Talk:Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu

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Picking up the translation again[edit]

Hi all, Sophie here. This translation has been inactive since 2015, and I'd like to pick it up again. I've left a message with Tippy, and will start gradually adding to Chapter 2 so that you can see if I'm going okay, but anyone involved previously feel free to get in touch. I'm aware others have put a lot of good work into this so I'll try and keep the same conventions used in volume one and early volume two, as well as a similar style.

Tippy's area[edit]

It seems that Contradiction is inactive so I have picked up the translation. Unfortunately MS Word has decided to make life hard for me so expect some delays ._.


If you want to send a message, there is a Twitter account for this project: @ultiroid or email ultiroid at gmail.


Current status: I started Chapter 3 but school got really busy and my free time vanished, so things slammed to a halt for now.

There are six volumes of the light novel with about four chapters each. I'm a very slow translator and I only finish a couple pages a day whether I have something else to do or not, so the first novel is going to take several months. Other translators would speed the project up a lot.

If you would like to help translate or edit, please add your name below contact the project manager on the main page.




I didn't have to do a test, but I think I can get away with making other people do a little one, so...

Editors: I will ask editors to write a 100-200 word essay starting with "I love ...," for example, twintails. But there are other possibilities. I assume you have some kind of obsession if you're willing to get involved in a light novel translation project, so pick one of those things and write about it. They will be posted or not depending on how embarrassing I think they are. I'll write one too if someone else does this. I mean, it's only fair.

The essay is a test of your grammar and composition skills, so it should be reasonably well-written. The editing standard is:

  • The essay should have a pleasant and coherent style.
  • There should be hardly any grammar or vocabulary mistakes. (It is also a mistake if you try to use unnecessarily fancy grammar or vocabulary and screw it up.)

Translators: I'll get translators to do a little piece of a novel as a test. Unless they have a preference, I will probably use a prologue from one of the later novels.

Try to be more or less accurate, but the first priority is for the novel to be fun to read, so keep an eye out for opportunities where you can make the text sound a lot better by cheating. Please use as little common sense as possible. The translation standard is:

  • You should more or less understand the Japanese sentences (文の終わりには、別に注目しなくてもいい・・・・・・わけないだろう)
  • Don't leave a major piece of the meaning out unless you have a good reason.
  • Try to keep the translation from sounding awkward. (Probably the hardest part.)


Q. Why does everyone spell Thouars/Thuearle/Thoearle differently? What's the right spelling?

A. Her shoulders are covering two letters of her name in the character page, so we know T--earle but not the other letters.

OreTwintail v1 157.jpg

Thouars is a municipality in France with the same kana-ization.

Thuearle is a fairly natural guess based on the Japanese pronunciation (something like Tualle).

If you look at the other character pages for this volume, the U in this font doesn't have a little diagonal chunk taken out of the upper right corner, and neither do AEI. It's hard to imagine that the third letter is a consonant, so you figure it must be O. That's how you get Thoearle.

The right spelling is Twoearle (Two-earle).

Q. What about elements/affinities/attributes/traits?

A. Zokusei (属性) literally means "attribute" or "property," but... Here's an explanation translated from this QA site [1] (without much polishing):


例 『メガネ属性の方に!』と本屋さんで貼ってありました…

What is the "glasses zokusei"?

For example, "For those with the glasses zokusei!" was pasted up at a bookstore.
I don't understand what it means.




There seems to be a very detailed classification in practice, but as a terribly rough approximation, it means someone who likes girls (or boys) wearing glasses.

Haven't you heard things like this?
"I'm weak against a woman brushing her hair back from her face."
"I like women with short hair."
"I'm weak against the nape of the neck."
Etc, etc.
The "zokusei" in "glasses zokusei" is used the same way, with the meaning that "weakness / liking = zokusei."

This word "zokusei" was originally used in the settings of games (the fire zokusei would be weak against the water zokusei, say), but now, as a derived meaning, it's also used to indicate the target of your so-called "moe."

Reading this, I thought "element" would be good, and it goes well with the word Elemera, so that's what I did.

Q. What does the name of the school, Yougetsu (陽月), mean?

My best guess is that it's a reference to Hizuki (陽月), a doll designer and exhibitor who likes their dolls to have really long hair.

Q. Why Ultima Guil and not Ultimate Guild? Also, why did it used to be Lizad instead of Lizard and Tutle instead of Turtle?

The guildies like to drop a character or two from their names for some reason.

Ultimate Guild = Arutimetto Girudo → Arutime Giru
Lizard = Lizaado → Lizado
Turtle = Taatoru → Tatoru
Fox = Fokkusu → Fokusu
Dragon = Doragon → Doragu?

I tried to translate this by dropping a letter from the English name, but doing that was probably too distracting.

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