Konpeki no Kantai::Volume1 Chapter4

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Konpeki no Kantai Volume 1 Chapter 4

Chapter Four: The Deciding Battle at Pearl Harbor


Just what was the balance of power between the navies of Japan and America at the time the war started?

In December of the sixteenth year, the ratio of strength of America over Japan was narrowing. The official ratio of tonnage was 10 to 7. But, because there was a certain portion concealed, it was actually more like 10 to 8.

Indeed, if you took into account the firepower and degree of training, there were rumors that the Japanese Navy was many times better than the American Navy.

However, if you factored in the both countries shipbuilding capacity once the war started, the proportion of fighting power would rapidly open up, in year 18 to 10 to 5, and in year 19 to 10 to 3, but this was already predicted.

When you took that into account, the Japanese side needed to strike the enemy hard as possible at the start of the war. That meant they had to win all they could while they could win.

As it was, the Japanese were satisfied with their seven-minute win. The bad part of that was the rampant attitude of disdain towards their enemy.

In the case of the old Pacific War, that the Japanese did nothing special in the year following the start of the war (year 17) was a massive failure. During this time the American side steadily built up their forces for their long-awaited counteroffensive to start.

Takano Isoroku reflected to the utmost over the bitter experiences of his prior world.

For certain, his ideas about having a decisive battle using naval air were a success from the start. However, demonstrating this revolutionary tactic to the enemy was a strategic error.

"......Therefore, I think this time I would like fight with three things coordinated seamlessly: a naval air fleet, a battleship fleet and a submarine fleet."

Takano had been speaking to members of the Deep Blue Society.


"Your Excellency, we made an especially big mistake in making use of the submarine fleet," said Commander Genda, offering his opinion.

"I agree."

Takano gave a deep bow.

In the case of the Japanese Navy, it was normal to think of having submarines present in fleet actions, and to have them participate in naval battles. For that reason, many submarines were made, both cruisers and for the high seas, and able to keep up with fast fleet actions.

However, this had virtually no effect. This was because they were uneasy with regards to the antisubmarine tactics of the American Navy, the case in point being the ring shaped battle formation they had thought up. What's more, when their high performance radar was deployed, the damage to submarine forces was markedly increased.

In the end, using submarines for transport of supplies to Guadalcanal and other such places was the utmost in stupidity.

To be sure, the situation left them with little choice in the matter, but Japan of year 18 was backed into a corner, and yet who was to blame for having brought that situation to pass? Their vision for the great war had been inconsistent.

The excellent members of the Deep Blue Society's think tank had diligently investigated the matter. Everyone had racked their brains. Then they found a way to win.

With the 12/8 project plans in hand, our future world's Japan Navy faced the start of the war.


As the war opened, the Japanese side's Southern Strategy was put into action. This time, in what quite literally a breakthrough, a small fleet assisted the Army in capturing the Philippine Islands, Malaysia, Wake Island and the Gilbert Islands. In addition, there was the southern force of two battleships stationed in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

However, in addition to these, stationed in the Seto Inland Sea, there was the main fleet, what should be referred to as the nucleus of the Japanese Navy.

The battle formation consisted of six battleships, two aircraft carriers, two cruisers and thirteen destroyers. This great fleet, with its flagship the battleship Nagato, was not being used for the start of the war.

Certainly, setting them for rear guard duty just in case things went south… he could understand such thinking.

This, the Nagumo Battle Fleet, would be for the theoretical case that the attack on Pearl Harbor failed.

But for Japan the start of the war with America was an all or nothing gamble. It was a make or break moment. They couldn't afford to lose their nerve.

The Deep Blue Society expressed severe regret on this point.

They had concluded there was no middle ground between winning and losing in this gamble.

...Well then.

At 11am on the 7th, Admiral Kimmel received his reports on the search for the enemy and felt somewhat relieved.

There was a report on the discovery of the enemy fleet. His own fleet was fifty nautical miles to the southwest of Oahu and drawing nearer.

A staff officer informed him, "Sir. The enemy fleet has one carrier, two battleships, three cruisers, two destroyers and some other ships besides."

"There's only one aircraft carrier?"

"Yes, sir. We haven't discovered the other carriers at this time. But, they probably aren't that fast. First let's strike the enemy before us, and then slow-cook the remainder."

"It will be as you say."

Kimmel thought he could win this. He had a large fleet with eight battleships to back him up. If it came down to a shootout, he could blast them to dust in one go.

"Their location?"

"Approximately 70 nautical miles north-east of Oahu. From their course, wouldn't they be heading for Pearl Harbor?"


Kimmel tilted his head in puzzlement.

"Perhaps they intend to shell Pearl Harbor Naval Base?"

"Even though it's already been destroyed by the air raid?" said Kimmel.

"No. We still have a fuel depot adjacent to the base, and we still have 4.5 million barrels of fuel oil stored there."

"That so? Is that what they're aiming for?"

Kimmel's eyes opened wide.

"If they can do that, Sir, our Pacific Fleet would be incapacitated. We would be unable to operate in the Pacific for at least six months."

"I understand."

Kimmel's eyebrows went up. "Are those guys going to try and starve us?"

"Sir, we must do everything in our power to stop them."

"All right, we'll intercept them for sure. Make the whole fleet hurry up. The American Navy's honor is at stake."

Next up, they received another message from water reconnaissance.

It appeared that the enemy fleet had sent ahead a large number of Zero fighters.

"There don't seem to be any attack aircraft."

"Yes. The situation has become a more and more favorable to our side."

Shortly thereafter, a reconnaissance plane launched from the battleship West Virginia was attacked by a Zero and shot down...

The ships were slow. Kimmel was impatient. They had gotten the boilers up to full steam, but Kimmel's fleet was only making 21 knots. Worse, they had to change direction now and then to throw off enemy submarines.

(Will we make it in time?)

(Can we arrive at Pearl Harbor first?)

So thought Kimmel, who was about to start running around inside the West Virginia out of impatience.

But new reports arrived there.

Having taken off from Oahu, a small private plane had spotted the enemy fleet. According to radio reports from Oahu, the enemy didn't seem to be heading for the Arenuihaha Channel, but rather for the North Kauai Channel.

"Okay, if that's the case, then we needn't worry about enemy subs. Head for the Kauai Channel."

Kimmel, his eyes shining, came to a decision.

...On the other hand, there was the Takasugi Fleet.

The Japanese boasted a high speed fleet that could do almost 30 knots. For all that, Kimmel's fleet could only do just over 20 knots.

The Chief of Staff, Captain Inoue, glared at the sea charts as he calculated the point where they would assemble.

A report from the Seidens came in. They said that the Kimmel fleet had changed course slightly.

"They are heading for the Kauai Channel after all."

"Is that so? Could we change the fleet's speed? We must not arrive at the Kauai Channel too early or too late. The time at which we meet is critical to this operation."

"According to calculations, if we advance as we are now, we will arrive at the Kauai Channel at 13:20."

"When is Kimmel due to arrive?"

"Probably ten minutes later, at 13:30."

"That so? I suppose we should slow down just a little after all," said Takasugi.

"Then we will change to precisely 28 knots," replied Inoue.

<~~19% Completed~~>

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