Fate/stay night ~French~ 桜ルート四日目-01.ks

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  • page0|&f.scripttitle
 "Master. J'ai simplifié les choses, Mais c'est tout les explications je peut te donner."
 "D'accord. C'était vite, mais je comprend maintenant. Désolé, Saber."
  • page1|
 "...Tu ne devrais pas être désolé'.
  Si tu comprend la situation, tu devarais te décider sur un plan d'action."
 Elle se penche en avant avec attente.
  • page2|
 ...Je vois.
 Saber est du même type que Tôsaka: Attaquer en premier.
 C'est bon de ca manière, mais je ne peux pas décidé quoi faire quand je ne sais même pas ce que je devrais faire.
  • page3|
 "Mmm... On devrait attendre et voir... mais nous ne pouvons pas nous le permettre. Je connais rien a propos des autres Masters et je suis curieux sur cette Ilya. ...Nous devrions sortir et chercher les autres Masters, mais"
  • page4|
 Je pense qu'il est dangereux de se promener sans but précis.
 Peut-être que j aurais du coopérer avec Tosaka.
  • page5|
 "Ilya...? Qu'en est-il du Master de Berserker, Shirô?"
  • page6|
 "Hein...? Ah, non. Je me demandais pourquois elle est après nous.
  Et ce n'était pas la première fois que je l'ai rencontrée. je l'ai rencontré une fois avant , et j'ai entendu le nom Einzbern au par avant aussi."
  • page7|
 Après avoir entendu le nom "Einzbern," Saber me donne un regard dur.
  • page8|
 "Saber? Es-ce que toi aussi tu connais le nom Einzbern?"
 "...oui, Je le connais. Permettez-moi de vous demander, au lieu. Ne connais-tu pas ce nom?"
  • page9|
 "Bien, J'en ai seulement entendu parler. Un gars sans rapport m'a demander comment la jeune fille Einzbern allais avant que je la rencontre."
 "......Je vois. Alors tu na pas entendu quoi que ce soit."
 Saber ferme les yeux et réfléchit.
  • page10|
 "...Ce doit être le destin. Tu devrait aller a l'église si tu veaux en savoir sur la famille Einzbern.
  Ce prêtre devrait être capable de répondre a tes questions et de te guidé dans le chemin que tu dois prendre."
  • page11|
 "L'église...? Tu veux dire l'église que nous sommes aller hier? Mais il nous a dit qu'on ne devrait pas y retourner sauf si je veux annuler mes sort de commandes ."
  • page12|
 "Il doit avoir dit ça que pour des raison d'opportunité. Cette règle est qu'une partie de la face qu'il met en place pour son association. Ça n'a pas de pouvoir si tu ne fait pas partie de leur association."
  • page13|
 ...C'est certainement vrai.
 Tôsaka fait partie de l'association des mages, mais nous non.
 on ne gagnerais rien a suivre leur ordre, alors on peut les ignorés.
  • page14|
 "Es-ce que tu comprend? Cette endroit peut être un dernier recours pour toi, mais nous ne sommes pas tenu de suivre leurs ordres."
 "Tu as raison. mais j aimerais mieux éviter ce lieu... et je croit pas que je devrais aller voir ce prêtre trop souvent."
  • page15|
 Kirei Kotomine.
 Ce prêtre me semble etrange.
 Ce n'ai pas que je ressens de l'hostilité ou du danger.
 ...Je ne dois pas voir cet homme.
 J'ai peur parce que je pourrais m'écrouler devant lui.
  • page16|
 "Je comprend ce que tu ressens. Je ne veux pas avoir affaire a lui si je pouvais autrement."
 Elle déclare cela avec un vissage impassible.
 C'est innatendu.
 Je n'ai jamais pensé que les âmes héroïques aurait de la difficulté avec les êtres humains, et surtout
  • page17|
 "je sasi que je l'aime pas, mais pourquoi ne l'aime tu pas?
  Tu ne la même pas encore rencontrer, est-ce vrai?"
 Saber hésite.
 Après avoir froncer les sourcils, elle lève son visage comme pour se débarrasser de ses hésitations.
