Zero no Tsukaima:Volume11 Chapter6

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Chapter Six: Private Lesson

Now, in the middle of the huge uproar, Saito managed to slip away and found himself in front of a library. The library was located in a tower. At the entrance a librarian wearing glasses sat and checked the students and teachers who went in and out. Books were heavily guarded in here because they had the components of magic potions written in them, and couldn't be handed out to a simple commoner.

A young librarian girl glanced at Saito and confirmed his mantle, then returned to reading a book.

Hm, knighthood is useful after all – thinking so, Saito entered the library.

“Wow. It’s amazing.”

The size of the library's bookcases was overwhelming.

Some were as much thirty mails in height. It was an incredible height. Apparently, the library occupied the larger part of this tower. Anyways, facing such a huge amount of books, Saito hesitated.

It was somewhere around 8 PM. A whole eternity – thinking so, Saito took one book in his hands. The characters of Halkeginia’s alphabet were written there.

Though he stared at them for a while, he was not able to understand any of them.

“Dang, pretty tough…”

Saito came to look at the books in order to memorize what characters mean. There is a new enemy - the king of a large country. It is absurd to only swing a sword. Being a knight, one cannot just rely on talking, but needs to write as well - he thought.

“I wonder if they have a Japanese dictionary.”

Of course, there was no such thing.

But how could he talk?

When he asked Derflinger some time ago, he answered ‘Though I do not understand it well, I guess it’s something you gain when you pass the gate to this world.’

Well, seems like magic anyhow. And thanks to this magic, everyone can communicate by speech.

Flying and jumping, putting out fires, healing injuries, making strong love potions – considering all that, Saito was not surprised by such magic.

Possibly, it may be related to Louise's ‘Void’.

Being in charge of Louise, he did not understood what the magic exactly was, but it was not hard to assume that there was some kind of translating magic as well.

However, I want learn the characters in any case - Saito thought.

Wondering what to do, he turned his head, and at a distant table saw a familiar face.


It was the girl with short blue hair. After the rescuing, they hardly talked. She had that atmosphere of not being easy to talk to, then there was going to Louise's family, thus it was too hectic.

However, why, after leaving her mother in Germania, did she return to the Academy of Magic again? - Saito approached Tabitha and said.


He thought he will be disregarded as usual, but this time it was different. Tabitha shut the book she was reading and looked up at Saito.


Tabitha answered looking at Saito with round, puppy-like eyes. Saito was somewhat at a loss by such a surprising attitude.

“No, that…it’s not like it’s my business, but are you alright...?”

“I’m alright.”

“I-I see…Aah, I have something to say. Seems like Guiche, well, blurted out who you really are. You are a Gallian princess…r-right? That was stupid. “

Tabitha shook her head.

“Doesn’t matter. It’s the truth anyway.”

“I-I see. But didn’t you want to hide that? You were using a false name…”

“It does not matter now. I do not mind.”

Tabitha said as a matter-of-fact.

“Is your mother alright?”

To this question, Tabitha hesitated a little bit.

“Her mind is at peace in Germania.”

Whether it meant what it meant, he hesitated to ask any further. Surely, Tabitha’s thoughts are Tabitha’s after all.

Besides that, she was a reticent girl to start with, Saito thought the flood of questions would be pitiable. Even now it may still be impossible to answer.

“I see, understood. Sorry for disturbing your reading.”

He turned to leave while laughing.

“Do you read as well?”

She asked.

Because it was the first time that Tabitha asked about something, Saito was confused.


He instinctively asked back.

“Did you also come to read?”

“Aah, it’s different, different. Far from reading, it would be difficult as I am not even able to read the letters of this world…”

“This world?”

When being asked back, Saito panicked.

Tabitha doesn't know he isn't a human from this world. It is Henrietta, Louise, Siesta, Cattleya, Tiffania, Osman and Colbert…who know. That’s pretty much it.

Even the colleagues from The Undine Knight Corps do not know.

“Hey, because I am a former commoner, I cannot read the characters. However, because I became a knight, I thought that I could learn a little. However…it is impossible after all. It’s just gobbledygook.”

Then, Tabitha abruptly stood up and left the book she was holding.

“Ah, oi.”

Though he called her to stop, Tabitha flew up to the high to the bookshelf using the spell. Not being able to fly and her being about twenty mails off the ground, Saito could not stop her.

And just when he started to think that they may disturb the readers and that he should get out of the library, Tabitha suddenly landed right in front of him.


Tabitha abruptly thrust out the book to the surprised Saito.


“If it’s this book - it should be easy.”

Apparently, this book was for learning the letters – just the book he was searching for. However, the really surprising thing was the usually indifferent to others Tabitha. He took it while thinking what on earth was the matter with Tabitha, when Tabitha said surprising words.

“I’ll teach the characters.”


“If you just stare at the book you won’t learn anything.”

“No, well, that is right, however…is it alright? It would be pretty difficult I think. I'm not the brightest student.

“Don't care.”

Then Tabitha took Saito's hand and walked him over to sit at the table.

