Kaze no Stigma:Ignition Volume1 Chapter 1

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Kaze no Stigma Ignition 1 Ayano-chan’s Misfortune

21.30 hours------

Normally at this hour, there should be no one in Seiryo Academy. The fully automated security system, allows this place to not require any teacher or guards to station here. It is impossible to avoid the sensors situated at the different significant spots and infiltrate the school. Once an abnormality is detected, the guards will be here within five minutes.

However, it is an exception tonight. At this moment, a few shadows that obviously does not belong to those of guards, are loitering around school campus without bothering to hide themselves.

“So------ Let the first Seiryo Academy ghost exorcism tour set off now!”

A girl raises her hand in declaration upon the lightless pitch black corridor. The soft slightly curly hair wavers with that exaggerated action, that gesture looks very cute.


Beside her, another short haired girl emotionlessly blows her trumpet.

Pabuuu------ A sound that spoils the atmosphere echoes around their surroundings.


Ayano shouts. Just like how Caesar cried out “Brutus, even you……” when he was dying.

“You should stop Yukari!? Why are you joining her instead!”


Nanase did not reply, but blew the trumpet once more instead------ Seems like she is enjoying it.


“Don’t be so depressed.”

“Yukari shut up!”

The start of this goes back to several hours ago.

Ayano, who got to the headmaster’s office upon hearing the school broadcast, suddenly took up a job request. Of course, as an Enjutsushi that controls flames------ Ayano Kannagi.

“Is it a “human spirit”?”

“Yes. It is said that after dark, there will be countless spirits flying around in the campus. As it has begun affecting curriculum activities, I hope you will exorcise them as soon as possible.”

Differing from the term “Mysterious studies”, the fact that ghosts and magic exists is common sense to people of a certain social standing.

Schools has always been one of the two biggest origins for ghost stories, together with hospitals, and as someone managing a school, it is only right for him to know of the name Kannagi, this isn’t the first time Ayano has gotten a request from the headmaster.

“I have already talked to your father about it, it will commence tonight.”

Since it is an official request, naturally, Ayano has no objections. She straightens herself and replies:

”I got it. Leave it to me.”

Hearing a confident promise, the headmaster nods in satisfaction.

And so, Ayano and the Fuujutsushi Kazuma Yagami infiltrated the school at night together. But------

“……Why are you guys here?”


Faced with Ayano who is staring at her with squinted eyes, Shinomiya Yukari shows a cute smile.

This girl is just like Kudo Nanase, both being Ayano’s best of friends. She has a lot of connections, and even though she is currently the secretary of the student council, she has private information networks among different committees and the more popular clubs, and even among the teaching staff.

And even though this information network has only been established for a year, but it is said to be the biggest in the school already------ Even so, can it really get to know the contents of the one-to-one speech with the headmaster on the day itself?

“Could it be…… that you planted a listening device in the headmaster’s office?”

“Gee, Ayano how can you ask such a question.”

Yukari bears a the smile of a obedient child and makes a vague reply.

Even though Ayano knows clearly she is playing dumb, but Ayano has no intentions of probing further. If Yukari says: “Aren’t you asking the obvious?” someday, it would still be fine, but if she says: “That is but of course”, Ayano really have no idea what to say then.

Ayano begins to change the topic, trying to convince Yukari:

“Anyway, you guys should head back quickly, the season for bravery competitions is summer.”

On a side-note, it is December now, the school is so cold it leaves one trembling even without the scares.

“But it doesn’t necessarily mean that ghosts would appear in summer.

Besides, I am a member of the student council, how can I ignore ghosts that is a threat the school!”

Yukari holds her fist tight, saying those words righteously. But, this does not cover the curiosity that is being revealed from within her eyes------ Or should it be phrased as that she has no intentions of hiding them.

Understanding that there is no way she can convince Yukari, Ayano sighs deeply. The only way to let them go back quietly is probably by force.

“Kazuma, don’t you have anything to say?”

“Not at all. If you bring these two along, you better take up the responsibility to protect them well.”

