Maria Sama Ga Miteru:Volume12 Chapter6

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Songs of an Angel[edit]

Part 1[edit]

They arrived at Saionji Yukari-sama's villa shortly after six o'clock.

The Saionji's estate didn't have any large trees to obstruct the view, and the sun hadn't set, so when they emerged from the woods it felt to Yumi as though time had slipped backwards.

Yumi was wearing her white butterfly dress. In her hair she wore a partially-opened lily flower from the garden that Sachiko-sama had picked for her, and even gone to the effort of removing each individual stamen so that it wouldn't drop pollen over her clothes.

Sachiko-sama had decided on a deep green dress with a white floral pattern. The flowers were the same color as Yumi's white dress, so when they stood next to each other they looked like a matching pair.

"Are you ready?"

Standing at the entrance to Saionji-sama's villa, Sachiko-sama looked like she was about to step on to a battlefield.


Yumi responded enthusiastically. Come what may. If anything did happen, she'd try her best to act with dignity and not embarrass herself.

After taking a deep breath, they rang the doorbell. Shortly thereafter, Yukari-sama came out to greet them and showed them inside.

"Do come inside, Sachiko-onee-sama, Yumi-sama."

Yukari-sama was wearing a dress with puffed sleeves made out of a pink lamé cloth, that had metallic fibers sewn through it. It was somewhat reminiscent of candy wrapping paper, and when she moved it sparkled prettily.

"Thank-you for extending this invitation to us."

"Now, now, there's no need to be so formal. Let's go inside."

Yukari-sama grinned as she said this, then looked back over her shoulder and slightly raised her voice to say:

"Mother, the Ogasawara's Sachiko-onee-sama has arrived. She has the long awaited Fukuzawa Yumi-sama with her."

The long awaited.

Was it just Yumi's suspicions working overtime, or was there something sinister lurking in that phrase?

A lady wearing a tight-fitting navy blue dress answered Yukari-sama's call. Arranged haphazardly in her dyed reddish-brown hair were feathers of the same color as her dress.

"I apologize for not visiting sooner, ma'am. This is my petite soeur, Yumi. Did I hear that you've been waiting to meet her?"

Sachiko-sama said with cool sarcasm as she handed over their gifts of wine and cheese. This was, however, completely lost on the Saionji's.

"Yes, of course. The word around the neighborhood is that you've found an adorable little sister. Welcome, Yumi-san."

"Gokigenyou. Thank-you very much for favoring me with an – "

"Tonight's not a night for formalities – it's a night for eating, and drinking … ah, of juice, of course, since you're underage. At any rate, enjoy yourselves, although the toasts have already started, I'm afraid."

It looked like Yukari-sama's mother had already started drinking, and was in a good mood. She handed the cheese over to one of the waitstaff and wandered off, muttering, "Now where's that corkscrew?"

The party seemed to be in full swing, with about 30 people in the parlor, engaged in pleasant conversation. The room was about triple the size of the one in the Ogasawara's villa, and was probably built for parties like this. The tables lining the walls held an array of food and drinks from a famous hotel, and the grand piano in the center of the room was being played by a female (and likely professional) pianist, who had chosen a subdued piece of music so she wouldn't disrupt the conversation.

"I'll get some drinks. You wait here."

Sachiko-sama said, then left Yumi standing on her own and she walked towards the drinks area. It looked like the Saionji's had hired a bartender to fix whatever drinks were requested. Yumi watched Sachiko-sama walking away for a little while before a young lady in a red dress sidled up to her and said:

"I didn't think you'd come."

"… Touko-chan."

She was wearing a retro-styled dress, with short sleeves and collar and a flared skirt, which complimented her ringlets extremely well.

"Despite all those warnings I gave you. Yumi-sama are you, perhaps, a masochist?"

Touko-chan quickly drank the rest of her orange juice before continuing.

