User talk:HolyCow

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 04:05, 12 September 2010 by HolyCow (talk | contribs) (→‎Baccano!)
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Welcome to Baka-Tsuki

Hello Holycow,

thelastguardian is currently occupied and is unable to answer queries at this moment.

I'm his current representative, and thank you for your interest in contributing to the project.

Please check your email that you have supplied in your userpage, as I have sent you an email concerning your query.

What ever you decide, I hope you will continue to contribute and I thank you in advance in making all our projects a better experience for all readers.


Onizuka-gto 06:24, 19 November 2006 (PST)



If it takes too long to upload, send it to my MSN or PM me in the forums.

MSN = , in case you forgot, and PMing's easy enough. ^^

--BaKaFiSh 21:01, 10 January 2007 (PST)

Comments in Brackets in the Script?

Eh Oni, I think this message was meant for IdiotSal... I mean BaKaFiSh? I've never used brackets before O.o
And I certainly didn't do Chapter 2, that was BaKaFiSh's chapter lol
--HolyCow 02:17, 12 January 2007 (PST)

hmmm...woops. you are corrected. sorry HolyCow, it was bakafish. that stupid fish...grrr...

- Onizuka-gto 18:21, 13 January 2007 (PST)

Fake Script?

Hey Holycow,

you still got that parody script?

if you do, can you post it up in the fan fiction sub-forum?

It seems a waste to lose, and i'm sure people would love to read it again, or for you to add more to it? :p


Onizuka-gto 10:10, 22 January 2007 (PST)

Sure, I have it backed up in my hard drive. I'll have it uploaded then. Thanks.
--HolyCow 19:01, 22 January 2007 (PST)


Hoy :)

I don't know you managed to put a FMP story in a Haruhi page, but, I've moved it here : User:HolyCow/FMP temp, which seems a more appropriate place.

You can create any subPage storage you want using the syntax[[/a subpage]] and previewing.

DarkoNeko talk 13:15, 26 March 2007 (PDT)

GOTH Chinese

Since IRC doesn't let me display them...

1st Sentence: 然而,森野现在的举手投足,使我觉得真正的水口捺捺美可能就是这个样子。
Jap: けれど、今の森野を見ていると、水口ナナミはこんな感じだったのではないかという気がしてくる。
Literal Translation: However, Morino's actions made me feel as if this was exactly how Miguchi Nanami was like (before she died).
2nd Sentence: 握住我手的一定是已经死去的水口捺捺美。
Jap:  きっと僕は、死んだはずの水口ナナミに手を握られていたのだ。
Literal Translation: The person clutching my arm/hand was definitely the dead Miguchi Nanami.

() = Can be ommitted


Is the new translator by any chance Kamasa Chan? --Darklor 23:06, 24 August 2010 (UTC)

Yup :3 --HolyCow 02:05, 12 September 2010 (UTC)