Ao no Exorcist: Volume 1 Chapter 3

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Credits and Translator's Notice:

This english translation is brought to you with permission by Ling. Their translations can be found on their wordpress site.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ao no Exorcist. Katou Kazue does and this novel is by Yajima Aya. Please support them by buying the novel if possible. I also do not intend to infringe any copyright laws by sharing my translation of this novel. It is to fill up the language gap of those unable to read the original or official translated versions. If this novel does get translated by Viz someday, I will gladly take my translation down.

Also, this is a double-translation. Therefore, the translation process is Japanese -> Chinese (by the professional Chinese translator)-> English (by me). I try to make it as accurate as possible, but please bear this in mind. Also, I love making translation notes, so if you dislike them, just bear with them.

Finally, this is not proofread at all. If you see any typos or grammar mistakes, please inform me. --Ling

Chapter 3: Troubled Monk[edit]


Karma— meaning that actions lead to consequences is a Buddhist philosophy.

This is Suguro Ryuuji’s favourite line.

Due to it, he had been always training himself day and night.

[You’re early as usual this morning.]

[Good morning.]

Suguro who jogged every morning, was greeted kindly on his way by a woman who was walking her dog. True Cross Academy was like a giant city. Not only all the school facilities were in one place, the necessary commercial and entertainment amenities for teachers and students were also present.

This woman was also one of the people working at these facilities.

Initially, Suguro’s fierce gaze, the seven earrings on his ears and strange hairstyle with a golden streak, had scared her. However, after meeting him every morning during her stroll, she gradually got to know him. Even her dog, would wag its tail happily at the sight of him.[1]

[How many kilometres are you running today?]

[Five kilometres.]

[Running five kilometres huh.]

[I tried many times and I think that running five kilometres is the best.]

[How amazing. All the best!]

[Thank you.]

Acknowledging politely, Suguro continued his jog. That woman he was familiar with waved to him. When Suguro turned right, barking could be heard.

(The season of joy is coming…)

The sakura at True Cross Academy had fell and it was now a patch of fresh greenery.

This season was best for jogging as one would not need to wear a jacket. The slight wind that met his face felt comfortable. While he was running, it was as if he was in a carefree meditation state. Five kilometres was over in while. Although sometimes he was still not satisfied, but the main duty of a student is to study. Thinking about how he had to go for exorcist classes later, it was best that he maintain an optimum level of tiredness.

(Those two should come out to jog too.)

When he first started jogging, he also invited his best friends— Shima and Konekomaru.

Konekomaru rejected with a face full of guilt and Shima shouted once he heard that he would have to wake up earlier than usual.

[You’re totally a pervert. Only a pervert would do this!]

He was the type that would rush into school one second before being late with toast in his mouth.

(How is this perverted.)

To Suguro, it was an unusual pleasant time in a day.

If it was raining, he would use the treadmill in the school’s gym. But actual running felt the best. The gym was better to train muscles. He could achieve the same carefree state this way.

During the holidays, he would first completely clean his dormitory room before jogging and training for two hours and then think deeply during meditation.

This was the most carefree way that Suguro spent his holidays.

Towards Suguro who trained hard, Shima teasingly said:

[Because of this, so young master could not find a girlfriend.]

[You should enjoy youth more. The beauties of True Cross Academy are top-notch!]

[How annoying.] thought Suguro.

(What kind of crap is that… you don’t even have a girlfriend yourself.)

Suguro had an ambition. Which was too defeat Satan and rebuild the temple at his old home.

For that, he had to do his best to become an outstanding exorcist. His goal for now is to achieve the titles of Dragoon and Aria.

He had no time and mood to fall in love.

Suguro listened to fast-paced Western classical music from his j-Pod and went into his carefree state as he quickened his pace to finish the last two kilometres. Including the time he chatted with the woman, the total time taken— thirteen minutes and seventeen seconds— was not too good.

