Maria-sama Ga Miteru:Volume17 Chapter 9 1

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Souvenir Report Part 1[edit]

She didn't know if it was jet-lag or what, but on Saturday, just laundering everything from the trip used up all her energy. Sunday she spent the whole day sleeping.

So even though she thought about calling her onee-sama to report on how the trip went, Yumi decided to wait until she was properly awake. She was never in quite good enough shape to make calls. Eventually, Monday came.

"I'm back, onee-sama."

"Welcome back."

Seeing Sachiko-sama for the first time in a week, she was still just as beautiful as always. Yumi was a little embarrassed, since she had just sent a letter saying "I miss you."

She went to her classroom before morning prayer, and in the courtyard, presented her souvenir. A small photo album, covered in a marble pattern.

"Did you take lots of pictures?"

Sachiko-sama said while opening it.

"Oh. Yes. Tsutako-san took them."

"Ah. Did you have fun?"


With a big nod, Sachiko-sama laughed. "I'm glad."

"Um, but I could not find any 'Roma Manjuu' or 'Florence Senbei'."


"So, um."

Yumi tried to explain. Then Sachiko-sama interrupted,

"You seriously looked for it? You didn't take it as a joke?"

"Jo, joke!?"

No way.

"As I recall, didn't Yumi laugh at that time?"

More than a laugh, it was an attempt to reel in the truth.

"How strange. Even though it was one of Sei-sama's jokes, Yumi did not get it."

"Oh. No, I'm sorry."

MM v17 p185.jpg

If Sei-sama had said it, she probably would have laughed. But not when Sachiko-sama told the joke with a straight face. Even the same gag, whether one got it or not depended on the teller's character.

"Did you buy souvenirs for the first-year students?"

"Yes. Shimako-san bought one for Noriko-chan, and I took care of Touko-chan and Kanako-chan. Yoshino-san warned that it would be better not to buy them anything and raise their expectations, but then I bought them souvenirs anyway."

"Will it raise their expectations?"

"No. Because I bought things for people other than just Touko-chan and Kanako-chan. I bought things for some of the Hanadera Academy people, too."


"For their help with the school festival, same as with Touko-chan and Kanako-chan."

"I see. An expression of gratitude for their help."


"That's eight people."

"That's fine. But."

She wasn't sure what Touko-chan and Kanako-chan would think, but her desire to give souvenirs was greater than her fear of a misunderstanding. She enjoyed giving presents. Whether it was appreciated or not, the act itself was the thing.

"I understand how you feel."

Sachiko-sama nodded. And then, while stretching, said,

"Should I ask Tsutako-chan for a reprint?"


When Yumi asked, "which picture?", Sachiko-sama laughed, "I wonder?" Then turned away.

'Could it be?' Yumi thought. But might that also be her own conceit talking? She was cautious, did not want to get her hopes up too much.

If she got too persistent and clingy, she'd be scolded as "unseemly." This morning, the shapes of students could be seen here and there throughout the courtyard. Everyone seemed to be giving souvenirs to onee-samas and little sisters.

"Are you done already? You're not pushing enough."

Sachiko-sama said, looking over her shoulder. 'If you asked just a bit more, I'd tell you' she seemed to be saying.

"Well, then please tell me."


Saying that, Sachiko-sama waved her hand and returned to her classroom.

I still have a lot of training to do before I can become a younger sister like Shimako, who can read their onee-sama's mind.

"But sometimes, it's really easy to understand."

Yumi crossed her arms as she left the courtyard. "Well, I don't understand."