Zero no Tsukaima:Volume14 Chapter1

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Chapter 1: The Flowerbed Squadron's Rebellion

The river gently flows through the Capital of Gallia where King Joseph awaits in his palace.

From the old town center which extends from the central area, the soldiers on horses took 13 minutes to run back to the royal capital city.

The streets got cut off, out of the long, uninterrupted stone wall. They couldn’t see that it hasn’t been cut off.

On that other side of the stone wall, is where King Joseph’s family lives.

Whether or not the palace was built according to the kind of end and reading the scale will help you understand.

This much of the place was not searched and the land that makes up the large palace was elaborated everywhere around the central area.

That night, with the favor of twin moons that was hidden by the dark clouds, darkness began to engulf the source of light that shine through the eerie night. One shadowy figure was seen, in a form of a horseman who was swaggering and dashing towards a gate surrounded by red roses which is in fact the east side of the royal palace.

It was still dark even with the light from the torches that were hung on the palace wall. With the heavy rain that fell that noon, humidity has risen up to its high point and the night mist wrapped around the knight.

As the young knight was walking, on the right side of him was a knight from the White Lily who lifted his shaded hat decorated with the White Lily emblem to show his face to the young knight and said to him in a tired voice,

“However, regarding the Furotte Bilateral fleet and the rebellion. Commander Lord Claville, he knows that the governments aren’t loyal to the king. Now that is rebellion! Tradition falls to area, politics becomes corrupted, and nobility only thinks increasing the gold coin of the warehouse, the commoner thinks and can increase only taking part in the share. All this leads to rebellion!”

A horseman took a deep breath and with a small voice, started singing a song that is popular back in his town.

“Staying behind is my favor from King Joseph and the Founder. We together with King Joseph will reign over the radiance of Halkeginia. Could this be done by our Founder for some reason? What is the reason for this friendly help that came from God? Oh King Joseph. The fragrance of the flower that I received disappeared somewhere. Oh King Joseph. This place that becomes our homeland, it is beautiful. What are the many reasons I’m disgusted towards the rebel’s fleet?”

The Saint Mallon fleet that ports in the North West seashore of Gallia suddenly confronts a rebellion receiving a report that the naval port is being closed this morning. Many groups of horseman that are opposite to the chestnut fleet obeyed the Capital’s martial law.

At that moment, it seems that the troops that surrounded the fleet exchanged glare between the people in the ship.

There was this young horseman among the troops, who looked like the old aged knight of South Lily Flowerbed, that showed pity in his eyes.

"You really think that this is the cause of the rebellion."

"That is what we've heard. We have to do this. Probably that it has to do with the driving force at this time of night. But, if you compare to the other troops here that starts compacting the duty of the Saint Mallon fleet, you probably can call it an easy mission to accomplish. The rebels want to stick to the same Gallia because they aren’t afraid.”

The old aged horseman let out a sigh and said amazing words,“The kind of man who frequently lowers his fleet command has no reason to be here at all.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everything has a private opinion of His Majesty.”

The old aged horseman was wearing an old uniform and has a fatigued eye and in the mix of insight, glanced across the stone wall.

“What? Is that true?”

Since he just joined the organization, the young knight looked directly to the old aged horseman who is in fact his own teacher. The only reason for his birth was to become no more than a mere knight for this coming year. But if you have him at least the rank of baron, by now he would have been entrusted to the Knight’s status. The words which were superior in literary and military arts came off until now and the callous did not grind. Therefore, the young knight had always had deep respect for him and kept his words in his mind.

They were surprising words indeed, it must be true now that he said it.

“Are those people glaring at us?”

“They are probably playing around with us. It’s like His Majesty is being made fun of from the inside and outside. But, I’m having a second thought. Even though His Majesty has always been disrespected, he’s an individual who’s to be feared of. I have been serving to the royal family for 40 years and always lower my sword below the waist in His Majesty’s presence, I know him very well. I teach the battlefield with my two fingers. But even the King knows that a man such as me fears him.”

The young knight kept staring at the old man, and let out a deep sighed.

“Does that mean we have to be playing in their games?”

“Knights like that are like us. After all, this is no more than a comedian dancing in someone’s palm. But as for now, the mouth I spoke with, it is probably understood. Because this might fly to your neck, not only I, if these enter to the ears of His Majesty’s."

The young knight straightened his back and nodded.

Two people appeared in the place where the forest spreads luxuriantly on the left side. The Aignan Forest. In the section of this forest which becomes the hunting ground of the royal family, the young horseman saw a shadow which wriggles swiftly.

