Talk:Toaru Majutsu no Index

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How I enlist ?

I done reading to aru majutsu no index chapter 9. So i want to post it in here. Is it possible? How can I post it anyway? Japanese to Indonesia. japanese to englist. - (Kili)

Well, you could really just post it unless you want specific clearance from the moderators at the project forum. For the Indonesian one, you should make a topic with something along the lines of "To Aru Majutsu no Index - Indonesian" at the Alternative Language Forum for help with setting that up.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. -Repose

actuality I already completed translate english. Not so hard to make it to indonesia. but if I done where and how post it ? - (Kili)

The Indonesian version? For that you have to create the Alternate Language Project similar to other Alternate Language Projects with the complete translation of the Project Page (as a naming example: [[To Aru Majutsu no Index ~ Bahasa Indonesia]] (To Aru Majutsu no Index ~ Bahasa Indonesia)), Registration Page, a thread in the Alternate Language Subforum in the Baka-Tsuki Forum and at least one translated Chapter to get the approval to continue the project. --Darklor 23:19, 9 December 2009 (UTC)

it so hard for to made but I will keep trying. I need time to study about it.

am i wrong ?

I've just joined up, and have registered on the TAMNI register page, is that good enough? I can't seem to get into the forum link. --Flere821 09:44, 26 June 2010 (UTC)

Should be just fine, as I assume you'll be translating to English like the other things you've done. I suppose you don't need the forum unless you want to set up a project page up or want to discuss translation terms, but still, not sure why the links don't work for you. --EnigmaticRepose

Chapter 2: Doubt_Lovers.

The link refer to "" So I think of them is wrong? --Hypernova 12:16, 14 February 2010 (UTC)

Thanks EnigmaticRepose for fixing it!--Hypernova 00:32, 15 February 2010 (UTC)

What the shit.

Why would a translation project start at volume 12 instead of volume 1? Imagine watching the Lord of the Rings movie series for the first time in your life...except instead of watching it starting from the first movie, you skip to the middle of the 3rd movie during the seige of Gondor. And as you sit through the movie you keep going "Oh this sword guy is kinda cool whats his name? And who is this Sauron guy?".

you, whoever you are, are being horrendously rude and ungrateful for the fact that the translators (you seem pointed at Joay in particular) not only translate these novels, they do it for free. Besides that, volumes 1 through 6 are covered by the anime, and [1] has synopses of all the novels. --Saganatsu 04:15, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

Also since the translators have the power, they can decide what they like to translate, so if you could translate as well you could start with volume 1 if you like it... or with chapter x in volume y ;) So if you dont cant and dont like it you dont have to read it. I am gratful for that what we have, so should you too if you like to read more of those otherwise unobtainable unreadable volumes. --Darklor 08:34, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

hmm, now that volume 7 and 9 are translated and volume 10 is being translated, i'd like to ask if there is a specific reason that volume 8 was skipped.? It doesn't really matter though, since i was just wondering if maybe the story in 8 takes place in a different time than 7->9. other than that, i'm fine with waiting, since you're all (yeah, you translators ^_^ ) doing a fantastic job at translating this so far. keep up the good work. oh yeah, and... Ganbare!---AzraRillian - Transcend The Sin - "You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." C.S. Lewis 03:18, 21 April 2010 (UTC)

Took me five months to even notice this, sorry...

The reason why I did Volumes 9 and 10 before volume 8 was basically because of a request (the first guy who PMed me when I worked on this project asked me whether I can do Volume 9 first. So, sorry...?

And to the guy who has been complaining about Volume 1 not being translated first, well, no point talking about it now when out of a sudden, there are three guys working on volume 1 now (I'm really, really glad to have other people share the workload). Like what Saganatsu said, the anime has pretty much covered most of the important aspects, and since there's a sizeable fandom of it that can provide all sorts of information, you're not really in the dark regarding what has happened. The 'Lord of the Rings' idea doesn't really work since you would have most likely gone about trying to find out what's going on in order to answer the question of 'what's going on?' Or did you not even bother looking for it?

Well, instead of complaining, you might as well do something about it if you can. Orders are nothing if the actions are not done, you know. We're not entitled to do this for you, we're not even paid to do this. We're doing this only because we want to. We translators here are like Kamijo Touma, we don't have a reason to do things, we just do it.

--Teh Ping 17:30, 12 September 2010 (UTC)

What tense to use?

So, after reading some chapters of the seventh volume I would like to ask a question. What tense would you use in descriptions? Right now I’m doing some edits on the translated texts but there is always this one thing I’m tripping over. In this volume, and most likely also in the others, we have a third person narrator. In this case you would normally write the descriptions or narrations in the past tense, right? That’s what I would do at least and is commonly done in the most English novels. But as it is, there are some differences in the Asian and the English writing and that includes the used tenses. Because of these differences the translator decided to use the present tense in the above-named cases (most of the time at least). Of course, this isn’t a mistake, but I often feel like it would be one. Perhaps I’m just too used reading the past tense in descriptions but to me, with some exceptions, it often feels awkward when I read some of them in present tense. I would like to get some more opinions on this matter. Is it just me who has this problem or do you think the same as me? AJS90 21 March 2010

I've really just been using present tense for everything, which I based off of how the translators worded it. It's a bit weird for the narrator to do so, but eh, I'm used to it already. ...On a side note, it's nice not being the only editor anymore. ~EnigmaticRepose

Yeah, I've been using present tense for my edits, too- but only because there might be a convention in light novels in regard to it that I might be unaware of. Better safe than sorry, you know? I MIGHT try a past-tense sweep edit for second opinions, but only after I'm done with my current (on-going) one.--Tactician J 03:13, 15 April 2010 (UTC)

About translating.

well to be honest, i dont know all that much japanese so i cant really translate, i however have atlas, so the question is can i use atlas as a raw draft and then start editing from there?

another dumb question i have is if there's a reason why the novels are listed only up to volume 13? because i can find them easily on hongfire or emule if anyone needs them.

