User talk:Kinny Riddle

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Regarding this line:

"Once all the third year students will graduate this spring, the club will have zero members. As no new members are recruited, the club is going to be cancelled. By the way, she is the only new member from the first year."

Shouldn't that be...

"All the third year students graduated this spring, so the club had zero members. As no new members were recruited, the club was going to be cancelled. By the way, she's a first year who's the only new member they got."

I don't know how the original text goes but tense-wise your line didn't quite make sense even though we know what it was conveying. Am I mistaken with the tense-interpretation?

Psieye 12:55, 19 Apr 2006 (GMT)

Reply by Kinny:

That's what my Chinese text says, however that may be an error in my interpretation of the sentence, which could mean either way. So, yes, your interpretation makes more sense. Thanks for pointing this out.

Ch 2 when they're talking about the Mysterious Transfer Student:

"No, that would be too unnatural!"

"Then what is natural for you? I'd really like to know."

I get the feeling 'unnatural' and 'natural' were mixed up here. I'm thinking it should instead be something to the effect of:

"'No, that would be too normal!'"

"'Then what is abnormal for you? I'd really like to know.'"

I'll change it for now, but feel free to change it back if I misunderstood.

Psieye 19:57, 19 Apr 2006 (GMT)

Reply by Kinny

Kyon remarked that transfer students are mostly the result of their dads moving jobs. So I believed both the text and me were correct when Haruhi replied that this reason would be way too "unnatural" or "abnormal" or "out of the blue". Kyon then wonders what sort of transfer student would be considered "natural" or "normal" etc. So, sorry, I'm gonna have to change your correction back.


Ah I see (I hadn't gotten round to editing that sentence just yet). Well then, how about if Haruhi's line is instead...

"No, that would be too forced and unnatural!"

Just to emphasise the Unnatural part - I got slightly confused.

"It's alright as long as they don't find out!" I imagine Haruhi replying, "If it does gets discovered, then we'll just leave that. This sort of stuff is first come first serve, you know?"

Not too sure what is meant there, especially the "we'll just leave that" part. Clarification please?

Psieye 23:40, 19 Apr 2006 (GMT)

Maybe I should have been more clearer, the sentence ought to be "we'll just leave it at that then" (i.e. If the school discovers the SOS Brigade website and intervenes, then Haruhi would just not use the website and move on to other "important" tasks. ) I've altered the sentence now.

Issue with interference on Chapter 05 Translation

Hello kinny, just read your post:

"Originally Posted by Kinny Riddle Not trying to sound offensive or anything. But once again, to whoever is translating chapter 5, I plead with you to please stop there and let me take care of the rest, though your help is appreciated, it'll conflict with my writing style and confuse the readers and editors should they need to ask me anything when editing.

I was under the impression, and still is, that it was agreed the translation of volume 1 for the wiki is currently my responsibility, and I intend to see it through."

And i'll just inform you what i replied:

"i was under the impression that a translator will take on one chapter at a time?

I agree having more then one trasnlator doing one chapter is one too many, but surely doing one chapter at a time is ok?

So if another translator gets going on chapter 06 & 07 we will more or less get the volume done?

Or is that a misguided assumption? :/"

So basically what is your thought on this? Is it possible for other translators to work on chapters that you are not actively translating?

Surely it is a faster method?

Onizuka-gto 09:53, 23 April 2006 (PDT)

Kinny: While it is a faster method, it'll create too much conflict in terms of quality control. By keeping to one translator to each volume, instead of having to correspond to multiple translators (or not even know who translated what), the editor directly contact the sole translator and makes the editing smoother, as well as making the transition between chapters smoother. I'm sure the readers don't mind waiting for a translated chapter if it means it'll eventually get edited fast enough. What we want to achieve is quality as high as possible, not speed.

    • Im sure there can be some happy medium, between quality and speed.

While it seems that you are determined to complete volume 01 on your own.

how about the other volumes? If one translators takes them but fail to complete it after a looooong time. will ibe acceptable to allow another translators complete it?

it is only a hypothetical scenario. but i do believe we will need to discuss this for future volumes, some suggesstion have been made in the format guide talk page. I sure you and everyone else would like to see a good debate, before anything is set in stone.


Onizuka-gto 11:31, 23 April 2006 (PDT)

I'm the person who's been translating Ch. 5, and I was emphatically not aware that you'd been granted some sort of carte blanche to handle the entire translation of volume 1 for yourself -- in fact, I quite politely asked TLG (who I view as the de facto project coordinator) whether it was all right for me to grab ch. 5 and start translating it, and he replied in the affirmative. If you'd wanted to discuss the translation with me, you might have done so through the Talk page for ch. 5, which I'd been regularly updating. But you didn't. You just posted a massive edit.