  • page18|
 "Il a fait partie de la dernière guerre du Sait-Graal .
  Je ne sais pas quel servant il avais, mais Kiritsugu l'a toujours prit au sérieux."
  • page19|
 Je c'est ça.
 Je c'est ça, mais qu'es-ce qu'elle vien de dire?
 "Saber... Pourquoi connais-tu le nom de mon père?"
  • page20|
 "J'etais le servant de Kiritsugu.
  Emiya Kiritsugu etait un master dans la dernière guerre du Saint-Graal. Il a collaboré tout au long jusqu'au dernier combat.
  Durant la guerre, Kiritsugu Emiya Voyais le prêtre comme son pire ennemi. Il croyais que le prêtre etais le seul qui pouvais nous vaincre."
  • page21|
 Ensuite quoi?
 Mon père a fait partie de la dernière guerre du Saint-Graal, A combattu avec Saber, et
 Il est en partie la cause du désastre?
  • page22|
 "Tu ment. Ça ne peut être vrai. Alors pourquoi Kirei m'a rien dit? Pourquoi mon père ma rien dit a ce sujet?"
  • page23|
 "Je ne sais pas. Je n'ai jamais pu comprendre ce que Kiritsugu pensait.
  Mais je suis sure que le prêtre ne ta rien dit parce que tu ne lui as pas demander. C'est un homme qui te répondera si tu demande. Il te dira la vérité si tu veux en savoir d'avantage a ce sujet."
  • page24|
 Saber me fixe silencieusement.
 La signification d'être un master.
 Ses yeux vert me disent d'aller a l'église de moi même si je veux en savoir sur Kiritsugu Emiya.
  • page25|
 Je me dirige vers l'église.
 Saber doit avoir planifier de veiller sur moi, car elle me suit dans cette tenue.
  • page26|
 Je lève les yeux ver l'église.
 ...Même si Saber m'a poussé à venir ici, Je suis toujours pas préparer.
 Je n'ai pas envie d'aller là-bas pour demander au prêtre ce qui c'est passer il y a 10 ans.
  • page27|
 Je me retourne vers la fille derière moi.
 "Je vais attendre ici. S'il vous plaît rencontre le prêtre toi même."
  • page28|
 "...Je sais. Je suis venu si loin, alors je ne retournerai pas maintenant."
 "S'il vous plaît ne dite pas au prêtre que j' ai été convoqué.
  Tu ne devrais pas lui dire que la même âme héroïque a été convoquer deux fois."
  • page29|
 "D'accord. Je vais lui demandé seulement pour Kiritsugu. Je vais revenir vite, alors attend moi ici."
 "...Très bien. S'il-vous plait fait attention, Shirô. Appel moi si le danger approche. Ce prêtre me rend mal à l'aise. je ne sais pas ce qui peut t'arriver si tu laisse ta guarde baisser."
  • page30|
 "Je me sens de la même façon. Ne t'inquiète pas. Je vais me sauver et t'appeler si quelque chose ce produit."
 Je fais un pas dans l'escalier.
 J'entre dans l'église, laissant Saber sous le ciel d'hiver.
  • page31|
 je ne vois pas le prêtre dans la chapel.
 À sa place, je vois un homme assis sur une chaise.
 Ses cheveux sont doré.
 Il doit être un étranger.
  • page32|
 "Excusé moi. Es-ce que père Kirei est ici?"
 Je lui demande, sans attendre de réponse.
  • page33|
 L'homme se lève debout tranquillement.
 À ce moment...
 Toutes mes muscles raidissent.
  • page34|
 Il marche jusqu'a moi.
 Il ya quelque chose d'étrange dans cette action simple.
 Il marche vers moi de façon plus décontractée.
 C'est tout ce qu'il fait, alors pourquoi suis-je prêt à être tué par cet homme?
  • page35|
 L'homme lève son bras.
 Il tend la main a mon cou et
 ...Arrête a mi-chemin.
  • page36|
 "Hum. Vous êtes fascinés par quelque chose de désagréable."
 Il se retire.
 Oui, C'est seulement naturel.