[Morning jogging indeed feels great…]

He used the towel he hung on his neck to wipe the sweat that was flowing nonstop.

Immersed in the pleasant feeling of tiredness and accomplishment, he felt that in the shrubs nearby, there was a burning gaze directed to him.

When he returned to the boys’ dormitory of True Cross Academy, the students who had just woken up had already made a ruckus throughout.

Suguro walked to the showers to wash the sweat from jogging. The warm water from the showerhead made his tense muscles feel relaxed while Suguro quickly washed his hair and body.

After showering, he styled his hair at the sink before going to the cafeteria for breakfast and going to school. Revision and preparation was already done and finished the night before.

[The weather is wonderful today.]

On the way to school, he took a deep breath of fresh air and gazed at the azure sunny sky— Until now, in his daily life, abstinence and productivity was the usual.

And then……


When he opened his shoe locker in his normal class, Suguro stood in place dumbfounded. After blinking a few times, closing his shoe locker, taking a deep breath and opening his shoe locker again, there was still a strange thing on top of his slippers.

That was a pink envelope.

On it, [To Suguro Ryuuji] was written in small and neat writing.

The object gently placed in the shoe locker seemed to be what a girl in love would send to a boy—

No, it was also often sent from boys to girls…

[This… This is…a l-love…]

A love letter.

When this phrase appeared in his mind, Suguro’s serious expression instantly turned into a blush.


He immediately shut his shoe locker— At that moment…

[…Young master, I saw it.]


The voice which seemed to come from the floor made Suguro turn pale. Turning around, he saw Shima standing behind him. [Wh-why are… you here so early.]

It was now 8.03 am. By the way, class starts at 8.30, so it could be understood if it was Konekomaru who was conscientious, but for the habitually late Shima to reach school so early…

When Suguro speculated whether Shima was there for supplementary lessons or being summoned by the teacher…

[Today’s first period is Matsuno’s modern literature, so I asked Konekomaru to wake me up— I never thought I’d see such a shocking thing happen.]

Keke… Shima put on an act as he laughed.

He only tried so hard to wake up early to look at the pretty female teacher. This reason seemed like what Shima would do.

But why did it have to be today…

Afterwards, Konekomaru appeared from behind Shima.

[—Good morning, young master.]

He was not seen previously as Shima was blocking him.

[You, you two.]

Suguro drank some water before showing an anxious and tense expression while asking his two childhood playmates:

[…Did you see that just now?]

[N-no. Just a little, haven’t seen it clearly.]

[I saw everything clearly.]

Konekomaru was concerned about Suguro who was wavering while Shima did the exact opposite.

[…Shima.] Konekomaru said worriedly.

Totally not sensing the tension, Shima stared at them.

[A cute pink envelope, small girly writing and definitely a slight wood lotus smell, this is a love letter.] He shouted loudly.

[Wh-why! Why is it not me, and young master. There is no god or buddha in this world…!!]

Shima sighed loudly to the heavens. It seemed that he was going to shout and make a mess in the corridor.

Hearing the noise outside, the students around turned their heads.

[What happened? Why the noise?]

[Who knows… Something about a love letter?]

[Eh? Love letter? Who wrote it?]

The whispers of girls could be heard slightly. If this continued, he would have no face to show.

[Shut up! Shima! You’re disturbing the others!]

Suguro quickly made Shima keep quiet.

[Why would any girl like this kind of pervert with a muscle fetish… It doesn’t make any sense…!]

[You’re so noisy!!]

At least, Suguro struck the back of Shima’s head to make him shut up.

[—It’s not anything big. Why make so much noise. Control yourself.]

After saying that, Suguro went into the classroom.

However, he realised that he was still barefoot when he walked halfway. He ended up coming back to wear his shoes with his face all red.

Shima rubbed the spot where Suguro struck him while laughing at the sight of Suguro.

[You say that, yet your heart is wavering, isn’t it?]

