On a Godless Planet:Volume1 Short 1

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Short: On a Godless Planet - New Style Uniform[edit]

Godless shinobu.png

“Now we’re going to look at some of the materials for On a Godless Planet and discuss the setting.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“This is going to be full of spoilers and some critical ones at that, so I recommend not reading this until you’ve read the main chapters up to this point. The view of the world makes a 180-degree turn between the start and end, so it’s like flying to completely different coordinates.”

Horizon asama awate.png

“Wait, why are we here too…?”

Godless shinobu.png

“Don’t worry about it. Okay, we’ll leave a gap before getting started.”

Godless shinobu.png

“There. With that, we’ll look at the rough draft or original design for Senpai-chan and the girls new style uniform.”

Godless 01.png

Godless senpai.png


Godless senpai.png

“Um, why am I being partially stripped down?”

Horizon asama awate.png

“Oh, these things happen sometimes, so don’t let it get to you.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Now, the setting…or rather, the Divine World is a recreation of the earth’s 90s era, but the records it’s based on weren’t the most carefully maintained things in the world, so if something isn’t quite period accurate, just accept it as being 90s-ish.”

Horizon asama awate.png

“Well, it’s not like we could know what’s accurate or not…”

Horizon naruze.png

“Looking at it, the hard points in this era were still pretty primitive, weren’t they? Are they more about attaching and removing parts of the uniform instead of installing divine protections?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“We are from an age before the divine protection system was properly established. The hard point parts provide personal barriers against the environment and provide a divine protection fortress to regulate the body, but we were still working out in what ways and how much we could rely on it.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Meanwhile, the tailoring and actual structure of the clothing was better than in your era. That is to say, it has more functionality.”

Horizon asama awate.png

“Oh, so do you use the clothing itself for a lot of what we just let the hard point parts do?”

Horizon naruze.png

“Does that mean you have to change the entire outfit to change what divine protection you’re using? Like how you have to swap out all your equipment to match your opponent in GekoTri.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“It does end up that way, which is why, for better or for worse, we have so many different options. There’s the summer uniform, the winter uniform, a wide variety of coats, and even-…”

Godless shinobu.png

“Wait, Kuwajiri-chan! Stop before you start getting into spoiler territory.”

Horizon naruze.png

“I get the general picture. This era is the Age of the Gods, after all.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Yes, right, exactly. Next, let’s look at a line drawing that may or may not be all that necessary.”

Godless 02.png

Horizon naruze.png

“You really need to differentiate the colors of the hem even during the line drawing…”

Horizon asama awate.png

“It’s about insight! Insight!”

Godless shinobu.png

“Okay, okay. Now for the annotated version.”

Godless 03.png

Godless senpai.png

“This is a little much…”

Horizon asama awate.png

“Yes, this is a path we all must travel down, but it’s a little much even when it’s someone else…”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Now, the creators are already saying the part below the chest and the central belt are great, but that the top part and the part holding down the necktie should be redesigned.”

Horizon naruze.png

“About the parts on the side of the chest. The hard point parts there get damaged easily even for us, so we came up with the idea of attaching to the suit instead. But your hard point parts are weaker, so do you attach them to the clothing?”

Godless shinobu.png

“I guess this is a case where they look similar but have different purposes and origins. Like a bird and a butterfly.”

Godless senpai.png

“Ours are designed for work in harsh environments like outer space, high altitudes, and under the sea, so the inner suit is made to pressurize and support the body against Gs and pressure while also allowing movement like an exoskeleton. The ASRA (Anti-Shock Reactive Armor) is linked to an artificial muscle system and it is also used in the tights and such, albeit to a lesser extent.”

Horizon asama awate.png

“Ours are also kind of like an exoskeleton, but we do most of that stuff with divine protections…”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Since our divine protection technology is less advanced, our uniforms tend to have a lot more parts. Since yours is more advanced, your uniforms tend to be simpler.”

Horizon naruze.png

“However, our hard point parts tend to be larger and I’m willing to bet your uniforms are made from much more functional materials.”

Godless senpai.png

“Since ours are meant to be used in outer space and on planets undergoing terraforming, they require a lot of functionality beyond an everyday life. Meanwhile, we can use AI to develop and manufacture the necessary materials, so we can make them very lightweight yet functional.”

Horizon asama awate.png

“We use spell-enhanced manpower to reproduce and inherit those technological developments and innovations, but since we don’t need all of that functionality, the material has gotten a lot thinner.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“But in that case, we would have the greater functionality even with a material just as thin. Although you probably have the greater final ‘ability’ when you add on the divine protections and whatnot.”

Horizon naruze.png

“So could you say we each have our pros and cons which we use to strike our own unique balance?”

Horizon asama awate.png

“Ohh, I kind of get why we were called here now. You can see a lot more when we compare our uniforms against each other.”

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