Kazuma says in a tone as if it does not concern him, Ayano knows very clearly, this is not a joke. If the two of them are in danger, this man will probably never lend a helping hand.

“…… Big jerk……”

After grumbling softly, Ayano turns to face Yukari. Yukari bears a usual------ Or should it be said, a smile that is certain of her victory.

“You guys have to obey my instructions, don’t act on your own.” “Okay, don’t worry♥”

Hearing this sentence that is equivalent to a defeat declaration, Yukari nods in agreement instantly. Following that, she announces loudly:

“So------ Let’s set off now!”


Some time has passed, but nothing happened. As they loiter aimlessly in the school campus, Ayano asks Kazuma:

“Sense any abnormalities?”

“------Nope, nothing special.”

As a fuujutsushi that commands the wind and air, it is a piece of cake for Kazuma to sense the entire school premises.

Ayano only completely trust this ability of his as well, and so says:

“Looks like everything is normal, so let’s just head back.”

“No such thing------ Ghosts definitely exist!”

Seeing Ayano’s intention to give up immediately, Yukari says confidently.

“This school has a very long history, so many things happened before. For example, five years ago, someone jumped off from the roof, and got stuck on the sakura tree------”

“Then doesn’t that mean she didn’t die?”

“No, he died. Normally speaking, the branches should catch her like a spring bed, but that girl’s back hit a rather strong branch, and so her backbone broke just like that. So, it is said that when everyone found her, that corpse was in a state where it is bent backwards, the back of her head and her feet are almost together, hanging on the branch gruesomely------”

“Ahhh! Stop talking! How gross!”

“Huh------ We were just getting to the good part-------”

“This isn’t about whether its good! If there really had been some ghost haunting the school for five years, I would have realized long ago back when I just got to Junior high!”

“Is that so? Aren’t you really slow on this kind of stuff normally?”


Even though she shouts out to protest, but Ayano seems to have noticed her own slowness in such issues, and then looks towards her back with an irritated look on her face.

“Even if I didn’t notice, he would definitely not miss anything. There is no ghost that can escape Kazuma’s eyes------”

Ayano suddenly shut up in the middle of her sentence, frowning slightly, because she sensed wind coming from behind her. In an enclosed school environment, there is air flow that should not possibly exist.

Before she could react to it, the gentle wind suddenly became a strong gust of wind. The upward air flow in the narrow corridor, lifted the girls’ skirts up.


With the cries of three, a mixture of three colors, pure white, striped and black lace------ Needless to say which belonged to who------ stood out clearly in the dim corridor.

“Ka…… Kazuma!”

Ayano holds her skirt down hurriedly, and turns her head around with a red face.

Kazuma looks around with a troubled look on his face.


He mumbles to himself, following that he places his eyes straight ahead. And so------ his eyes met with those of the furious Ayano.

He seems to have realized what happened, so Kazuma opens his mouth to apologize with his greatest sincerity:


”Did you think just a “Sorry” would be fine!!”

Ayano unsheathes Enraiha immediately, and swings this sacred blade of exorcism that is used to vanquish evil down at the head of the shameless man before her.

“Go to hell! Big pervert! Die! Go and die right now!”

Faced with these angry attacks, Kazuma unhurriedly dodges. He did not leave the attack range of the sword, but instead presses closer towards it.

After dodging several tens of attacks, Kazuma finally took an offensive stand. He grabs the hand that Ayano wields Enraiha with, and pulls gently.

Ayano who has her balance destroyed kneels onto the floor. At the next instant, at where Ayano’s head was, a ball of light flew past coincidentally.


Ayano was stunned for a second, but her body made instinctive reactions to take on a battle stance.

At this moment, she thought to herself, this should be an attack by the enemy.

“------Whose it!?”

Ayano hurriedly faces the direction at which the ball of light came from, raising the Enraiha in her hand. Yet, there is no one there.


“There is no one there.”

Heaing Kazuma’s words, Ayano finally relaxes, putting Enraiha down.