He said softly to Konekomaru.

And then…


Suguro threatened him to shut up under his breath as he wore his slippers.

In the next moment, he put the love letter in his school back at a speed which was faster than the eye could see. Not just Shima, even Konekomaru had noticed. But they were not that stupid to point out what they saw.

[Alright, you all hurry up and go into the classroom. It’s time for class.]

After saying that, Suguro dragged his feet into the classroom. However, on the way, he bumped into a pillar.

[Thud…] The sound of the huge impact echoed through the whole corridor.


Suguro could not help but moan in pain as he pressed his forehead. Then he turned around and glared with his face all red before walking away as if nothing happened. Shima almost laughed again. Anxiously, Konekomaru quickly stepped on his foot.

—I admire your ascetic endurance so much.

After school at 5.30pm, I’ll meet you at the back of the high school, at the statue of Pheles-sama. See you.

First year, Hanamura Megumi

[Wow… it’s so much like a love letter, it’s actually a real one?!] Shima said with an envious tone while gazing at the paper. His hands while held it were shaking nonstop.

Putting aside his [Value ☆ Daily Special True Cross Academy Bento] (398 yen including tax) which was hard to get, Shima was very excited.

[What ascetic endurance? He’s just a pervert. I’m clearly ten time gentler than him…]

[Shut up! Eat your lunch!!]

Not able to stand Shima’s pleas, Suguro who let him see the love letter, had immediately regretted it. Because it was lunch time, the cafeteria was crowded with students. Shima’s weird actions would not be too noticeable, but if it was seen by the girl who wrote the letter, maybe it would harm her?

Worried, Suguro snatched the letter from Shima.

[Ah— I haven’t finished seeing it yet.]

[Hurry up and eat your lunch.]

He glared at Shima before putting the envelope into his pocket.

Although Shima complained for a while, he still returned his gaze to his own bento.

Today’s lunch was miso fried pork, spaghetti and curry rice. It was as luxurious as a Turkish feast, the servings were generous and it was delicious. To the poor students, this bento was very popular so it was always sold out quickly during lunch time.

It was heard that this store had a super tasty set meal at only 500 yen. However, these three people had not tried it before it closed down. By now, it has become something like a legendary dream eating place…

[Young master, maybe she saw that incident.] Konekomaru said while deftly using his spoon to stir the noodles.

Suguro furrowed his brows confusedly.

[What incident?]

[It was two weeks ago when you got into a fight?]

[Ah… That incident.]

Now that Konekomaru mentioned it, he recalled about it.

It was in May when the Golden Week had just ended. There was a freshman who wanted find trouble with Suguro. He was a hot-tempered delinquent which was unusual in the school. He had a muscular build and had was a giant with a height of almost two metres.

Not that Suguro was proud of it, but due to the fierce gaze he was born with, his experiences with fights were uncountable. Along with how he was not someone who could remain calm, as long as someone looked for him, he would reciprocate, so these things happened too often.

[Didn’t you defeat him with one blow? Maybe that girl saw it then.]

After listening to Konekomaru’s reasoning, Shima clapped and exclaimed: [Yes, this is it!]

As he opened his mouth wide to bite on his miso fried pork ribs, he said: [This is just like how in the schools for the elite young princes and princesses, the lady of the rich family would fall in love with the fierce delinquent… just like a shoujo manga!]


Shima’s words made Suguro’s furious. [My tongue slipped.] As he tried to pacify Suguro, he spoke seriously.

[But really, it’s the second half of May. Shouldn’t there be new couples by now?]


[In fact, rumours of so and so confussing to so and so have been increasing. How great… spring has arrived, I also want to find a girlfriend.]

Shima’s expression became dazed as he shouted out about his lust.

[You moron… thinking about these things all year long.][2]

Suguro made a [there’s no cure for you] kind of expression and covered his bento box.

[Eh, what are you going to do next?] Shima asked softly while giving a smile which was more crafty than usual, to Suguro who was sorting the trash seriously.

