Dai Densetsu no Yūsha no Densetsu:Volume 1 Afterword

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Thus, this is the new series.

In other words, there will also be first time readers.

That’s why I’ll say it. To those who are reading this afterword, I’ll say that brazenly.

“First time readers, hello. Second time and up readers, it’s been a while.”

Something like that! Things like that are not unusual right?

And at last, I’ve also said it.

After over thirty books, I’ve finally gone and said it!!

Just like an author.

Like an author right!

Having published over thirty books, I’ve wondered about declaring something like ‘just like an author’ though (LOL).

Well, enough with the ramblings, so how was “Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu 1”?

By the way, for the benefit of those reading this for the first time, I’ll explain a little.

Those who have read the opening 4-koma should already be aware of this, this particular work is a continuation of the previous series “Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu 1 ~ 11”.

But, there is no need to read the previous series!

The reason is because, after reading the 4-koma in front, it will allow you to transit smoothly to the start of this volume.

Probably! (Probably, you say!?)

Should be the case! (Should be the case, you say!?)

Frankly speaking, as I’m writing this afterword, I don’t really know how the 4-koma is progressing.

Well, how the story went will be covered and explained in the 4-koma, since, quite some time ago, when I was having a conversation with my project editor M-san,

“Since you’ve come this far to start on the second series, let’s do a summary for the first-time readers!!”

So we had quite a discussion on it. And the plan has headed towards that direction.

But yet, M-san came announcing something shocking.

“Kagami-kun, you know.”

“What is it?”

“I’ve a little ‘coming out’ relevation.”

“Eh? Coming out?”


“Is, is it that? The truth is that I’m gay, I like you, Kagami-kun! If that’s what you want to say, I completey can’t accept it, you know?”

“Ah haha ~. I’ll kill you, you know?”

“I’m relieved to hear that.”

“Well, jokes aside, anyway.”


“You know.”


“Didn’t I say to put a summary in Dai Denyuuden?”

“You sure did.”

“But, I’ve always found those ‘previous volume summary’ to be a bother to read, and have never once read them.”

“And you are making this shocking revelation just two months before the release date!!”

“I am.”

“No, even if you say that.”

“Still, is Kagami-kun the type who reads summaries?”

“No, not at all.”

“You see!!”

“Even if you say that...... then, what shall we do?”

“What shall we do indeed.”

“You didn’t even think about it!”

After going in circles, at a loss to what we should do, in the end, we still want to add in a summary that’s easy to comprehend for the readers to enjoy this volume properly. As we're caught in our own passion, the plan of summarizing each volume with one 4-koma was sprung.

Initially, there was also the idea of me writing a summary of each volume to turn it into a drawing, for making it into a picture book form, but this was what I said to that:

“No, I will read anything but picture books.”

“Say, Kagami-kun, why are you so proud in saying that?”

And then the idea of a picture book was discarded.

“Isn’t it easier to read 4-koma, and for everyone to understand the summary smoothly without boring them?”

And that’s how M-san came up with the excellent idea.

And then, with regards to making the summary story for the 4-koma,

“It’s tough to get the author himself to make a summary of his own work; so I can’t make you do it. I can’t make you do it, you know! Say, leave it to me! I will do everything ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

The super capable resourceful project editor who’s as sweet as Ame-chan[1], M-san, shouted to his author, and so M-san had worked hard on the 4-koma summary this time!

By the way, to talk about how hard the illustrator Toyota-san had worked, at that time, she should have been working hard like a corpse.[2]

So how was the 4-koma that was a result of all this?

Beyond tears, laughter, and being touched, it is a peerless 4-koma that can help you understand everything about the previous series!

It’s definitely an awesome piece of work, isn’t it! Ahh, what an awesome piece of work!

Right! Though I’ve yet to see it, I believe it’s definitely a stupendous piece of work!

(So to speak, I’m giving a great deal of pressure to my project editor M-san, who should be polishing up the story from hereon. (LOL))

So how was the new series that everyone had worked hard to put out?

The story starts immediately after volume 11 of Denyuuden.

Even though it starts immediately after Denyuuden, yet, it’s a completely different story.

Firstly, the concept is different, but that in itself should be enjoyable.

As everything about the situation around Ryner, Ferris, and Sion has changed; the real story starts.

What has occurred up till now was merely the prologue, so the world from this volume onwards is going to expand, and in one breath, it’s going to rapidly build up to the climax, that’s the kind of story it is.

More than ever, as I’ll work hard to let everyone enjoy the story, please continue to take care of me.

And then!

For the new readers who started with this volume, if this volume proves interesting, please do certainly try reading the previous series.

For those who have already read up till here, how about trying to re-read the previous series again?

And then, for the sake of the NEW readers as well as those who would go back to re-read the previous series! What a thing!

In line with the start of this second series, the previous series “Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu 1~11” will start selling with completely new covers!!

Different from all the other previously published works of Fujimi, Denyuuden gets a personal design, and on top of that, Toyota-san will draw new illustrations for every volume! (Really, thanks for your hard work, Toyota-san!)

Since, I guess this book will be lined up in bookstores during its launch date, please do go take a look at a large bookstore.

But, there will not be that many copies available, yet. So, I’m wondering whether it will be hard to get hold of a copy. If that happens, please do make an order with the bookstore, or the publishing house. If the orders accumulate it might grab the attention of Fujimi and they just might increase the number of circulating copies, making it seemingly easier to get hold of one.

