Mushi:Vol1 Author's Notes

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Hello everyone. I’m Akira. This novel called Mushi, Eyeball, and a Teddy Bear is the first volume of five, I consider it a transition for myself. But. For now let’s disregard the author’s perspective. I hope readers can treat as an independent piece.

I don’t know what kind of viewpoints the readers reading this will have, but let’s assume you’ve already read the entire volume. What do you think? From the start one should realize that the synopsis of the book and what’s actually in the book have totally different moods, though that’s entirely my fault, not the fault of the synopsis.

Originally, this was supposed to be a comedy. At the time, I was obsessed with comedies. While concentrating on the ludicrous challenge of “How ludicrous can I make this story”, I wrote Mushi, Eyeball, and a Teddy Bear. And actually, the title used to be The Daily Life of Class 1-B’s Gankyuu Eguriko.

So, the first characters had crazy names like “Gankyuu Eguriko” or “Usarin-kakka”. Originally, the story would have started with a meteorite falling, and ended with a giant teddy bear wreaking havoc. But once I put my pen to the paper, the story that should’ve been a comedy began to become serious… *gasp*.

Obviously, this was a result of my lack of strength, but maybe this wasn’t so bad. Though the stage was set for a comedy, I ended up writing a serious story. Not only is this kind of experience rare, it fortunately brought me a “Best Newcomer” award.

I don’t know how this work will turn out, but if it can slightly reach readers’ hearts, I’ll be very happy.

Finally, I give my heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in this novel.

First of all, the first person in my life to call me to a publishing company and making me incredibly nervous, and whose first words were "...very interesting!" and thus saved me, Mr. Kindaichi. [TN: Name translation is unreliable, as I simply took the Chinese text and ran it through an online translator.] Many thanks for the flowers at the commencement ceremony, and for all your concern.

Next is Mr. Mitsuki Mausu. Thank you for the gorgeous and unique illustrations distinguishing this novel from others. Honestly, before I saw his rendition of Guriko, I hated her, but now I feel the exact opposite. I originally thought of her as looking like a fearsome demon, and didn’t think she could be so cute. It was really surprising!

Finally, I thank all of you readers.

Novels only contain words, but it takes valuable time for you to read them. As an author, in order to prevent that time from becoming a waste, I want to write novel with humor and thought.


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