[What do you mean?]

Suguro raised an eyebrow while putting the trash into different plastic bags.

Seeing Suguro’s confused expresion, Shima shook his head slightly. [Young master is so dense…] he thought.

[Aren’t you going to see her? After school, at the chairman’s statue.]

[Oh… I’ve been called there, it would be bad to not go, right?] Suguro answered.

[After saying so much, young master is actually very gentle.] Konekomaru inadvertedly helped Shima.

Hearing him say that, Shima’s smile became even craftier.

[Go to the mentioned place, meet her, and then?]

[And then… what do you mean…]

[ 『I like you, please go out with me……♡』What if she gazed at you with tear-filled eyes and said this to you? What are you going to do? Go on the adult steps in one go? I’m so jealous~~ ♡]

[Y-you’re a monk!!]

Hearing Shima who was still filled with lust as usual, Suguro chastised him loudly.

However, Shima still replied indignantly: [We’re living in the modern world. Now monks can marry. My father gave birth to seven children, you know?]

Unexpectedly, what he said made sense.

Suguro was speechless.

[Yeah, you’re right…]

When he wanted to tell how he was going to reject the other party…

[And then, I remember that Hanamura Megumi is a real beauty?]

[! R-really? N-no, this has nothing to do with me.]

Hearing that she was a beauty, even Suguro was wavering a little. Although on the surface, he still pretended to be not interested, he was still a high school boy. Of course he could not resist the charm of a beauty.

[Really, because she’s in the same class as Izumo, so I know. I heard that she’s very cute. How wonderful! Why is it young master and not me…]

Shima’s last sentence revealed whole-hearted jealously once again.

[Oh, in the same class as bushy-browds huh…]

Then she’s in the same normal class as us… Suguro thought.

[What? Young master, you seem to take notice of Megumi-chan. Later, do you want to pass by their class on purpose? This one—]

Shima made an uncouth smile and kept elbowing Suguro.

[Don’t mess with me!!]

He showed a scary expression again while removing Shima’s hands from him.

[My ambition is to defeat Satan and rebuild the temple! I don’t have the time or mood to date girls!!]

He declared loudly before rising from his chair suddenly. Standing menacingly, he glared at Shima once more before dragging his heavy body to leave the cafeteria.

[Wow… he’s mad.]

Shima showed a pained smile as he saw the rubbish that Suguro was sorting halfway.

[Young master even left the rubbish half sorted. It seems very serious. I think that he’s totally fuming.]

Shima looked at Suguro’s silhouette. As he walked, the other students all cleared away to avoid him.

Knowing that he was the culprit, yet he was still gloating. Konekomaru who could not bear to watch this, said: [Shima, don’t tease young master too much.]

It was rare that his tone sounded reprimanding.

[Young master isn’t like you, he’s very careful.]

Then Shima pretended to cry while saying: [That’s too much~~ Konekomaru, I’m also very careful. Don’t look at me like this, I have a glass heart, you know?]

After he said that, Shima put his empty bento box and the trash that Suguro was sorting halfway into a single plastic bag. He was most likely going to throw all of them into the flammable trash bin.

Totally not like what a careful person would do.

As Konekomaru thought that he was so done with him, he drank green tea from his PET bottle. Unexpectedly, Shima calmly said: [Young master, that’s really troubling.]. Because it was said so softly, Konekomaru almost did not hear it.


He raised his head in shock, only seeing Shima putting his hands behind his head and staring at the chair that Suguro just sat at: [Because he works too hard, then he’s so tense and his temper is so short. Okumura is the same and sometimes Izumo is like that—]

[Receiving a girl’s confession, even if he took it easy for a while, nothing bad will happene?]

Shima leaned back on his chair and showed a bright expression as he spoke. Seeing his friend’s smile, Konekomaru’s expression also became gentler.

Although he looked careless, Shima still cared a lot about Suguro.