“Who’s that?”

The young knight clangs the rope on his horse and rushed to catch up with the shadow. He cast a spell of light, which illuminates the dark area including the shadowy figure.

A man who wrapped the body in the black robe surfaced. The body just stood there motionless. The young knight pulled out his sword and ready to confront him.

“Take that hood off so I can see who you are!”

The man slowly removed his hood. Looking at the face that appeared before the knight, he was stunned.

“Lord Castlemorre!”

The face under the hood was Batz Castlemorre leader of the East Rose Knight. He is not too old, and yet not too young. He is a responsible man who was led by famous knights. It was his bravery that made him famous, even the Flower Bed knights should know him.

He stares at the young knight with a hard expression.

The young knight was puzzled, and sheathed his sword.

"Why are you here? For the East Rose knight to be here, is to face the Saint Mallon fleet, isn't it?"

"Why not open, and we hope through this..."

He murmurs in the young knight's ear. He shook his head with a troubled look on his face. It is probably a life risking duty. But it is still a duty.

"It cannot be increased and is defeated in such reason. Because at these times, they are yours. You should know your curfew, no? Everything met in this area, we received orders to arrest any government position and status case. But, hey, just format. If people like you, it's fine you have to sign papers and appreciate the guard post. Well, here anyways..."

But Lord Castlemorre did not move.

"My Lord?"

That time, an old aged knight who watches over the development at the rear shouted. He became aware of something and tries to warn the young knight.

"Frandall! Unsheathe your sword!"

The old aged knight pulled out his sword to ready to charge.

"Hey, what do you mean?" the young knight mumbles, the tide of the wind was flying from the rear of Castlemorre, it was simultaneous to be entwined to the body of the knight.

The young knight turned around and unsheathed his sword seeing that attack on his subordinate but felt something like mass of air sank to his stomach. With a harsh face Casltemorre made, he pulled out his sword from the young knight only enough to make him lose consciousness. Knights dressed in black robes began to show up one after another from the darkness.

"...Why?" As he murmured, the young knight lost consciousness.

Watching his men tie up the two fallen knight, Castlemorre sighed. Was it a mistake to be found out? But we were lucky enough to be able to enter without the other knights seeing us.

Castlemorre and the East Rose headed forward, despite the fact they had received the report on the fleet. Even though they are Elite Knights of the East Rose, they secretly made the report in such a way the imperial government did not believe anything at all. Immediately, offer of information was requested from the cooperators who lie hidden in every place, truth was being obtained in past noon.

Lies and rebellion.

Conspiracy of King Joseph.

King Joseph will be holding territorial ambitions against Romalia, conspiracy even to deceive the allies, the knights of the East Rose including Castlemorre are excited. This was a situation where they were pretending to be rebels and allies to invade its neighbors. If the plan fails to follow the Kingdom of Gallia will perish to the deepest grounds, its glorious past would vanish even beyond the darkness.

Two hours later, when the order came to retreat in the name of the Saint Mallon due to the surrounding knights, Castlemorre has finally decided something.

I will name the fleet's flagship 'Charles Orleans'. The name of the younger brother whom you killed by your hands. Would you think of atoning for your sins?

If this is the kind of imitation that makes one to stick onto the conspiracy, the fleet will not do.

Not only that, the king incompetence that is tailored to the actors trying to step up to their force.

Siege? Surrounding is what you say? But this depends on what? Perhaps their role will be a mere spectator. It is no more than, a portion of coloration in order to make the foreign country agree upon.

We cannot have patience anymore. When rising to action is now.......

Saint Mallon were waiting for the night as they make their way, as for the Ease Rose knights they headed to the capital.

The night had come forth, four hours had pass and they reached their way back to the capital. While being full of themselves, there were emergency flight quickly thrown to each regiment per seat where cooperation is installed.

Their ears are close to the face of Deputy Head Arnulf as they approached him.

"Three regiments definitely promised cooperation, and report at present has reached that. They arrived at the capital this morning."

"That's reassuring!"

That was the first smile Castlemorre had made that day. Military aristocracy and the king disgusted by the current government is not small. But if the cause is different, then the story would be different too. The stigma of treason are the ones who didn't return home. Even then the three regiments would respond to rising to action immediately. My decision was not wrong after all. Castlemorre and his men are to invade the capital from King Joseph.

"Three days after that we have to pick up the throne for Ms. Charlotte who had fled to Tristain."

Castlemorre shook his head when he remembered the face of the princess when he was a slave. He remembered the Duke of Orleans gentle face, his heart was captured.