"What on earth were you thinking? I have no idea. This party isn't just a simple summer soiree."

"What can I say?"

Obviously, she wasn't expecting it to be just a simple summer soiree, but they weren't hosting this lavish party just to pick a fight with her and Sachiko-sama either.

"Why don't you just go home soon?"

Touko-chan wandered off smugly. She'd known that it wasn't an innocent affair, but still attended anyway, and now warned Yumi to, "Go home." Touko-chan's train of thought was a complete mystery to Yumi.

"You've got a lot of guts, you soeurs."

A young man in a summer suit replaced Touko-chan, standing behind and to the side of Yumi.


Since Touko-chan was here, Yumi had though it was possible he'd show up too, and here he was.

"You've got to be expecting something bad to happen, but you've come anyway. Why?"

Kashiwagi-san offered her a glass of grapefruit juice, but Yumi shook her head and turned him down.

"So the gossip about me has even made its way to your ears?"

"More or less."

Kashiwagi-san responded vaguely, then took a sip from the glass of juice that Yumi had rejected.

It was a small world after all. It seemed like Kashiwagi-san came from a wealthy family, so it was only natural that he'd have connections to some of the people that had villas in this area.

"My onee-sama wouldn't go into the details, so were the rumors really that horrendous?"

"Horrendous … I don't know if I'd call them that. Ridiculous, perhaps?"

Ridiculous. That was pretty much the same opinion that Sachiko-sama held.

"Like the thing about the rice?"

"Ah, the "Koshihikari Rice Princess.""

Koshihikari Rice Princess!?

"… That's supposed to be me?"

She hadn't expected they'd give her such a straightforward nickname.

"Oh darn. So you hadn't heard that yet, Yumi-chan?"

Kashiwagi-san face-palmed theatrically, confirming that he was as pretentious as she'd thought.

"What else?"

"Please, don't ask me that."

Kashiwagi-san had been the one to approach her, but now he was looking to flee.

"I'll feel better when I've heard everything they said."

Yumi latched on to him like a snapping turtle until eventually Kashiwagi-san relented, sounding amazed as he said, "I guess I'm no match for you."

"You know how Sacchan went to the Kyougoku's villa on her own? They're saying you refused because you heard Mrs Kyougoku was ill and you didn't want to get infected."

"That's not – "

"I know. You wouldn't say something like that. It's a terrible rumor, especially since Mrs Kyougoku was only feigning illness."

Then Kashiwagi-san added, "But rumors spread before all the facts can be assembled." Indeed, even if a rumor was completely false, once it started spreading it took on a life of its own.

"There's more, right?"

Yumi asked, seeking confirmation, and Kashiwagi-san nodded, "Yeah."

"Although I'm partly to blame for this one. There's a rumor going around that you left Sacchan at home and went out on the town with some guys."

"With "some guys." It was you, Kobayashi-kun, and Yuuki."

"Right? I don't know who saw us though. Someone with too much time on their hands, who spreads these worthless rumors. And then to spread that rumor to me, without knowing that it was about me – it's just idiotic."

Yumi thought he was right.

"But why are they so mean … "

Sachiko-sama had been making her way back when she was caught and drawn into deep conversation by an older gentleman. Kashiwagi-san quietly said:

"There's many reasons why they're mean. But, in this specific case, I think it's mainly due to envy."


"It's the flip-side of their complex."

"What, are you telling me they have a complex?"

Those brightly colored butterflies.

Cute and just a tad egotistical, they didn't look like they had any weaknesses at all.

"Absolutely. Most of the families in this area have built their fortunes over the last fifty years. When people get that kind of money, they start to want social prestige. That's not the sort of thing that can just be bought with money, so they're incredibly envious of those that have it."

"… Like the Ogasawara family."

"Exactly. They're old money."

The huge building, the gorgeous decorations, the ostentatious party. Even with the short amount of time she'd spent in the Saionji's villa, Yumi felt like she sort of understood what Kashiwagi-san was trying to say.