[Otherwise if he tires himself out, he’s going to collapse sooner or later.]

[Yeah.] Konekomaru closed his eyes under his glasses for a while. [Young master should learn from Shima, to try to relax.]

But once he said that, Shima stood up when he saw a girl walking past their table.

[Konekomaru! Do you see…?! The girl with the coffee coloured short hair! She’s super cute!! Oh~~ as expected of True Cross Academy! It’s so great to go to school here~~♡]

Looking at him swaying, all the strength left Konekomaru’s body.

[I say, Konekomaru, we should find her and become friends? Is it a good idea—]


Oh you… Konekomaru sighed deeply.

Indeed, for Suguro to be more like Shima, maybe it needed slight— no, heavy consideration, Konekomaru could not help but to think of it.

(Really, Shima is totally taken over by lust…)

Suguro raised his shoulders as he walked around the school campus.

The perverted Shima aimed for getting into a relationship while Suguro himself obviously wanted to reject.

Of course he was happy that someone liked him and he was also very touched, but……

(I have an ambition that I want to achieve.)

If there was time to fall in love, it would be better used to go to the library for research in order to cope with the exorcist class questions or do muscle training at the gym— Anyway, limited time should be used wisely.

(I’m not easy going like Shima, so I have no time to waste on love.)

Following the self-discipline of his heart, he walked towards the library block.

… And worries started to fill his head. Which is on the topic of how to reject this advance.

There was something that he did not tell even Shima and Konekomaru, actually— this is not his first time rejecting a girl’s confession. For the past year, he had been confessed to around four times.

He rejected them four times and the other party cried every time.

He was sincere and wanted to be gentle when rejecting. However, he could not control the fierce appearance and hurtful tone which was passed down from his father. In the end, he was also deeply affected.

Especially when this time, Shima and Konekomaru knew about it. So no matter what, this must be prevented from happening again this time.

(I must say it properly and not make the other party cry…)

When Suguro was pondering—

[Hey, wait—]

Suddenly, there was a voice from behind.


Hearing this obviously high voice of a female student, Suguro could not help but stiffen at the spot.

(I-is it Hanamura-san?)

She could not wait for dismissal and went to find me? …His heartbeat quickened.

(Calm down, relax…)

He tried his best to pretend to maintain his steadiness.

[What’s the matter—?] He turned around and said.

But the one standing in front of him was his exorcist class classmate— Kamiki Izumo. Suguro was a little disappointed and felt at peace. After giving a loud sigh, he immediately felt unusually ashamed for his wavering feelings just now.

[Why is it you!! Don’t do things that make others misunderstand! You idiot!!]

To cover his embarrassment, he vented his anger on Kamiki.

[What!] Izumo answered angrily.

She only called out to someone, yet got shouted at for no reason. This was a normal reaction.

[Because the classroom for Demon Herbology had changed, so Okumura-sensei asked me to pass on the message to everyone. Why did you shout at me without understanding the situation? How absurb!]

Izumo raised her eyebrows as she started to complain. Although Suguro felt a little guilty, he did not compromise. The two of them were impatient and hasty, so it was hard for them to apologise. Every time they met, they would clash like this.

[You totally couldn’t pick a better time.]

Until now, the blame had been shifted to her. Izumo’s eyebrows raised even higher.

[Huh? Stop the nonsense, you stupid gorilla face!!]

[Eh? What do you mean by calling me stupid! And what’s a gorilla face!]

[What! You called me idiot first! I even went to notify you. How are there such people!] Izumo was extremely angry while her two thin ponytails swayed with the wind.

[Anyway, my message was conveyed! Everything else is none of my business.]

After leaving that line, she walked away, fuming.

Looking at her leaving silhouette, Suguro thought…

(This girl is really not cute even in the slightest…)

But suddenly, he remembered what Shima just said.