 Je suis effectivement celui étrange de penser qu'il allait me tuer, simplement parce qu'il se rapprochait.
  • page37|
 "Attend juste la. Tu as affaire avec Kirei, n'es-ce pas?"
 Il disparaît derrière l'autel.
  • page38|
 Plusieurs minutes passèrent.
 "Je suis surpris. T'es-tu retiré après seulement une demi journée, Shirô Emiya?"
 Kirei apparaît, Il me salut avec ce ton ennuyeux que je me rappel de la nuit dernière.
  • page39|
 "Ce n'est pas ça. Je suis venu ici parce que j'ai quelque chose a te demander. Je ne viendrais pas ici pour aucune autre raison."
 "Très bien. Je suis un homme très occupé, donc je ne veux pas les gens s'attache à moi."
  • page40|
 Kirei se rapproche, ses pas entrepris remplisse l'air.
 ...Est-ce que c'est ce que vous appelleriez la pression invisible?
 Il a un air sévère à son sujet qui rend les gens conscients de leur faiblesse.
 Ça doit être une bonne caractéristique pour les prêtre, mais es-ce que sa pourrais aussi être leurs plus grande faute?
  • page41|
 "Qu'es-ce qui a? Allez demande si tu as une question.  Il n,y a pas besoin de salut entre nous."
  • page42|
 ...Il a raison.
 Il n'y a pas de besoin d'être ami avec lui.
 Je suis venu ici pour confirmé ce que Saber m'a dit.
 Je devrait lui demander et partir au plus vite.
  • page43|
 "Il n'y a qu'une chose que je veux te demander. Pourquoi ne m'as -tu rien dit à ce propos"
 "Mmm. Qu'es-ce que je ne t'ai pas dit?"
 "C'est a propos de mon père. Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas dit que Kiritsugu Emiya était un master dans la précédente guerre du Saint Graal?"
 Il sourit.
 Il n'a pas l'air coupable. ...Cet homme Joui du fait que le nom de Kiritsugu soit sortit de ma bouche.
  • page44|
 "Répond moi. C'est naturel pour toi de savoir si tu es le superviseur de la guerre du Saint-Graal. Alors pourquoi ne m'as-tu rien dit?"
  • page45|
 "N'est-il pas évident? Qu'es-ce que ca te ferais de savoir que ton père était un master? Les réalisation de Kiritsugu on aucun rapport à toi."
  • page46|
 Son ton désintéressé montre aucune ouverture pour une réfutation.
 La réponse de kirei n'est pas mauvaise.
 Même si mon père était un grand master, ça ne veux pas dire que je vais bénéficier de cela.
  • page47|
 "...Non, Il y a une connection. Suis-je devenu maitre a cause je suis le fils de Kiritsugu?"
 J'ai été élevé comme son fils, et j'ai étudié la magie comme son apprenti.
 Je devien un master comme lui, et fait un contrat avec l'âme héroïque exacte même. Il doit y avoir un sens derrière tout cela.
  • page48|
 "Tu as dit que j'étais devenu master par chance.
  J'aurais choisi de se battre a ce moment là, si vous m'aviez dit que Kiritsugu était un master. Pourquoi ne m'as-tu rien dit a ce propos?"
  • page49|
 "Ceci ne me concerne pas.
  Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de titre d'un master qui serait héréditaire, et en tout cas, Tu n'es pas le fils de Kiritsugu.
  It is rare for an unprepared person to be chosen as a Master."
  • page50|
 "Les sorts de commande ne sont généralement pas donné à quelqu'un qui ne sait rien du Saint Graal. Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu as été choisi comme exception."
  • page51|
 "...Alors je n'ai vraiment pas de connection avec mon père?
  J'ai été choisit pour être un master par chance, et mon père ma sauver pour quel raison..."
 ...Il m'a sauvé de bonne volonté pure?
  • page52|
 "Pour autant que je sais. Mais je ne peux pas comprendre les intentions du Saint Graal . Je tiens à dire que tu as été choisi pour être un maître, par hasard, mais je soupçonne que le destin avait une main dans cela.
  Le Graal pourrait vouloir que tu expie le pêcher de Kiritsugu Emiya d'avoir nier son pouvoir."