"... Your Highness, when we do finally dispel your sorrow of Your Majesty. As for the person who was born in the house of poor nobility, 'there was the possibility,' that that person would be pulled up to raise in the Knight's title. That is when it is finally here it will return the favor."

Castlemorre pulled out his sword up high and promised.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Knights and all, lend me your ears! We must now regain the throne! Later, the one who is appropriate to return 'it'! Do not be afraid! We shall not be rebels! We are the True Flowerbed Knights of Gallia!"

Knights all over the place jumped over joy with their swords up high above them.

"Behind these walls lies a sleeping man, who is a treason and an affront to God and his country! Let us go forth!"

Castlemorre casted the spell 'Fly' and jumped over the walls. Knights were following each other's back one after another. The Knights of the East Rose blew away the patrol guards with their magic and they all rushed towards Grand Troyes, where King Joseph awaits them.

Joseph was sitting in his throne, listening to his music box that plays a harmonic melody.

Staring blankly into space, slowly lift his arm like how a conductor moves, and waves his hands around the air.

While floating the expression which finishes to be intoxicated when it begins and entrusts the body to investigation of the Founder, the minister of state who accompanies the defense loyal retainer between the ball seats jumped.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! This is serious! This is treason! There are rebellion!"

He was in a state of panic as he kneel down to Joseph and continued,

"The Knights of the east caused the rebellion! They took down the guards, and will break into this Grand Troyes! Right now, we continue to have outnumbered the guards desperate resistance between the mirrors! Soon the broken line of defense will come here!"

The nobility which presently protects the palace is no more than only 20 names. They had stationed a few hundred mercenaries from the Duchy of Bergen generations responsible for the guard, the other team sat in the cavalry mage and there is no either expectation of counting in war potential. With the 〝conspiracy〟 for example, most units and horseman group appeared for the King's capital and had been paid.

The opening made them tired.

Despite the terrible pinch ..., Joseph made an ecstatic expression. Even when the minister of state was moaning, he could hear and listened to the sound of the music box.

"Your Majesty! Let us go quickly to the underground passage! My Escort Division will bring us to safety!"

As he noticed the threatening awareness, Joseph lifts his head.

"What is it?

"This is treason! In which I mentioned many times did I not?"

"Well. So? So if you said, there was such possibility I had forgotten."

Joseph nodded, and slowly rose from his throne.

"In here!"

Minister shuts his mouth trying to say something, while Joseph looked at the entrance of the ball calmly. Beyond the entrance the boom arms of the Knights and Gentlemen of the rebellion appeared. When with the fearful sound, the minister of state was frightened and collapsed on the floor.

"Well, well ...... the end is the end ......"

With the Knight's sword displayed on the sides and they clanged their staffs on the floor at the same time to display the appearance of the winning side. Joseph just stood there.

"Oh, if it isn't Castlemorre. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to go with the order to go against Saint Mallon?"

Castlemoore did not answer King Joseph's question and pulled out his sword.

"King Joseph of Gallia. In the name of the God, the Founder and Justice. You are under arrest."

"So what kind of crime did I intended to commit for the law to judge the King of Gallia?"

"For the betrayal of many country. Your way is not the vessel of the king."

While pouring the hall the Knights of the East and surrounded Joseph with all their swords pointing at him.

"Come on! Attack!"

Joesph began to laughed out loud.

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

"Well, giving the point that 'I'm not like any other king' makes me laugh. Castlemorre, you do not have a pretty taste. But I thought it flattery."

"Sure is! It is no more than a performance in order to deceive your way!"

"A little more than truly ...... The eye which looks at the person has been lacking. As you say, having completely, that I'm not suited to be the likes of a king. Truth is being noticed because of you. The inability has become extreme! Is that it?"

Joesph laughed again. Everyone was confused and Joseph turned back.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to sleep. I'm kinda drowsy after all those laughing. Can it wait till tomorrow?"

Seems like Joseph's intention were true. Castlemorre and his troops were at rage. Perhaps this King really isn't taking this seriously.

But, this is not possible to forgive.

"Keep Joseph custody."

Some of the knights, being cautious of traps were getting closer to Joseph. While the others, pulled out their staffs and cast a spell against him.

As a Butler approached the deputy head of Arnulf, he whispered to Castlemorre.

"Perhaps there may be traps. You take care."

Castlemorre nodded. Surely, there probably is a trap, but this does not stop the names of the noble Knights that were there. The kind of spell the Knights were using is just so that one cannot escape. Right now, Joseph is being held by a hunter.

