Talk:IS:Volume6 Chapter2

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Revision as of 15:04, 28 March 2011 by Larethian (talk | contribs)
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line 15 Supervisor should fit the sentence better in this case

Administrator maybe? Kira0802 16:12, 2 March 2011 (UTC)


Should we change the 'Ou', the 'Are' or something like that. Not that I do mind, but it's difficult for me to use this in my translations. Usually, I use, 'Uuhh-', 'heh', sometimes 'Ara~' or 'Hm'.

Also, my editing isn't that good. As a french speaker, I usually use a lot of 'passive sentences', so please don't rely too much on my English quality. Though I can help you with some proofread. The main issue is that I'm using a Chinese version, so I'll post which terms could be better, OK? Kira0802 15:58, 19 March 2011 (EDT)

Hmmm... It's not that I don't want to change 'Ou' or 'Are' part, I just don't know which word is best used to change those into XD.

For term, you can just give a note if you're not sure about changing it, I'll check again if it's the same as what the original Japanese words mean. For English quality, I'm sure it's still much better than mine so don't mind it XD. --Kuroi shinigami 07:43, 28 March 2011 (EDT)

Sometimes I use English (or English-like) equivalents like: Ohhh. Woahhh. Woww. Heh. etc. etc. if they fit. Otherwise I spell them to make them more obvious as exclamations or utterances to avoid confusions. Ou --> Orhhh. Are --> Ah-reh / Ah-leh. Ua --> Uwah. Waa --> Waah. Anou --> Erm / E'cuse me. Eeto --> Ermm. Ee? --> Eh? Ee / Un --> Right / Yes / Uh-huh / Yeah. --Larethian 09:01, 28 March 2011 (EDT)