  • page53|
 "Quoi...? Mon père a nier le Saint Graal?"
 "C'est exact. Ton père est venu a cette ville pour l'obtenir.
  Son seul but était d'obtenir le Saint Graal. Le Saint Graal a répondu à son souhaitait pure, et peut-être le Saint Graal a pensé qu'il serait son juste propriétaire."
  • page54|
 "Mais Kiritsugu Emiya a trahi le Saint Graal.
  À la toute fin, il a détruit le Saint Graal. Pour finir la guerre du Saint Graal, il a trahi le Saint Graal qui avais placé dees attentes sur lui et sa volonté de longue date."
  • page55|
 "Il a détruit le Saint Graal...?"
 Si c'est vrai, Le Saint Graal n'approuverais certainement pas de Kiritsugu Emiya.
  • page56|
 Mais il ne c'était pas tromper.
 Le Saint Graal réalise n'importe quel souhait.
 Les mages s'entre tue pour l'obtenir.
 ...Le Saint Graal est la cause de ce conflit.
 Mon père n'a pas trahi personne quand il a détruit le Saint Graal
 Il a terminé la guerre comme le super-héros que j'ai toujours admiré.
  • page57|
 "...Il n'a pas trahi personne. Kiritsugu a détruit le Saint Graal sans doute parce qu'il pensait qu'il n'était pas nécessaire. Kiritsugu n'a rien trahi."
  • page58|
 "Hum. Il semble que tu ne sais pas comment Kiritsugu était avant.
  D'accord. Il ya peu de point à cela, mais je vais te dire la vrai identité de Kiritsugu Emiya."
 Le prêtre sourit.
 C'est un sourire de mauvaise augure de quelqu'un qui est intoxiquer de plaisir.
  • page59|
 "Kiristugu Emiya.
  Il était un mage sans rapport avec la guerre du Saint Graal. Il vivais pour ses désires et ses objectifs, comme résultat il voulais le Saint Graal.
  Un miracle qu'il ne pouvait pas faire, est venu lui-même vrai.
  Un idéal qu'il ne pouvait pas mettre en œuvre avec la puissance de l'homme simple.
  Il ne pouvait pas rejeter son rêve immature qui aurait dû être abandonné, et c'est pourquoi il a demandé au Saint-Graal d'exaucer son voeu."
  • page60|
 "Je ne sais pas où il a entendu parler du Saint Graal.
  Il se pourrait que quelqu'un d,autre le croyais digne. Mais je m'en fou comment c'est arriver."
  • page61|
 "Quoi qu'il en soit, Kiritsugu Emiya a été embauché en tant que Master.
  il a été nommer le plus grand master par les Einzberns, La famille de mages qui sont la cause de ce rituel."
  • page62|
 "Ayant appris des trois précédentes guerres, la famille Einzbern recherchaient un master qui était spécialisé en bataille.
  La magie des Einzberns n'est pas conçue pour la bataille. Par conséquent, ils placent leur confiance en Kiritsugu, un mage puissant qui ne faisais pas partie de l'association de magie."
  • page63|
 "Ils ont renseigné Kiritsugu sur le Saint-Graal, lui donna la puissance en tant que Master, et lui a donné une femme pour produire un successeur qui serait plus adapté pour lutter contre.
  Il serait officiellement admis dans la famille Einzbern s'il obtenais le Saint-Graal. C'était comme accepter un roturier dans une famille noble.
  Les Einzberns on traité Kiritsugu exceptionellement, et c'est facile de s'imaginer la confiance qu'ils avaient en Kiritsugu."
  • page64|
 "And Kiritsugu answered their trust.
  Kiritsugu defeated many Masters in the previous Holy Grail War. I am the only one who survived after fighting him. Everyone else was killed for sure.
  He was precise, careful, brutal, and cruel. He showed no pity for his enemies. Once the decision was made, he killed. He killed a Servant, let the Master beg for help while crawling on the floor, and ruthlessly shot him in the head. He showed no emotion even after killing. Neither the supremacy of his strength nor guilt in killing the weak."
  • page65|
 "In short, he was a machine.
