Talk:IS:Volume6 Chapter1

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TL Problems

--LINE 1--

(TL note : the kanji means Base that is not exist in map while the hiragana reads Erased, which one should I use in this one? I'll use the hiragana reading for now, please change it if I should use the kanji meaning instead)

I guess you mean furigana? You should use the furigana as the primary as that's the way it's supposed to be read despite how it's written. You can however use parentheses to indicate the actual kanji translation, if you want to.--Larethian 02:32, 10 February 2011 (UTC)

Yea, I mean the furigana, I just found the kanji meaning interesting cause it has some kind of connection to the overall plot, and sometimes the english furigana and the kanji meaning is totally different XD. I'll follow your suggestion and use parenthesis instead. -- Kuroi shinigami 19:52,10 February 2011 (GMT+7)

yeah, we have a lot of that in denyuuden, and that's how are doing it. --Larethian 20:24, 11 February 2011 (UTC)

I would also say "Erased" is ok, but I think a TL'note regarding the information that it is a Base that not exists on a map would be nice. --Darklor 10:14, 16 February 2011 (UTC)

Minor errors

{ Speaking of the menu, Laura chose seasonal salad past, ---> seasonal salad PASTA ?

Laura, who's chewing on fried white fish, continued Laura's word. ---> I believe it's probably someone else (Cecilia?) who continued Laura's words

Was it such a surprising thing? To think even Chal stood up, which was something unusual. ---> It felt like this was repeated twice by accident }

I never see the original script before so I can't tell whether if these are mistakes or deliberate. I just picked out those lines that somehow felt out of place, so can anyone with the script check these lines? -- Destinyz 23:57,11 February 2011 (GMT+8)

Fixed. Sorry, I'm a little absent minded today XD. --Kuroi shinigami 23:09,11 February 2011 (GMT+7)

TL-Note 1

Once you're finished helping let's once again together....(T/N note : The Japanese sentence structure enable this sentence to be cut before saying the verb, unlike the English language structure. Any idea how to fix it without removing the "again"?)"

Would it work as Once you're finished helping let's once again do together.... ? --Darklor 10:43, 16 February 2011 (UTC)

Well, it could work I guess. I'm not sure what kind of sentence would sound natural in English, but the point is the original sentence doesn't use any verb at all while retaining the again(although the author implicitly means that Ichika was going to invite Houki to hang around togetheragain after she's finished helping before his words gets cut.) Just change it as you see fit since I'm not that fluent in English XD -- Kuroi shinigami 19:52,10 February 2011 (GMT+7)