No, atlas will just lead to shit translations and cause more trouble then what's it worth - response

Unfortunately, translation software will normally make it harder for anyone to translate. You can use it from time to time to check some harder words, but the best is if you have knowledge of Japanese, Chinese, or Korean (Correct me on this one if I'm wrong.) and translate it manually, since it's hard for anyone to start working on it if they don't know what the text is about in the first place. ~Teh Ping

You could try it, but I would wonder and call you very lucky if the outcome isnt gibberish --Darklor 09:23, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

I need illustrations for Volume 10

Exactly what's written on it. Would the uploader kindly upload the illustrations of the other volumes? Many thanks in advance.~Teh Ping

would it be enough a link of megaupload volumes 1-16 and with the illustration? anyway heres the link: -ark

Pic translation

Ah, could someone translate the pics too, if there is on them something to translate, please? --Darklor 05:54, 20 April 2010 (UTC)

Most the pictures just have quotes from the novel, with additional tiny descriptions, like 'Academy City Tokiwadai Student' or 'English Purist "Church of Necessary Evil (Necessarius)' and the like, so you aren't missing much. It's really just a fit it in the context after you read it, as they're supposed to be teasers for the story anyway (which is why they're placed in the beginning).

Hm, I thought it would be nice - like we have it for Sword Art Online especially since we dont have translations for all volumes, so some teasers would be nice ;). Have meant only pics like those: Image 1; Image 2; Image 3 --Darklor 10:33, 20 April 2010 (UTC)

Just a slight concern.

As Joay and I are busy with our own stuff, I suppose that there should be some sort of a Project Supervisor around to keep check of certain stuff. There will be updates in the future, as Twi will continue to translate this series (hopefully), but I hope that there's someone to keep this series in check, since it's no longer a 'small' project anymore (I guess, since YMMV). ~Teh Ping

Spanish section request

I would like to start a spanish section for the novels.-- 22:51, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

You should make a topic with something along the lines of "To Aru Majutsu no Index - Spanish" at the Alternative Language Forum for help with setting that up. Registering may also be a good idea. An Indonesian one was also set up, so you could use that as a reference. --EnigmaticRepose

I'll try to translate a bit

Currently my japanese is iffy at best, but as i'm studying it might as well give it a shot.I'll try to pick up the 1st chapter of volume one (no one's doing it right?). I'm asking here first as well, i don't know if i can manage it yet. If i manage to somehow not embarrass myself too much doing that i'll register, and work on the rest of the volume. Again, i can't be sure i'll manage it so... best try it out first then see.--AADragon 16:35, 9 August 2010 (UTC)

No one would say something against it, just feel free to ge ahead, but best would be to register the chapter before, even if it is not very probable that some other translator would translate it anytime soon, but wonder happens sometime, so just to be safe ;) --Darklor 20:04, 11 August 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for your work!!

Glad to see translated this novel series by Teh_Ping and Joay, thank you very much for working so hard and fast. At this point, I can say that the translators will surpass Index II(by JCStaff) in covering the novels :)


I'm new here, and I want to translate some stuff. I was reading the chinese version and randomly decided to translate V1C4 from Chinese to English.

Do I need some sort of clearance? Or can I just go ahead and upload my stuff (especially since my translation quality is most definitely sub-par)?

Go ahead and just upload it

The editors will be helping out with the language. I'll also help you proofread it if you want.

Over here, there's no need for any bureaucratic red tape. Any translator can just upload their stuff here, so you can just upload it.

EDIT: Still having a bit of trouble with the formatting, garr...

--Teh Ping 03:51, 11 September 2010 (UTC)

Some Question

Er.... So, I already translated about three chapter and half from the 2nd Volume... and the question is... How do I upload it? Any clues?

Here's what you need

1. First, go to the volume that you want to upload.

2. Do you see the edit button on the top right hand corner? Click it.

3. Look at the 'Internal link' section, that is how you're going to add hyperlinks. (You can look at the other volumes for reference)

4. If you did it right, the words should be in red, click on it.

5. Now, you should be in a new page. Click on the 'create' button at the top.

6. Upload the text that you have already translated. (Make sure to press 'enter' once after every paragraph so that it's easier to read.)

7. Next, the headings. At the wiki editing tips page, look at the 'headings' section (well, duh).

8. If you see the format used on all B-T texts, you'll probably get an idea of how to do it. (Just copy what they do.)

9. For pictures, it's under 'thumbnail image', the 'picture' would be from the illustrations of the volume that's available here. If I want a picture from say 'Volume 1 page 031', the format would be [[Image:Index_v01_031.jpg|thumb]]

10. For a footer, just go to any completed chapter here, copy the scripts for the footer, and make the necessary edits.

If you need any more help, you can pm me.

--Teh Ping 15:31, 11 September 2010 (UTC)


english Volume 11 has been sabed over by the spanish version. Any chance of recovery?

Erm, excuse me, but you lost me there

Is there anything wrong? Since when do we have a Spanish section?

--Teh Ping 17:41, 12 September 2010 (UTC)

Not sure, but I think they're talking about all the chapter titles being in gratuitous Italian.

Actually, check the scan of the original table of contents. You'll see that it's actually in said gratuitous Italian. (This may be incorrect, but I doubt it) --MerrickXasis