  He did not have any emotions to begin with. There was no space for his human emotions to enter."
  • page66|
 "Whatmy father was a machine...?"
 "Yes, he killed.
  He did not think like you about not involving innocent people. He thoroughly attacked his enemy's weakness, allowing no chance to counterattack. He used the enemy's family as a shield and their friends as their shackles to win the war."
  • page67|
 "Yes. If Kiritsugu were in this war, he would be the Master you would hate the most. If being heartless is evil, he would be the greatest evil of all."
  • page68|
 "What? Are you not satisfied?
  I understand. Emiya Kiritsugu is not a machine.
  He threw away his personal feelings for his goals. It was both his strength and weakness to cast off his emotions through his own will without even using self-suggestion.
  It would have been easy to prepare another 'cold-hearted' personality in him, but he must have believed such a person would not obtain the Holy Grail."
  • page69|
 "He went so far, butthat same weakness made him betray everything.
  The Einzberns entrusted their longstanding desire to Kiritsugu.
  The Holy Grail appeared after five Masters were defeated.
  It was a wish that no human could make come true, a wish Emiya Kiritsugu desired."
  • page70|
 "But he threw everything away at the last moment.
  That is the end of the last Holy Grail Warthe true nature of the magus you call your father."
  • page71|
 "The Holy Grail disappeared and the Holy Grail War ended.
  The Einzberns retreated after being betrayed by Kiritsugu, and they spent ten years preparing the next Holy Grail."
  • page72|
 "...Hm. Now that I think about it, they must have seen this Holy Grail War coming.
  The previous war ended without any result.
  Unused magical energy carries over to the next war. They must have known the next war would begin shortly."
  • page73|
 I can't accept Kotomine's story.
 That Kiritsugu was a cold-hearted Master...
 And that a noble family of magi had a connection to my father...
  • page74|
 There's no way I can accept it all when it all comes so suddenly.
 ...All I can tell from this is that Kotomine did not lie, and
 "Kotomine. Did you hate Kiritsugu?"
 The man before me, the one who is uninterested in everything, actually displays anger towards Kiritsugu.
  • page75|
 "Of course. We were at the opposite ends of the spectrum. We are natural enemies. Makiri and Einzbern considered us as the same kind, but we treated each other as natural enemies."
  • page76|
 "...Natural enemies? You were on guard against my father like he was on guard against you?"
 "No. We simply could not ignore each other."
  • page77|
 "He was a saint beyond help.
  He could not forgive death, yet he killed to save other people. If one sacrifice were needed to save ten, he would kill the sacrifice himself without a second thought."
  • page78|
 "He always prepared the minimum sacrifice to make his dream world where everyone could smile.
  That contradiction.
  A contradictory ideal is something I have as well, but we were not of the same kind."
  • page79|
 "He lived for his ideal. He pursued his ideal until the moment he destroyed the Holy Grail.
  That is why he had pride in himself, allowing him to become a machine without hesitation."
  • page80|
 "That is our similarity and our difference.
  He had an iron mind unplagued by inner conflict.
  The reason he was never woundedwas he was wounded from the start.
  He was an artificial brute, just as I was an artificial priest."
  • page81|
 'He was wounded from the start'.
 So that means the premise he believed in was wrong from the start.
  • page82|
 "...Then are you saying you're different? You take wounds, and you're not already wounded. You're a normal human being that can be wounded if you get slashed at, right? Are you saying you're different from Kiritsugu because you're a priest...?"
  • page83|
 "Hm. People would not consider us to be the same if that were the case.
  People thought we were similar in another aspect.
  ...Let's see. If you talk about being similar, you are more similar to him than I."
  • page84|
 "You both have child-like ideals.
  Believing in simplicity and shouldering the role of a criminal for the sake of that ideal.
  Turning yourselves into the greatest evil to eliminate all the small evils in this world.
  You and Kiritsugu act like the saviors we call 'anti-heroes.'"
  • page85|
 "......? What is this anti-hero thing?"
 "It is what it sounds like. It is the opposite of a hero, an unforgivable murderer."
 "Hey, that's just a villain. Are you making fun of me?"