"So, those people that are so obsessed by pedigree feel inferior to them. And then, suddenly, you're introduced into this environment."


"You're Sacchan's petite soeur, so it's like you're a part of the Ogasawara family."

That was when Yumi suddenly realized:

"By finding fault with everything I do, they could cause the Ogasawara family to lose face … !"

"Exactly. If they can't climb any higher, then they can get the upper hand by dragging others down. That's how they're looking to keep the balance."

"… It's kind of sad."

"Yeah. But there's people that are slaves to that sort of thinking."

Sachiko-sama returned, carrying a glass in each hand.

"Sorry for taking so long. I ran into an old teacher of mine, who taught me how to write … What were you two talking about?"


Yumi shook her head, while Kashiwagi-san smiled as he answered:

"Yumi-chan was just telling me that she wouldn't drink the juice I brought her because she was waiting for you. That sort of thing."

"I see."

The drink that Sachiko-sama gave her was a cool lemonade. Its color was slightly different to Sachiko-sama's, due to an extra measure of honey.

Part 2[edit]

Even if Sachiko-sama just stood there silently, she was constantly kept busy by other people approaching her.

Sachiko-sama would be exchanging greetings, expressing her thanks for past events, and inquiring as to the health of the other person's family, even as she was eating food.

Whenever a new guest came to see them, Yumi would also stop eating and greet them. It was always immediately obvious whether or not they had heard the rumors about her based on their reaction.

There were people who pointed at her behind her back and said, "The Koshihikari Rice Princess is wearing white," but she ignored them and didn't let it bother her.

"So, is everyone having a good time?"

Abruptly, a voice called out over a microphone.

Yumi looked around with a quizzical expression, not understanding the situation. Sachiko-sama also looked confused as she ate a slice of prosciutto.

There was, unmistakably, a master of ceremonies holding a mic.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. Tonight's leading lady is about to make her entrance. A round of applause, please."

Acquiescing to the MC's request, the invited guests clapped their hands.

A gray-haired old lady in a wheelchair, who must have been waiting on stand-by until now, was wheeled into the center of the room.

"So it begins."

Kashiwagi-san, who had made his way over to them unnoticed, whispered softly into their ears.

"The Saionji family's matriarch's birthday party. They're typically indifferent, but every so often they have these events to show off their facade of family togetherness."

Quite the harsh words from Kashiwagi-san.

"It's their great-grandmother's birthday? … I had no idea."

Sachiko-sama murmured. Indeed, their invitation had made no mention of this – although all the other guests seemed to know.

"Happy birthday, great-grandmother."

Yukari-sama approached the wheelchair carrying a bouquet of flowers. Her great-grandmother idly regarded the scene in front of her. She didn't stretch out her hands to accept the flowers, so Yukari-sama laid the bouquet on her lap and withdrew. The room fell gravely silent. It looked like the great-grandmother wasn't going to say, "Thank-you," no matter how long they waited, so the MC interjected, looking to liven things up.

"From her great-granddaughter Yukari-sama, a gift of 88 roses for her 88th birthday. A big round of applause, everyone!"

The guests came to their senses and remembered to clap.

"We'll now be accepting gifts of music, which she so loves. Take it away, Yukari-sama."

Yukari-sama seated herself at the grand piano and said, "For my great-grandmother," then played the standard piano piece, "Für Elise". Despite her dedication, it didn't seem as though her great-grandmother's name was Elise. Probably.

Following that, Yukiari-sama's cousins and other relatives stepped forward one at a time to play their favorite instruments.

The great-grandmother didn't seem particularly interested, regardless of who was playing, or what they were performing.

After a little while, people from outside the Saionji family came forward to play an instrument. Kyougoku Saeko-sama played the flute, while Ayanokouji Kikuyo-sama played the mandolin.