“……Who did that just now?”

“Who knows.”

Kazuma shrugs his shoulders.

“Didn’t you say there is no abnormalities?”



Ayano stares at Kazuma with eyes of suspicion.

Very strange.

Even though she can’t really tell what, but Kazuma’s attitude is really strange.

To describe it, he seems to be overly calm. If what Kazuma said is true, then a mysterious enemy has just attacked without Kazuma noticing at all, and then vanished without a trace.

An enemy with such great power is currently hiding somewhere within the school. Just this alone should make Kazuma nervous.

Just as Ayano wanted to question further, a chirpy voice came from behind her suddenly, calling Ayano’s name:

“Ayano! You see you see! Aren’t there ghosts? I was right wasn’t I. But, it moved too quickly just now, I didn’t manage to grab a shot in time.”

Turning her head around, she finds Yukari holding a digital camera from who knows where, her face full of smiles.

Ayano is lazy to rebut that how can there be ghosts flying at that kind of high speed, and uses an unenergetic voice to reply:

“……Yeah, gee great.”

“Yup yup!”

Seeming to fail to notice the sarcasm within, Yukari nods happily.

“Have you found that fellow just now?”

“Not a trace.”

Ayano and gang starts their search once more, but are still lingering without a goal. After all, Kazuma whose the main force in the party don’t seem enthusiastic about it. And so, their actions came to a still halt.

She slants her eyes to stare at Kazuma, trying to see what she can tell from his expression, but gives up instantly. Ayano is very certain, that she, with such a simple personality, it is impossible for her to tell what Kazuma, a guy that is hard to deal with, is thinking.

In the end, Ayano decides to take an action that suits her personality the most, that is to ask Kazuma straightforwardly:

“Kazuma, you are hiding something from me right?”

“What? You wanna get to know more about me all of a sudden?”

“Don’t joke with me!”

Against Kazuma who is trying to change the topic, Ayano stares at him with sharp eyes, at the same time grabbing his collar, pulling that cheeky face toward her.

“Spill it out! Tell me everything you know.”

“Or else I will strangle you to death”------ Ayano questions him with such a “gentle” smile. But, Kazuma took an unexpected move of retaliation.

He does not resist at all, but instead pulls the distance between them closer.

Seeing Kazuma getting closer and closer to herself, Ayano could not understand what he’s doing, and can’t help but release her grip. But, Kazuma’s face continues to close in------ in the end, his lips touch Ayano’s nose gently.


After being stunned for a few seconds, Ayano suddenly made a weird noise as she retreats backwards.

“You…… You…… What are you doing……”

“Its nothing. I just felt that, you will probably let go this way. Just like the story of “The northern winds and the sun”.”

Pachunk, nerves gathered at Ayano’s temple instantly.

“You……. You are really a……”

Her furious anger turned to power, emerging from Ayano’s body. She has gone serious about it entirely, preparing to gather her powers for a full fledge strike.

At this moment, Kazuma uses his usual tone, opening his mouth to say slowly:

“By the way------”


“You should look ahead when you are walking.”


Ayano turns her head back hurriedly, and sees a trace of the ball of light flying straight at her instantly.

Judging from the distance, it is approximately ten centimeters away, there is no way she can dodge it. That glaring cold light, made Ayano feel as though she saw her own death.


She couldn’t scream, even her thoughts stopped right there. And just like that, the ball of light hit Ayano’s forehead directly, giving her a strong impact.



Ayano screams out, and falling backwards entirely. Kazuma looks coldly at the girl lying with her limps spread wide on the ground, grumbling in his mouth:

“Be it the scream or the pose when she falls onto the ground, why isn’t there any sign of femininity in them?”

“Because its Ayano.”

Yukari answers instantly. Kazuma nods in agreement.

“Ahh, sounds very reasonable.”

“What did you say!”

Ayano jumps up to protest immediately. But Kazuma ignores her, his eyes shifting above him.