  • page86|
 "Oh my. It seems you are misunderstanding me. I am welcoming you. You are Kiritsugu's son. Think about having your enemy's son come to you for help. It is such a complex feeling that you cannot decide whether to be happy or sad."
  • page87|
 The priest laughs silently.
 ...I don't know his true intentions, but he doesn't seem to be bored.
  • page88|
 "Well, about the anti-hero.
  They are beings whose existence itself is evil, but their actions are good deeds according to people. They are beings who people set up as saviors, even if they don't want to be."
  • page89|
 "Those are the heroic spirits called the anti-heroes. An example of this would be a sacrifice."
  • page90|
 "Even if the sacrificed one is evil, he would become a hero if everyone in the village is saved because of the sacrifice, right?
  It would not matter to anyone whether the sacrifice was eaten or buried.
  If the one whom this disgrace was forced upon saves people, he would become a hero instead of a sinner."
  • page91|
 "...... Is this like getting a high promotion for dying in combat?"
  • page92|
 "No, you are wrong.
  The important part is the minds of the people who set up the hero.
  A proper hero is created from respect, gratitude, and feelings of guilt. You cannot become an anti-hero from gratitude or guilt.
  ...Well, humans forget their ugliness and substitute farce with tragedy. Heroes who died as evil will be treated as victims as time goes on, and they will not stay as pure evil."
  • page93|
 "...Will not stay as pure evil...?"
 "Correct. Anti-heroes have to be both victim and assailant.
  ...They are created by the people, but are not a part of humanity. It is that contradiction which allows them to be 'the enemy of the world' exempt from all the restraining forces of the world."
  • page94|
 "...But then, there aren't many pure anti-heroes.
  They are something that does not exist. They are merely what people wish to exist."
  • page95|
 "They are an ideal that humans have created, sacrifices to deny the original sin.
  Just think of the anti-hero as one of the wishes that will never come true; a synonym for peace."
  • page96|
 "...Hah. In short, it is a naive dream that will never come true.
  You want to be a superhero like Kiritsugu, right?
  Then you will be a great anti-hero. How about it? Why don't you wish to become a hero when you obtain the Holy Grail?"
  • page97|
 "...Hey now.
  A superhero isn't like a hero. I don't know what you're trying to say, but I won't fall for your cheap tricks."
  • page98|
 "Oh?  How is it different?"
 "I-I don't know! It's just different, okay!? And a hero is not something you try to be, but something you are at the end. I bet the only thing the Holy Grail can give me is powers beyond my position."
  • page99|
 "I see. So you truly are a son of his, even if not blood-related. You both are hard-headed."
 He must be making fun of me, as his smile is friendly.
  • page100|
 ...This guy hates my father.
 But he doesn't anger me because...
 He has yet to say anything bad about my father.
  • page101|
 "Hey. Wouldn't you have gotten along with my father?"
 I ask him when I realize this.
  • page102|
 "Oh. Why do you think so?"
 "...For no reason. I just thought so."
  • page103|
 "Then you are mistaken. I hate Emiya Kiritsugu.  We never even spoke. The one time we met, we tried to kill each other.
  I have already told you that we are exact opposites.
  Our wishes, our questions, are different. A question by the one who does not have it shall not be answered by the one who does."
 His eyes tell me that is why they would never have been able to get along.
  • page104|
 "......? 'The one who does not have it'? Are you saying Kiritsugu had something that you didn't have?"
  • page105|
 "Yes. I could not change my will itself for something I believed in. Well, we cannot be compared since our goals were different."
  • page106|
 Changing your will for something you believe in...
 Is that like saving ten by killing one, like he said earlier?
  • page107|
 "You do not need to understand. Emiya Kiritsugu desired peace. Isn't it simple? But it was too simple for this complex world. He had to reject the extra parts that could not fit into that perfect shape."
  • page108|
 "But he could not tolerate that.
  He sought a perfect shape, but still wanted to save the extra parts.
  ...But that is a miracle exceeding human power.
  There is no such thing as a world without conflict. He sought the Holy Grail to deny that fact."
  • page109|
 "He sought his ideal, and after being faced with the fact that it was impossible, had no other choice but to rely on the Holy Grail.