Touko-chan played the violin and Yumi was surprised by how skilled she was. But no matter how good the performance, the great-grandmother neither spoke nor clapped.

"Their great-grandmother loved their old villa, and she's still angry that her grandchildren tore it down and rebuilt it, destroying its charm by chopping down all the trees in the process. When she hurt her leg falling down the slippery stairs, they used that as their excuse."

Kashiwagi-san explained the internal affairs of the Saionji's household, even though nobody had asked. While it had initially looked as though great-grandmother Saionji had dementia, apparently she'd just closed her heart to her family due to despair.

"By the way Yumi-chan, do you play an instrument?"

"I played the piano a little when I was young. But it's been so long that I couldn't play anything now."

As she answered, a terrifying thought crossed Yumi's mind.

"... So you can't do something like that?"

"M-me – ?"

Coming to this realization a fraction quicker than Yumi, Sachiko-sama stiffened as she listened to the saxophone performance.

Although she'd been on the lookout for something, never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined that they'd use this method of attack.

What should she do? Yumi and Sachiko-sama looked at each other, and then:


Yukari-sama called out.

"Would you like to offer up a musical performance for my great-grandmother?"

There it was.

The way the situation had evolved meant there was no time for a strategy meeting with her onee-sama.

"Anything will be fine. Just tell me your preferred instrument – we have pretty much all of them here."


Apparently Saionji-sama's family was a musical household.

Oh, how about a Taiko drum, then? She could have asked for some improbable instrument, but the incredible shame that would befall her in the unlikely event they actually had the item meant that she rejected this idea immediately.

"Come now, don't be shy. Speak up, please."

Thank-you for your polite request, but unfortunately I lack the ability to entertain you with those musical instruments.

The correct answer to this problem was probably to say that she couldn't do it. She couldn't do what she couldn't do, and if she couldn't admit that then it seemed like it would turn into an even worse situation.


You can't play any musical instrument at all? What kind of household were you raised in? – Yukari-sama hadn't said anything just yet, but Yumi could imagine what she would say, and that really ticked her off.

The other guests were looking on in excitement, wondering what was happening. There were some looks of sympathy mixed in there, from people that had already guessed the situation.

"They're just gonna ruin the party, huh?"

Kashiwagi-san whispered this so that only Yumi could hear. She had no idea what he was trying to do, but she was at least grateful for his sympathy.

"Alright then."

Yumi strode towards the middle of the room.

"Yumi … !?"

Sachiko-sama grabbed Yumi's hand to stop her. Discomfort was written all over her face. It was undeniable proof that she was looking out for Yumi.

Sachiko-sama hated running away. But the feel of her palm conveyed the screams of her heart – that Yumi had taken this far enough and should stop.

But don't worry, onee-sama, it'll be alright. – Yumi gently extricated her hand.

I'm not as delicate as you fear I am, onee-sama. Because no matter how much damage I take, I've got enough fighting spirit to quickly restore my onee-sama's gentle smile.

"Regrettably, I'm not proficient with any musical instrument. But I will perform a song in honor of your great-grandmother's birthday."

Yumi started by greeting Yukari-sama's great-grandmother, before taking a breath.

"~Maria-sama's soul, that is ~"

In front of such a large crowd, performing a cappella, and to make matters even worse, the song was, "Maria-sama's Soul."

Yumi was astounded by her own bravery – if she'd thought about it calmly, she would have been outraged by the idea of singing in front of everyone.

But, she had accepted an invitation to a birthday party (even if she hadn't been aware of that), so it would be inexcusable for her to not offer a present. She wasn't singing because of what Yukari-sama had said, she was singing for Yukari-sama's great-grandmother's sake.

Her voice didn't have the same beauty or volume as Shizuka-sama's in Italy, but she was satisfied that she was putting her heart into it.

Her voice shook on the high notes, but she was determined to keep going until the end. Because this song was a gift.