The characters of Halkeginia are a little bit different when looking at the alphabet. Slowly, Tabitha taught him the pronunciation of the characters.

“A, B, C.”

Though he heard the sounds somewhere, it was not possible to recall them well. Maybe it was because he only heard them.

Tabitha continued to point at each one of the characters, patiently teaching him the meaning.

But somehow, the words started to mysteriously turn into… ‘Prologue’ and ‘August’ and ‘I’.

Once he heard them, they were converted to Japanese again.

Probably, Tabitha pronounced them in Halkeginian. However, when they reached his ears, they turned back into Japanese.

But, as Tabitha continued to teach the meaning of the words little by little, sentences that he has seen only as a random mess of characters up till now, slowly gained an understandable meaning just from his watching alone. As if they were translated inside his head.


Once he got the hang of it, it started to run more smoothly.

And after one hour, he could already read basic sentences. So Saito, using an easy book as a textbook, was able to read out.

“What does it mean?”

Not changing her usual tone, Tabitha asked.


Tabitha pointed at one sentence.

“Here, it’s written ‘No use crying over spilt milk.’ However, you read it as ‘An irreparable event happened’.”

“No, that’s just the way I read. Sorry, is it a bad thing?”

Tabitha shook her head.

“No. You are not wrong. Sentences like ‘‘No use crying over spilt milk’ are idiomatic expressions. Their meaning is certainly ‘An irreparable event happened’.”

Tabitha continued to speak.

“It's subtly different the way you read written sentences. But it is not wrong. It is often summarized instead, to give an expression adequate to the context. Entire sentences can be grasped by just a few words. Indeed, it is like dog or cat familiar being able to speak human language. However, the summary does not explain the reason. In such cases you cannot read like you did just now.”

Tabitha looked at Saito with clear blue eyes.

In these cold-looking eyes, Saito felt a faint glimmer of curiosity. Tabitha wanted to learn the truth. Of who I am…

“…That’s how it is. No, I mean, what I am doing is not exactly ‘reading’. The reason why I learn Tabitha’s thought's words…is because I understand the ‘meaning’ of the written thing directly.”


“I think it’s because I am not a human from this world. Maybe it’s because my words are different from Tabitha’s and others. In other words, a word is already directly translated in my head…maybe that’s why there are those subtle changes? Aah, that’s how it is!”

Unnoticed to Saito, he started to shout.

“For the book – it is translated in my head at once, just like the words of this world are translated after they leave my mouth.”

Just like when sentences written in Japanese are translated to English. And when that English sentence is translated back to Japanese again, there are some subtle changes from the first sentence. That’s what happens when I read a book, Saito thought.

Indeed, it must be so, yes, he realized, and then was asked by Tabitha.

“This world?”


Because of such turn of events, Saito had to explain the circumstances to Tabitha. Since Tabitha was sharp, he couldn't hide it from her any longer.

“So…a person from a different world.”

Hearing Saito’s story, Tabitha narrowed her eyes a little.

“Do you believe me?”

“You do not tell a lie.”

Tabitha said, looking straight at Saito.

These words made Saito’s heart beat faster. Embarrassed for some reason, Saito turned his face away from Tabitha. Being looked like this by this small young girl, his heart throbbed and it was hard to meet her eyes staring straight at him.

“Do you want to return?”


“To your home…to your mother, do you want to return?

“I want to return.”

Saito said.

“Then why…”

Do you not return? That’s what she was probably wondering.

Saito shook his head.

“It’s because I cannot find the way to return.”

“You just have to look for it.”

“I don’t have a clue.”

“You do not seem like you are looking for it.”

Tabitha said. Hearing that, Saito lowered his head.

“No… rather than not wanting to return, I cannot afford to leave.”

“What do you mean?”

“There is a fellow who is aiming for Louise's power…”


“You knew?”

“I understood when I saw it.”

Tabitha, leaving the other world issue behind, said calmly. Indeed, it might be useless to keep any secret from this girl who's extremely knowledgeable.

“Anyway, since I have someone to protect, I cannot leave the place. Besides…”


“I was gifted with the Gandalfr’s power. Having such power, I may be able to do something for this world… that’s another reason.”

Tabitha said with conviction.

“It is unreasonable.”


“Inside, you feel like you belong to this world’s people and you say what you feel."

Saito was shocked. Then Tabitha whispered silently,

“…you are a hero of this land.”


It was so quiet that he could not hear it well. Tabitha lowered her eyes and shook her head.


After these two questions, silence settled in. Somehow, the atmosphere became awkward.

The librarian stuck her head into reading room, and told that the library soon will be closed. Saito happily stood up.

“Thank you. You helped me a lot. Now I can study alone.”

Tabitha shook her head.

“I will supervise it till the end.”


“There are difficult words. Runes too. It’s impossible to study alone.”

It might be the way she said it. However, he thought that it would be bad to make her to help him any further.

“No, I’d feel bad for hogging your reading time…”

“Don’t care.”

When Tabitha said so, she took yet another book out of the same bookshelf.

“Next textbook.”

“Now? Isn’t it already getting late?”

Showing no hesitation, Tabitha nodded.