[Really. Because she’s in the same class as Izumo, so I know—]

Suguro came to. [W-wait a bit,—Izumo!]

And called her.

[What do you want?]

As if wanting to argue, Izumo turned around with her brows tightly furrowed. Resisting urges to show anger, Suguro said:

[I h-heard that you’re classmates with a Hanamura…?]


Poised for battle, Izumo raised an eyebrow and answered: [Hanamura… is she a girl? Are you referring to Hanamura Megumi? We’re indeed classmates.]

Suguro’s heartbeat quickened.

[W-what kind of girl is she?]

[Huh? What do you mean….]

[A-as in appearance, or personality. Is she considerate, virtuous, or cute…]


Izumo’s expression became more confused, but she noticed that Suguro was slightly different than before. Maybe her anger had subsided, so Izumo flicked away the long hair in front of her chest and said: [Hanamura-san should be in the library at this timing because she is part of the library club.]


This was really unexpected.

She was at where he was heading to.

Even Suguro could not help but feel that this is what was known as [fate] in Buddhism…

The True Cross Academy’s library was a old-fashioned building with vines growing on it. Although it was not that convenient, but the old style was charming and it mainly attracted girls to visit it.

Hiding at the bookshelf near the library entrance, Izumo spoke to Suguro who was behind her.

[—You see. The one standing behind the counter and arranging the books is Hanamura-san.]

[Really, why am I also hiding?] Izumo whispered crossly.

Usually, she would not poke into his business and specially tell him about this.

But she was curious about Suguro who was obviously not himself, so she could not help but to guide him along.

[Is this alright? I’m leaving.]

Izumo spoke condescendingly, but Suguro was not able to take in anything since long ago.

All of his focus was on what was in front of where Izumo as pointing; the girl who was working alongside the librarian.

Raven hair, a slim build,fair skin and an unassuming but aesthetically pleasing countenance.

Indeed, she was a girl that would make one think of a white lotus. She looked like Suguro’s mother, Torako, in the past.

[Do you want to return books? Over here—]

A soft and gentle voice sounded, which was not the flat and lilted bimbo accent that Suguro hated most. It was as if it was the caressing words of an angel as it was perfect from her words to appearance.

As expected from a girl who could make Shima’s pretty girl radar react.

Suguro’s heartbeat went from a nervous [thud thud] to a rapid [ba-dump ba-dump].

In the silent room, such an intense heartbeat might be heard by hear.

Calm down, cool down— Suguro shouted in his heart as he clutched his chest.

[Hey… Even with your big gorilla face, don’t scare people in the library?!]

Suguro’s unusual actions shocked Izumo greatly. She grabbed Suguro’s hand out of thoughtfulness.

He did not even react to her saying [big gorilla face].

[Wh-what kind of girl is she usually?]

Without turning his eyes away from the girl, he asked Izumo.

Izumo left go of Suguro’s arm, titled her head and asked: [What kind of girl?]

[She’s a serious good girl. Her grades are very good. Although she’s quiet, but she’s caring and very enthusiastic.]

After hearing this, Suguro’s heartbeat quickened even more until it was almost going to burst.

[Except… she has a older twin brother. He’s the complete opposite of her, a temperamental rascal. In this school, he’s one of the rare delinquent. She seems quite troubled about this—]

[It reminds one of a certain sibling combination.] Izumo continued.

If the older brother of that sibling combination heard this, he’d be greatly angered. However, Suguro did not take this in.

A beautiful appearance with intelligence. What a miracle.

Suguro’s determination to reject her had slowly started to waver.

Until class ended, the demon called lust which had sprouted in Suguro’s heart struggled against his reason. As he became more troubled, his eyebrows became more furrowed and his face gradually changed to look like that of a demon.

[I say… what happened to Suguro? Don’t you think his face is very scary?]

[D-does he hurt anywhere? Suguro-san…]

[Ah, don’t mind him. Okumura, Moriyama-san, Young Master’s springtime has come.]