An interlude suddenly flowed in after she'd finished the first verse. Turning around, she saw Sachiko-sama at the grand piano, playing an accompaniment that matched Yumi's pitch.

It felt good to have Sachiko-sama accompany her on the piano as she sang. It wasn't a four-handed piano performance, but it felt the same as when they had played like that. It polished her soul, and her voice poured out, soaring to greater heights.

While she was singing, it felt to Yumi as though she was breathing in Maria-sama's clear, blue sky.

The sound of the piano went silent.

It was then that Yumi realized she'd sang the whole song.

All sound had disappeared from the room, it was deathly silent.

Maybe she'd made a colossal mistake by not reading the mood of the room.

Feeling nervous, she looked around the room and her eyes met Sachiko-sama's as she stood up from the piano. Sachiko-sama smiled softly and gave a small nod, indicating, "Well done."

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Clap, clap, clap.

Where was that coming from? A quiet and slow round of applause.

Yumi was surprised when she found the source. The sound was coming from the palms of Yukari-sama's great-grandmother.

It was the first time that great-grandmother Saionji had applauded today, so the guests were surprised, but since she was today's leading lady they hurriedly started clapping. Reluctantly, those who had been watching on with curiosity joined in the round of applause, as did the instigator, Yukari-sama.

It looked like great-grandmother Saionji was beckoning her, so Yumi hurried over and knelt beside her wheelchair. Whereupon she stroked Yumi's cheek and smiled.

"Thank-you. That was a wonderful song. It took me back oh so many years."

It seemed to Yumi as though their great-grandmother may have had memories of singing that song in her youth, so she took the mountain lily from her hair and offered it to her, saying, "Here, have this."

"It's Maria-sama's soul, isn't it?"


It was the answer to a riddle that only those who had etched the lyrics of that song into their memories would know.

Part 3[edit]

"Please come and visit us again next year, angel."

Yukari-sama's great-grandmother exited the party, leaving her with those words.

As soon as the leading lady left the room, confusion descended, the mood deflated, and the party started to come to a close, with no formal announcement or farewells.

Touko-chan was nowhere to be seen – she must have gone home at some point. Yukari-sama went upstairs not long after her great-grandmother left. Kyougoku Saeko-sama and Ayanokouji Kikuyo-sama had gone home with their respective families.

Yukari-sama's mother was passed out on the couch, clutching a wine bottle. The pianist and MC were getting ready to leave, even though there were still some guests remaining.

Yumi's group was also shuffling towards the exit.

"Shall I escort you home?"

Kashiwagi-san asked, following along behind them.


"We're fine."

They both declined simultaneously. Yumi was in the mood to take a moonlit stroll with her onee-sama. Sachiko-sama apparently felt the same way too.

"Still, that was pretty impressive from you two."

Despite being turned down, Kashiwagi-san followed them and kept talking anyway.

"With just one song you captured their great-grandmother's heart."

"It was all thanks to you, onee-sama."

"It's because your feelings got through to her, Yumi."

The soeurs became animated, ignoring Kashiwagi-san's presence. It was typical of Kashiwagi-san that he was completely unconcerned by this too.

"Ah, I can just see it. Because of how much influence the Saionji's matriarch has, nobody's going to mockingly call her favorite Yumi-chan the "Koshihikari Rice Princess" any more. Although some of them might start calling you "Angel."

"Angel … ?"

Given the choice, Yumi would have preferred "Koshihikari Rice Princess." Because she'd only been called angel because she was wearing all white. It would be too funny to be called "angel" if she was wearing black clothes.

At some point she couldn't hear Kashiwagi-san any more and turned around to find he was no longer there.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?"

Sachiko-sama asked, as they were standing beneath a grove of trees.

Tomorrow was Sunday, their last day at the villa before they had to head back to Tokyo. Their last day, but the first time Yumi had been asked what she wanted to do.

"I want to have a lazy day tomorrow."

