Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 3 Prologue

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Prologue - Fomenting of Malicious Claw Marks[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Rays of light suddenly flashed the dark space.

Rainbow colored light quickly spread out in all directions. This was a special phenomenon arising from the transfer of space.

It was a space distortion that linked different locations.

A high-pitch buzzing noise resonated in the area.

Then the dazzling light converged, and a figure had emerged from within the light.

"I think the same thing each time...... the church's <Gate of Shift> is amazing!"

She lightly fiddled with her beautiful long smooth hair, as she praised the space transfer.

Listy El Da Sherfied.

In the world known as Alayzard, one of the most powerful nations was the magical country of Sherfied. The present woman was its Queen, Listy.

Listy turned her head to look behind.

In front of her eyes stood a towering circular object. The outside was decorated with sacred stones that appeared like ornate colored glass, while the center reflected the scenery ahead.

However -- the inner circle wasn't an enormous mirror. To a certain extent the mirror lens emitted a light, as if to prove it wasn't the case. The light was so dazzling, Listy subconsciously narrowed her eyes. After the glare faded the object also reflected three figures on her side. She heavily relied upon them once she ascended to the throne as they were the three people she trusted the most.

Sherfied's major general in command of the Kingdoms army Zechs · Doltrake.

Queen Listy's assistant administer Chief Executive of the Kingdom Trum · Loutier.

As well as the caretaker for Queen Listy and her daily living Chief maid -- Grand chamberlain Valkyria.

In fact, not too long ago Listy was accompanied by those three when she left for the desert in which the Disdiya Empire was located to discuss an important matter. However it was only for a short time, almost a few seconds of time before they returned to Erudia, the capital of Sherfied kingdom, from Disdiya.

"What's wrong? How can you afford to just stand here?"

After discovering Listy's weird expression, Zechs couldn't resist opening his mouth.

"Mmm," Listy softly shook her head and said,

"Nothing, I was just looking at <Shift Gate>, that's all."

Listy raised her head to carefully study the towering object in front of her --- <Gate of Shift>.

It was a relic of a bygone era in the multi-continent of Alayzard the Church of Richard used to complete their missionary work.

According to historical records, originally the various <Gates of Shift> thoughtout Alayzard were limited to only lead to the Church of Richard's place of origin -- Aleclasta. At that time, the Religious Empire only allowed high-ranking bishops of Church the privileges of using the <Gates of Shift.> But after several great wars, and also at the strong request of each of the countries over the years the Religious Empire lessened the restrictions on the <Gate of Shift,> and made it it possible to traverse to each other upon cases of famine, plague or other natural disasters to quickly give support and assistance. From the beginning the Church prized its neutrality -- and so the Aleclasta Empire took a passive approach towards the requests of the other countries. However, since the current Pope Volk Rem Aleclasta IV's ascension the <Gate of Shift> privileges were opened further to be used by the governments of each country.

Still the <Gates of Shift> were only for urgent matters. Activities such as trade and commerce were forbidden.

In this context, the <Gate of Shift> was useful for pressing matters between the various countries royal families. In particular was the period of time when Sherfied, Disdiya and Aleclasta held numerous conferences to establish a military alliance in order to defeat the Demon country of Galevain and overthrow its Demon King Galious.

And just recently, Listy was taking part in talks with representatives from Disdiya and Aleclasta in order to capture the unaccounted for Demon King's daughter, Myuu.

Simultaneously -- to permit a youth to return his original world.

After saying farewell to the Church, Listy had passed through Gate and went straight back to Erudia's castle.

Urgent matters had come up concerning the future which needed to be planned accordingly.

The conversions needed to be kept in strict confidence, so Listy chose to assemble in the Queen's executive office. Thus eliminating the risk of any information being leaked.

The last to enter was Valkyria, who at the same time locked the door behind her. After which Listy let out a heavy sigh.

"..... I was only out of the country for one day."

Listy voice sounded quite wearily, as her eyes rested on the desk against the wall where she took care of official business. Piling up on top of the desk was a mountain of documents.