[What? Spring?! Isn’t it spring now, is it?]

[Hahaha, not that spring~~]

[So there are many types of spring? Oh no… I don’t know about them.]

[Shima… Didn’t I say not to bother him?]

[Yeah, what happened to him? How strange, he looks so terrible today…]

As the Exwires looked further away, Suguro’s face became even more fierce and he was silent.

Like Rodin’s [Thinker], he spiraled into countless worries…[3]

—After exorcist classes have ended, he finally reached a conclusion.

Regardless how good the other party is, I still do not have time to socialise with the opposite sex.

(I want to rebuild the temple… So I need to become a powerful exorcist to defeat Satan!)

As he was called the [son of the cursed temple], he had this ambition since he was young and his belief was not so weak that it would waver due to romance.

He used the icy water from the water cooler to wash his face and refresh himself, before walking towards the back area calmly.

Because he reached too early, there was nobody in front of the Pheles-sama statue.

Worries started to fill Suguro’s head again.

[How should I reject her?]

Due to meeting Izumo, his thoughts at noon were interrupted and he had not thought of anything by now. What should be done not to bring the other party to tears and how to reject without hurting the other party as much as possible?

Suguro clutched his chest with both hands and thought very hard, but could not think of anything.

He clumsily yanked his hair in frustration.

(It would be great if Juuzou was here…)

Shima’s second oldest brother— Juuzou, was a man that attracted most females besides Okumura Yukio. When he was working in the family garden of the temple of Suguro’s old home, the nearby female students would father just to see a glimpse of him. When he was studying at True Cross Academy ten years ago, it was heard that he even had a fan club.

But he was very dense when it came to feelings. He was a bright youth who loved children a lot, which was one of the reasons that he attracted so many girls.

(No, Juuzou is too popular, it can’t apply to my situation… Maybe Kinzou— No, Kinzou is not alright too.)

Shima’s fourth oldest brother, Kinzou is a blond youth who is a leader of a band. He was a handsome guy that made girls scream madly at his apperance. However, just like Okumura Rin, he was an idiot.

Even if anyone confessed to him, he could have no idea that it was a confession.

(Better resign to my fate and discuss this with Okumura-sensei… No, this would be very embarrassing.)

As Suguro thought non-stop, a long shadow appeared on the ground in front of him suddenly.

(Is it… Hanamura-san?)

His heart thumped.

I have not though of the reason— No, thinking of something insincere but politically correct, it would disappoint the other party. Because I have something that I must do, so I do not have the liberty to date girls… Determined, Suguro shut his both eyes forcefully.

[T-that, Hanamura-san, I—]

[Hello! Suguro-san. You really came! I’m so happy!!]


Suguro heard a completely different rough voice compared to the gentle one he heard earlier. He opened his eyes in shock.

In front of him, it was not Hanamura Megumi, but it was a burly male of around two metres tall. And that face seemed quite familiar.

[! You are…]

He was the male student who was defeated easily by Suguro last week.

[So sorry for last time. Thanks for remembering me, what an honour.]

[Anyway, why are yo here?!]

Confeused, Suguro stretched a trembling finger to point at him.

The burly guy’s face turned red and he ruffled his hair.

[Nah~~ Sorry for troubling you to come here. I just really wanted to talk to Suguro-san.]

[Ah, why…?]

[Wh-what is this?]

[Ah, I wrote that.]

[What… Eh… But… The letter says Hanamura Megumi…]

[That should be read as Kei. Megumi is my younger twin sister.][4]

[Twin… sister…]

What Izumo had said earlier rang in his head.

[She has an older twin brother, who is the complete opposite of her as he is a hot-blooded delinquent, which is a rare in this school.]

In other words, his younger twin sister is Hanamura Megumi, and the one who wrote to me was…

[Then… these words are…?]

[Ah, my sister wrote this letter for me because my writing is very ugly. I also got the letter paper from her.]

