User talk:Joay

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 21:35, 21 March 2010 by Arkblazer (talk | contribs)
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To:: joay From: arkblazer

in a very noobish kind of way, i thanked you on the discussion page, anyway thank you for all your hard work. if you don't mind i would like to contribute with what little i can.

To : Joay

Thank you for translating To Aru majtsu no Index. I started to read the novel and now the manga. I come here everyday to see if you post anything new. Thank you for translating

To : Joay ,From : Kubaru

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR POSTING THE TRANSLATION UP FROM YOUR LATEST WORK!!!!. Im also a fan of the series and i happen to read a lot of the light novels up to volume 18. BUT THE DARNEST THING IS I CANT UNDERSTAND JAPANESE WRITTINGS..... so please keep up the good work for your translations. Im expecting big things from you. Again thank you sooooo much...

TO : Joay

Thank you!

I am in your eternal gratitude for translating To Aru Majutsu No Index! Please, continue to do such good work. You are greatly appreciated -- 00:55, 22 November 2009 (UTC)

To Joay

yo. when you planing to finish this ? Need help ? I want to read it As soon as it take. LOL

To Joay

from: Mark1246

I understand, I know what you mean Joay, we all have a life to live, but thanks for translating a lot of "To Aru Majutsu No Index" volume, I even reading volume 13 and waiting for the next chapter coming out. I thank you for your time for doing these and thank if you do more. It’s your life and for doing this.

To Joay

from: Mark1246 date: 3/21/2010

I know it a little late but, Congratulation Joay on completing chapter 8 volume 13 of To Aru Majutsu No Index. It has been a 1 mouth since you have been working in that chapter and congrate’s mate that you’re done (I always like saying nice complements to people it polite). Can’t wait for the conclusion in chapter 9 and 10