The ball of light that hit Ayano, is currently staying still around the ceiling, as if confirming the results from the hit. Kazuma squints his eyes, trying to see what is within that ball of light. At this moment------

“Head back! Head back!”

The will of the ball of light sounds off directly within the consciousness of the gang. As if threatening, the light flickers, transmitting a strong hostility.

“Do not continue any further! Or else you won’t be so lucky next time!”

“Stop playing a fool there!”

Tossing all suspicion and shock aside, Ayano shouts back reflectively, releasing flames at the same time.


The ball of light dodges in the nick of time, giving a cute scream at the same time. The flame of the Kannagi, any ghosts or ghouls that come into contact with it slightly will perish. Yet, the ball of light did not seem to have suffered any damage.

“Big idiot------! Watch it------!”

“Don’t even think about escaping!”

Aimed directly at the ball of light that tries to escape, Ayano was just about to release flames. But------

“Stop it.”

An instant before releasing her flames, Kazuma hits Ayano’s hand away. The palm that changed its direction releases golden flames right below it.

The floor caught fire instantly.

“You…… What are you doing!?”

“That’s not important, let’s extinguish the flame quickly.”

Kazuma runs far away, and points to the fire on the floor as he says.

“Don’t make such sarcastic remarks!”

Ayano protests as she calms the fire spirits down, extinguishing the fire in such a manner. In the end, a big hole is burnt in the floor.

“……Look, what should we do now.”

“Why ask me?”

Faced with Ayano’s grumble, Kazuma just shrugs his shoulders, without a shred of sincerity.

Ayano glares at Kazuma with eyes filled with murderous intent at this moment.

“Fine, I won’t hold you responsible for this. Tell me everything!

Why did you stop me just now?”

A tone that allows no room for error. Those eyes seem to be telling the other party, if he doesn’t reply honestly, he would suffer.

Kazuma’s eyes shift around, as if pondering about something. In the end, he finally broke the silence:

“Well------ Didn’t that guy threaten us “not to go any further”? That is to say, that guy probably is doing something somewhere. So instead of killing it, why not let it live so it can lead the way for us.”

Kazuma gives a bunch of reasons. Yet Ayano looks at him suspiciously.

“Why does this seem like an excuse you came up with last minute?”

“How can that be? Fuu-jutsushis don’t lie.”

“What kind of old timed movie did this line come from------ Fine, if this is the case, how are we to find its position?”

Understanding that it won’t help at all to continue questioning him, Ayano changes her direction of her question.

“Well, there’s got to be some way------ Let’s go.”

With that, Kazuma shows a deep smile and without hesitation steps off.


Following the shriek, the girls all “slipped” down from the stairs. And as she is falling, Ayano noticed Kazuma who is standing beside the wall, his feet actually pinned securely against the slope.

“You are so heartless------! Caring only for yourself------!”

Just before knocking into the staircase platform, Ayano screams out at the top of her voice.

Under the lead of Kazuma, the gang starts searching for the ball of light, the direction is correct. They have had several encounters with the ball of light------ Each time they get vigorously attacked.

The floor suddenly became abnormally smooth, causing Yukari to have a great fall.

The direction of gravity suddenly turned upside down. Nanase’s entire body broke through the ceiling, half her body getting stuck within.

And now, the stairs suddenly disappear, becoming a steep slope. The three girls, like comedians, comes tumbling down one by one.

“What…… is going on……”

Ayano shakes her head as she stands up.

The power that the ball of light uses, is just like magic in fairytales. How to achieve such effects, the cause-effect in-between is hard to guess.

Kazuma slides down behind them. Ayano stares at him angrily:

”Even at this stage, you refuse to let me use my powers?”

“What do you mean? You mean any of us even got hurt?”


Ayano was unable to say anything then, falling into silence.

Kazuma is right. The strange phenomenon that the ball of light caused, though seem exaggerating, but almost does not cause any harm.

Even though it possesses amazing powers that can even destroy the entire school, all it does is like a child’s prank. Just what does that ball of light have in mind, Ayano cannot understand at all.