"It seems Loutier-sama's judgment was correct."

And Valkyria calmly stated,

"If we had returned to country through the land route as Listy-sama desired it would have taken at least five days. Then the amount of documents piling up would of been proportional.

That was right, Listy had planned to return home by carriage. She didn't even consider using the <Gate of Shift>. On the way back by land she could have inspected the reconstruction progress throughout Sherfied's territory -- especially near the border were it was harder to gauge the progress.

In addition, she thought an appearance from the Queen could soften people's anxiety, and may also give hope to the people. But this proposal was rejected by Loutier and Valkyria, and ultimately she had no choice but to give up. Admittedly maintaining popular sentiment was important, however Sherfied had a hundred other things that took precedent. And now in her office was a pile of documents concerning the recover the country. If it was really for the people, the government affairs should prioritized before anything else.

Listy understood that Loutier and Valkyria's were correct.

Thus she readily accepted their good advice, and decided to use the <Gate of Shift> to return home.

But still in her heart she couldn't help think.

...... If Akatsuki were here ......

Akatsuki was a Hero with an innate quality to motivate others. If it was him who was in charge of government affairs he would have visited every corner of the Sherfied, and would of certainly been able to encourage and inspire hope in many more people.

...... No, that's not true.

It was Listy herself who wanted Akatsuki stay in Alayzard more than anyone.

After he returned to his original world, and she ascended to the Queen's throne she realized that.

After a little reminiscing, Listy understand more than ever before the position Akatsuki held in her heart. How important his strength, brilliant smile and strong personality, not only brought Listy inexplicable sense of security, further became her hearts most significant moral support.

However Listy shook her head, trying to get rid of her dependence on Akatsuki.

She was Sherfied's Queen, and must handle the work of the Queen herself.

...... But this amount of documents even spending several hours might not be enough......

To Listy who sighed, and dropped her shoulders the assistant administer Loutier floated a slight smile,

"It will be alright. I'll also help, two people working together can finish this in the blink of an eye."

"Two people, huh? So basically it will be Loutier doing it all by herself."

"Don't underestimate me, I'll be helpful."

Listy stuck out her chest, and refuted Zechs's ridiculing.

...... But then again, LuLu really helps me out a lot.

As a high elf Loutier possessed an intelligence that surpassed humans. and other

Ordinarily Listy would of been able to handle the national affairs and miscellaneous business on her own, but because of current restoration of Sherfied she was naturally dealing with more than the usual mess. She was simply overwhelmed. Thanks to Loutier finishing most of the work, Listy got a chance to catch some breath.

"Putting these documents aside, what matters most right now is --"

Half said, Listy suddenly changed the tone in her voice.

"-- I sure both of you should of more or less guess correctly? -- Zechs and Lulu, I want to ask you to investigate something."

It was the new Hero from Disdiya who was tasked with the apprehension of the Demon King's daughter. Watching Phil Barnett's unusual departure towards the alternate world, Listy felt very skeptical. When Phil, Disdiya's Emperor Baram as well as Aleclasta's Archbishop Miranda talked among themselves Listy became even more suspicious.

"Zechs, would you please investigate the origins of Phil Barnett, and what he has been up to during his time in Alayzard. The first time I saw Phil Barnett I knew he was not an ordinary person, but I never could of imagined him having that kind of power."

After Listy recalled the confrontation with Disdiya and Phil Barnett when they arrived at the <Gate of Another World> she couldn't help but say,

"With ordinary training that degree of power fluctuation is impossible. They must be hiding something. Zechs, I would like you to find out the answer."

In addition -–

"Lulu, I would ask you to investigate how a person from another world can return to their world and then come back to this world. Judging from Emperor Baram as well as Miranda's reactions they all seem to think that Phil Barnett will be able to return with the Demon King's daughter to Alayzard once again, and also saw it as a matter of course."

Having said that, Listy in her heart was still somewhat skeptical. Does a method really exist? At least until now, Listy didn't know anything such method to speak of.

