruka could not understand, how Miu could readily trust her so much.

Then ......

"Haruka-san...... You are really kind-hearted."

Miu slowly approached her.

After she stood in front of Haruka, her lightly put her hands on Haruka's cheek.

"It is best to take advantage of this opportunity to make one thing clear."

Miu intently stared into Haruka's eyes.

"Nanase Haruka, I completely understand you."

She said in firm and clear tone.

"You believe in yourself more than anyone, you adhere to your own justice, and always carry through to the end. There is no way you would be easily compromised. Even during the situation in Alayzard, you believed in us and fought with all you had. After returning to this world, you dedicated yourself to protecting my new home with all of your heart. And now you are standing in a place I can't even imagine because of Listy and me. Honestly, I can't find any reason to doubt you. So ... ... Please keep this in mind, and never forget."

She paused for a moment.

"No matter what happens, we will always believe in you."

Miu gently embraced Haruka in her arms.

As if trying to convey her thoughts through body warmth --

I will always believe in you.


Miu clearly had unconditional trust in her, Haruka can not help but slightly tremble.

Tears almost burst forth from her eyes.

Adhere to your own justice, and choose your own path ......

It really is correct.

How to respond to this should go without saying.

Haruka shouldn't be apprehensive to Miu's words.

And respond to Miu's trust in her--that should be good.

Her tightly wrapped her hands around Miu, and she looked straight ahead at void.

Nanase Haruka must show her resolution.

"Then, I will also protect you."

Her voice was filled with strength.

"-- At any cost."

Part 8[edit]

A few minutes later -- Haruka walk out of the front door along with Ousawa Miu.

Upon leaving the house, there was a black car from Babel parked in front. After seeing Haruka, the two men got out of the driver seat and the passenger seat.

They were the aids from JPN Babel that Kyoya dispatched.

"We were waiting for you, please this way."

One of them said while holding open the door to the back seat.

"No, we're going to take the monorail back."

Haruka said firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.

"You can go back first, I will take Ousawa Miu to the President."

The confined space in the car could be dangerous.

If the student council was aware of Miu's true identity, they could use an odorless and tasteless gas inside the car to knock them out.

"But --"

"--What's the problem?"

The two aids objected, but was turned down by Haruka.

"President Hikami asked that I take Ousawa Miu to the student council, but he did not specify what vehicle must be used."

After coldly saying --

"Come on, let's go."


Haruka takes the nodding Miu's hand, and start walking toward the monorail station.

Then from behind,

"...... Please wait a moment. Let me confirm it with to the president."

One of the aids took out his cell phone, and made a call.

"Huh? There are no bars... ...I can't get a signal, how is that possible?"

"Umm, is it a malfunction? It can't be......there's no one to blame but yourself for not properly maintaining the equipment. Time is precious, we need to get going."

Haruka gloated sarcastically, and began to walk away with Miu leaving the aids.

...... It is the same no matter how many times I try.

Haruka actually released a special type of lightning magic into the air, creating an electromagnetic waves around his body.

It's jamming radius is effective up to one km, all electromagnetic communications are blocked.

As long as the two aids stayed there they would never get through. They only waited for the first call to go through, Haruka and Miu had lost sight of them now. Whatever I choose this, so it is fine.

I've decided to protect Miu.

Haruka's determination can't be swayed.

Part 9[edit]

After receiving a series of attacks from the computer program in the form of Gouki, Akatsuki physical body actually received damage.

However ......

.......I can......hate......!

Akatsuki was crawling across the ground his consciousness was more and more vague.

-- If his consciousness gets any worse, the exercise program should automatically end. Continuing to fight could be life-threatening. He needs to give up his meaningless pride and admitted defeat.

After all, this Gouki is simply the exercise program using an analog that appears to be a person.

It is not a real person.

Still, he has definitely got stronger as he exchanged blows with his sword and fists.

The effectiveness of exercise program is undeniable.

As long as he continues to work hard, someday final victory will be his.

"......this Bull**** doesn't make any sense."

Ousawa Akatsuki sneered while slowly getting up from the ground.

His vision was blurry, he no strength left in his arms or legs.

His injuries were not light, his whole body was screaming from the pain. He was wobbling on his feet to the point of almost falling over.

But, Ousawa Akatsuki will not throw away his pride.

His eyes are looking towards his future self, and can't averted them from his present powerlessness.

Isn't this the same as back then, when he lost his little sister.

He started to recall. What he had lost, and what he had gained.

Back when he lost Leon in Alayzard.

Originally he thought he would fall into a abyss of despair, but yet he had to force himself to obtained power.

He had to master renkan keikikou's power, because he will never let a tragedy like that repeat itself. And yet, if he were to choice to give up now, wouldn't that mean all this effort to this point was meaningless.

So ......


After noticing Akatsuki got up again, the program created Gouki immediately turned around.

"Very good ... ... Come on."

Akatsuki smiled.

He will never be beaten by his father. Whether it is the person himself, or computer program that was written by using his past data it is the same.

Then wining is the only option.

Here and now, I will win.

But......his whole body is worn out and completely unable to move.

Perhaps due to receiving such serious damage, his brain signals aren't communicating with every nook of his body.

What can he do?

Therefore Akatsuki must try something new for the first time.

He is going to manipulate the Kei in his body, and raise the physical limits of his body. And then send an endless supply of Kei to certain parts of the body. Making it possible to dramatically strengthen that part to fight.

So ......

"Theoretically, its not impossible."

After muttering ......

Ousawa Akatsuki will use renkan keikikou -- to manipulate his "brain".

Part 10[edit]

At the same time.

Akatsuki's figure vanished from the holographic images that Kubota was watching.


Kubota frowned.

The computer generated Gouki also lost track of Akatsuki in the same way. Then his body was suddenly blown away. After regaining his balance mid-air, he then was smashed into the ground.


The programed Gouki immediately summoned a Japanese sword.

He quickly look around, and immediately slashed at an empty space--that moment the Japanese sword split in two and the broken piece flew away.

"This is ......"

Who would ever think such a thing would work, the answer is obvious.

In the kaboratory there's only one person.

However, Akatsuki's figure is not visible.

On the screen, Gouki was without a weapon and was being unceasingly pummeled.

From top to bottom, from front to back and side to side, Gouki was not able to respond and received attacks from every angle. They were not only fast but they were heavy, and the attack power of just one couldn't compare to anything till then. Dazzled by the continuous attacks, it was at such a rate that it look like a machine gun hit him.

-- Then a warning message suddenly appear on Kubota's holographic screen.

The damage Gouki was receiving was outside the range the system could handle.

So ......

The end of the battle came very abruptly.

The attacks the system sustain was completely beyond its processing capacity, the exercise system was forced to shut down.

The programed Gouki turned into countless particles of light, and vanished into the void.

Kubota witnessed it all.

".....Is it a "Area"?[1]

While mumbling, the image of laboratory started to change.

The spot where Gouki vanished was flickering.

Just like watching someone's image passing through steam, until a youth appeared.

Ousawa Akatsuki calmly stood in the middle of the laboratory.

Translator's Notes and References[edit]

  1. Temp Area/ field / domain 領域
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