“I suggest you don’t waste your effort, no one knows what it is thinking.”

As if seeing through Ayano’s thoughts, Kazuma says so. From his tone, he obviously know what is the true identity of the ball of light.

Ayano stares straight at the cheeky Kazuma.

Even though he is flippant on the surface, Kazuma’s work attitude has always been serious. Once he accepts the rewards, he will take up his responsibility.

Even for those suspicious actions, there must be some hidden reason behind them. But------

“……Because you won’t tell me anything.”

She looks at Kazuma with eyes filled with grudge, and says with an unhappy tone. Kazuma pats on Ayano’s head gently like when coaxing a child.

“I am not keeping things from you. It is just that I still don’t have clear evidence, even if I tell you now it won’t help.”


Ayano says coldly, turning around in disgust. Kazuma sees this, and whispers softly by her ear:

“Its true------ Believe me. I am here just so to protect you.”

A fatal hit. The sweet words that flow into her ear, smashed all consciousness of resistance.

(~~! Why does this guy’s voice sound so sweet……)

It feels as if the relaxing low pitch voice goes pass her eardrums, and get transmitted straight to her brain. Her heart throbs, her body beginning to heat up. The voice echoes in her mind, causing her to be unable to think anymore-------

------ As a result------

When Ayano realized that she had been fooled, it is already the next morning------ after everything is all over.

“I wonder what is going to happen next------”

Walking beside Ayano, Yukari says happily. The pitch near the end of the sentence going slightly higher.


“Huh------? Ah, yeah you’re right.”

Seeing the still unfocused Ayano, Yukari looks at her with mischievous eyes.

“Don’t begin letting your guard down just because Kazuma-san will protect you.”

“That’s right. It is fine for you to indulge in your prince and princess fantasies, but the one in charge of protecting us is you, so please pull yourself together.”

Nanase appeared beside Ayano and uses a deep smile to say. Ayano blushes all the way to her ears.

“Non……. Nonsense……. I didn’t……!”

She refutes loudly, while secretly observing Kazuma. Kazuma has now regained his usual self.

There is no way that he didn’t notice Ayano’s gaze, but Kazuma still seem oblivious of it, being so calm that makes one feel unpleasant about it.

Without knowing why, the more Ayano looks at him, the angrier she gets, walking on her own at the front of the party------ Suddenly, she stops in her steps.

“What’s the matter?”

“I should be asking you that! Where are we headed to next? Give the next instruction already!”

Even though she is walking ahead, yet she is putting up an impatient look. Kazuma knows that she is just trying to vent her anger, and so treats her as he always do.

“Just go straight ahead like this. If you went the wrong way I will tell you.”

“------ You still refuse to tell me the destination?”

Looking at Ayano who bears an unpleasant tone, Kazuma thinks deeply for some time.

“Destination------ is outside. Probably the backyard.”

“Backyard? On what basis is your guess?”

Towards Ayano who questions once more, Kazuma answers discreetly:

“The wind are all gathered at the same location from all directions, and that spot is the backyard. I am not a specialist in this area, so I cannot be certain, but it seems they can control the geographic flow.”

“Aren’t you a wind specialist? Why didn’t you notice immediately?”

“Why? Because it is too natural.”

Kazuma replies without hesitation.

“Besides, no matter how slow you are, you probably have noticed long ago right? Why do you always only notice the moment before the ball of light strikes? And let it escape every single time as well?”

“This is because------”

Actually Ayano noticed it as well. The existence of the ball of light is very natural, there is no strange feeling like those from a supernatural being like the spirit of a dead person, and their weird “ki” from the ball of light.

That is to say, that ball of light is a “normal” existence that this world recognizes. And so, jutsushis that are used to tracking demonic auras find it hard to pick up its trace.

“Seems like trouble.”

Ayano murmurs.

This comment has two meanings, one being that the enemy is hard to pick up.

And the other being, the enemy is not an “evil being”.

A being that possesses intelligence, able to communicate with people yet is not human. Ayano has never fought with such an enemy before, when the time comes, Ayano is not sure whether she can bring herself to destroy the enemy with her flames.