No wonder the writing was so feminine. Shima said that it was fragrant because he somehow smelt the scent of the Hanamura sister. This guy’s nose was as powerful as that of a police dog.

Suguro’s mind was blank and felt that something in his body was gradually collapsing.

What… am I doing… and worrying about.

The worries that accumulated since morning had blew away from his mind.

[Since being defeated in one blow by Suguro-san, I had always been noticing you. Your endurance is really awesome! I admire you very much!!]

The older Hanamura brother tightly clenched his fists as he spoke.

Afterwards, he knelt on the ground.

[Suguro-san… No, Suguro-aniki, please accept me as your younger brother!!][5]

And then he bowed his head to the ground.

This scene which did not match an elite high school, looked like an old yakuza drama.

[I can do anything for you, but please accept me as Suguro-aniki’s younger brother!]

—After this incident, Suguro who had finally understood everything, shouted: [Don’t do something which can make others misunderstand! YOU IDIOT!!]

Apparently, not even five seconds later, that burly guy was knocked down once again.

[—Oh… Kekeke… What a huge disaster… Kekeke.]

[Shima, you’re laughing too much.]

Shima wanted to make a sympathetic expression, but could not control his laughter. Konekomaru stared at him sternly.

The next day, as they sat on the field to eat, Shima could not stop laughing as he heard the story.

Konekomaru showed a sympathetic expression and said: [Young master, you were already so manly since a long time ago…] Except this these words totally did not have a comforting effect.

Of course, Suguro made a sour face for a long time.

The Hanamura brother was still persistent despite being beaten up by Suguro. Having thought that he had thrown him off with a lot of effort„ that burly guy followed Suguro like a shadow. Whenever he first appeared, he pleased Suguro to accept him as his younger brother.

No wonder Suguro was unhappy.

It was not even noon, and he felt as tired as a day had been over.

[Oh… Never mind, this is a good thing, isn’t it?]

Shima who still could not stop laughing, patted Suguro’s shoulder.

[What kind of good thing, stop mocking me.]

Suguro glared at Shima more sternly than usual. His fierce expression was like that of a growling monster and a low voice could almost be heard.

Shima quickly comforted him by saying: [Or maybe Buddha is hinting that you should take life more easy?]

Youth cannot be regained after it is lost, so maybe you should make some effort in romance…

These words were almost at Shima’s lips.

[—No.] Suguro shook his head. [This incident made me reflect deeply.]


[Young master?]

As Shima and Konekomaru sounded their confusion at the same time, Suguro clenched his fists so tightly that the veins on his fists bulged.

[This incident is a punishment for me letting myself be swayed by love.]


[Buddha is reminding me that if I have time to dabble in romance, the time should be better spent training to become a better exorcist.]

The chopsticks that he held tightly broke into two.

[I should make a training plan that is a hundred times harsher than my current one.]

[Eh, eh eh eh eh…?! This is your explanation?!]

Shima made a [this is hopeless] expression and shouted.

[With how it is, you can’t go anywhere… Eh… Really, you’re so abnormal.]

Konekomaru added: [As expected of young master, how wonderful.]

He sincerely admired him.

[Young master, you can do this!! I will support you fully.]


Hearing Konekomaru’s supportive words, Suguro nodded determinedly.

Only Shima could not follow along. He complained as he bit his bread sadly: [He is really abnormal.]

—Thus, he started his daily life of abstinence and working hard again.

Translator notes and references[edit]

  1. (t/n: the dog has a name but I couldn’t translate so it’s remaining nameless)
  2. (t/n: there’s a slang which I’m p sure is about sex but idk how to translate it)
  3. (t/n: it’s this famous sculpture of course)
  4. (t/n: In Japanese, 惠 can be read as Kei or Megumi due to onyomi and kunyomi. It’s a kanji pun, basically.)
  5. (t/n: the brother thing is more like a bro thing than actual siblings of course)
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