If anything, it wouldn't be unreasonable for me to view your sudden and massive changes to ch. 5 as interference in the work that I'd been doing -- but I'm not going to be that way.

If you want volume 1 to yourself, and nobody else has any objections to this, it's fine by me. I'd been doing this for fun, and I don't see a pissing match with you over who's in charge of a chapter as "fun".

I'll just move over to the editor group, then -- and then I can second-guess you. How's that?

--Freak Of Nature 13:55, 23 April 2006 (PDT)

OK, perhaps I'm trying to be too "perfect", I apologize and will try to loosen up.

Quote: 'Originally Posted by Freak Of Nature I vote for 1, myself.

Which is why I find it rather annoying that what started out as fun for me has now been corrupted for me by Kinny getting his knickers in a twist over something that could have been settled with a few minutes of writing in my User:Talk in the wiki.'

With due respect, I actually preserved most of your lines, while making corrections over some of the other lines. But I do apologize and should've made contact with you first.

Quote: 'If he'd bothered to ask, he'd have learned that I politely asked TLG, at the start of the project, for Chapter 5. TLG okayed that, and I went on from there, translating at my own middling-slow pace from the Japanese original text. If anybody (TLG or Kinny) had bothered to inform me that Kinny apparently had the idea that he'd been promised volume 1, I'd have simply moved to another part of the project. I'm in it for the fun, not the territoriality. If Kinny had offered to discuss his version of Ch. 5, that would have been fine, too.'

First, I didn't know about the "history" function till yesterday, so yes, I'm partly responsible and I apologize for not having a word with you. Second, long before this I asked TLG that was it OK for me to handle the whole of chapter 1, he said it was OK.

Quote: 'As I've already told Kinny in his User:Talk page, if he wants Volume 1 so badly that he's willing to trample all over my existing translation without ever bothering to contact me, he can have it. I'll be an editor, then, and second-guess him, instead. Killjoy.'

Hey, you're not the only one who's upset about his "work" being trampled over, you know. As I said, I was under the impression that TLG has given me permission to do the whole of chapter 1. If you were me who was made that promise, I'm sure you would understand most. I must have been mistaken and I apologize for that assumption. I also apologize for not contacting you earlier due to my ignorance of the "history" function to find out who did what in the beginning.

Let us bury the hatchet and leave this behind us and work together next time.

BTW, as for the choice above, if you point a gun at my head, then I'd say 1. While 2 is way too extreme, I'm for finding a balance. It's not like I'm ridiculously far behind like some fansub groups doing some anime.

Kinny Riddle01.41, 24 April 2006 (BST)


that is so true Kinny, those frikin slow

Really thanks for all your hard work, but i hope you plan to take it easy when you finish the first volume.

I do suspect some of the other Translators want to be of some help as well. :p

anyway, if you do have time from your translating please drop by the format guideline page (muwahaha my turf!)

I will deeply appriciate any input you might have on improving it.

Onizuka-gto 17:47, 23 April 2006 (PDT)

Strato's Japanese Translation

Your comments and thoughts are required here.

--velocity7, 00:18 EDT, Jun 12 2006

Just a little thing

hello :)

Just to say, ~~~, ~~~~ and ~~~~~ bare-typed in a page are automatically transformed into your signature (~~~), sign+date (~~~~) and date (~~~~~), like what happened here.

(well, you probably know that and it probably was due to lack of sleep, but just in case :) Darkoneko 13:45, 26 June 2006 (PDT)

HTTP Links

Just thought I'd mention you've been using links along the lines of, for example, "Google (". You should probably do it along the lines of "Google", or "Google[1]". Both of these can be reproduced using the following code:

[ Google]

--velocity7, 5 Jul 2006, 19:09 PM EDT

Wandering Shadow


Since I can't send a PM (most likely due to the service interruptions), I'll just post out my request here. Please do note that I mean no disrespect, it's just that I'm not sure if my PM goes through or is it still stuck in limbo.

So anyway Kinny, if you're reading this, could you let me do the chapter "wandering shadow"? I know you've registered the rights for it, but since you'll be kinda busy with the last three chapters of volume 7, could you let me do this one instead?

Once again I stress that posting this message here is not to mean disrespect to you, or to really up supporting or anything of the sort. I just have no idea how to contact you, since the PMs are stuck in my outbox and my hotmail client seems to take forever to send a mail (I haven't received Smidge's email yet >.<).

Thanks in advanced.

--HolyCow 19:42, 8 January 2007 (PST)

Dratness, I wanted to do this chapter. I just never got around to asking. Meh. You asked first, so if he decides to give it up, you can do it. ^_^. Ignore this message. It has no important things what-so-ever. -BaKaFiSh