“It is pointless thinking so much, let’s just head to the backyard.”

Tossing away her unanswerable thoughts, Ayano walks in front of the group once more.

Passing by the hall with shoe cabinets, the group walks out of the school campus through the front entrance. Once they leave the school campus, the backyard can be easily seen.

Kazuma follows behind Yukari and Nanase and walks to the open space. At this moment, his gaze shift slightly upwards.


“What’s the matter?”

Ayano with her sharp ears asks.

“Nah, its nothing------ I just feel that, that guy really controlled it well.”

“What are you talking abo------”

Just as Ayano is trying to ask again.


With a loud sound, Ayano’s eyes turned to darkness instantly. The rest on the other hand, looks at this scene with an unbelievable look on their face.

After several second, Yukari broke the silence first:

“Wow, what a classic trap♥”

“Indeed. I never thought I can actually witness it in real life.”

As if having seen some miracle, Nanase places her palms together to express her gratitude------ and she targeted it at Ayano, who stood there motionless, on her head lies a bucket that fell from the sky.

“Wahahahaha! Stupid fool, you deserved it------!”

An unscrupulous mockery rings within her minds.

The source is obvious. Under the night sky, the ball of light dances happily, forming a mystical scene------ But, that is also the premonition of the disaster to come.


Suddenly, the metallic grey bucket covering Ayano glows with a red brilliance. The red metal melts off in an instant, flowing down along Ayano’s body onto the ground.

After shaking off the metal piece that is stuck on her hair forcefully, Ayano stares up into the sky peacefully.

Her eyes do not shift the slightest bit.

Ten seconds ago, she was still hesitant about whether to fight, but now all of those thoughts have vanished without a trace. Ayano pulls out Enraiha immediately, slashing upwards forcefully, the tip of her sword giving off golden flames at the same time.

Dodge and dodge------ The ball of light begins to run in all directions.And the search light-like golden flames slices through the dark night, following closely behind it.

Witnessing this shocking scene, Yukari and Nanase can’t help but look at each other.

“This…… Doesn’t seem good.”

“It may even attract the police.”

With a silent expectation, they both look at Kazuma at the same time.

“……Gee, that idiot.”

Kazuma says impatiently, and then walks towards Ayano. From the way he walks, he seems to be taking silent steps as he pleases, and with that, he sneaks up behind Ayano, and grabs the hand that is raising Enraiha high up.

“Let go of me!”

“You are so noisy, get a grip on yourself.”


Seeing Ayano who is about to burst into tears, Kazuma sighs deeply:

“…… Don’t cry, it is just joking with you.”

“Then have you ever been hit with a bucket? Such humiliation can only be understood by someone who experienced it for himself!”

“I don’t want to understand it at all.”

He replies simply, and turns to look at the ball of light floating in mid air. That floating object that is flying in an irregular manner, seems to be obviously playing around with Ayano.

Kazuma warns the ball of light:

“Our princess cannot take it anymore. Stop the pranks.”


“No way! Catch me if you can!”

The attitude of the ball of light seems really arrogant.


Towards that taunting response, Kazuma squints his eyes slightly. At this moment, the ball of light suddenly begins to fall.

An awkward cry follows along------


Drops down.

Ayano looks at the ball of light, she seems to have forgotten her anger from just now, and asks:

“------What did you do?”

“I just cancelled her lift.” [Translator’s notes: Lift refers to those of airplanes. When wind blows under the wings of the plane, a upward force called “lift” is created. Or I believe this is what he means. If anyone finds a better explanation, please do inform this ignorant translator. Thank you.]

A short reply. Yet this answer made Ayano even more confused.

“Lift? You mean that thing flies with lift?”

The outside of the ball of light looks just like its name, it is a rough sphere shape, no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t seem like a shape that can be affected by lift.

Kazuma does not reply, but just simply stretches his hand out. The ball of light that is lying on the ground originally, is then slowly pulled towards his hand.