However, Akatsuki once said, If ever something happens call for me. If you believe in me, at that time I will absolutely come rushing back. In retrospect, Akatsuki parting shot seemed to suggest a method for inhabitants of an alternate world to return to Alayzard really does exist.

"...... I don't mind looking into the matter, but --"

Suddenly, Loutier spoke in a subdued voice.

"-- If there really is a method for a person from an different world who returned to once more come this world -- Then what are your intentions, Listy?"

She doesn't plan to re-summon Akatsuki? Or does she plan to analyzes the mechanism of alternate world migration, and go directly to Akatsuki's world? Loutier's eyes were flickering to show her indignant thoughts, seemly to criticize Listy's lack of thinking everything through.

-- Akatsuki brought the Demon King's daughter to his own world.

Listy was unwilling to believe Disdiya leader, Emperor Baram's hypothesis. Akatsuki was Listy's comrade, and this statement will undoubtedly hurt Akatsuki's image. Listy plainly refused to believe that, and also was why she involuntarily flared up towards Emperor Baram.

Of course, Listy understood that wasn't how a Queen of a country should behave. Moreover Listy already made up her mind, that no matter what, she will always stand on the side of Akatsuki.

Therefore -- Listy gently shook her head, and showed a wry smile.

"Even if I know of the method, I have no intentions. But simply not knowing and not being aware is something completely different. At present this is a secret that the other countries know of, while we actually know anything at all. In this regard, Sherfied is apparently behind the curve. To compensate for this disparity, also to prevent people from using this method for all kinds of evil. I think we should get to the bottom of it."


"Akatsuki told me to call for him if something were to happen. Even if that's case, wouldn't it be better learn of this method beforehand just in case? I think as Queen this is absolutely my responsibility to protect this country."

On the surface it sounded dignified, but at the same time -- she couldn't assert it wasn't slightly taking into account her personal feelings. Loutier then floated a smile.

She had a long friendship with Listy, and naturally knew the her real intention. She noded to say "I understand" and,

"Although there aren't any descriptions write down in Sherfied's old records. Perhaps the secret was restricted to an extreme few."

That being the case --

"Why don't I try inquire about it in my homeland. Some of the elders have lived for close to a thousand years. Maybe they know some information."

"All right, then I'll begin with contacting our spies in the national army."

Zechs interjected from side and,

"Since we entered into a military alliance with Disdiya the restrictions on crossing the border had been drastically lifted. Even now we have some guys remaining over there. From them it might be possible to get some information on that brat Phil."

"I'm sorry to trouble both of you. This is an important matter, but it isn't necessary to rush things."

And Listy smiled bitterly.

"As for me, even my hair has become itching because of the sand in Disdiya. Before tiding up this pile of documents, I want to take a hot bath to wash off this exhaustion. Even you two are tired. Do take it easy today --"

Without time to finish, came a short knock at the door to the office.

"-- Who is it?"

Valkyria was standing near a door had asked for who was on the other side of the door. The conversations in this room were extremely confidential, so her tone was somewhat harsh. Then,

"It's Ilya, there's an urgent matter to report to Valkyria-sama."

The maids voice could be heard through the door, as Valkyria silently looked at Listy. Her eyes were asking for permission. Therefore Listy returned a nod,

"It's fine. The meeting was over, let her come in."

When Valkyria opened the execute office door a young girl dressed in almost the same maid uniform was standing in the corridor. After the girl bowed towards Listy, she walked towards Valkyria and whispered into her ear. For an instant the calm composure that Valkyria always wore turned grim. This apparent change caught Listy's eyes.

"..... Valkyria, what happened?"

Listy asked.

"There was a ...... problem that occurred during our absence."

It was said in a roundabout manor. Ordinary Valkyria would just speak outright, today was somewhat unusual.

Listy knows Valkyria, and this only happens in unusual circumstances, in this case it means something ominous. And --- it seems to be particularly serious.


"Listy Her Majesty the Queen --"

With a heavy tone Valkyria slowly informed her.

Part 2[edit]

The sinking sun gradually dyed the horizon crimson.

