Talk:Hidan no Aria:Volume6 Chapter4

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Revision as of 20:19, 19 May 2011 by YoakeNoHikari (talk | contribs) (→‎SFX)
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I'm going to start leaving out extraneous SFX and will put all SFX forthwith in italics. Just pointing this out. - YoakeNoHikari 18:32, 18 May 2011 (UCT)

Should we apply it to all chapters? きら 00:27, 19 May 2011 (UCT)

Umm... what's the difference between extraneous SFX and SFX? I cant say anything until I know. Zero2001 10:26, 19 May 2011 (UCT)

What I mean is, SFX in the middle of the sentence, such as *Rustle Rustle* that really serves no particular purpose and just breaks apart the sentence, making it hard to read. In cases like those, I will translate it as: "As she crossed through the hot springs, I could hear her footsteps, making small splashing noises," rather than, "As she crossed through the hot springs, *Splash Splash*, I could hear her footsteps." It's up to the editors whether they wish to go through the effort to make such changes in previous chapters. - YoakeNoHikari 12:33, 19 May 2011 (UCT)

personally i prefer As she crossed through the hot springs, *Splash Splash*, I could hear her footsteps i like litteral translations the best in most cases, only when there are things as double meaning i think this effort should be done ( a passerby)

Your words have been taken into account. It'll depend on the situation. - YoakeNoHikari 18:19, 19 May 2011 (UCT)