Talk:Utsuro no Hako:Volume3 Round 1

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So, do we use it (Kaichou) as a nickname or a title? The use of "the" should be unified in accordance to that, right now it is irritating. If we decide to use it as a nickname and it sounds strange without "the" in some cases, I suggest changing those into English.--Kadi 11:53, 1 May 2010 (UTC)

The best would be to change all occurrences into English, I think. But if there's no appropriate term I'd go for the title. EusthEnoptEron 12:22, 1 May 2010 (UTC)

Well, I will change the Kaichou not used as an address to "the president" for now, although it may be slightly odd. When used as a form of address, I'll keep it for now, lacking a better alternative. As for alternatives: "Shindo-san", "Iroha(-san)" and "Prez'" come to mind, but I am not happy with either of them, for obvious reasons (not the title anymore/overly familiar => away from the original Japanese). Since you are the translator, it's your call, I'd say.

Or we keep Kaichou as form of address. It would work since you explained it at the beginning, and we keep "-san" and "calling by last name", too, so it shouldn't stand out too much.

By the way, it would be more convenient to discuss such matters in real-time... Is there any way? Maybe IRC?--Kadi 14:07, 1 May 2010 (UTC)

P.S.: Editing done, and I fear it is too much of "the president". I suggest changing at least some of them to "Iroha(-san)" or "Shindo(-san)". I can do that later, if you want me to and trust my judgment on it.--Kadi 14:20, 1 May 2010 (UTC)

I automatically think of *the* president, when reading "president" for some reason. :D How about "chairman" or something along these lines? Also, I'm usually online on #[email protected] EusthEnoptEron 14:27, 1 May 2010 (UTC)

'chairman' ('board chairman') might be 'rijichou' (理事長); 'seitokaichou' (if I remember correctly) is translated so consistently across various fictions as 'student council president' that it could be confusing/disorientating for a different form to be used. Regarding name-substitution, I personally prefer for translations to as accurately as possible (with editor's notes explaining hard-to-translate parts as necessary) represent what the original text says, but understand that preferences differ.

I see your point. I looked over the scanlation of "Kaichou wa Maid-sama" the other day and they used "president" there as well. So, English people, tell me what you'd like to see: "Kaichou", "president" or "chairman". Honestly speaking, I have no clue which sounds the most natural. ;)
(by the way, great speculations! The next chapter might resolve at least one of them.) EusthEnoptEron 12:08, 3 May 2010 (UTC)

(An exciting story development! If all were allowed to know their classes and meet in the same room before anyone had died, they might be able to all willingly reveal their classes to narrow down who the King was while still at least somewhat committed to cooperation and stalling for time. The timetable seems deliberately set up to prevent that, which is interesting given that it's known that at least two people are suspect afterwards (the King and the Sorcerer, if I understand correctly); ah, but the Double is also suspect if there's been Substitution, though that's fairly unlikely so early... Interesting if 'not reading one's own class' could become a valid tactic in not earning the enmity of others. Helpful if the Prince's tactic is passive. Perhaps the means of death will be identifiable, to see whether the Knight or the Sorcery or the Revolutionary has killed someone...

There's the question of 'Who is 0 this time?' still.

Will the Prince know if the Sorcerer has tried to kill him? The Sorcerer will know who the Prince is, and needn't worry about the Double as someone else might due to only killing who the King directs.

The '30 minute two-person conversation' might or might not be an information-flow limiting factor. One person could meet with another, that person could pass on that information to the next... but do you select the people by 'name' or by 'class'? It would probably have to be by 'name', as otherwise one could find out others' classes by selecting them (unless that's a valid gameplay tactic--no, it can't be, or the King would just identify the Revolutionary and ), but without knowing the other's class it could be difficult to have a conversation more useful than the public one. Are those conversations recorded as well as the public ones, I wonder?

Here's a problem: how can the Prince possibly win? The Prince needs the King, the Double and the Revolutionary to die. These are the three people who have the power to decide whether people die or not. Once two of them are killed, there's no way to kill the third. Will the knife be used by the Prince to eventually try to kill someone in person? Is the Prince inherently a doomed class, to prompt a desire to slip out in that person?

All the others can hypothetically win through buttons only. Only the Prince is bound to kill someone with his or her own hands. Interesting, perhaps? *looks forward to seeing such either noticed and mentioned by the characters or discredited as a misunderstanding* Very enjoyable! *great happiness*)

It would be very interesting if Maria's the Prince and Kazuki's the Double... Then, it would be difficult for Maria to win, and Daiya (who is probably the king) can use Kazuki as a substitute which could make Maria accidently kills Kazuki.

I wonder: is Maria able to kill people through buttons? It's known that there's some reason that she's inherently unable to take violent action against others, but does that extend to all forms of indirect violence or only to direct physical violence? If she's not able, then that would certainly simplify her position. | (*ponders the seeming difficulty of the King to succeed, compared to the Revolutionary, given the propensities of those who obey (or not) and the decisions of those who obey (or not) depending on class-knowledge or not...*)

  • reads the update very happily* Two triangles! Assuming that Kazuki won't kill anyone, if I understand correctly the first victim could only come from the Revolutionary; if Maria were the Revolutionary, for instance, the entire game could be stymied at least until someone killed someone with a knife. (I have a vague suspicion/hunch/wouldn't-it-be-interesting-if-that-were-so-impression that Maria might be the King, but... hmm.) Interesting regarding that the conversations aren't recorded and that the conversation partners are shown! Curious that the meetings aren't listed in order of occurrence. *wonders whether there's any secret significance*