The sky overhead began to slowly become a dark blue, as if declaring the coming of night. And at boundary off in the distant sky near the horizon was a purplish red line of both.

During the period when the upcoming evening began to show its dimness. In the forest west of Erudia's castle was a cemetery, and in the corner of it.

Listy stood stock still.

"Why ......"

The word accidentally slip from her mouth, because sight was too hard to believe.

What she was looking at now was a completely destroyed tomb.

This cemetery created for the people who died in the fight against the Demons, and among them was tomb which was extremely special. It was for a youth who dared to take on the Demon King's army head-on, and left behind numerous distinguished war services.

It was the final resting place of the man praised as the "True Hero," Leon Esuperio -- who's tomb was now devastated. The gravestone engraved with his name was split into two from center lengthwise.

The condolence flowers and cards mourning the deceased had all been trampled. And the ground where his remains and keepsakes were buried looked as though it had been hollowed out by a huge talon.

"This is awful... ... Who would do such a terrible thing ......!"

Listy bite her lower lip, it didn't make any sense.

Unfortunately there were those in Alayzard who do not think highly of Akatsuki, and Listy had some knowledge of that. Which was why Akatsuki was ridiculed as the "Rogue Hero."

However Listy honesty couldn't have imagined someone actually thought of Leon as an enemy, even so such to desecrate his final resting place.

That person absolutely cannot be forgiven, Listy thought.

"-- Valkyria."

Listy signaled to the grand Chamberlain standing behind her, before passing down her instructions,

"-- Find this criminal immediately! The destruction of the Hero's grave is clear hostile action against the people of Sherfied!"

Listy clenched her fists as she secretly swore in her heart.

The desecration of the dead was absolutely unforgivable behavior.

And she won't let this stand.

Behind the infuriated Listy stood two figures.

Just like Valkyria, Zechs and Loutier had rushed after her to the scene.

Those two understood how much pain Listy must be feeling.

And their anger was absolutely no less than hers.

However, that was irrational rage, and as before the two remained somewhat cool-headed.

Therefore, they whispered to each other in a low murmur Listy couldn't hear.

"--- Did you notice, Zechs?"

"Ah...... the gravestone wasn't broken into two, but cut with a blade."

The halves of gravestone had many little of cracks, and there were tiny fragments from it scattered all around. At first glance it seems like a huge iron hammer mashed it into two parts. But Leons's gravestone was specially made out of Adamantite ore, and its hardness was many more times that of iron. It would be impossible for a mere iron hammer to smash it. Having said that, the Adamantium tomb even had a number of defensive magics placed on it. No mid tier magic could have destroyed it either.

And looking at the how the cross-section that was smooth almost like a mirror.

No mistake, that was a mark left by a sword. Then someone tried to disguise the destruction as if by something different. A person who could cut it like that had to be a master. Even though Alayzard was large, expertize of that caliber was limited to just a handful. Ferreting out the criminal should be just a matter of when, rather than if.

"...... Valkyria, I'm sorry for troubling you."

Valkyria was put in charge of cleaning up the aftermath. As Valkyria was instructing the other maids Listy started towards the castle with Zechs and Loutier closely behind.


However, suddenly Zechs stopped and turned to look behind.

"...... Zechs, what's wrong?"

"No...... its nothing."

To Loutier's question Zechs shook his head as he answered.

...... It can't be.......

Zechs once again started walking, and smiled wryly. He was about to say a name, however it was too early to say such a thing.

The figure of one young man had flashed across his mind.

It was not possible to conclude that he was the culprit at the moment.

Part 3[edit]

The space was equipped with various kinds of monitors and consoles.

From small electric devices to air-conditioning system, and even the system barrier that converts physical damage into mental damage were all directly managed in the room. It could be said the control room was the heart of JPN Babel.

It was soon approaching midnight, and the control room should only have a few staff left on duty. But in spite of that the room was overcrowded with people.

Angry shouts of status reports and confirmation orders roared back and forth to each other. The tension from the seriousness of the situation was starting to take a toll.