The ball of light kept on struggling at first, but gives up all resistance after a while, and rides on the wind itself and stops before Kazuma.

The glow begins to dim, revealing its true form within the ball of light.

A small and cute girl around twenty centimeters, is currently waving a pair of transparent wings to float in mid air.

“This is a…… Sprite?”

Ayano opens her eyes wide, understanding it all at the same time. Pixie------ This type of sprite with wings, has a mischievous personality. They enjoy instant entertainment, and would sometimes come into the human world and cause some extravagant pranks.

The pixie seems to enjoy the attention, and blinks with a cute look.

“Call me Tiana♥”

“Who cares what your name is! Why are you causing trouble for everyone!?”

“Because I don’t want humans to get close.”

“This is a place where humans live, don’t fool around.”

“I don’t care------”

Tiana lifts her head, and says arrogantly.


Ayano wanted to use Enraiha to punish her, but was stopped by Kazuma.

“Calm down.”


“Why do you seem unlike yourself today? Don’t throw a tantrum at work.”

After hearing Kazuma’s words, only then does Ayano realize she is too emotional. Even though she knows that she is at work, but she just can’t seem to control her emotions……

(This is strange indeed. Just what is wrong with me------?)

Ayano’s query in her mind, was instead answered by Yukari voluntarily . She bears with her urge to laugh and tells Kazuma:

“Because, Ayano is of the same mental age as that sprite.”

“Just like “Tom and Jerry”.”

“------Ahh, so that’s why.”

After hearing Nanase’s complementing statement, Kazuma nods in agreement. Ayano’s blood pressure shot way high instantly.

“Wait! You mean to say I am the same as that bug that only has a tiny bit of brain capacity!? You must be joking!”

“Wait a minute! Don’t put me on the same level as this woman that has nothing but brute strength! This is a serious humiliation!”

At almost the same time as Ayano, Tiana made a protest as well. As the timing is too coincidental, the other three did not say anything at first------ after a few seconds all three began laughing altogether.

“Hey! What are you laughing about!? Don’t laugh! Stop laughing already!!”

The angrier Ayano is, the more comical it seems. The laughter lasts for several minutes continuously.

“Phew------ That was a good laugh.”

After finally managing to hold onto his urge to burst out laughing, Kazuma exhales, satisfied. On the other hand, Ayano shifts her face to the side in fury, ignoring the other three completely.

Kazuma walks to Ayano’s side, and softly caresses her head, consoling her:

“Don’t be angry. I will treat you to a meal next time.”


Ayano widens her eyes, turning her head over abruptly.

“You…… What did you just say……”

“Great, it’s a date.”

Yukari says with a “pure and innocent” expression.

“No…… no, it isn’t……”

Ayano tries to deny with blushed ears, but thought of something, and stares at Kazuma with a suspicious glare:

“By your treating to a meal, you don’t mean burgers at fast food or something right?”

“You can eat anything you want.”

“You said it yourself! Be prepared! I am gonna eat till your bankrupt!”

“Yes yes, as you wish princess. So then, let’s settle things now.”

Kazuma responses to Ayano’s taunt very simply, and then walks off on his own. Ayano who wanted to catch up with him, was stopped by someone who held onto her neck from behind.


Nanase lies onto Ayano’s back, saying softly:

“Congratulations on having your first date.”

“I….. I told you that’s not it……”

Even though she says so, Ayano still cannot control her accelerated heartbeat.

“By the way, what do you guys intend to do in the backyard?”

Kazuma asks Tiana who is flying above his head. Knowing that she cannot hide it any further, the sprite can only answer honestly:

“We aren’t doing anything bad, we are just granting the last wish of a dying old gramps.”

Kazuma could not understand, and turns to look at Ayano.

“Don’t tell me that wanderers live in the backyard?”

“How can that be possible?”

While chatting, the gang reached the backyard. Even though from the outside nothing seems to be special about it, but Kazuma found the problematic spot instantly.

“------That is the focus.”

