Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume3 The Final Question

From Baka-Tsuki
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The Final Question

Please form a four worded Japanese idiom from the following romanization , and come up with a suitable sentence with it.


Himeji Mizuki’s answer:

‘In kanji ‘暧昧模糊’ (ambiguous)

The sentence: ‘the distribution of responsibilities is rather ambiguous’’

Teacher’s comment:

‘暧昧不清, 模糊不明’ ‘aimai fukiyoshi, moko fumei’, (basically means ambiguous) are what these four words mean. There are a lot of people who know how to pronounce it,, but there are very few people who know how to write it in kanji. Well answered.’

Yoshii Akihisa’s answer:

‘In kanji ‘合間妹子’ ‘(aima i)(mo-ko) ’

Teacher’s comment:

I get the feeling that at least you’re trying to answer this question.

Tsuchiya Kouta’s answer:

‘Example: The three beauties Ono no Komachi, Ono no Imoko and Aima Imoko [1] started on their journey as envoys.’

Teacher’s comment:

Please do note that you included a male in it.

After our suspension ended, I felt rather thankful as I arrive at the school gate earlier than usual.

“Really, it felt like I haven’t been at school for quite a long time…”

Including the time off for training camp, it’s been about two weeks since I last stepped into school, that’s longer than spring break. To be able to have a long break at this time, in a certain way, that’s rather lucky—but no one will feel this way, right? Who asked the teachers to come up with so many assignments, not even allowing us any time to reflect.

“Ah, Akihisa-kun!”

The sound of small running footsteps reaches my ears.

“Long time no see, how are you?”

“Himeji-san, it’s been a while!”

Even though we were only shut off for a week, considering that I could have seen Himeji-san everyday, it felt like three autumns have passed. We really haven’t met for a long time.

“Truthfully, I got something I want to apologise to Akihisa-kun for.”

“Eh? Isn’t that too sudden? What’s it about?”

If I were the one who’s supposed to apologise, then I have nothing to say, but did Himeji-san do something that she really has to apologise for?

“It’s the first day of training camp—I mistook you for the peeping tom!”


Himeji-san bows down and lowers her head in apology.

“Eh, no matter whether you mistook me for a peeping tom, we still became one in the end…”

“Ah, it’s not that, I don’t mean that. Didn’t I misunderstand you in the beginning? At that time, I actually doubted Akihisa-kun’s innocence, I’m really sorry about that…”

As long as Muttsulini’s our friend, it’s not rare for the girls to treat us like perverts.

“Ah haha. We ended up peeping in the end, so it’s a little weird for you to apologise to me.”

“Is, is that so?”

But speaking for which, it’s rather strange of you to be talking to me like usual when I’m a peeping tom. Ah, but if so, you won’t be able to talk normally with all the boys from the second year.

“However, that…”

“Eh? What?”

“It’s, it’s that…you really wanted to peep?”


Should I not have replied ‘yeah’? I’m really a big idiot.

“AH! That…eh~ did I say it too fast—no no, I said it out without thinking too much…”

“I see…hehe.”

Strange. She doesn’t seem to be looking directly at me.

“Great, seems like Akihisa-kun still has interest in girls.”


I see, so it’s better to be treated as a pervert than a homosexual, huh?

Seeing me in agony, Himeji-san seems to smile happily. Mm, is she making fun of me? I got to respond in kind to her.

“I, I’m definitely interested! Especially…especially to Himeji-san!”


Himeji-san blushing till her face is all red now. Seems like my response was rather good.

“Hahaha, just joking! This is revenge for making fun of me, Himej-san …”



“I’m saying…if it’s you, it’s alright for you to peep…”

At this moment, my mind just went blank.


The unbelievable reply made me doubt my ears. Is it really alright to allow me to do this?

“It’s alright for you to peep, but—”

“But, but what?”

“But—I have to be Akihisa-kun’s wife first!”

Hold on a minute, what’s with the development up till now!? What’s the situation now!? Anyway, got to calm down first…right now, I have to think of a honeymoon destination. Would it be old-fashioned for me to chose the beach? It’s better to go overseas for a honeymoon, huh? However, I have to request for a break from school.


The sudden gentle laugh makes me lift my head, and the moment I lift my head, I see Himeji-san smiling happily as she blushes.

Eh? Don’t tell me that what she said—was another joke?

I got fooled again…to think that she will counter me like this, as expected of Himeji-san!

“Hahaha, Akihisa-kun, your face is all red now.”

“Of, of course it is, isn’t Himeji-san blushing because you’re saying words that you’re not used to?”

At this moment, we smiled at each other. This way of conversing really is rather refreshing.


Just as we’re smiling at each other, there’s a forceful and terrifying shout. Is that Minami?

“Hm, long time no see, Minami.”

I turn towards where the voice came from, and as expected, Minami’s running towards me with enthusiasm.

“Eh? Strange? What’s going on?”

Her expression seems rather serious. What’s going on?

“What’s wrong, Minami?”

Seeing Minami acting so strangely, Himeji-san is shocked as well.

“Aki, close your eyes.”

“Eh? Oh, alright!”

The moment she arrived in front of me, Minami suddenly made this request.

Is she trying to punish me because of that peeping action?

Can’t be helped, I’ll just take a punch from her.

I obediently close my eyes, waiting for the incoming impact.

“…Sorry, Mizuki…”

“Eh? What are you saying, Minami…”

What’s going on? She doesn’t seem like she’s going to hit me.

I timidly open my eyes, and what appeared in front of me is Minami, who’s blushing as her face closes in.


The moment I realised it, Minami’s lips are already stuck on my lips…

BTS vol 03 249.jpg

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