Then a man appeared. The tall sturdy figure was dressed in oil-stained overalls, while the unforthcoming man's expression seemed to be disagreeable under the stubbly beard. He looked remarkably alike an iron factory worker at first glance, that was out of place among the high-tech precision instruments throughout the control center. But when the man appeared most of the staff invariably stopped what they were doing to stare at him. After confirming who he was their expressions were filled with relief.

"...... Professor Kubota."

After someone call out to the man dressed in greasy overalls -- Kubota Kaito responded:

"Report the situation.”

In his own workshop not only was tinkering with machines one of his interests.

As regards to Babel, he was the number one authority on technical research into parallel worlds.

The practical use of AD, the development of the system barrier to prevent harming the body, the construction of mock training simulators, etc. were critical systems in Babel due in the most part to his accomplishments.

He was important figure on campus, and Kubota Kaito's status was unshakeable.

Responding to Kubota's calm inquiry the staff reported the present situation in rapid succession.

"About 30 minutes ago the system barrier stopped functioning. The main program crashed for unknown reasons, and cannot be rebooted."

"In accordance with the emergency operating procedures we tried restarting with the back-up system, but it also failed to restore it. It appears the external line was destroyed."

"In addition to the second, fourth and seventh lines being disconnected all communication with the outside has been cut. There are also serious problems with the campus's security systems."

In a nutshell, they were helpless in face of the crisis. Then Kubota narrowed his eyes,

"-- Status on the other lines and systems?"

"No-nothing...... they are operating normally......"

After listening to the staffs flustered replies, Kubota nodded "good" and,

"We will make use of systems still operating to create a by-pass forcing them to run each program in parallel. Then we will re-build the rest of the system from there to restore the system to its status prior the destruction. Operational efficiencies will be drastically reduced, but at this critical juncture that is a luxury I'm not worried about it."

He gave out precise instructions. Kubota appeared in the control room for only a few minutes, however in that very short time he gave this desperate situation a ray of hope. Staff members on-site hurriedly back to their respective posts to put Kubota's plan into action.

"-- Professor Kubota!"

A staff member stopped Kubota.

"There is a transmission from the ranking tournament headquarters's tent asking how long will it take for system barrier restoration."

"...... Eight hours. Before the system can be reset in attempt to continue the ranking tournament."

When Kubota answered the surrounding staff in the control room voices started to stir.

In this emergency situation every second counts, and eight hours was already a long time.

Still, the eight hours that Kubota spoke of made some of the on-site staff shiver. They were trying make use of the remaining lines in order to restore the main program's operation, but tying into the normal lines with this brutal method is tantamount to starting from scratch and building a new system.

That was, can such a workload be completed in as little as eight hours?

However, Kubota informed them in tone as though it was a matter of course,

"Just over there it has become a battlefield -- It would be unjust of us not to desperately do everything we can here."

And thus the technical staff battle began.

Under these harsh conditions of limited equipment and systems, everyone must be at their best. There was no room for someone to slack. At that moment someone muttered –- Why couldn't it been another day. Why today of all days!

"It's useless to complain. We can now only make the best of it."

While he placated the staff member, many questions emerge in Kubota's mind.

-- I heard that a few hours before this situation occurred the security system discovered a mysterious intruder within the campus. However, not long after there were reports of malfunction in the system, so it was regarded as a false positive. Looking back now, the system wide crashes may not be unrelated with the invader. The destruction of the main system I can understand, but why even damaged the backup system and also to drastically cut the lines? It was as if -- the intruder had a thorough knowledge of Babel's systems.

...... It can't be that simple.

Kubota imagined a certain possibility, and couldn't help but frown.

Currently an intruder was still at large.

Furthermore it could be -- someone who betrayed Babel!

-- The two Worlds had been caught inside a tangled web.

As JPN Babel's longest and most brutal night curtain rises --

HYnA vol 03 017.jpg

If you do not know yet, then I will tell you.

That is where you belong --

Translator's Notes and References[edit]

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