By the way, I got a first-hand sample of a drawing of Ryner for this volume and it was awesomely cool!

Toyota-san must have vomitted blood as she was drawing, I think.

“What kind of work are you making me do, project editor M-san, dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”

She’d yelled as she drew, I guess.

By the way, at that moment, I’d also,

“What’s with this schedule? Do you want to kill me?? damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn M!”

As I go on spewing blood.

At that point, as expected, the kind M-san who’s as sweet as Ame-chan towards authors.

With a desire to see our dead bodies, he’d say.

“Fuhihihihihihihi. Die! Die! Die! Work until you die~”

Something like this, you know ☆


Ah ~ seems frightening.

Despite being M-san, he’s an S.

Well, about 70% are lies. We’re on very good terms as we work on the project. (No, it’s true, we really get along! (LOL))

So then, I guess this is enough explanation regarding this piece of work.

If you want to know more about Denyuuden, read the afterword of “Denyuuden 1”, and you’ll understand how the events of this piece of work began.

As I wrote until now, I gently took out volume 1 for a look.

As I read my own afterword when I first began this project, I was like so embarrassed that my face turned red!

That’s right! This piece of work had won the Dragon Cup award! (Did you even forget that!)

After continuing for such a long time, and garnering so much support, to be honest, I had not thought that this would happen and was surprised.

And whatever happened here and there, it’s thanks to everyone’s support that I’ve been able to carry on up till now.

Indeed, without you readers, this piece of work could not possibly have continued for so long. Rather than me creating this piece of work as an author, I’ve actually created this together with the readers. That’s why even though it’s the same old line I’ve always said, this time round, indeed, I still want to say, thank you.

I love you alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! I’ve gone and said such an embarrassing thing.

That was nasty of me, since I really love everyone of you.

In truth, since this is the afterword, I really want to write something cool, and not something that sounds stupid, but still, since I think this is the most important part, ahh, as expected, it’s becoming embarrassing, so let’s forget it (LOL).

But, if there are people who, while reading my work, can forget something unpleasant or something painful even for just a moment, I’ll be glad.

Since everyone else has been supporting me, I also want to write this story for it to become a support for everyone else.

And this new series will become such a story.

A story of being able to stand up, despite how everything in the world is messed up.

It’d be good if I have written it well, though.

I’ll do my best to write it. So, thanks for the support.

And, after all that, it’s time to report on my recent situation.

The truth is, I’m currently playing around with bicycles.

Mountain bike, foldable bike, BMX and such, I’ve been modifying and practicing with them.

And then I told the project editor,

“Let me write a column on bicycles!”

And this was the Ame-chan like reply I got.

“Huh!? What about the manuscript! I’ll kill you, damn you.”

“I, I, I’m sorry.”

The path to a bicycle column is still a long way.

Further on to the next topic.

My residence and workplace are in separate places. Together with other authors, we rented a working place, and that’s where I work. This is kind of tough. Dying, dying from the writing and wanting to stop, someone beside me said:

“Damn you, what are you resting for!? In spite of me racking my brains and writing, what are you resting for!”

“That, that, that’s because you came lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I’m the earliest here, you know! I’m already at my limits!”

“It has nothing to do with coming late or early. It’s about efficiency.”

At that moment, the third person who arrived awfully late,

“Good morning!”

“It’s no longer morningggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.”

That is how savage the place is.

Now, which of the three people is me?

The hint is that I’m always the latest. (Eh!)

Well, I’m not always like that. I also have my calm moments, during which I work hard and I almost seemingly died.

And today, I’m working hard as well. Despite pulling an all-nighter playing yesterday, I’m working hard. (No, you are working hard at that?)

But, from hereon, there will be an awesome battle in front of me. So, I guess my afterword will end around here.

By the way, as to what that awesome battle is...

“Alright. I’ve finished writing my afterword, so I’m going back for today.”

“Damn you, didn’t you just come here awhile agoooooooooooooooooooooo!?!”

That’s the battle......

Erm, well, with this and that, it’s time to part for today.

Even though it seems like I’m fooling around with this afterword, but I’m basically a corpse working hard on writing this, hoping to quickly deliver this piece of work to your hands!

And with that!

Next month, around November 20, Dai Denyuuden 2 will be launching, so please look forward to it!

On - top - of - that.

In December, a continuation of “Toriaezu Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu 1~11”, “Denyuuden SHOW 1” will be released. Do look after me with regards to that as well!!


I just realized this as I’m making the announcements.

Isn’tttttttttttttttttttttttt the next publication of the series coming out in March againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn?, I shouted as I left.

I ran away from my workplace.

Well, well. After this and that, the next time we meet shall be in next month's afterword!

See you.

Kagami Takaya

“Alright. I’ve finished the afterword......”

“You can’t go back.”


Translator's Notes and References

  1. Ame-chan: Or Ame. Essentially Japanese version of yeot. There are many different types with different shapes and forms. Because of the syrup, it's supposed to be quite sweet, and used as a snack. Search アメちゃん images to see more pictures.
  2. Working hard like a corpse: A figurative form of speech, meaning the person is working so hard, lacking sleep probably, that he's like a zombie / corpse.

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