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We're going on that trip‏[edit]

Original title: 遠足は決行
Release date: April 24, 2009, with Asuka magazine (2009,6)
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai,Takahiro; (Conrad) Morikawa, Toshiyuki; (Wolfram) Saiga, Mitsuki.
Original work: Takabayashi Tomo (喬林知)
Screenplay: Takahashi Makio(高橋槇生)

Translator's note: Based on Takabayashi-sensei's story "We're going on that trip", released with UraMA DX!

Track list[edit]

Download the track here
01. We're going on that trip‏
02. Cast Talk

58.CD cover.jpg 58.CD.jpg

-- Intro --

Yuuri: Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Asuka Presents, an original story by Takabayashi Tomo, maruma CD special CD Part 2, "We're going on that trip".

-- Track --

Wolfram: We were able to pack a lot, it's fine if we call it a d... Yuuri~! Are you listening, Yuuri?

Yuuri: Mn? Ah! Sorry, Wolfram. Uhm... what happened with what?

FX:*stands up and approaches*

Wolfram: I've been worrying about you since this morning, Yuuri, you're not feeling okay, right? C'mon now! Let me take your temperature.

FX:*puts his hand on Yuuri's forehead*

Yuuri: I said I'm fine, don't take my temperature.

Wolfram: Fool! You have a fever, don't you!?

Yuuri: No, no. Since the room is warm, my temperature rose a bit.

Wolfram: Your face is also quite red.

Yuuri: That's because I'm embarrassed. Because you're taking my temperature with the back of your hand, and treating me like a child.

Wolfram: That's because people at 16, are just like children.

Yuuri: Why? For the mazoku it's the age when they become adults, right?

Wolfram: Since you're a non-standard mazoku, only your body is big. If you were an average 16 year old mazoku, you'd be at best, the same height as Rinji, the future head of the Wincott family. No matter how you look at it, that's a child, right?

Yuuri: Nice timing for you to start treating me like a kid. But if you compare me to an 82 year old I guess I'm kinda like a baby chick, huh?

Wolfram: If you believe that, listen to your elders, hurry up and rest.*sighs* It can't be helped. We'll have to call off tomorrow's trip.

Yuuri: Eh? I don't want to!

Wolfram: Don't say I don't want to!

Yuuri: But! We've worked so hard getting everything ready for the trip. And it seems like we'll have good weather tomorrow.

Wolfram: You can't be playing outside if you're this sick !

Yuuri: But we went through all the trouble of planning this SURPRISE fathers-child family-only trip!

Wolfram: That's right. Since it was a 'SURPURISU' we didn't say anything to Greta so postponing it is not a problem, right?

Yuuri: HEEE? But something like that... isn't it ... kind of unfair!?

Wolfram: Why are you sulking like a kid about taking caring of your own well being?

Yuuri: Because a 16 year old is like a kid!

Wolfram: If you say something like that despite having a daughter, people will laugh at you.

Yuuri: And in a moment like this you treat me like a father, right?

Wolfram: At any rate! We'll postpone tomorrow's plans. I'm ... not trying to be mean. I'm just worried about you.

Yuuri: I know... I'm sorry. But I want to go on that trip tomorrow somehow. While I was in Seisakoku and Darco[1] going from one place to another, I made Greta sad.

Wolfram: ... I ... was sad too....

Yuuri: I said I'm sorry~!

Wolfram: Hmph!

FX:*throws pajamas at Yuuri*

Yuuri: UH? What is this? Pajamas?

Wolfram: Your face is getting redder... for now, go to sleep. I'll go call Gisela and get something for your fever.

Yuuri: Hey, wait! Wolfram, you can't call Gisela.

Wolfram: Why?

Yuuri: Won't everyone find out that I'm sick if you make her work this late?

Wolfram: But you ARE really sick, right?

Yuuri: In any case, you can't. Since we made the SURPRISE plans secretly, we have to solve this TROUBLE between the two of us. Let's work together, okay?

Wolfram: *sighs* It can't be helped, huh? In any case, you go to sleep. I'll come back to check on you later.

Yuuri: Okay... but it's best if you don't come too close. You might catch a cold too.

Wolfram: You're such a henachoko(rookie), don't worry about something like that.

Yuuri: I'm really sorry. For getting you involved in these selfish whims of mine.

Wolfram: I'm used to it. Good night.

Yuuri: Yeah, good night, Wolfram.

FX:*door opens and closes*

FX:*the window is open*

Yuuri: *tosses in bed* Ah... I'm cold.

Conrad: (echo) Yuuri.

Yuuri: Mn? Huh?! C-Conrad! *sits up*

Conrad: Shh...

Yuuri: Uh, but, w-why... (are you here)?

Conrad: Because it's a dream.

Yuuri: You're in Shin Makoku... ? That's....!

Conrad: Don't worry, it's only a dream. You'll forget about it when you wake up.

Yuuri: Then, I don't want to wake up.

Conrad:*chuckles* You're like a kid. Ah... you kicked the blanket and bedcover.*tucks Yuuri in*

Yuuri: Since it's dark I can't see well but say, Conrad? That outfit is blue...

Conrad: My clothes? Ah... I guess you're right. I'm in the middle of a journey... I'm sorry that I couldn't appear before you dressed up properly...

Yuuri: Don't worry, you're a handsome man. Anything suits you. And besides, I like it a lot more than that Big Shimaron military outfit you used to wear.

Conrad: Is that so...?

Yuuri: Yeah.

Conrad: How are you feeling...?

Yuuri: I have a fever and I feel a bit sick.

Conrad: Did you throw up?

Yuuri: Not yet. But I'm not hungry.