  That is the end of the man who was cornered by his own ideal.
  His dream was an impossible sorcery that could only be granted by 'something that does not exist' like the Holy Grail."
  • page110|
 A world without conflict.
 Did my father really believe in such a thing?
 He worked hard to become strong, but the more he matured, the more he was cornered by reality. But still, he still kept believing in his ideal and in the end, attained the miracle-granting Holy Grail.
  • page111|
 Emiya Kiritsugu must have experienced many failures by that time.
 First of all, to seek the Holy Grail means knowing your wish is unattainable by normal means.
  • page112|
 He wore out and strayed far away from his ideal.
 But my father still sought the Holy Grail.
 For his ideal, and for everything he sacrificed.
  • page113|
 "...But my father destroyed the Holy Grail. His wish was never granted, right?"
  • page114|
 "Correct. It was his own self that betrayed him in the end.
  ...In that instant, I began to feel anger towards him.
  To be honest, I did not mind his wish. I was interested in the 'peace' that humans wish for."
  • page115|
 "Isn't that the same for you as well? You're a priest after all, right?"
 The priest nods,
 saying that a world without conflict is what everyone desires.
  • page116|
 "But that is not my wish. First of all, I do not have such ordinary wishes."
 "You don't have ordinary wishes...?"
  • page117|
 "That's right. An ideal world is one that is the most comfortable. For Emiya Kiritsugu, it was a world without conflict. From the very beginning, his standard was different from mine."
  • page118|
 "It is a simple story. There is nothing that brings me happiness. It does not matter, let it be believing in people or having people believe in me. What other people called happiness did not bring me any joy."
  • page119|
 He says this emotionlessly.
 He is not talking to me. It's almost like a monologue.
  • page120|
 "Well, that is all.
  I answered your question if Emiya Kiritsugu was a Master well enough."
 "Uhno, hold on. It's not just my father I want to know about. Um, well..."
  • page121|
 About my preparation for the role of Master and about how I should go about fighting from now on...
 ...I bet he'll laugh and make fun of me if I asked something so stupid.
 I want to avoid that.
 In fact, I will avoid it.
  • page122|
 "If you have any other questions, make it short. That took longer than I thought."
  • page123|
 ...No, there was something else I wanted to ask him about.
 Didn't I come to this church because I wanted this question answered?
  • page124|
 "Aren't you concerned about the Einzberns?
  I would think they would want to kill you, since you are Kiritsugu's son."
  • page125|
 "...! Yeah, it's about that...! First of all, who is this Einzbern? You said they are the cause of the Holy Grail War or something."
  • page126|
 "Yes, they are the cause. I told you that the Holy Grail War is a ritual, yes? If there is a ritual, it is natural for there to be a ritualist."
  • page127|
 "There were some magi 200 years ago who found out there is a distortion in the ley line on this land. They offered their secret techniques to each other to create the Holy Grail's activation circle.
  That was the start of the Holy Grail War. The three families involved in its creation are the legitimate owners of the Holy Grail."
  • page128|
 "The ones that created the Holy Grail. The ones that devised the Command Spell which abuses the heroic spirits. The ones that offered the land and the technique to bore a hole into the world."
  • page129|
 "Einzbern, Makiri, and Tohsaka.
  They are the three families that started it all, with lineage and history far surpassing ours. The Tohsaka are the only ones from this land, but their fatherly master is that Schweinorg. Well, if the master is the kind of person I hear he is, it is ridiculous to group them according to race."
  • page130|
 "......Hm. So the Einzberns are the leading family of the Holy Grail War?"
  • page131|
 "In the past, yes. But they are only participants now that the Holy Grail summoning has failed and its ownership became uncertain.
  Now, their only role is to create the vessel of the Holy Grail.
  The same goes for Tohsaka and Makiri. They are just families whose members have a higher likelihood of being chosen as  Masters."
  • page132|
 "...But the Holy Grail is what the Einzbern family proposed in the first place. Their history spans a thousand years. A family that lasted for a thousand years without spawning any branch families is rare."