But when Joseph put his hand on the knight's arm. Something happened. Joseph that was supposed to be captured suddenly disappeared.


Castlemorre was surprised and the spell that was cast bounced back. The ball seat, the screen which is raised, the damask which was bet on the rear of the ball seat, the mirror where luxurious sculpture is administered, receiving the magic of the fire and the wind, it kept on shaking.

However, Joseph was not to be seen anywhere.

Someone immediately cast a detection magic where it will detect a hidden magic in the ball room... But no responds.

One of the knights cried out from the window of a light face.

"In there!"


Castlemorre looked at the knight that jumped on the window.

"Um, they're looking at what?"

Just whether those which used what kind of skill, Joseph stood on side of the fountain of the courtyard. The knight turned pale. The reason which he could move to the courtyard was at the instant was not recognized even with any of the knights who were the expert of magic. The magic that it may be possible, it was the 〝Uneven Distribution〟 of the only wind system, but he disappeared this beautifully and able to pull the impossible.

The square of the wind could not have handled Joseph who said there is no talent in magic.

The skylight window facing the courtyard is small, it is impossible to get out from there. Casltemorre ordered the urgent voice.

"Turn to the courtyard! Hurry! The enemy is escaping!"

The knights quickly run outside.

They could hear Joseph's loud laughs as they hurry to the courtyard.

"I run and hide accidental! Relieve reiterating! Instead, it has changed over the bed tonight. I ran faster because of my better body."


"Phil Yarunsagusa Eoru Sunu ..."

Sequence of chants was never heard before. Castlemorre might have forgotten what spell or even doesn't know what he was casting, they listened for a moment.

"Rado le Osusunu Uryu ..."

Castlemorre felt a chill to the spine was. Surprising. My fear is that! Square yourself ... like, not derided magical talent, but fear that the king called King spell incompetence. Becomes cool! Castlemorre told herself. There's no spell to blow up from eighty knights. But powerful magic, that power is limited. Let alone have it in their palace. Themselves, and how to attack it from that garden? "The king of this incompetence! Get him to worry about yourself!" The cane Castlemorre "stick" raise my advocated spell. Giant ice spears and the gust "spear" is ready. Captured alive, the court wanted to get in front of citizens, this has been weak at best. Joseph 放Tou the moment and it slowly Joseph, holding the stick down I could see when you start playing like an orchestra conductor. Can bluff badges. King Me incompetence. ... You're nothing like a spell handle. A "?" The floor shook topple. Ice Spear 狙 during his swing because of the "sleep well lately," If it sticks on the ground away from Joseph. "Temple head!" Arnulf before the next cry. Castlemorre will turn his head there. Arnulf bodies are receding. Look, we might shift a large stone table. Castlemorre finally understood there. The entire palace, crumbling it. "Fool" fool "is! How on earth!" Spell "Jumon" There was not time to take aim. Castlemorre eyes looked up, I can see a huge stone roof had collapsed.

Troyes is a beautiful blue stone gran was assembled, Eastern | 薔夜 "The Rose" while swallowing their Knights, with the collapse of the Customer rumbling, Joseph stared laughing out loud. Stress not only in the uprising, and the servants and ministers, even though the gentleman was friendly, Joseph continued to laugh. Of dust whirled up a large area becomes suddenly quiet. "This" | explosion "explosion" "Do. A useful spell it. This power was only blow up the seams of the castle. In such use, and I hear that you can have fun."


Joseph is a hand, "the founder of the Music Box," grumbled looking at. Then from the pocket, "founder censer" removed. Gently caress and has the aroma drifting from the inside. "But," exploded "However much it, the first of my" empty "the impossible really is wonderful." Recall the first rush of knights in the courtyard when I saw him standing, even Joseph smiled. Futameki hurry while there has been a survivor of the knights of the guard ran. "Your Majesty!'re All right in it!" To turn around there without more, Joseph had ordered. "And raise people. Debris" debris "from the rebels" and soldering "dragging the body of our soup, hanging on every road Ryutisu gate," one "Ru them. Us blindly is stupid morning came, will realize the folly against more than to see it. " Joseph Knight was staring in the face when I saw the devil at the bottom of hell, and kowtow to it. "... It, ha ha!" Comply with the order, the knights intend to run outside. "Wait." Was stopped, as if the knight upright lightning struck. With a yawn, told Joseph Knight back. "Give me before bed. Damn it anywhere. No, I'm sleepy Tamaranu"

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