Conrad: Ah! That's serious !

Yuuri: Ahah... my body is acting crazy. My brother, you know? never catches colds and always says this...

Conrad: "In times like this, you need to take in lots of vitamins." Here.

Yuuri: An apple?

Conrad: Right. A green apple. Shall we grind it and turn it into juice?

Yuuri: Ah, when I was a child, my mother used to do that.

Conrad: It's pretty common, right? It's easier to digest.

Yuuri: Huh? Is it common in Shin Makoku too? Yeah, it figures. Because they can't have thin rice porridge or udon. So it's pudding, canned peaches, or apple juice, foods that are sweet and cold.

Conrad: Because a child's first fever is difficult to deal with.

Yuuri: I'm not a child.

Conrad: *laughs* That's right.

Yuuri: The back of my eyes feels hot.

Conrad: It's important to strengthen your self-healing power, but sometimes it's best if you ask for Gisela's help.

Yuuri: Mhm. Wolfram said the same. But I'll do that next time. I can't this time around. There's a reason why I can't tell anyone that I'm not feeling well.

Conrad: Yuuri!

Yuuri: It's okay. It's only a cold. I'll get cured in one night.

Conrad: Colds don't get cured in one night, right? Isn't my little brother taking care of you?

Yuuri: I made him leave. It'd be a problem if he caught it too. Besides, he has to prepare for tomorrow.

Conrad: Prepare?

Yuuri: Right, tomorrow we're going on a trip. Ah, but in the end, I left Wolfram in charge of the arrangements. I shouldn't have done that.

Conrad: You shouldn't worry. Wolfram will put everything in, even things you don't need, into the luggage.

Yuuri: *laughs* Say? Back when I was in middle school, you know? Before a trip or a school excursion, I would always get a fever, you know? Ah... does it bother you that I talk about middle school on Earth?

Conrad: No...

Yuuri: Soldiers don't have those trips, right? The only thing similar to it is training trips, right? But if a soldier gets a fever because he's too excited before a training trip, I think he'd be kind of useless after graduating.

Conrad: Of course not.

Yuuri: And, you know? In the end, I always had to be absent during school trips. I was so uncool. And maybe this time, that will happen too? Will I have to skip tomorrow's trip?

Conrad: You'll be fine. You said it a moment ago, right? You'll get cured in one night.

Yuuri: You think so?

Conrad: Yes...

Yuuri: This is... my dream, right?

Conrad: It is.

Yuuri: *sighs* Though I'd want you to come with us.

Conrad: I'd want that too.

Yuuri: Yeah...

Conrad: Now, sleep. It'll be all right. You'll go on that trip. If you eat this apple, that is.

Yuuri: Say, can I have this?

Conrad:(echo) Yes, here.

FX:*Conrad gives the juice to Yuuri. In the original story, he applied it on Yuuri's forehead*

Yuuri: Mngh... it's cold.

FX:*birds chirping*

Yuuri: It's cold...

Wolfram: It went down.

Yuuri: Eh?

Wolfram: It's a good thing you slept well, your fever is gone. C'mon, look outside the window. We'll have good weather today.

Yuuri: Uh? Wolfram? Huh?

Wolfram: Why are you looking at me so surprised? Oh, there's an apple by your bedside... shall we grind it...?

Yuuri: Huh? Why is there an apple here?

Wolfram: A long time ago, when I had a fever, I was always given apple juice. Even though I said over and over that I wasn't a baby and I could take a bite, I was told "It's best for digestion, drink it like this"

Yuuri: Who told you that?

Wolfram: Who?

Yuuri: Ah...

Wolfram: What?

Yuuri: Should I guess?

Wolfram: Guess what?

Yuuri: You really are your big brother's son[2].

Wolfram: What!?

Yuuri (monologue): My fever is gone. And I had a nice dream. The weather is excellent. Even if he's not here, we're going on that trip[3].

Back to Drama CD57 - Track 1 Return to MA Series


  1. A problem with the timeline and this word: The original mini-mini by Takabayashi-sensei, was published in March 2007 (with Ura MA DX cd 25), around the time that Vol. 14 "The Sand is at the End of the Ma!Road!" was released. The original story DID NOT include this first part where Yuuri and Wolfram are talking (and Darco is not mentioned). THIS drama cd was released in 2009, after Volume 16 - Before Us is the Ma!Prison! was, BUT, 6 months before Vol.17 - Behind Us is the Stone Ma!Wall! where Conrad finally returns to Shin Makoku. So, according to this CD, Conrad was NOT going to come back to Shin Makoku after Darco. 6 months after the release of this cd, Vol. 17, featuring Conrad's return was published. It is actually quite interesting to know this, because it means that Takabayashi-sensei decided in the last 6 months of 2009, to make Conrad return to Shin Makoku, in the last novel she published. Fans have always been concerned about her health, but maybe, not knowing if she was going to be able to continue, she rushed to bring Conrad back? Because Takahashi Makio (who I believe to be GEG for a number of reasons) has long been involved with the maruma series, and has intimate knowledge of Takabayashi-sensei's plans for the novels, it's quite interesting to see the differences between the content of this cd, and that of the last novel.
  2. Lit. Your older brother's son, as in, Conrad treated him like his son. It can also mean, that Wolf resembles him.
  3. An explanation: So, it's an open ending story. We really can't be sure if it was Conrad who showed up in Shin Makoku, (the window was opened, Wolfram doesn't know why there's an apple there) or if it was Wolfram who pretended to be Conrad while Yuuri was delusional due to the fever. (Conrad's outfit was blue and Yuuri couldn't see him well because it was dark).