  • page133|
 "Do you understand, Emiya Shirou? The Einzbern family has only pursued the fulfillment of the Holy Grail for a thousand years.
  A thousand years. They are crazy, continuing their deeds from the time when barbarism such as mass murder was allowed for the sake of recovering holy ground.
  They are not fanatics, not obstinate, nor crazy. They just held the hopeless cross to enforce the meaninglessness."
  • page134|
 "That is why the Einzbern magi are beyond the domain of magic. They are monsters, never straying from their path, always attempting to achieve a common goal.  Normally such people die off after a few decades.
  We cannot imagine their feeling of disgrace and frustration when they had to invite in a magus outside of their family."
  • page135|
 "But their desire to complete the Holy Grail was stronger still.
  They repeated their mistake for 500 years. It took them 300 years to accept the fact that they could not obtain the Holy Grail by themselves.
  Andit took them another 200 years to realize that they could not obtain it unless they use their own powers."
  • page136|
 "The Einzberns literally killed their emotions to cooperate with Makiri and Tohsaka.
  As a result, their ownership of the Holy Grail was taken away and they were reduced to mere participants in the war. They endured the disgrace, even going as far as contaminating their own bloodline by inviting in an outside magus. But unbelievably, Emiya Kiritsugu betrayed them with the Holy Grail in front of him."
  • page137|
 "That is the connection between Kiritsugu and the Einzberns.
  And that is your connection with them."
  • page138|
 ...I see.
 Then it's natural for that girl to come after me.
 It's natural for them not to let their betrayer's son go if he becomes a Master.
  • page139|
 "Do you understand now? All the Masters have some sort of burden, but the obsession of the Makiri and Einzbern families cannot be expressed into words. If the Makiri family have carried their burden for five hundred years, the Einzbern family have carried theirs for a thousand.
  If anyone has the right to own the Holy Grail, it would be one of them."
  • page140|
 I'm at a loss for words.
 No man can stand against an obsession that has lasted for centuries.
  • page141|
 "Do not be depressed. Emiya Kiritsugu did betray them, but you do not need to condemn him for it.
  To put it another way, he held to his belief, even if it meant opposing a 1000-year-old apparition.
  He threw away everything for that purpose.
  Isn't that something to be proud of?"
  • page142|
 ...People who accepted him...
 Something he protected by opposing a thousand years of history...
 I'm not buying everything the priest has told me, but if it really is true
 If I am to call myself my father's son, I have to follow my beliefs like he did
  • page143|
 "What is wrong? Are you scared now that you've heard a thousand years?"
  • page144|
 "No. I chose to fight, no matter what the reason is. I don't care what the other Masters think. I won't let something like the disaster ten years ago happen again."
 I raise my head in determination.
 The priest nods, apparently satisfied.
  • page145|
 "That is good enough. If that is your reason to fight, put your life on the line as you do so. There will be more victims the longer the war lasts. Risk your life like Kiritsugu and lure your enemies in."
  • page146|
 "...You're saying what you want because it doesn't concern you. You're telling me to be bait?"
  • page147|
 "You have nothing else to risk, so it cannot be helped.
  Well, it is not entirely hopeless. You have no ability to detect other Masters, but Servants can sense other Servants. If you have an excellent Servant, you need only wait."
  • page148|
 I turn my back to him.
 There's nothing else I need to ask.
 I've kept Saber waiting, so I should be going back now.
  • page149|
 "Hold on. Let me ask you something. Do you know any healing magic?"
 "No. What about it?"
  • page150|
 "Well, then bring any wounded people here.
  As part of The Church, I cannot overlook any victims. I can handle all the treatments unless they are beyond help."
 I stop.
  • page151|
 "...I'm surprised. You can use healing magic? That's banned in the Church, right?"
  • page152|
 "It is outside of our jurisdiction, but I have acquired it.
  I once had someone die in front of me. After that, I started to study it, and it seems I am more compatible with it than I thought."
  • page153|
 "Oh, but I will ask for compensation if I am to heal you. I have to be fair as the supervisor."
 "I refuse. I wouldn't come to you for help even if my life depended on it."
 I turn away, and this time I really do leave.
  • page154|