Planted among the trees in the backyard, there is a gigantic sakura tree[or cherry blossom?]. Energy gathered from the heavens and earth, is currently continuously being poured into this tree.

“Focus? “The cursed sakura tree”?”

Hearing Yukari speaking to herself, Kazuma turns his head around to ask:

“What’s that?”

“As I mentioned before, the sakura tree that the suicidal guy got hanged onto. From that year on, the entire tree no longer blossoms. People began having rumors, that it is because the suicidal girl placed a curse, so it is called “the cursed sakura tree”.”

“…… That suicide happened five years ago right? A sakura tree that doesn’t blossom, is just left here for five years?”

“Yeah, after all the tree is very old. But, I heard that they plan to chop it down during the winter holidays.”

Yukari revealed information that only the teaching staff know without realizing it.

“So that’s it.”

Kazuma nods slightly, and then looks at Tiana above him.

“So then, work hard.”

“No problem------”

Waving her transparent wings, the small sprite flies towards the cherry tree. At the same time, countless balls of light appeared from different areas of the branches.

The glowing sprites as if toying around began dancing to their hearts content around the sakura tree, the originally messy actions, slowly became neat and tidy, forming a circle that surrounds the sakura tree in the end.

The sprites dance continuously, granting the final wish of the dying tree, letting its flowers blossom one last time.

The circle of sprites kept spinning, the glowing circle lends its life to the old tree. In the end------

The originally withering tree, began becoming young once more. The dry and barks show luster, buds grew out from the thin branches. The flower buds expanded instantly, revealing sakura flowers.

The pink sakura flower blossomed, decorating the old tree to its former glory. The petals that fall with the wind, danced in the air under the frolic-like effort of the sprites that show a bright brilliance.

Almost covering as far as the eyes can see, a beautiful sight of sakura petals as if they are snowing down, and the dancing sprites. And the gigantic sakura tree that stands tall in the center------ Anyone would link this to the term “Paradise”. That is how dreamy the scene truly is.


Yet, just like how it began, the end came suddenly as well. The sakura flowers stop falling, when their sights are clear once more, before them is a tree similar------ No, even older than before it blossomed.

Perhaps the old tree has used up all its remaining life for that brief moment of beauty and magnificence. Now, there is not a shred of life that can be felt from the tree.

As if announcing the end of the carnival, the sprites gradually fly up into the sky. The last ball of light on the other hand circles above Kazuma and gang, as if bidding farewell, and then flies off with its companions.

------This is a the true end of a mysterious event mixed with reality and fantasy.

“Wow------ It was such a wonderful scene------”

Yukari murmurs with all sorts of feelings in her heart, Ayano nods in agreement. She looks at the old tree that made a perfect closure with respect.

“Yeah, even though a lot of unlucky things happened. But just thinking about that scene then, they all seem unimportant.”

Ayano says. Yet Kazuma looks at her with peculiar eyes.


“------No, its nothing.”

“If you have something to say, say it. Acting all mysterious all the time.”

Seeing Kazuma equivocate, Ayano questions further. And so, Kazuma struggles to speak:

“To protect something, the best way is to not anyone notice its existence.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“As long as no one notice, it won’t get attacked, nor will people come close. But, we noticed the abnormality, and it was when we are chasing that sprite that is loitering in the school.”


“That is to say, what the sprite did, is not protecting something. Even though they are mischievous, but they aren’t stupid, there is no way they didn’t notice this.”

“So then, why did she……”

“You still don’t know the personality of sprites?”

Love pranks, enjoying fun. Naïve and pure like a child, acts without thinking------

Kazuma shrugs, and points to the main point:

“That guy only wanted to play with humans.”


Ayano lowers her head, her entire body trembling. Everyone around her seems to have understood what is about to happen, and fled the scene quickly.

With eyes that are about to burst into flames, Ayano stares in the direction at which the sprites left furiously.

“Get your asses back here! Dumb sprites! I am gonna roast every single one of you------------!!”

The angry roar echoed pointlessly within the dark school.