It was Sunday, so they could have gone to church or to a mass, but that wasn't the sort of thing she usually did so she passed.

"A lazy day?"

Sachiko-sama seemed confused.

"I want us to have an afternoon siesta together."

And just laze around as much as possible.

She didn't want to have to put on shoes at all tomorrow.

She didn't want to have to entertain any visitors, or read any books.

She wanted to lay out a sheet on the terrace, beneath a roof of greenery, and while away the time without doing anything in particular.

Just her and her onee-sama. A time of indulgence, no doubt.

"Ah, that sounds wonderful."

Sachiko-sama agreed immediately.

After all, this place was best suited to spending time like that.

Part 4[edit]

True to his word, Matsui-san came to pick them up early Monday morning.

The black car pulled into the villa just as they were returning from their morning stroll.

Sachiko-sama quickly folded up Yumi's parasol and placed it on the back seat, saying, "I'm sure we'll need it when we stop for a break." One parasol for them to share.

They had a lighter breakfast than usual, probably to avoid carsickness, but to make up for that Kiyo-san gave Yumi a boxed lunch to take with them. For whatever reason, the lunch menu was exactly the same as what Yumi's mother had prepared a week earlier.

"Kiyo … "

Sachiko-sama looked conflicted when she saw the contents of the lunch box.

"You should be able to eat the pickled plum and the asparagus too, right m'lady?"

"… I suppose."

"You enjoyed everything in the lunch that Yumi's mother prepared, didn't you?"

"Alright, already. You don't have to point it out, I'll make sure I eat all of it."

"Thank-you. Incidentally, the rice balls are made from top-grade Uonuma Koshihikari rice."

Kiyo-san smiled, looking somewhat triumphant.

Hearing their conversation, Yumi finally caught on.

Sachiko-sama hated pickled plums and asparagus.

Kiyo-san must have had trouble with Sachiko-sama's picky eating habits in the past. But now that she had proof that Sachiko-sama could eat something she'd previously refused, Kiyo-san had merrily made it. And by waiting until their last day, she didn't give Sachiko-sama the opportunity to complain. A tactical victory for Kiyo-san.

"I'm sorry, onee-sama, I didn't know."

"What ever are you talking about?"

Sachiko-sama hated to lose, so she would probably never admit the truth. So, once more, she would force herself to eat pickled plum and asparagus.

"Take care, have a safe trip."

Kiyo-san and Gensuke-san said when they saw them off. They didn't say "Farewell," or "Come and visit us again," but "Take care." Because this was a place that Sachiko-sama could come back to any time she liked.

Kiyo-san and Gensuke-san waved at the car until they disappeared from sight.

"Did you ladies enjoy your vacation at the summer house?"

Matsui-san asked from the driver's seat.

Because of all the rest she'd got yesterday, Yumi wasn't feeling evenly slightly tired despite their 7am departure.



Outside the window, the trees seemed to glide past.

The greenery sparkled brilliantly.

Just like on their journey here, Sachiko-sama took some car sickness medicine then quickly fell asleep, with a blanket across her lap. She had asked Yumi if she wanted some too, but Yumi declined once again.

Listening to her onee-sama's peaceful breathing, it seemed likely that Yumi would also fall into a sound sleep at some point.

A lot of things had happened, but it had been a fun week.

"At any rate."

With her eyes closed, Sachiko-sama smiled as she remembered something.

"My heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode back then."

"Back when?"

Yumi asked. Her onee-sama's conversation had started so abruptly that she didn't really know what she was referring to.

"At the Saionji's house, when you stepped up to sing, "Maria-sama's soul." I thought … haha."

Sachiko-sama laughed at the memory. Yumi pressed her, asking what was so funny. Sachiko-sama was laughing so hard she was crying, and she wiped away the tears with the blanket before answering.

"I thought, "What will I do if she starts doing the loach scooping dance?""

– It goes without saying, that was never going to happen.

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